Saturday, October 16, 2021

Preeti Jhangiani and husband Parvin Dabas visit the golden temple and soak in the spiritual energies

 If there is one thing that Preeti Jhangiani and her partner Parvin Dabas absolutely love, it is travelling . They recently visited the golden temple and they were seen completely in unison with the energy there. It's a place where anyone would find solace and there is love in the air. They sat down there, had food at the langar and even did sewa. It's in the heart of Amritsar and it's a must visit for everyone. They clicked some lovely pictures and the place has been immortalized in our minds with the rendition of the lovely song ek onkar. 

We spoke to Preeti and here is what she says, "This place brings so much calmness to our minds. It just washes our soul. I can completely feel myself here. This is something that one experiences everytime one comes here. It takes me right back to my childhood days. The lovely langar, the sewa, the holy water and the anhad wani that's rendered here. There is no other feeling that comes close. Me and Parvin love that and can spend hours just feeling the silence within us. It is to be experienced at least once in our lives and we wish everyone can do that. Love and light to all."

Thats a lovely description of the place and we personally recommend this place to everyone. It should be on everyone’s do list and next time we go there we know our favourite star had also visited this place.

Get Filmi with Singer Simantinee Roy on Rizzle


Rizzle has created waves with its innovative videos and features. It now has a new artist joining its family. USA-based singer, songwriter, and performer with Indian roots, Simantinee Roy, is now on the Rizzle app with her latest single, Awaara.


Rizzle has always been at the forefront and believes in innovation. With new talent like Simantinee, audiences will glimpse music from a creator who strongly believes in spreading cultural heritage and traditions.


The storyline of the video ‘Awaara’ complements the lyrics and portrays a transformational journey. Simantinee Roy, former Miss Tripura, Miss Photogenic - Miss East India believes in experimenting with different music genres and always comes up with something new for the audience. She has performed with some of the most prominent singers of India across the globe. She is all set to showcase her talent on the Rizzle app and engage the audience with exciting content.


Speaking about the overall association, Simantinee Roy shares, “I am stoked to be a part of the Rizzle family. It has been an exciting journey for me, and I cannot wait to see creators make short videos on my latest song, Awaara using Rizzle’s Rimix and Fimli features, adding amazing effects onto short videos.”


Speaking about the overall association Sana Afreen, CCO & Program Manager at Rizzle, shares, “We are delighted to have the talented and charismatic Simantinee on board. Her musical expertise is evident in her new song Awaara, which our creators can now create Filmi's with and add those Bollywood-inspired special effects to their creations.”


With the Rizzle Rockstar contest underway, Rizzle is fast becoming the go-to platform for talented artists. A whole new generation of musicians has found a new home in Rizzle. 

Shraddha Das is acting in a leading role in the Kichcha sudeep starrer Kotigobba 3 that is releasing this Dusshera and it has sent the industry in a frenzy


The much anticipated Kotigobba 3 will be releasing this 14th October. The film is releasing in Kannada and Telugu. The movie took about 2 years in the making and the release got delayed because of the covid situation. But it's releasing now and we are gearing up to see our favourite girl Shraddha das in it. She plays an interpol officer in the film who is chasing the character essayed by 
Kichcha Sudeep. The movie has garnered huge anticipation as the part 1 and 2 are huge hits and movie has been talked about ever since it was announced. Shraddha definitely will make a great interpol officer as we know her flair for strong characters.

Shraddha says, " This is one of the biggest releases in Kannada. I play an interpol officer named Kangana who along with Aftab is trying to chase the character of Kichcha sudeep sir. I cut my hair short for the role around 10 times since the shoot went on for sometime. I prepared by seeing some movies where actors have played cops or interpol officers and the footage of some actual officers. The female characters in the series Line of duty were also a major inspiration for me. It is slated to release on the 14th of this month and we are all very excited about it. It has been much awaited and the audience is really looking forward to it. Love and light to all."

The smart planner Akasa goes slow in exploring equation with Karan Kundra and Prateek ,waiting to unfolding lots of unsaid things and she needs our support the survive on the show


Akasa and Karan are really vibing in the show and they are showing signs of clearly standing out in the show. Akasa is super smart and she is planning it out really well. She is a happy go lucky girl who wears her heart on her sleeves and she has been developing an interesting relationship with Karan Kundra. Karan is a known face and has been on prime time for the longest and together with the singer performer they make a brilliant combination of sorts. People are anticipating the days to come and they are already comparing them with some of the legendary duos of the shows. All she needs is our support to stay in the show and wait for things to unfold. 

Akasa seemingly has a soft corner for Prateek and vice versa. She is the only person close to prateek. Even yesterday when prateek was in tears, she went and consoled him. She let him steal the trimmer without saying anything. Jay is trying to pick on prateek and when akasa named jay who could betray, jay took it out on them. Jay took it out on the akasa with the nomination. She has been with Prateek and bearing the brunt as well but we know that loyalty matters most for akasa. 

Akasa is a smart planner but she also has a side where she is just bindaas and doesn't really play into the hands of plotting and running an agenda. Akasa has shown all the early signs of hitting it out of the park and she is being called names such as silent Assassin, the sleeping death and things like that. She is gaining great traction and the way she has stood up for the right and made the right judgements even if it was against her friends, it has left the audience spellbound.  What we reckon, is akasa, prateek and karan would make a solid team going ahead and it's important to keep them together

Akasa is easy to love and impossible to ignore. Let's pull up our socks and help her stay in the house. After all, she guarantees us our prime time entertainment and she is a no holds barred woman.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Shraddha Das looks absolutely Mesmerizing in indian attire

 Shraddha Das is a fashion icon and she is nailing it down in each of her pictures. She carries the saree like no one else and the pictures are proof of it. She has portrayed a variety of characters on screen and memorable ones. She has a wide range when it comes to her looks and she carries each outfit with elan. The latest pictures in saree has set the web on fire and she is getting praises from all corners. She has a body to die for and she works on it each day. She is a conscious eater and she minds the quantity that she puts in her body. She loves dancing and that is a great stride in her leap

We have seen her grow and how. She has created a niche for herself in the world of cinema and be it her movies down south, or in b town, they are highly anticipated. Shraddha is a dream to work with and she is high on energy always. Her confidence truly makes her stand out and that is what we reckon comes in handy when she carries any attire. You can literally see through her attitude in each of them and that speaks volumes of her confidence.

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

नवरात्री विशेष: रीना मधुकरच्या आयुष्यातील आदिशक्ती!

 'ती' आणि 'ती' पण आहे रीना मधुकरच्या आयुष्यातील आदिशक्ती

नवरात्री... स्त्री शक्तीचा सण... प्रत्येक स्त्रीमध्ये असलेल्या आदिशक्तीचा सण! ९ दिवसांत देवींच्या ९ रुपांची पूजा, उपासना केली जाते. या सणाच्या निमित्ताने स्त्रियांच्या स्त्रीपणाचा आदर केला जातो, अनेकजण त्यांच्या आयुष्यातील महत्त्वांच्या स्त्रियांना डोळ्यांसमोर ठेवून त्यांच्याविषयी वाटणारा आदर व्यक्त करतात. ज्या शक्तीची पूजा संपूर्ण देशात केली
जाते ती शक्ती, आदिशक्ती आपल्या सोबतच आहे... मग ती शक्ती आईच्या रुपात असो किंवा बहिण, मैत्रिण, बायको असो.

अभिनेत्री रीना मधुकरने देखील ‘तिच्या आयुष्यातील तिची शक्ती कोण ज्या तिच्या निर्णयाच्या पाठीशी खंबीरपणे उभ्या राहिल्या आणि त्या तिच्यासाठी पॉझिटिव्ह व्हाईब्स आहेत हे सांगितले आहे. 

रीनाची ‘आदिशक्ती’ कोण या विषयी व्यक्त होताना रीना सांगते की, " "तुला ज्याची आवड आहे ते तू कर, मी आहे तुझ्या सोबत आणि एवढं मात्र लक्षात ठेव की कधी ही कोणावर अवलंबून राहायचं नाही", आईच्या या दोन वाक्यांनी मला नेहमी धीर यायचा. मला डान्सची प्रचंड आवड आणि त्यात बाबांचा विरोध, त्यांच्यामते मी घरातल्यांसारखं डॉक्टर, इंजिनिअर व्हावं पण माझी आवड आईला कळली होती आणि "तिला जे मनापासून करावंसं वाटतयं ते तिला करू द्या, ती जिथे कुठे शिकायला, प्रॅक्टिसला जाईल तिथे मी तिच्या सोबत असेन", असं समजावून आईने बाबांना विश्वासात घेऊन त्यांची परवानगी मिळवली. त्यानंतर मी आईच्या पाठिंब्यामुळे कला क्षेत्रात आले. माझी आई खूप स्वावलंबी आहे आणि तिने तिची ही शिकवण मला आणि माझ्या बहिणीला ही दिली. 'कोणावर ही अवलंबून राहू नये' हा कानमंत्र तिने आम्हाला दिला जो खरंच उपयोगी पडला. या वयातही आई टेक्नॉलॉजीसोबत जुळवून घेते, 'मला यातलं काही कळत नाही' असं तिचं कधीच म्हणणं नसतं... 'गोष्ट नवीन आहे तर मी ती शिकून घेईन आणि स्वतः वापर करेन' हा जो तिचा स्वभाव आहे तो मला प्रचंड आवडतो आणि आपसूक तिचे हे गुण आणि संस्कार आमच्यावर झाले त्यामुळे 'आई' ही माझी खऱ्या अर्थाने 'शक्ती' आहे.

पुढे रीना सांगते, "'मन उडू उडू झालं' मालिकेत 'मनमोकळेपणाने आयुष्य जगण्याची इच्छा बाळगणारी' सानिका तुम्ही पाहिली आहे खऱ्या आयुष्यात तशीच मी आहे आणि जशी दीपिका आहे तशी माझी सख्खी बहिण रूपा आहे. मी जरी मोठी असली तरी रूपा अगदी मालिकेतल्या दीपिका सारखी आहे... *समंजस, शांत, सर्वांना सांभाळून घेणारी, जेव्हा आई आणि माझ्यामध्ये _तू तू मैं मैं_  होतं तेव्हा मध्यस्थी घेणारी रूपा...!* तिचं आणि माझं नातं फार सुंदर आणि मैत्रिणी सारखं आहे. वयाने मी तिच्या पेक्षा जरी मोठी असली तरी ती माझं काही चुकलं, *अगदी सुरुवातीपासून माझा एखादा सीन तिला नाही आवडला किंवा अपेक्षेप्रमाणे तो नीट नाही झाला की ती मोकळेपणाने "मला हा सीन नाही आवडला, यापेक्षा जास्त चांगला होऊ शकला असता" असं थेट सांगते.*
थोडक्यात काय तर ती माझी बेस्ट समीक्षक आहे. इतकेच नव्हे तर शाळेत असताना माझे कोणाशी वादविवाद झाले तर छोटी बहीण येऊन सर्व सांभाळून घ्यायची. असं आहे आमचं नातं... ती माझी शक्ती आहेच पण तिच्यातले दोन गुण जे मला जास्त प्रेरित करतात ते म्हणजे तिचं कामा प्रती असलेलं 'डेडीकेशन आणि चिकाटी'. 

'आई' आणि 'बहीण' यांच्या रूपातून रीनाला दोन शक्तींची साथ मिळाली आहे.

Govinda inaugurates Surya Hospital's Daycare Chemotherapy Centre in Mumbai.

 Actor Govinda inaugurated Surya Hospital's Daycare Chemotherapy Centre in Santacruz, Mumbai today along with renowned Oncologist Dr. Suresh Advani and Dr. Bhupendra Awasthi. While at the event, Govinda reminisced how he used to be generally weak and low on his optimal wellness levels as a teenager. He duly credited his mother for

promptly soughting help from appropriate doctors to assist him to recover. Govinda further disclosed that by the time he turned 21, he had fully recovered from his ailments by following doctor's guidance combined with the recitational power of Gayatri Mantra. He stated doctors are next to God; the real heroes who help save innumerable lives. He further said, "I'm truly humbled to have been invited here for the inaugural. I'll always come forth in the service of people."

Many deserving doctors from the field of Oncology were felicitated for their expertise and contribution at the Surya Healthcare Awards 2021 including Dr. Suresh Advani who won the Lifetime Achievement Award. Other winners included Dr. Vinita Salvi, Dr. Neeta Warty, Dr. Vandana Bansal, Dr. Nandkishor Kabra, Dr. Hemant Tongaonkar, Dr. Cherry Shah and Dr. Shivam Shingla

Truly a star in many ways, actor Govinda was conferred with an Appreciation Award for the Humanitarian Aid during Covid-19 pandemic towards Cancer Patients.
#govinda #humanitarianaid #goodwill #suryahospital #suryahealthcareawards2021 #doctors #oncologists #awards #mumbai #cancercare 

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Actor Govinda inaugurated Surya Hospital's Daycare Chemotherapy Centre in Santacruz, Mumbai today along with renowned Oncologist Dr. Suresh Advani and Dr. Bhupendra Awasthi.
While at the event he said, "I'm truly humbled to have been invited here. I'll always come forth in the service of people."
Truly a star in many ways, actor Govinda was conferred with an Appreciation Award for the Humanitarian Aid during Covid-19 pandemic towards Cancer Patients at the Surya Healthcare Awards 2021.
#govinda #humanitarianaid #goodwill #suryahospitals #suryahealthcareawards2021 #doctors #oncologists #awards #mumbai #cancercare @suryahospitals  @govinda_herono1

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Chhaava Roaring in Theatres. 424.76 Cr Non-Stoppable....

Chhaava Roaring in Theatres. 424.76 Cr Non-Stoppable.... #Chhaava kicks off Week 3 with a bang! Rakes in 13.30 Cr on 3rd Friday, taking its ...