Friday, April 19, 2024

जैन मुनि डॉ अजितचंद्र सागर जी महाराज बनाएंगे नया विश्व रिकॉर्ड।

 जैन मुनि डॉ अजितचंद्र सागर जी महाराज बनाएंगे नया विश्व रिकॉर्ड। 

योगा और साधना की शक्ति देखेगी दुनिया। 

मुंबई, अप्रैल 2024 - जैन धर्म के संत डॉ. अजीतचंद्र सागर महाराज एक ऐसा विश्व रिकार्ड बनाने की तैयारी कर रहे हैं जिसकी कल्पना भी आज के युग में कोई नही कर सकता। 1 मई 2024 के दिन मुम्बई के वर्ली एनएससीआई में हज़ारों लोगों की मौजूदगी में सहस्त्रावधान (1000 अवधान) करने का रिकॉर्ड बनाया जाएगा। 1000 अवधान यानी 1000 बातों को सुनकर उसे याद रखना और उसी क्रम में उन सभी बातों को सामने बैठी जनता के सामने दोहराना। किसी भी आम इंसान के लिए ये किसी चमत्कार जैसा होगा लेकिन ये शक्ति हासिल करने के लिए जैन मुनि अजितचंद्र सागर ने सालों की साधना की है। जिसके बाद ये संभव हुआ है के उनके माध्यम से पूरी दुनिया इंसान के दिमाग की असीमित क्षमताओं को देखेगी।

इस कार्यक्रम में देश दुनिया की कई बड़ी हस्तियां पहुचेंगी। कार्यक्रम में मौजूद कई न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट, डॉक्टर-वैज्ञानिकों और अन्य लोगों की मौजूदगी में जैन मुनि डॉ. अजितचंद्र सागर 1000 बातों को याद रखकर और उसे दुबारा बोलकर अपनी असाधारण क्षमता का प्रदर्शन करेंगे। 

आचार्यश्री नयनचंद्र सागर सूरिजी महाराज के  शिष्य, महाशतावधानी पूज्य गणिवर्य डॉ. अजितचंद्र सागर जी महाराज ने शतावधान (100 चीजें याद रखना), महाशतावधान (200 चीजें याद करना), और 500 अवधान (500 चीजें याद करना) में उल्लेखनीय कौशल का प्रदर्शन किया है। हजारों की संख्या में दर्शकों और गणमान्य व्यक्तियों के सामने उनकी मानसिक शक्ति का ये प्रदर्शन अब पूरी दुनिया का ध्यान आकर्षित करने लगी है। और अब गुरुदेव एक करिश्माई इतिहास रचने की तरफ आगे बढ़ते हुए सहस्त्रावधान यानी 1000 अवधान करने के लिए पूरी तरह से तैयार हैं।

लेकिन सहस्त्रावधान का ये कार्यक्रम इतना आसान नही होने वाला है। इस ऐतिहासिक कार्यक्रम में कई सारी चुनौतियां होंगी। गणित और विज्ञान से जुड़े मुश्किल सवाल-जवाब, उद्धरणों और कविताओं सहित विभिन्न प्रकार के प्रश्न शामिल होंगे, जिनका डॉ अजीतचंद्र सागर जी महाराज व्यापक रूप से उत्तर देंगे।

इस आयोजन का एक आकर्षक पहलू संयुक्त ध्यान है, जहां उनके आसपास 15 प्रक्रियाएं एक साथ घटित होंगी। इन प्रक्रियाओं में घंटी बजाने, पहेलियाँ प्रस्तुत करने, चित्र प्रदर्शित करने और कटोरे के बीच माला के मणको  को स्थानांतरित करने से लेकर गणित के प्रश्न प्रस्तुत करने तक शामिल हैं। मुनिश्री असाधारण फोकस और संज्ञानात्मक कौशल का प्रदर्शन करते हुए इन सभी गतिविधियों का एक साथ कुशलतापूर्वक प्रबंधन करेंगे।

जैन मुनि डॉ अजितचंद्र सागर जी महाराज के बारे में:

वर्धमान तपोनिधि, जैनाचार्य श्री नयनचंद्र सागर सूरिजी महाराज और उनके शिष्य, महाशत्वधानी गणिवर्य श्री अजितचंद्र सागरजी महाराज ने 12 वर्ष की अल्पायु में उंझा, गुजरात में त्याग का जीवन अपनाया। अपने माता-पिता कुमुदभाई और इंदिराबेन से दीक्षा के बाद, अजय कुमार (उनका जन्म का नाम) मुनिश्री अजीतचंद्र सागर जी महाराज बन गए। 12 साल की उम्र में दीक्षा के साथ अपनी तप यात्रा शुरू करके, उन्होंने गुरुमहाराज के मार्गदर्शन में गहन अनुभवों की यात्रा शुरू की। शुरुआती दौर में उन्होंने आश्चर्यजनक ढंग से सिर्फ एक दिन में 350 गाथाएं और आगम सूत्र याद कर लिए और 8 साल तक मौन का अभ्यास किया यानी मौन हो गए।

आत्म-नियंत्रण के लिए अनुकूल आगम सूत्रों में महारत हासिल करने के बाद, उन्होंने भगवान महावीर द्वारा उच्चारित धर्मग्रंथों के रूप में 45 में से 23 आगमों के 27 हजार से अधिक श्लोकों को तेजी से याद किया।

जहां एक औसत व्यक्ति प्रति सेकंड 2-3 अक्षर बोल सकता है, वहीं डॉ अजीतचंद्र सागरजी महाराज 18 अक्षर बोल सकते हैं, जिससे उन्हें विश्व स्तर पर सबसे तेज वक्ता के रूप में गिनीज बुक ऑफ वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड्स में जगह मिली है।

वह अपनी शक्ति का श्रेय मुख्य रूप से माँ सरस्वती साधना को देते हैं, जिसे स्मृति और मूल्यों को बढ़ाने के रूप में प्रदर्शित किया गया है। केवल 36 दिनों की साधना से स्मृति और एकाग्रता में उल्लेखनीय सुधार देखा जा सकता है। इसे कई न्यूरोलॉजिस्ट डॉक्टरों और वैज्ञानिकों के सामने सफलतापूर्वक प्रदर्शित किया गया है। इस अभ्यास से 50,000 से अधिक छात्र पहले ही लाभान्वित हो चुके हैं, जिनमें से कुछ उत्कृष्ट आईएएस अधिकारी और विश्वविद्यालयों और बोर्डों में शीर्ष उपलब्धि हासिल करने वाले छात्र हैं।

सरस्वती साधना पर मुनिश्री के शोध की खबर मैक्सिको तक पहुंची, जिसके कारण एज़्टेका विश्वविद्यालय ने उन्हें इसमें डॉक्टरेट की उपाधि से सम्मानित किया।

Thursday, April 18, 2024




As the countdown to the release of 20th Century Studios’ action-adventure spectacle 'Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes' begins, catch the glimpse of the unstoppable king’s reign. 

Director Wes Ball breathes new life into the global, epic franchise set several generations in the future following Caesar’s reign, in which apes are the dominant species living harmoniously and humans have been reduced to living in the shadows. As a new tyrannical ape leader builds his empire, one young ape undertakes a harrowing journey that will cause him to question all that he has known about the past and to make choices that will define a future for apes and humans alike.

 “Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes” is directed by Wes Ball (the “Maze Runner” trilogy) and stars Owen Teague (“IT”), Freya Allan (“The Witcher”), Kevin Durand (“Locke & Key”), Peter Macon (“Shameless”), and William H. Macy (“Fargo”). The screenplay is by Josh Friedman (“War of the Worlds”) and Rick Jaffa & Amanda Silver (“Avatar: The Way of Water”) and Patrick Aison (“Prey”)

20th Century Studios India releases Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes in Cinemas, 10th May 2024 in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.

CaratLane Partners with Maithree to Launch Pioneering Assisted Employment Scheme for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

 CaratLane Partners with Maithree to Launch Pioneering Assisted Employment Scheme for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

18th April 2024, Mumbai — CaratLane, Indias leading omni-channel jewellery brand, has partnered with Maithree, a leading advocate for the empowerment of children and persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities (PwIDDs), to introduce the Assisted Employment Scheme. This ground-breaking initiative aims to ensure sustainable employment opportunities and skill enhancement for PwIDDs, ensuring their integration and success in the workforce. By introducing the Assisted Employment Scheme, Maithree is championing the cause of PwIDDs, providing them with not just jobs but also opportunities for growth and fulfilment. This embodies Maithree's unwavering dedication to fostering a society where everyone can contribute meaningfully and lead dignified lives regardless of ability.

Through this initiative, CaratLane is extending its impact beyond jewellery to make a significant difference in the lives of PwIDDs. This exemplifies a shared vision of creating a more inclusive society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive. 

Speaking on the initiative, Mr. Avnish Anand, Co-Founder and CEO at CaratLane says "At CaratLane, we believe in the power of business to effect social change. By partnering with Maithree, we shall leverage our resources for the greater good, ensuring that economic growth includes everyone, especially those who are often overlooked. This isnt just about financial support; its about integrating these capable young adults into the fabric of our everyday lives and industry. Through this initiative, we aim to break down barriers and foster an environment where diversity and inclusion are at the forefront of business practice. Our commitment extends beyond this program, influencing our internal practices and hopefully inspiring other corporations to take similar steps towards inclusivity and social responsibility."

The Assisted Employment Scheme, inspired by the principles of the government's MGNREGA policy, adapts its model to serve the specific needs of PwIDDs, providing them with both financial stability and opportunities for personal development. Key features of the scheme include:

          Two-Year Vocational Training: Participants receive specialised training to prepare them for suitable employment based on their skills and interests.

          Assisted Employment Scheme Grant: A monthly grant that decreases by 20% annually over five years, designed to foster gradual financial independence.

          Productivity-Based Incentives: Rewards based on individual productivity, encouraging participants to enhance their skills and contribute effectively.

          Guaranteed Minimum Earnings: A foundational income of at least Rs 2500 per month for five years, offering financial security.

The first cohort of 100 young adults who have completed a rigorous two-year vocational training program at Maithree and joined the Assissted Employment Scheme were felicitated at an event organised in Chennai on the 16th of April 2024. Mr. Bhaskar Bhat, Director, Tata Sons and Mr. Mithun Sacheti, Founder, CaratLane graced the occasion.

 About Maithree:

Maithree is an association of parents of Exceptional Children committed to the welfare of children/persons with special needs. Maithree has impacted over 3000 families in its journey of 3 decades in the city of Chennai. Maithree through its 15 service centres across Chennai provides an array of services including Individualized Education, Vocational skilling, Assisted Employment and Residential Care apart from creating awareness in the society and counselling the parents of children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Currently around 450 Children/Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (PwIDDs) are under the umbrella of Maithree.

About CaratLane:

CaratLane - a Tanishq Partnership, Indias first omni-channel jewellery brand, was founded in 2008 by Mithun Sacheti and Srinivasa Gopalan with a simple but courageous objective – to make beautiful jewellery accessible, affordable and forever wearable. The driving force behind all of CaratLane's efforts is its purpose of helping people express their emotions. Through its unique designs and innovative technological interventions, it aims to be a meaningful part of every celebration in the modern womans life.

As a subsidiary of the Titan Company Limited, CaratLane is partnered with Indias largest retail jewellery, Tanishq. The partnership aims to work towards a common mission – to offer customers beautiful jewellery and a distinctive shopping experience that fits todays values and lifestyles - enabling CaratLane to grow as Indias 21st-century jewellery brand.

CaratLane is also known for its signature jewellery-buying experience across all platforms. Along with the website, which is Indias largest online jewellery destination, CaratLane now has 260+ brand stores across the country. CaratLane has also pioneered unique features like CaratLane Live, an online live shopping experience and Try at Home, where customers can book an appointment to try their favourite jewellery designs in the comfort of their home, with no obligation to buy. Facilitating the diamond-buying experience in India, CaratLane stores also include a Solitaire Lounge personalised with a highly skilled team to assist diamond buyers in finding the perfect solitaire jewellery.


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Celebrate the Flavours of the Thingyan Festival at Burma Burma

 Celebrate the Flavours of the Thingyan Festival at Burma


   Enjoy the Burmese New Year with Our Special, Limited-Edition, Festive Menu From April 11- May 19, 2024

Burma Burma, India’s only Burmese specialty restaurant and tearoom, welcomes you to a celebration of Thingyan - the Burmese New Year and harvest festival. Enjoy a sumptuous meal of Burmese home-style, festive dishes and refreshing beverages from our limited edition, Thingyan Festival menu on offer from April 11 - May 19, 2024 for dine-in only, at our restaurants in Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Hyderabad and Ahmedabad. Thingyan - also known as the Water Festival, is characterised by the playful act of water splashing, symbolizing purification and washing away of the old to make way for the new. The festivities extend beyond Burma's borders, aligning with New Year and harvest celebrations across Asia. During this auspicious time, the native Burmese Padauk flower, an integral part of the celebrations, blooms and its vibrant hues mirror the exuberance of the Thingyan Festival. This spring, Burma Burma brings this exuberance alive with a specially-curated festive menu that captures the very soul of the joyous celebration and the culinary diversity of Yangon. Community eating has always been at the heart of Burmese as with other Asian cultures and no festival is complete without feasting with your loved ones. The special, dine-in menu comprises an array of small plates bursting with authentic Burmese spices, and a selection of sweet indulgences that leave you craving for more. Every bite of our festive feast is a symphony of taste and tradition. The centrepiece of the Thingyan Festival celebration at Burma Burma is the 'Village Set,' a culinary symphony for two, that brings people together over a selection of delectable, traditional Burmese dishes arranged beautifully on a flat, cane basket, fostering a sense of community and bonding.  The dishes include the zesty Sweet Lime and Shallot Salad, Assorted Fries Platter, the Peppery Tofu & Onion Stir fry to be enjoyed with flaky Palata, the traditional Pumpkin & Broad Bean Curry to be savoured with hearty Coconut Rice and Roselle & Mushroom Stir Fry along with an array of delightful relishes.  Also available to order as individual small plates – these dishes are sure to add a festive flavour to your favourites from our ala carte menu. Adding to the festive spirit is a selection of specially crafted, refreshing beverages including Twilight, Plum Sour, El Dragon and Musk.  And like every festival – Thingyan too has its sweet indulgences including Banana Sanwin Makin, the refreshing Lemon Poppy seed Ice cream and Mont Lone Yay Paw – the traditional Thingyan sweet of glutinous rice flour dumplings filled with palm jaggery and topped with shredded coconut! So welcome the New Year and indulge in our festive menu with friends and family at Burma Burma in Mumbai (Fort & Goregaon), Delhi NCR (DLF Mall of India - Noida, Cyber Hub-Gurugram and Select City Walk-Delhi), Bengaluru (Indiranagar, Forum Rex Walk-Brigade Road and Mall of Asia- Hebbal) Kolkata (Park Street), Hyderabad (Knowledge City) and Ahmedabad ( Palladium Mall).

Burma Burma, an ode to the people and culture of Burma, is an introduction to its cuisine in a modern and eclectic way, amalgamating traditional flavours with contemporary interpretations. Each year, the culinary team delves a little deeper into Burma’s history and culture to bring its most cherished native food to your table. This Thingyan Festival menu is packed with fresh ingredients and  the vibrant flavours of home-style Burmese cooking. It’s inspired by the team’s travel to Burma and their experience of dining together with local communities at a Thingyan celebration in Yangon. The city of Yangon, in Lower Burma, located at the convergence of the Yangon and Bago rivers, is a melting pot of different ethnicities. Its culinary landscape too is equally diverse with offerings from various regional and tribal communities, with deep influences from its colonial and migrant cuisine. In the Thingyan Festival menu, our chefs have tried to capture this very essence of Burmese cuisine, selecting dishes that showcase its incredible culinary diversity. At the heart of this year’s celebrations is the ‘Village Set’ - a sharing meal for two, comprising a perfect assortment of small plates from the Thingyan Festival menu, served on a large, flat cane basket.  The Village Set menu covers different elements of a typical Burmese meal, starting with a salad and ending with a sweet. Each of the dishes showcases either an ingredient or a cooking style of Burmese cuisine, with each complementing the other for a complete experience. As you savour each dish, you'll immerse yourself in lively conversation, sharing stories and laughter with those closest to you. It's more than just a meal – it's an experience that nourishes the body, mind, and soul.

According to Ankit Gupta, Co-Founder, Burma Burma, “The Thingyan Festival is a time for celebrations and renewal, and what better way to usher it in than with a celebratory menu that transports you to Yangon in the heart of Burma.  Our specially curated menu and vibrant atmosphere aim to capture the essence of this joyous occasion, fostering a sense of community and sharing. Let's welcome the new year together,  with open hearts and delicious food!"

Begin your feast with the zesty Sweet Lime & Shallot Salad, a delicious combination of sweet lime, garlic oil, roasted gram flour, lime, shallot, crushed green chillies and peanuts. Inspired by a freshly tossed lime salad eaten by the Burma Burma team at a cafeteria in Bogyoke Aung San Market or Scott Market in Yangon where locals flock for lunch on a working day. This is the perfect appetizer to awaken your taste buds.  Continue with the Assorted Fries Platter, featuring mock-mince samusa, sweet potato tempura, and rice crackers – a crunchy trio that pays homage to the Burmese love for fritters and snacky bites. The Peppery Tofu & Onion Stir Fry – takes you on a journey of slow-cooked caramelized onions with lemon leaves, soy, and crushed pepper, finished with seared tofu chunks. A savoury delight showcasing the mastery of the Bamar cooking style. Experience the comfort of the Shallow-Fried Palata, a soft, flaky, and layered delight. 

Coconut Rice also traditionally known as Ohn Hatmin, a ceremonial dish served on special occasions, made with fragrant short- rice cooked with raisins and onions in fresh coconut milk. The rice pairs perfectly with the light and flavourful   Pumpkin & Broad Bean Curry, - a version of Sebiyan from the Shan state, where yellow Pumpkin and broad bean grow widely.  This curry is cooked with shallots, coconut, and chilli, celebrating popular Burmese vegetables and legumes. Explore the bold flavours of the Roselle & Mushroom Stir Fry, a dish from the Chin tribe, where sour roselle leaves and mushrooms are stir-fried with garlic, bird's eye chilli, and turmeric – a true testament to the Burmese love for sour notes. Finally, indulge your sweet tooth with the traditional Banana Sanwin Makin, a traditional Burmese semolina cake served at special feasts, with banana and strawberry, baked in coconut cream, and topped with poppy seeds, offering a perfect conclusion to your meal. Complete your culinary journey with the refreshing Lemon Poppy Seed Ice Cream, a citrusy delight with black poppy seeds, whipped cream, and mint. As a special treat, enjoy our complimentary Mont Lone Yay Paw, a traditional Thingyan sweet made with glutinous rice flour dumplings filled with palm jaggery and topped with shredded coconut – a festive delight shared among communities in Burma.

Pair your meal with specially crafted beverages: Twilight, a tropical blend of house-made mango puree, coconut, Yakult, shredded coconut, and fizz, Plum Sour, a delightful drink with tangy plum puree, lime, ginger ale, and black grass jelly, El Dragon, a light concoction made with exotic dragon fruit, coconut water, litchi water and elderflower syrup, and nata de coco and Musk, a refreshing mix of muskmelon with honey and lavender white tea cold brew, adorned with poppy seeds. As the festivities unfold, indulge in a culinary journey that mirrors the richness of Burmese traditions and the interconnectedness of Asian cultures. Join Burma Burma in celebrating Thingyan with open hearts, good company, and a feast that reflects the joy of the Lunar New Year.

About Burma Burma                                                                                                                               Founded in 2014 by childhood friends, Chirag Chhajer and Ankit Gupta, Burma Burma (Hunger Pangs Pvt. Ltd.) currently owns ten restaurants across Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Bengaluru, Kolkata, Ahmedabad & Hyderabad. The concept hails from Gupta's Burmese roots. His mother and her family who were brought up in Myanmar had a great influence, expanding his food platter with heady flavours of Burmese cuisine. The brand is an amalgamation of the two biggest forces in Ankit’s life, his father’s lineage of restaurateurs and the treasured family recipes from his mother’s heritage. Armed with the concept and design, he approached his friend Chirag Chhajer, a food enthusiast, and an avid traveller to bring Burmese food to Indian tables. But Burma Burma is more than a restaurant. It is a wholesome and innovative dining experience and a holistic experience of Burma in terms of food, culture, and happiness.

QUICK FACTS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Average meal for two: Rs. 2,250 ++ / Thingyan Menu: Small Plates 180-330/ Village Set (for 2 persons) 2,250++                                                                                                                                                         Dine-in: Weekdays: 12:00 pm- 3:00 pm & 6:30 pm- 10:30 pm/Weekends: 12:00PM - 3:30PM & 6:30 pm- 10:30 pm                                 

Instagram: @burmaburmaindia  Hashtags: #BurmaBurmaThingyanFestival #BurmeseNewYear                                                                                            



Kolkata: Burma Burma, 18 M, Ground Floor, Stephen Court, Park Street, Kolkata - 700071 Contact number +91 992024009                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Delhi NCR: Burma Burma Gurugram, Tower C, DLF Cyber Hub, Shop No - 6 Ground Floor, DLF Cyber City, DLF Phase 3, Gurugram -122002 I Contact number +91 9920240188 I Burma Burma, Noida, DLF Mall Of India, Pocket L, Sector 18, Noida - 201301 I Contact number +91 9920240688 I Burma Burma, New Delhi, Select City Walk Mall, Saket, District Centre, S-25, Second Floor, A 3, New Delhi - 110017 I Contact number +91 9920240588.

Bengaluru: Burma Burma Brigade Road, Unit No. 109, Forum Rex Walk, Brigade Road, Ashok Nagar, Bangalore - 560 001 I Contact number +91 9920240092 I Burma Burma Indiranagar, 607, Ground Floor, 12th Main, Hal 2nd Stage, Indiranagar, Bangalore - 560038 Contact number +91 9920240093 I Burma Burma Mall of Asia, 2nd Floor, Unit No S-30, The Mall of Asia, Bellary Road, Byatarayanapura Village Yelahanka Hobli, Taluk, Yelahanka, Bangalore - 560092 I Contact number +91 9920240764

Mumbai: Burma Burma Fort, Kothari House, Allana Centre Lane, opposite Mumbai University, Kala Ghoda, Fort, Mumbai - 400001 Contact number +91 9920240034 I Burma Burma Goregaon, Oberoi Mall, Unit No - S- 33A, Oberoi Mall, Off Western Express Highway, Goregaon East, Mumbai - 400063 I Contact number  +91 9920240432

Ahmedabad: Burma Burma 4th Floor, Palladium, Sarkhej-Gandhinagar Highway, Thaltej, Ahmedabad-380054 I Contact number +91 9920240800

Hyderabad: Ground floor, Salarpuria Sattva Knowledge City, Gate no. 3, Hitech City, Durgam Cheruvu Rd, Silpa Gram Craft Village, Hyderabad - 500081 I Contact number +91 9920240500.

CaratLane Unveils Utsav: A Collection of Designs That Celebrates the Festival in Every Woman

 CaratLane Unveils Utsav: A Collection of Designs That Celebrates the Festival in Every Woman

Mumbai, 17th April, 2024: CaratLane, India’s leading omni-channel brand has launched its latest collection - Utsav, just in time for the auspicious occasion of Akshaya Tritiya. True to its name, the word ‘Utsav’ holds deep cultural significance across Indian culture, directly translating into ‘festival’ and ‘celebration’.  Reflective of its brand motto of #KhulKeKaroExpress, the collection is designed to celebrate the spirit, style, and individualism of women everywhere through the depths of emotions, joy and self-expression.

Each design is meticulously crafted with intricate motifs in 14kt gold and diamonds. For the first time ever in the jewellery space, the collection uses a laser-cut technique to layer gold sheets, creating mesmerizing 3D designs. The brand effortlessly merges fashion with innovation to facilitate the expression of personal style through its stunning jewelry pieces. The designs are trendy, elegant, graceful, and modern, catering to the tastes of the urban contemporary woman.


Speaking about the launch, Atul Sinha, Chief Operations Officer at CaratLane, remarked, "At CaratLane, we believe that jewellery is more than just adornment; it's a catalyst for self-expression and celebration. Since the brand’s inception, we have always created versatile jewellery, each reflecting the wearer's unique style, persona, and one-of-a-kind expression. With the 'Utsav' collection, we encourage women to celebrate their individual style and express it freely!”


Through this collection, CaratLane is setting a new standard of style inspiring women to embrace the festival in themselves. Utsav is now available in 270+ stores in India and on


Link to the collection Film:


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About CaratLane:

CaratLane - a Tanishq Partnership, India’s first omni-channel jewellery brand, was founded in 2008 by Mithun Sacheti and Srinivasa Gopalan with a simple but courageous objective – to make beautiful jewellery accessible, affordable and forever wearable. The driving force behind all of CaratLane's efforts is its purpose of helping people express their emotions. Through its unique designs and innovative technological interventions, it aims to be a meaningful part of every celebration in the modern woman’s life.

As a subsidiary of the Titan Company Limited, CaratLane is partnered with India’s largest retail jewellery, Tanishq. The partnership aims to work towards a common mission – to offer customers beautiful jewellery and a distinctive shopping experience that fits today’s values and lifestyles - enabling CaratLane to grow as India’s 21st-century jewellery brand.

CaratLane is also known for its signature jewellery-buying experience across all platforms. Along with the website, which is India’s largest online jewellery destination, CaratLane now has 260+ brand stores across the country. CaratLane has also pioneered unique features like CaratLane Live, an online live shopping experience and Try at Home, where customers can book an appointment to try their favourite jewellery designs in the comfort of their home, with no obligation to buy. Facilitating the diamond-buying experience in India, CaratLane stores also include a Solitaire Lounge personalised with a highly skilled team to assist diamond buyers in finding the perfect solitaire jewellery.

निवेदिता आणि यशोधन यांच्या लग्नसोहळ्यात मोठा ट्विस्ट.

 निवेदिता आणि यशोधन यांच्या लग्नसोहळ्यात मोठा ट्विस्ट.

निवेदिता माझी ताई सोमवार ते शुक्रवार रात्री  वाजता सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर.

              मालिका आणि प्रेक्षक यांचं अतूट नातं विणणारी लोकप्रिय वाहिनी म्हणजे सोनी मराठीनव्या वर्षाच्या सुरुवातीलाच मोठ्या दिमाखात सोनी मराठी एक नवी मालिका'निवेदितामाझी ताई!' प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला घेऊन आलीही गोष्ट एका अशा नात्याची आहे जी घराघरांत घडते.. एक असं नातं ज्यामुळे प्रत्येक घराला घरपण लाभतं... एक असं निरपेक्ष नातंजे एकमेकांवर जीव ओवाळून टाकतं... ते नातं म्हणजे... बहीण आणि भाऊ यांचं अतूट नातंबहीण आणि भाऊ यांच्या अनोख्या प्रेमावर आधारित अशी गोष्ट म्हणजे ही संपूर्ण मालिका आहेअसीम आणि निवेदिता यांची ही प्रेमळ गोष्ट प्रेक्षकांना विशेष आवडते आहेपण मालिकेत एक रंजक वळण आलं आहेते म्हणजे निवेदिताचं लग्ननिवेदिताचं लग्न झाल्यावर ती असीमपासून दुरावली जाणार काअसा प्रश्न सगळ्यांना पडला आहेपण निवेदिताचं लग्न मकरंदसोबत ठरलं आहेमकरंदला निवेदितासोबत लग्न करायचं आहेपण तो सायको असल्याचं यशोधनला समजतंयशोधन पुरावे जमा करतो आणि निवेदिता आणि मकरंद यांच्या लग्नात येऊन मकरंदचं पितळ उघडं पाडतो..

             ऐन लग्नात धमाल ट्विस्ट पाहायला मिळणार आहेनिवेदिताचं लग्न कसं पार पडणारहे प्रेक्षकांना पाहायला मिळेलमकरंदसोबतचं लग्न मोडून मकरंदचा प्लॅन हाणून पाडण्यात यशोधनला यश मिळेल कात्याचं निवेदितावर असलेलं प्रेम यातून त्याला व्यक्त करता येईल काहे आपल्याला पाहायला मिळेलमकरंदने रचलेला प्लॅन अखेर निवेदिता आणि त्याच्या लग्नाच्या दिवसापर्यंत येऊन ठेपला आहेपण त्याचं या आधीचं लग्न आणि त्याने आखलेला प्लॅन यांबाबत निवेदिता आणि तिच्या घरचे अजूनही अनभिज्ञ आहेतयशोधन सगळे पुरावे जमा करून मकरंदचा प्लॅन भर लग्नात सगळ्यांसमोर उघड करेलपण यामुळे निवेदिता आणि मकरंद यांचं लग्न मोडण्यात त्याला यश मिळेल कायापुढे मोठा प्रश्न उभा राहणार आहे तो म्हणजे निवेदिताच्या लग्नाचायशोधन सगळ्यांसमोर आपलं प्रेम व्यक्त करून निवेदितासोबत लग्नाला उभा राहणार असून निवेदिता आणि यशोधन यांचा लग्नसोहळा थाटामाटात पार पडणार आहेपण या सगळ्यांत असीमची जबाबदारी कोण घेणारहा प्रश्न उभा राहणार आहेयशोधन असीमची जबाबदारी नक्की घेईलअसा निवेदिताचा समाज आहे.

            निवेदिता आणि यशोधन यांचा विवाहसोहळा पाहायला नक्की यापाहायला विसरू नका 'निवेदिता माझी ताई!' सोमवार ते शुक्रवार रात्री  वाजता सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर.

जैन मुनि डॉ अजितचंद्र सागर जी महाराज बनाएंगे नया विश्व रिकॉर्ड।

  जैन मुनि डॉ अजितचंद्र सागर जी महाराज बनाएंगे नया विश्व रिकॉर्ड।  योगा और साधना की शक्ति देखेगी दुनिया।  मुंबई, अप्रैल 2024  - जैन धर्म के ...