Monday, October 17, 2022

मायरा म्हणतेय... मी जर मोबाईल असते तर...

                            मायरा म्हणतेय... मी जर मोबाईल असते तर...

विविध व्हीडिओजच्या माध्यमातून नेहमीच चर्चेत राहणारीलहान वयातच सर्वात जास्त फॅन फॉलोईंग असणारी चिमुरडी मायरा वायकुळ आता मोबाईल पोल्युशनवर मेसेज देण्यासाठी सज्ज झाली आहे. मोबाईल पोल्युशनवर एक अतिशय समर्पक असणारी अशी काळजाचा ठाव घेणारी शॉर्टफिल्म गेल्या काही दिवसांपासून व्हायरल होत आहे. बऱ्यापैकी व्हायरल झालेल्या या शॉर्टफिल्मचं प्रमुख आकर्षण आहेतिची कन्सेप्ट आणि मायरा वायकुळ. मुख्य म्हणजे ही शॉर्टफिल्म मराठीहिंदी आणि कन्नड अशा तीन भाषांमध्ये बनवली आहे.

मोबाईलमुळे जग जवळ आलं असलं तरी नात्यांमधला जिव्हाळा कुठेतरी हरवत चालला आहे. त्यामुळे 'सतर्क व्हाअसा इशारा करणारी ही फिल्म अगदी रोजच्या आयुष्यात  घडणारा एक प्रसंग घेऊन आली आहे. छोट्या अनूच्या (मायरा वायकुळ) पाचव्या वाढदिवसाचं जंगी आयोजन केलं जातं.  पण वाढदिवसाच्या दिवशी हजर असलेले नातेवाईक मोबाईलमध्ये व्यस्त असतात. एकमेकांच्या समोर असून सुद्धा मोबाइलच्या माध्यमातून कनेक्ट होतात. जेव्हा केक कापण्याची वेळ येतेतेव्हा तर सगळे मोबाईलला समोर धरून तो इव्हेंट शूट  करतात.  मात्र अनूला हे काही नकोय.. तिला मोबाईलच्या माध्यमातून नात्यांशी  जोडायचं नाहीयतर माणसांच्या सहवासातून नात्यांच्या घट्ट बंधनात गुंफलं जायचंय. तिला मोठ्ठा केक नकोयमोठाले गिफ्ट नकोयततर तिला हवाय  'वेळ'.  या वेळेतूनच तिला हरवत चाललेली नाती जोडायची आहेत.  त्या नात्यांमधला जीवंतपणा निर्माण करायचा आहे.  तसं ती आग्रहाने सांगत Disconnect to Reconnect...हा महत्त्वाचा मेसेज  देते.

नात्यांना जोडणाऱ्या या शॉर्टफिल्मची निर्मिती अद्भुत या निर्मिती संस्थेने केली आहे. ही शॉर्टफिल्म कौशिक मराठे यांची असून दिग्दर्शन वैभव पंडित यांनी केलं आहे. शॉर्टफिल्मविषयी वैभव सांगतात, " तंत्रज्ञानामुळे जग जवळ आलंय.  वेळ वाचत आहे. हे खरंयपण अशा काही चांगल्या परिणामांचे दुष्परिणामही आहेत. सगळ्यात महत्त्वाचा दुष्परिणाम म्हणजे नात्यांमध्ये कृत्रीमता वाढू लागली आहे. माणसं एकमेकांना वेळ देण्यापेक्षा तंत्रज्ञानाला सर्वात जास्त वेळ देत आहेत. तंत्रज्ञानाचे फायदे मानवी नात्यांवर कसा परिणाम करतात हेच तर आम्ही शॉर्टफिल्ममधून मांडण्याचा प्रयत्न  केला आहे.  त्यासाठी  आम्ही मोबाईलचं उदाहरण शॉर्टफिल्ममध्ये दिलं आहे. विशेष म्हणजे या संपूर्ण शॉर्टफिल्मद्वारे केलेला हा प्रवास स्वागतार्ह आहे.

कौशिक मराठे म्हणतात कीआजकाल सणासमारंभात सगळेच मान खाली घालून मोबाईलमध्ये अडकलेले दिसतात. अशीच परिस्थिती घराघरांतून दिसते. त्यामुळे अजाणतेपणी आलेले हे संकट पुढे नात्यांमध्येआणि किती अंतर वाढवेलया विचाराने मी डिस्टर्ब झालो. म्हणून हा मेसेज देणारी ही फिल्म आम्हाला करण्याची गरज भासली. मोबाईलच्या माध्यमातून आम्हाला आपल्याला Disconnect to Reconnect...हा महत्त्वाचा मेसेज देणं सोप्पं गेलं आहे. अद्भुत क्रिएटिव्हज आणि मायरा या दोघांनी आमच्या संकल्पनेला  समाधानकारक स्वरूप दिलं आहे.'

आपल्या कन्व्हींसिंग बोलण्यातून Disconnect to Reconnect हा मोलाचा संदेश देणारी मायराची शॉर्टफिल्म पहिली नसेल तर अवश्य पाहा. 'तुझी माझी रेशीमगाठमधल्या 'परी'नंतर मायराची या 'शॉर्टफिल्ममधली 'अनू'ही सर्वांना खूप आवडतेय आणि वायरल होतेय.

मायराचा मेसेज पाहण्यासाठी : इथे क्लिक करा.

Short-film Link 


Marathi -


Hindi -


Kannad - 

Saturday, October 15, 2022

The first look poster of Ajay Devgn from Drishyam2

Sawaal yeh nahin ki aapki aakhon ke saamne kya hai; sawaal yeh hai ki aap dekh kya rahe hain.

Here is the first look poster of Ajay Devgn from #Drishyam2

Case Reopens on 18th November, 2022.

Viacom18 Studios Presents Gulshan Kumar, T-Series and Panorama Studios present, Drishyam 2 produced by Bhushan Kumar, Kumar Mangat Pathak, Abhishek Pathak and Krishan Kumar. The original score and music is by Rockstar DSP (Devi Sri Prasad). Directed by Abhishek Pathak, Drishyam 2 is set to release theatrically on 18th November 2022._

It’s a wrap! John Abraham and team complete the shoot for Dinesh Vijan’s Tehran

It’s a wrap! John Abraham and team complete the shoot for Dinesh Vijan’s Tehran

May it be the suspense around its plot or the film’s power packed cast, Dinesh Vijan’s Tehran has generated a lot of curiosity since announcement.

As fans excitedly wait to know about the John Abraham-Manushi Chhillar starrer, the makers have released an interesting video to announce the wrap 

The clip sees Tehran’s principal cast and crew wield the clap one last time as it wraps final leg of shooting. While the video features John in a raw, rugged and intense avatar, Manushi sports a fresh and different look too!

They do say all’s well that ends well Looks like John and Co ended the shooting of Tehran on quite a thrilling note! 

A Maddock Films production in association with Bake My Cake Films, Tehran has been directed by Arun Gopalan, written by Ritesh Shah and Ashish Prakash Verma, produced by Dinesh Vijan, Shobhna Yadav and Sandeep Leyzell.

Bollywood's Shershaah Sidharth Malhotra attends the launch ceremony of the 'Maa Bharati Ke Sapoot’ l

Bollywood's Shershaah Sidharth Malhotra attends the launch ceremony of the 'Maa Bharati Ke Sapoot’ web portal at the National War Memorial Complex in Delhi today. The chief guest of the event was the  Honourable Defence Minister, Sh. Rajnath Singh

Sidharth Malhotra, who inspired the world with his remarkable performance as Captain Vikram Batra in the film Shershaah, shared his childhood memories of coming from an army family as well as his recent experience while portraying Captain Vikram Batra's journey on screen. He shared his belief that the Indian Armed Forces are the best in the world and the reason why we enjoy our freedom and democracy. 

Sidharth Malhotra spoke about the importance of this initiative launched by the Indian Government and urged every Indian to support the families of our soldiers killed or grievously injured in the line of duty during military operations.

Feel the Love, Passion and Pain with Teri Ho Gayi from Tara Vs Bilal

Feel the Love, Passion and Pain with Teri Ho Gayi from Tara Vs Bilal

The trailer of Tara Vs Bilal created a lot of excitement amongst the audiences for a hatke love story of two opposite worlds, Tara and Bilal. As fans await the release of this film, makers drop Teri Ho Gayi, a mesmerising song that will touch your heart and fill it with love. 

This soulful song is sung by Master Saleem and Faridkot and the lyrics are penned by Manan Bhardwaj. Feel the Love and emotion this year with Teri Ho Gayi. The song depicts the beautiful relationship between Tara and Bilal and their realisation of love for each other amidst the chaos of life.

Gulshan Kumar & T-Series present  A T-Series Films, JA Entertainment and TVB films production  Tara  Vs Bilal Produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, and John Abraham; Directed by Samar Iqbal is set to release on 28th October 2022_

Friday, October 14, 2022

ABP News-CVoter’s second opinion poll predicts BJP’s victory in Himachal Pradesh

 ABP News-CVoter’s second opinion poll predicts BJP’s victory in Himachal Pradesh

ABP News-CVoter’s (Centre for Voting Opinion & Trends in Election Research) second opinion poll predicts a comfortable victory for the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) in the forthcoming Assembly Elections of Himachal Pradesh. As per the opinion poll data, BJP is expected to win 38-46 seats. However, their vote share is likely to decline from its 2017 levels of 48.8% to 46%. The vote share of INC (Indian National Congress) is expected to reduce from its 2017 levels of 41.7% to 35.2%, and they are expected to win 20-28 seats. AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) is likely to win 0-1 seats and their extensive election campaign is likely to fetch them a 6.3% vote share as opposed to 0% in 2017. Others are expected to win 0-3 seats and receive a vote share of 12.5%.


This poll is based on surveys conducted between 1 st October to 14 th October and C Voter has made
sure that the analysis is properly represented by statistically balancing the data to make it reflective
of the local population according to the most recent census results. This survey is based on CATI
interviews with respondents who are adults (18+) and represent all segments.

Time frame: 1 st October to 14 th October
MOE (Margin of Error) and Sample
Himachal Pradesh: 6245 respondents for 68 seats with a MOE of +/- 3% to +/- 5%

About ABP Network

An innovative media and content creation company, ABP Network is a credible voice in the
broadcast & digital sphere, with a multi-language portfolio of news channels reaching 535 million
individuals in India. ABP Studios, which comes under the purview of ABP Creations – the content
innovation arm of the network – creates, produces, and licenses original, path-breaking content
outside of news. ABP Network is a group entity of ABP, which was incorporated almost 100 years
ago and continues to reign as a leading Indian Media Conglomerate.

ABP Ananda hits a record 8mn views on YouTube, becomes the first Bengali news channel to achieve this milestone

ABP Ananda, the leading Bengali news channel of the country, has once again proved its mettle as it remained undisputed winner in the Bengali heartland by becoming the first Bengali news channel to gain 8 million subscribers on YouTube.

ABP Ananda, launched on June 1, 2005, went live on YouTube on June 1, 2012. ABP Ananda
marked the channel's 10 th anniversary on the platform this year. During its 10-year journey
on the platform, it has received 3.5 billion video views and 36 billion impressions across YouTube.
ABP Ananda has a history of pursuing ethical, significant, and result-driven journalism. Their
sincere goal has been to provide comprehensive up-to-date news coverage and high-quality
content on all topics and pressing challenges of West Bengal and other parts of the world to
its Bengali viewers. 

ABP Ananda recently held its extensive Durga Puja special programming Sharad Ananda.
This year's programme received an incredible response from the audience. Thanks to Sharad
Ananda’s captivating content it kept viewers hooked to their screens and gave ABP Ananda's
partners the ideal chance to connect with its viewers.

About ABP Network
An innovative media and content creation company, ABP Network is a credible voice in the
broadcast & digital sphere, with a multi-language portfolio of news channels reaching 535
million individuals in India. ABP Studios, which comes under the purview of ABP Creations –
the content innovation arm of the network – creates, produces, and licenses original, path-
breaking content outside of news. ABP Network is a group entity of ABP, which was
incorporated almost 100 years ago and continues to reign as a leading Indian Media

Chhaava Roaring in Theatres. 424.76 Cr Non-Stoppable....

Chhaava Roaring in Theatres. 424.76 Cr Non-Stoppable.... #Chhaava kicks off Week 3 with a bang! Rakes in 13.30 Cr on 3rd Friday, taking its ...