Wednesday, March 28, 2018

 Pooja Misra 

We have three senses visual,auditory and kenesthetic....well lets explore the auditory,Pooja misras upcoming autobiography is available in audio book format...for more information on the same log unto
 Pooja Misra Pune: Is pooja misras book ,Whats in a name?Everything! You were not born to be mediocre!Going to be adapted into a mainstream bollywood film?
Not many know besides being a diva model/vj/actress Pooja Misra is also a very hardworking girl....she has single handedly put together her biography!If rumours are to be believed some renowned bollywood and Hollywood studios have approached her to adapt her biography into a mainstream commersial film.Wow!The biography has not even hit the stands yet but see the amazing response that pooja has got for all the pain she was subjected to while compiling her biography!Here hoping this bestseller in the making turns out to be an even bigger international hit!We cant wait to see Pooja sizzle on the big screen in the main lead !you go girl!
 Pooja Misra Pune: Next days release!

We heard this one right!When model/vj/actress Pooja Misra was writing her Biography in broad daylight a foreigner was planted to attack Pooja to abstain her from completing her book!But the fearless girl that pooja is hit back in defence and the coward of an assaulter ran away!Pooja continued to complete her book even while she bled.After lodging  a police complaint when pooja reached back home her mother forced her to go to columbia asia hospital.There Pooja realised that she needed 4 stiches on her face to stop the bleeding!This braveheart deserves awards in plenty for her valour!Wow!I think a lot of double faced heroines can learn from her undettered bravado!Hats off!
Pooja Misra Pune: Pooja misras latest biography Whats in a name?Everything has the most adorable pictures of pooja like these...For more pics like these dont forget to pick up her soon to be released biography!
Deets here --->

Why should i read pooja misra"s biography. ..Whats in a name?EVERYTHING! You were not born to be mediocre!

So when you say this out loud after having a caught a glimpse of Pooja Misra's upcoming biography....somewhere in the back of your mind you have surrendered to Mediocrity!
Really! You truely shouldn't read this book,and live an ignorant life of not knowing your massive potential.....Because you were not born to be even good but GREAT!!
Yes, my dear friend so silence that critical conscious mind of yours conditioned by envious peoples hearsay and pre-book a copy of this book that will be nothing short of an eyeopener !
They say the wisest form of literacy is by learning from other's mistakes, but how often have you seen celebrities giving it all away to empower others?Never! In this insecure   enviornment of showbiz infested with air kissing page 3 socialites,how often do we come across a fearless girl who undresses to barely nothing to help others learn from her experiences.
Pooja infact wishes had someone been so generous and  honest with her about their life experiences maybe her  lapidarian journey would have been easier.But as none did,here is the true non advertised philantrophist being that person!
Yes there sure have been kind people who have gesticulated and dropped clues but when your mind is on rent to a predator how do you comprehend!
Anyhow this book has all the ingredients of a best seller and is one you should immediately grab a copy of as if you are late it might just be sold off!
So witness a story that will shock you,disturb you,but eventually change
 that part of you that you never even knew existed.....YOUR TRUE POTENTIAL!
Press release

Pooja misra launches her biography, Whats in a name?You were not born to be mediocre!
Well Model/Vj/Theatre actress/dancing diva Pooja Misra has been in the hiding for the past 6 months!We last caught up with her in September 2017.Well she has been nestled up writing her biography, Whats in a name?Everything! You were not born to be mediocre!
The cover has a tight close up of hers which seems to be on fire,by the time we reach the last page we realise that it was a mask which was burning..and during the course of the book she literally undresses all the anguish she has been put through ,therefore at the end we see that Pooja had to literally turn nude to get that annoying mask off!
Wow seems like a best seller in making!
Pooja recently lost her father ,Chief Commisioner Of Income Tax Mr.Padmakar Misra whilst finishing this book and dedicates this book to him.
Do log on to to get the details on where all the book is available online aswell as in book stores!
We wish her all the best and look forward to many more books to come!

Monday, March 26, 2018

Teaser of Madhuri Dixit’s Marathi Debut Movie ‘Bucket list’ Releases

The teaser of Madhuri Dixit’s Marathi debut movie ‘Bucket List’ releases & generates a lot of buzz!
Madhuri Dixit has been charming Indian cinema for a long time now, but her fans have been eagerly awaiting her presence in a Marathi film. So when the news broke out that the heartthrob of millions, Madhuri Dixit is finally making her debut in Marathi cinema, the audience has gone crazy and has been eagerly following up each & every update about their Marathi mulgi Madhuri & her forthcoming film, Bucket List. While not much has been revealed about the film or Madhuri’s character so far officially, everyone’s anxiety has now been put to rest by the teaser of “Bucket List” which was unveiled last evening.  

Bucket List sees Madhuri Dixit playing the role of a Mother, Daughter and Wife. She is basically a multi-tasking house wife, a role which is often under estimated by everyone. This movie is about a house wife Madhura Sane aka Mrs.Sane, portrayed by Madhuri, mother of Radhika and Neil and daughter in law of the Sane’s, in the process she never had her own identity all along. But then a drastic change happens in her life with the entry of a girl named Sai. What happens post the same is something that we would get to know only once the film releases.

The charming Madhuri Dixit in an exciting new avatar as Madhura Sane in Bucket List is being brought to us by director Tejas Prabha Vijay Deoskar. The film is co-written by Devashri Shivadekar (along with Tejas Prabha Vijay Deoskar) and is produced under the banners of Dark Horse Cinema, Dar Motion Pictures & Blue Mustang Creations.

The film also features other wonderful actors including Sumeet Raghavan, Vandana Gupte, Pradeep Velankar, Renuka Shahane, Ila Bhate, Milnd Phatak and Shubha Khote apart from Madhuri Dixit.

Stay tuned for more updates on Bucket List. Madhura Sane will be coming soon to charm our hearts!

अमृता फडणवीस यांनी घेतला जव्हार तालुक्यातील ग्रामीण भागाचा आढावा
-    ग्रामविकासासाठी व्यक्तीगत लक्ष घालून पाठपुरावा करणार असल्याचं दिलं आश्वासन

आपल्या देशाच्या प्रगतीसाठी शहरी भागाबरोबरच ग्रामीण भागाची प्रगती होणं ही तितकंच गरजेच आहे. हीच गरज ओळखून मुख्यमंत्र्यांच्या पत्नी अमृता फडणवीस यांनी नुकताच जव्हार तालुक्यातील दुर्गम भागांचा आढावा घेतला. यावेळी या भागातील देहेरे, कोगदा व पाथर्डी ही गावं दत्तक घेणार असून विविध योजना या भागात पोहोचाव्या यासाठी त्या व्यक्तिश: लक्ष देणार असल्याचं आश्वासन ही त्यांनी यावेळी दिलं.

या दौरादरम्यान देहरेगाव व आश्रमशाळेला भेट देऊन त्यांनी तिथल्या विद्यार्थी आणि ग्रामस्थांच्या समस्या जाणून घेतल्या. तर जामसर प्राथमिक आरोग्य केंद्राला भेट देऊन तिथल्या कुपोषित बालकांची विचारपूस त्यांनी केली. त्यानंतर साईमहल येथील स्वच्छ भारत मिशन (ग्रामीण), पालघर जिल्हा परिषद, जव्हार पंचायत समिती आणि दिव्यज फाऊंडेशन यांच्या संयुक्त विद्यमाने आयोजित मासिकपाळी व्यवस्थापन आणि अस्मिता योजना जनजागृती कार्यशाळेला भेट दिली. दरम्यान यावेळी उत्कृष्ट अंगणवाडीसेविका म्हणून काम केलेल्या सेविकांना किट व प्रमाणपत्र देऊन सन्मानित करण्यात आलं. तर अस्मिता योजनेअंतर्गत पुरवठादार म्हणून नोंदणी केलेल्या तालुक्यातील सात बचत गटांना प्रमाणपत्र देऊन सन्मान ही करण्यात आला.

दरम्यान जव्हार हनुमान पॉइंट येथील कौशल्या विकास विभाग व अनिता डोंगरे या संस्थेमार्फत चालणाऱ्या फॅशन डिझाइन केंद्रालाही भेट दिली. त्यानंतर कुटीर रूग्णालयातील नव्याने उभारलेल्या एसएनसीयू विभागाचे उद्घाटन करून विभागाची पाहणी केली. तर त्यानंतर शासकीय कन्या आश्रमशाळा, साकूर येथे विद्यार्थिनींना मासिकपाळी व्यवस्थापन आणि व्यवस्थापन व अस्मिता योजनेची माहिती देऊन तेथील विद्यार्थिनींना सॅनिटरी नॅपकिनचे वाटप करण्यात आले आहे.

यावेळी बोलताना अमृता फडणवीस यांनी कुपोषण शून्यावर आणणार असल्याचं आश्वासन दिलं. दिव्यज फाऊंडेशनच्यावतीने त्या बोलत होत्या. तर मुलांची काळजी घेत असल्याने तुम्हीही त्यांच्या माता असल्याचं अंगणवाडीसेविकांना त्यांनी म्हटलं. तसेच मी आणि तुम्ही मिळून कुपोषण नष्ट करू... मी नेहमीच तुमच्या मदतीसाठी तत्पर असल्याचंही अमृता फडणवीस यांनी सांगितलं.

संगीता सचिन अहिर वरळी कोळीवाड्याचं रूप बदलण्यासाठी प्रयत्नशील
संगीता सचिन अहिर यांची वरळी कोळीवाड्यात स्वच्छता मोहिम

वरळी कोळीवाड्यातील अस्वच्छतेचं प्रमाण लक्षात घेता मैत्री चॅरिटेबल ट्रस्टच्या संगीता अहिर आणि सचिन अहिर यांनी या कोळीवाड्याचा चेहरामोहरा बदलण्यासाठी पुढाकार घेतला आहे. एखाद्या विभागाची बिकट अवस्था लक्षात घेऊन त्याठिकाणी बदल घडवून आणण्यासाठी केवळ भाषणं करण्यापलिकडे जाऊन आपण स्वत: या बदलाचा भाग व्हावं, असा विचार खूप कमी जण करताना दिसतात. याच विचाराच्या सचिन आणि संगीता अहिर यांनी इथल्या स्थानिकांना शाब्दिक प्रोत्साहन देण्यापलिकडे ते स्वत: या स्वच्छता मोहिमेचा भाग झाले आहेत. अ मिसाल च्या रूबल नागी आणि मैत्री चॅरिटेबल ट्रस्ट चे सचिन आणि संगीता अहिर यांच्या पुढाकाराने पार पडलेल्या या स्वच्छता मोहिमेला स्थानिकांचा चांगलाच प्रतिसाद मिळाला.

Post Event Release 

BOX  - BOWL OUT XERIES spearheaded by Zeeshan Siddique. 

Sooraj Pancholi,  Gautam Gulati came to cheer & inspire the participants & enjoyed the excitement. The match was between ball busters vs Ricky Tigers.
Zeeshan Siddique said "Cricket being like a religion in our country, it is played all over alleys, grounds, gully etc, for Bandra, this is perfect league  to play the game with the spirit and a stress buster for people who are extremely busy at their work, the response has been amazing

Bowl Out Xeries Powered by Bombay Coffee House, Co-Sponsored by Sahib Realty, conceptualized in Bandra, is Mumbai’s newest and one of a kind elite Underarm Cricket League. Bowl Out Xeries Season 1 is Founded by Mr. Zeeshan Siddique, Co-Founded by Mr. Richie Singh and Mr. Ronak Daftary. 

20 teams in BOX fighting for one trophy- Teams in Box—1. Safal Chembur - Owned by Mr Sanjay Asrani; 2. MII Warriors - Owned by Mr Gurmeet Singh and Mr Deep Karan Kohli; 3. Bay sharks - Mr Ranjeet Bindra, Mr Rajiv Bathija, Mr Dilip Manghnani, Mr Kunal Jani; 4. I love Mumbai - Mr Rahul Kanal and Mr Farhan Shaikh; 5. All Monsters - Mr Juned Shariff, Mr Naved Shariff, Mr Vijay Kandhari and Mr Arjun Kandhari; 6. Ball Busters - Mr Jasmer Mago, Mr Arjun Jaidhara and Mr Gaurav Singh; 7. Ricky Tigers - Mr Bobby Marwaha, Mr Jeetu Ajdani, Mr Moksh Saini and Mr Raja Bhasin; 8. Jeweleravi Sach Indians - Mr Ravi Hinduja and Mr Roshan Sachdeo; 9. Mumbai Monarchs- Mr Saif Siddique; 10. AP Stallions - Mr Pranav Ghule and Mr Ashish Sanil; 11. Rensar Titans - Mr Nadeem Gubitra; 12. Lashkaria Lions - Mr Imran Lashkaria and Mr Vaseem Lashkaria; 13. Mumbai Dreamz - Mr Wasib Peshimam and Mr Hanzala Mukri; 14. Bravehearts - Mr Prashant Gopalkrishnan and Mr Fahim Batliwala; 15. GT Phantoms - Mr Chirag Narang and Mr Talha Khatri; 16. Strikers - Mr Sajid Vakil and Mr Ram Raheja; 17. Dabangg Boyz - Mr Vinay Deshlahra, Mr Amit Jain and Mr Krunal Pandya; 18. 99 Bar Gold Kings - Mr Pankaj Jagawat and Mr Mridul Singhvi; 19. Bombay Blasters - Mr Pratik Jadhwani, Mr Sandeep Jadhwani, Mr Aditya Dhruv and Ms Sheel Gupta; 20. INK Superstars - Mr Imtiaz Khatri and Mr Aslam Shaikh
Sponsors update- Title Sponsor - Safal Group, Powered By - Bombay Coffee House, Co Sponsored By - Sahib Realty, Catch of the Match Sponsor - Spartan Poker, Super 8 Runs Board Sponsor - Niton and B Kandhari Properties, Snack Partner - Epigamia, Anchor Sponsor - Mc Donald's, App Partner - UMV, Gadget Partner - Croma, Hydrating Partner - Aquasure, On Ground Partner - GEC India, Radio Partner - Red FM 93.5, Outdoor Media Partners - In & Out, Simca Advertising and Bright Outdoor, Salon Partner - Jean Claude Beguine, Food Partner - China Gate

Associate Sponsors- 1. Zears, 2. Cafe de Mom, 3. Satgurus, 4. Jet Airways, 5. Bar Stock Exchange, 6. Exclusive Motors, 7. JMD Skoda, 8. Pioneer Honey, 9. Sabai Spa, 10. Prems, 11. Bombay Dhaba, 12. Jhama Sweets, 13. Balet, 14. Shree Sagar, 15. Nom Nom

Chhaava Roaring in Theatres. 424.76 Cr Non-Stoppable....

Chhaava Roaring in Theatres. 424.76 Cr Non-Stoppable.... #Chhaava kicks off Week 3 with a bang! Rakes in 13.30 Cr on 3rd Friday, taking its ...