Friday, February 28, 2025

लग्नानंतरची गोष्ट सांगणार ‘हार्दिक शुभेच्छा... पण त्याचं काय?’

 लग्नानंतरची गोष्ट सांगणार ‘हार्दिक शुभेच्छा... पण त्याचं काय?’

दमदार कलाकारांची मांदियाळी असलेल्या धमाकेदार चित्रपटाचा ट्रेलर प्रदर्शित

गेल्या काही दिवसांपासून अभिनेता पुष्कर जोगच्या ‘हार्दिक शुभेच्छा … पण त्याचं काय?’ या आगामी चित्रपटाची जोरदार चर्चा सुरू आहे. लैंगिक सुसंगतेवर भाष्य करणारा हा चित्रपट लवकरच प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला येणार असून नुकताच या चित्रपटाचा उत्सुकता वाढवणारा ट्रेलर रसिकांच्या भेटीला आला आहे. 

चित्रपटाच्या नावावरूनच हा चित्रपट लग्नसंस्था आणि त्यानंतरच्या प्रवासावर आधारित असल्याचे दिसतेय. ट्रेलरमध्ये पुष्कर लग्नासाठी मुली बघत असून त्याच्या आयुष्यात हेमल इंगळे आणि पूर्वी मुंदडा आल्याचे दिसत आहेत. सोबतच त्यांच्या नात्यात काही गुंतागुंतीचे प्रसंगही दिसत आहेत. त्यामुळे पुष्करच्या आयुष्यात नेमकं कोण येणार? त्यांचे वैवाहिक जीवन कसे असणार? ‘पण त्याचं काय’ हा नेमका काय प्रश्न? तो सुटणार का? या सगळ्या प्रश्नांची उत्तरे येत्या २१ मार्चला मिळणार आहेत. ट्रेलरमध्ये पुष्कर नेहमीपेक्षा वेगळ्या लूकमध्ये दिसत आहे तर हेमल आणि पूर्वीही जबरदस्त दिसत आहेत. पुष्करचे चित्रपटांमध्ये नेहमीच भव्यता असते. कथानकात वेगळेपण असतेच याशिवाय तो चित्रीकरणस्थळांमध्येही वैविध्य घेऊन येत असतो. या चित्रपटात प्रेक्षकांना ॲमस्टरडॅम, पॅरिस आणि दुबईची सैरही घडणार आहे. पुष्कर जोग, हेमल इंगळे, पूर्वी मुंदडा यांच्यासह या चित्रपटात विशाखा सुभेदार, अभिजीत चव्हाण, अनुष्का सरकटे, पृथ्विक प्रताप, विजय पाटकर, भरत सावळे आणि किशोरी अंबिये यांच्याही प्रमुख भूमिका आहेत.

दिग्दर्शक पुष्कर जोग म्हणतात," ‘हार्दिक शुभेच्छा … पण त्याचं काय?’ हा चित्रपट फक्त लग्नानंतरच्या लैंगिक सुसंगतेबद्दल बोलत नाही, तर तो दोन व्यक्तींमधील भावनिक संवाद किती महत्त्वाचा असतो, हेही अधोरेखित करतो. लग्नानंतरचे जीवन ही नवी परीक्षा असते. या परीक्षेत प्रेम, समंजसपणा, आणि एकमेकांना समजून घेणे महत्त्वाचे असते. आजच्या धकाधकीच्या जगात दाम्पत्यांनी सुसंवाद साधणे  किती महत्त्वाचे असते, हे आम्ही या कथेतून दाखवण्याचा प्रयत्न केला असून आम्हाला खात्री आहे की, हा चित्रपट प्रेक्षकांच्या मनात नक्कीच खास स्थान निर्माण करेल."

आनंद पंडित मोशन पिक्चर्स प्रस्तुत, गुझबम्प्स एंटरटेनमेंट यांच्या ‘हार्दिक शुभेच्छा … पण त्याचं काय?’ या चित्रपटाचे दिग्दर्शन व लेखन पुष्कर जोग यांनी केले असून आनंद पंडित, रुपा पंडित आणि पुष्कर जोग निर्माते आहेत. तर या चित्रपटाचे सहलेखन नमिष चापेकर यांनी केले आहे. पॅनोरमा स्टुडिओजने या चित्रपटाच्या वितरणाची धुरा सांभाळली आहे.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

मराठा बटालियनच्या शौर्यगाथेवर भाष्य करणारा ‘२२ मराठा बटालियन – गोष्ट गनिमी काव्याची’ लवकरच प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला!

 मराठा बटालियनच्या शौर्यगाथेवर भाष्य करणारा ‘२२ मराठा बटालियन – गोष्ट गनिमी काव्याची’ लवकरच प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला!

 तगडी स्टारकास्ट असलेल्या चित्रपटाचे पोस्टर प्रदर्शित मराठी चित्रपटसृष्टीत ऐतिहासिक आणि थरारक कथानकांनी प्रेक्षकांच्या मनात नेहमीच खास स्थान मिळवलं आहे. त्याच परंपरेला पुढे नेणारा एक दमदार,  रोमांचकारी चित्रपट  आणि मराठा बटालियनच्या शौर्यगाथेवर भाष्य करणारा  ‘२२ मराठा बटालियन – गोष्ट गनिमी काव्याची’ २०२५ मध्ये प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला येणार आहे. नुकतीच या चित्रपटाची सोशल मीडियावर घोषणा करण्यात आली आहे. छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज हे केवळ एक पराक्रमी योद्धेच नव्हते तर कुशल युद्धनीतीकारही होते. त्यांच्या युद्धशैलीत गनिमी कावा’ या विशेष तंत्राचा उपयोग करण्यात आला. छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांच्या गनिमी कावा तंत्राचे हे विविध पैलू या चित्रपटाच्या निमित्ताने प्रेक्षकांपर्यंत पोहोचणार आहेत. 

नुकत्याच झळकलेल्या पोस्टरने रसिकांमध्ये चित्रपटाबद्दल प्रचंड उत्सुकता निर्माण केली आहे. नजरेत भरणारे दाट जंगल आणि त्यात  झळकणारा ‘२२ मराठा बटालियन’ हा शब्द प्रेक्षकांना चित्रपटाच्या कथानकाबद्दल नक्कीच विचार करायला लावेल. अद्वितीय साहस, गनिमी काव्याची रणनिती हे सगळे या चित्रपटात पाहायला मिळणार असून हा चित्रपट म्हणजे प्रेक्षकांसाठी एक रोमांचक अनुभव ठरेल, यात शंकाच नाही.

दिग्दर्शक प्रकाश जनार्दन पवार म्हणतात," ‘२२ मराठा बटालियन' हा चित्रपट म्हणजे शौर्य आणि रणनितीचा जगासमोर आलेला एक इतिहास आहे. गनिमी कावा हे केवळ एक युद्धतंत्र नव्हते तर ती एक रणनिती होती. शत्रुला हरवण्याची. त्यामुळे छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज एक यशस्वी योद्धा ठरले. हेच या चित्रपटात पाहायला मिळणार आहे. पोस्टरमधून प्रेक्षकांच्या मनात जी उत्सुकता निर्माण झाली  ती चित्रपट पाहताना अधिकच वाढेल, याची आम्हाला मला खात्री आहे. या चित्रपटात अनेक तगडे कलाकार आहेत त्यामुळे चित्रपटाची उंची अधिक वाढलीय. आम्हाला आशा आहे की, हा चित्रपट प्रेक्षकांच्या नक्कीच पसंतीस उतरेल."

शकुंतला क्रिएशन प्रॉडक्शन आणि एस आर फिल्म्स प्रस्तुत या चित्रपटाची कथा आणि दिग्दर्शन प्रकाश जनार्दन पवार यांनी केले असून रुपेश दिनकर आणि संजय बाबुराव पगारे यांनी निर्मितीची जबाबदारी सांभाळली आहे. या चित्रपटाची पटकथा व संवाद निलेश महिगावकर यांनी लिहिले आहेत. चित्रपटात प्रवीण तरडे, प्रसाद ओक, अशोक समर्थ, पुष्कर जोग, सोमनाथ अवघडे, अभिनय बेर्डे, उत्कर्ष शिंदे, यश डिंबळे, सपना माने, टिशा संजय पगारे, अमृता धोंगडे, शिवाली परब, आयुश्री पवार अशी तगडी स्टारकास्ट पाहायला मिळणार असून ‘२२ मराठा बटालियन – गोष्ट गनिमी काव्याची’ हा चित्रपट मराठी आणि हिंदी भाषेत प्रदर्शित होणार आहे.

मी पाठीशी आहे' सांगणार नव्या युगातील स्वामी समर्थांच्या अस्तित्वाची प्रेरणादायी गाथा

‘मी पाठीशी आहे' सांगणार नव्या युगातील स्वामी समर्थांच्या अस्तित्वाची प्रेरणादायी गाथा 

                                        २८ मार्च रोजी होणार प्रदर्शित

नव्या युगातील स्वामी समर्थांच्या अस्तित्वाची प्रेरणादायी गाथा सांगणारा ‘मी पाठीशी आहे’ हा चित्रपट येत्या २८ मार्च रोजी चित्रपटगृहात प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला  येणार असून नुकतेच या चित्रपटाचे पोस्टर सोशल मीडियावर प्रदर्शित करण्यात आले आहे. या चित्रपटात श्रद्धा, विश्वास आणि अध्यात्माचा अनोखा संगम प्रेक्षकांना अनुभव्हायला मिळणार आहे. 

दिग्दर्शक पराग अनिल सावंत म्हणतात," मी एक गोष्ट आवर्जून सांगू इच्छितो की, हा चित्रपट कोणीही बनवत नसून हा चित्रपट स्वतःहून घडला आहे. स्वामींनी तो आमच्याकडून घडवून घेतला आहे. आम्ही सगळे निमित्तमात्र आहोत. ‘मी पाठीशी आहे’ हा चित्रपट अनेक श्रद्धावान व्यक्तीच्या आयुष्यातील प्रेरणादायी अनुभवाचा प्रवास आहे. स्वामी समर्थांनी प्रत्येकाला दिलेला आधार, त्यांच्या अस्तित्वाची अनुभूती यावर आधारित हा चित्रपट प्रेक्षकांच्या मनात खास स्थान निर्माण  करून नक्कीच सकारात्मक ऊर्जा देईल.आम्हाला खात्री आहे की, हा चित्रपट प्रेक्षकांच्या नक्कीच पसंतीस उतरेल."

ऑफबीट प्रॉडक्शन, नित्य सेवा प्रॉडक्शन आणि वेरा प्रॉडक्शन निर्मित या चित्रपटाचे कथा, संकलन आणि दिग्दर्शन पराग अनिल सावंत यांनी केले असून मयूर अर्जुन खरात, लक्ष्मीकांत गजानन कांबळे, ॲड. शुभांगी किशोर सोनवले, प्रमोद नंदकुमार मांडरे, शितल सोनावणे, ऋतुजा नरेंद्र कदम, अनिल गावंड आणि केतन कल्याणकर या स्वामींच्या सेवेकरांनी निर्मितीची जबाबदारी सांभाळली आहे. संजय नवगिरे, दिलीप परांजपे यांनी चित्रपटाची पटकथा लिहिली असून संजय नवगिरे यांनी चित्रपटाचे संवादही लिहिले आहेत. तर चित्रपटातील गाण्यांना कबीर शाक्य यांना संगीत सेवा करण्याची संधी लाभली आहे. या चित्रपटात सक्षम कुलकर्णी, सतीश पुळेकर, अरुण नलावडे, सुहास परांजपे, वर्षा प्रभु, श्रीकांत पाटील, अश्विनी चवरे, प्रसाद सुर्वे, शितल सोनावणे, सूचित जाधव, श्रद्धा महाजन, राजवीर गायकवाड, वैष्णवी पोटे यांच्या प्रमुख भूमिका असून माधुरी पवार, संदेश जाधव आणि नूतन जयंत हे विशेष पाहुणे म्हणून झळकणार आहेत.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Actors share their celebrations of Mahashivratri!

 Actors share their celebrations of Mahashivratri!

Mahashivratri, one of the most auspicious festivals dedicated to Lord Shiva, holds deep spiritual significance for millions across India. For many, it is a time of devotion, reflection, and seeking divine blessings. &TV artists share how they celebrate Mahashivratri, the traditions they follow, and the profound connection they feel with Lord Shiva during this sacred occasion. These include Geetanjali Mishra (Rajesh, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan). and Shubhangi Atre (Angoori Bhabi, Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai). Geetanjali Mishra, aka Rajesh from Happu Ki Ultan Paltan shares, “Mahashivratri has always held immense spiritual significance for me. I belong from Varanasi, Shiv ki Nagri, the celebrations of Mahashivratri there felt truly divine. I have cherished memories of celebrating the festival with my family.

My mother had a beautiful ritual she would light a diya in front of Lord Shiva, offer water and bel leaves to the Shivling, and spend time in deep meditation. Watching her devotion left a lasting impact on me, and I continue to follow the same tradition even today. Every Mahashivratri, I make it a point to light a diya, offer water to the Shivling, and meditate, feeling the powerful energy of this sacred day. It is a time that helps me stay grounded, seek inner peace, and express gratitude for life’s blessings. This year, I am planning to visit Trimbakeshwar to continue my spiritual journey and immerse myself in the divine energy of Lord Shiva."

Shubhangi Atre, aka Angoori Bhabi from Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, “Growing up in Indore, Mahashivratri has always been a grand celebration in our family. I fondly remember going to temples with my father, participating in the midnight aarti, and feeling the divine energy all around. Those childhood memories are deeply etched in my heart. Even today, I make it a point to visit a temple, offer flowers, fruits, and milk to the Shivling, and recite Shiva mantras.

This year felt even more special as I was truly blessed to get the darshan of Lord Shiva at both Shri Kashi Vishwanath Mandir in Varanasi and Shri Mahakal Mandir in Ujjain, back-to- back. It was a surreal and divine experience that strengthened my spiritual connection. I offered my heartfelt prayers to Lord Shiva for my father’s speedy recovery and felt an overwhelming sense of peace and hope. My devotion to Shiva keeps guiding me through life, and I look forward to visiting more Jyotirlingas soon. For me, Mahashivratri is not just a festival; it is a day of deep reflection, devotion, and pure bliss.”

Watch your favourite artists in Happu Ki Ultan Paltan at 10:00 PM, and Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai at 10:30 PM, airing every Monday to Friday only on &TV!

India-Thailand Strengthen Gem & Jewellery Trade with Key MoUs at Bangkok Gem and Jewelry Fair 2025

 India-Thailand Strengthen Gem & Jewellery Trade with Key MoUs at Bangkok Gem and Jewelry Fair 2025

Bangkok, Thailand – 25 th February 2025: A high-level delegation of 18 members from the Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), Jewellers Association Jaipur, and Sitapura Gems and Jewellery Industry Association visited Thailand from 22nd to 24th February 2025 to explore collaborative opportunities in the sector, reflecting a unified effort to strengthen trade ties between India and Thailand.

The most significant highlight of the delegation was the signing of three Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs) on the opening day of the Bangkok Gem and Jewelry Fair (BGJF) on 22nd February 2025. These landmark agreements were signed in a grand ceremony in the presence of key Thai industry stalwarts and highlighted the commitment of both countries to fostering long-term cooperation in the gems and jewellery sector.

The MoUs were signed as follows:

 GJEPC's Indian Institute of Gems and Jewellery Research and Laboratories Centre (IIGJ-RLC) with GIT Thailand.

 Jewellers Association Jaipur with Chanthaburi Gem and Jewellery Traders Association.

 Sitapura Gems and Jewellery Industry Association (SGJIA) with Thai Silver Exporter Association (TSEA).

Talking bout the MoU between GJEPC's Indian Institute of Gems and Jewellery Research and Laboratories Centre (IIGJ-RLC) with GIT Thailand, Dr Nawal Agarwal, Chairman, IIGJ Jaipur & Director, IIGJ-RLC, said, "The MoU between IIGJ-RLC and GIT marks a significant step toward harmonizing gemstone standardization, fostering joint research, and enhancing knowledge exchange. By working together, India and Thailand are ensuring higher levels of trust, transparency, and excellence in the global gem and jewellery industry." – Dr. Nawal Agarwal, Chairman, IIGJ Jaipur' Director, IIGJ-RLC.” Dr. Agarwal also invited Thai associations to participate in the upcoming International Gem & Jewellery Show in Jeddah (Saudijex) this September, proposing a dedicated Thai Pavilion to further strengthen trade ties and foster new avenues of collaboration between India and Thailand.

Commenting on the MoU between Jewellers Association Jaipur and Chanthaburi Gem & Jewelry Traders Association Mr Alok Sonkhia, President, Jewellers Association Jaipur, said, ""The MoU between Jewellers Association Jaipur and Chanthaburi Gem & Jewelry Traders Association will strengthen the coloured gemstone trade between India and Thailand. Through knowledge exchange, expanded trade opportunities, and joint participation in global events, this partnership will enhance market reach, support industry growth, and solidify both nations' roles as key players in the international gemstone sector." Speaking about the MoU between Sitapura Gems and Jewellery Industry Association and Thai Silver Exporters Association, Mr Arvind Gupta, President, Sitapura Gems and Jewelelry Industry Association said, “The collaboration between Sitapura Gems and Jewellery Industry Association and Thai Silver Exporters Association will boost the silver jewellery trade by fostering innovation, design excellence, and market expansion. This partnership paves the way for greater global recognition of silver jewellery while creating new business opportunities for artisans and exporters in both India and Thailand." The delegation focused on establishing long-term ties across multiple areas, including laboratories, institutes, trade, manufacturing, and more. Delegates engaged in a series of productive meetings and site visits aimed at building synergies between the two nations' gem and jewellery industries.

Key meetings were held with leading Thai institutions, including the Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand (GIT), a public organization under Thailand's Ministry of Commerce. Discussions with GIT centered on streamlining laboratory processes on both sides, achieving mutual recognition of certifications, developing joint skilling courses, and facilitating student and faculty exchange programs. These steps aim to enhance the skill sets of professionals in both countries and promote international standards.

Further, the delegation met with the Thai Gem and Jewellery Traders Association (TGJTA) to discuss creating gemstone sourcing platforms, promoting the coloured gemstone trade, and building technological connections to bridge trade between both nations. The collaboration also extended to the Thai Silver Exporters Association (TSEA), where key discussions focused on joint manufacturing ventures, technology sharing, and design innovation. Meetings with the Chanthaburi Gem and Jewellery Traders Association (CGTA) explored the possibility of creating a joint conglomerate for coloured gemstones, enhancing collaboration in the global market.

Another significant aspect of the visit was the mutual interest in participating in each other's trade shows. The delegation extended an invitation to Thailand to hold a pavilion at key Indian events such as the IIJS Mumbai, JAS, and JAGS Jaipur, while also inviting a buyer delegation from Thailand to participate in these shows in India.

This visit comes on the heels of a high-level delegation from Thailand, led by GIT, visiting Jaipur in November 2024. The India-Thailand collaboration is now poised to shape the future of the global gems and jewellery industry, unlocking vast opportunities for mutual growth, technological exchange, and the promotion of Indian and Thai gems and jewellery products worldwide.

About Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC)

The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), set up by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India (GoI) in 1966, is one of several Export Promotion Councils (EPCs) launched by the Indian Government, to boost the country’s export thrust, when India’s post-Independence economy began making forays in the international markets. Since 1998, the GJEPC has been granted autonomous status. The GJEPC is the apex body of the gems & jewellery industry and today represents 10600+ members in the sector.  With headquarters in Mumbai, GJEPC has Regional Offices in New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Surat and Jaipur, all of which are major centres for the industry. It thus has a wide reach and is able to have a closer interaction with members to serve them in a direct and more meaningful manner. Over the past decades, GJEPC has emerged as one of the most active EPCs and has continuously strived to both expand its reach and depth in its promotional activities as well as widen and increase services to its members.

Nikhil Bane of Hasiyajatra fame, Mandar Mandavkar and Siddhesh Nagvekar's song "Por Badnaam" goes viral!

 Record Break: Shubham Productions' song "Por Badnaam" crosses 1 million views in "8 hours"

After the success of the web series Pournimecha Phera, Shubham Productions has come up with Maitri's Dhammaal song "Por Badnaam". This song has been released recently and what is special is that this song has crossed the 1 million mark in just 8 hours of its release. Also, many viewers are making reels on this song through social media. Maharashtra's Hasiya Jatra fame actors Nikhil Bane, Mandar Mandavkar and Siddhesh Nagvekar are the main actors in this song. While the well-known singer Chaitanya Devdhe has sung this song in his melodious voice.

The song "Por Badnaam" is produced under the banner of Shubham Production and is produced by Payal Ganesh Kadam and Ganesh Dinkar Kadam. Sachin Ambat is the director. The lyrics of this song are written by Anirudh Nimkar and he has composed the music for this song. This song was shot in Nashik. The story of this song is based on three close friends and the ending of the song has been liked by the audience the most.

Singer Chaitanya Devdhe talks about the process of the song, “The song Por Badnaam is going viral. It has crossed 1 million views in just 8 hours. The song is getting a very good response. I am personally getting a lot of calls and messages from my fans. I sincerely thank Ganesh Sir, the Shubham Productions team and the audience. Ram Krishna Hari!!”

Actor Nikhil Bane of Hasya Jatra fame talks about the experience of shooting the song, “The shooting of this song was done at night in Nashik. We completed the shooting in one night. For one, I don’t know how to dance at all. But director Sachin Ambat and choreographer Venkatesh Gawde made me dance. And my two best friends Mandar Mandavkar and Siddhesh Nagvekar supported me in the song. That’s how this song has been prepared. I have one request to the audience that don’t miss the end of this song at all.”

Producer Ganesh Kadam says about the filming of the song 'Por Badnaam', "The web series Pournimecha Phera, which is in the horror comedy genre presented by Shubham Productions, received a tremendous response from the audience. So we decided to do something different this time. While everyone does romantic songs, our team decided to do a song on friendship this time. We suggested this concept to music composer Anirudh Nimkar and he composed and sent this song to us. We liked the song very much. Singer Chaitanya's melodious voice made this song perfect. Moreover, Nikhil Bane, Mandar Mandavkar and Siddhesh Nagvekar have also sung this song. Judging by the response given by the audience on social media, this song is being liked by them. Therefore, as soon as the song was released, it got 1 million likes on the same day. Therefore, the joy of all of us is sky-high."

With melodious music, beautiful story and stunning locations, the song 'Por Badnaam' is a hit. Be sure to watch this song to have fun with your friends!

Devmanus fame actor Kiran Gaikwad and actress Ankita Raut will be seen in the Konkani song 'Daryach Paani'

 Actor Kiran Gaikwad's wish has come true, he will soon appear in a Konkani song

Devmanus actor Kiran Gaikwad and actress Ankita Raut will soon be seen together in the Konkani song 'Daryachan Paani' presented by Sai Ratna Entertainment. Recently, they have shared the promo of the song 'Daryachan Paani' on social media. The song has been shot on the picturesque beach of Alibaug. The producers of this song are Sandesh Gadekar and Suresh Gadekar. Singer Rohit Raut and singer Sonali Sonawane have sung this song and Shraddha Dalvi has written the lyrics of this song. This song, directed by Vijay Bute, has been composed by Amey Mule.

Konkancha Jawai, actor Kiran Gaikwad, says about the process of the song Daryachan Paani, “I had a long-standing desire to work in a Konkani song at least once. When director Vijay Bute expressed the concept of this song to me, I was very excited. I had a lot of fun dancing in the Koli getup. And since the sea is my favorite subject, I had a blast hanging out and shooting on the beach all day. What’s more, my fans are showering love on my Koli look through social media by making nice comments. I am very happy to see this.”

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Rose Audio Visuals Announces the Launch of Branded Content Division

 Rose Audio Visuals Announces the Launch of Branded Content Division ‘Connect NXT’

Mumbai, XX February 2025: Rose Audio Visuals Pvt. Ltd. has announced the launch of Connect NXT, a dedicated branded content division.

As audiences increasingly move away from traditional advertising, Connect NXT focuses on crafting meaningful branded narratives that not only communicate the brand's message but also foster a strong emotional connection with consumers.

Key Pillars of Connect NXT:

● Story-Driven Content: Creating compelling narratives that prioritize emotional resonance over clickbait and instant gratification

● End-to-End Execution: Leveraging Rose Audio Visuals’ robust production and distribution networks to both design and deliver content

● Innovation-Focused Approach: : Championing new tools and formats to create a richer storytelling experience. Exploring new technologies and formats in the service of effective storytelling

Connect NXT will be led by two industry stalwarts:

Megha Desai, appointed as Head of Connect NXT has over 25 years of experience in IP and content creation. Megha has been instrumental in shaping brand partnerships at companies like Chernin Asia Media Digital, Bling Entertainment and Fountainhead MKTG. She brings a proven track record of driving brand growth through innovative storytelling.

Commenting on the launch, Megha Desai said, "We are living in a world where content is in high demand & attention in, short supply. As brands, it is important to reach the consumer where they already are - in the world of stories. That's what we aim to do with Connect NXT.

Advising Connect NXT on the creative front is Arvind Menon, who brings years of expertise and is known to merge creativity with strategic objectives. His previous stints include his role as Executive Creative Director at BBH India and his work spans across brands like Mercedes Benz, HDFC Ergo and CaratLane amongst others.

Arvind Menon added, "Today’s audiences are smarter and harder to impress. Our goal with Connect NXT is to push creative boundaries while ensuring that every story we tell adds value to both, the audience and the brand."

Goldie Behl, Founder of Rose Audio Visuals, said, “With Connect NXT, we’re blending entertainment with brand narratives in a way that feels organic and immersive because, in the end, people don’t just buy products, they buy into stories.”

Rose Audio Visuals continues to expand its horizons with initiatives like RosePod - an audio storytelling studio, and Rose Kanakavalli, its Telugu market debut, showcasing a commitment to diverse, high-quality content. It now takes a step forward in branded content with Connect NXT.

About Rose Audio Visuals:

Rose Audio Visuals founded by Goldie Behl in 2003. Over the years we have produced 18 fictional TV series, 12 non-fictional TV series, 12 OTT series and 5 movies. Currently, working on multiple OTT series lined up across all leading platforms. After successfully tapping into the OTT space, we have branched out to bring the same insight and craft of storytelling into curating an engaging audio experience with RosePod India.

Monday, February 24, 2025

दिग्गज दिग्दर्शक राजदत्त यांच्या हस्ते ‘एप्रिल मे ९९’च्या पोस्टरचे अनावरण - १६ मे रोजी चित्रपट होणार प्रदर्शित

 दिग्गज दिग्दर्शक राजदत्त यांच्या हस्ते ‘एप्रिल मे ९९’च्या पोस्टरचे अनावरण

मराठी तसेच हिंदी चित्रपटसृष्टीत स्वतःची स्वतंत्र ओळख निर्माण करणारे राष्ट्रीय पारितोषिक विजेते दिग्दर्शक-निर्माते राजेश मापुस्कर आणि  कास्टिंगच्या दुनियेत बादशाह म्हणून ओळखले जाणारे रोहन मापुस्कर हे दोघे भाऊ एकत्र येऊन प्रेक्षकांसाठी एक खास भेट घेऊन आले आहेत. मापुस्कर ब्रदर्स इन असोसिएशन फिंगर प्रिंट फिल्म्स, नेक्सस अलायन्स , थिंक टँक आणि मॅगीज पिक्चर्स प्रस्तुत 'एप्रिल मे ९९’ हा चित्रपट येत्या उन्हाळ्याच्या सुट्टीत म्हणजे, १६ मे २०२५ रोजी चित्रपटगृहात प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला येणार असून नुकतेच या चित्रपटाचे पोस्टर प्रदर्शित झाले आहे. चित्रपटाच्या पोस्टरचे अनावरण मराठी चित्रपटसृष्टीतील ज्येष्ठ दिग्गज दिग्दर्शक राजदत्त यांच्या हस्ते करण्यात आले ह्या प्रसंगी निर्माते जोगेश भूटानी ह्यांनी शाल आणि श्रीफळ देऊन राजदत्त ह्यांचा सत्कार करून आशीर्वाद घेतले.

नुकत्याच प्रदर्शित झालेल्या पोस्टरमध्ये चार तरुण त्यांच्या सायकलींसोबत उभे असल्याचे दिसते. या तरुणांच्या वर  निळेशार आकाश आणि समोर समुद्र पाहायला मिळत आहे. पोस्टरवरून असे दिसते की, हा चित्रपट प्रेक्षकांना मैत्री, स्वप्नं, आणि तारुण्याच्या भावविश्वात घेऊन जाणारा असेल. 'एप्रिल मे ९९' असे नाव असल्याने हा चित्रपट उन्हाळ्याच्या सुट्टीतील कुटुंबातील लहान मोठ्या सर्वांच्या सुट्टीतील रम्य आठवणींशी जोडला जाणार आहे. चित्रपटात कलाकार कोण असतील? हे अजून गुलदस्त्यातच आहे. निर्माते राजेश मापुस्कर म्हणतात," श्रीवर्धनमध्ये  आमचा मापुस्कर कुटुंबाचा एक सिनेमा हॉल होता. तो सिनेमा हॉल आम्हा दोन भावांसाठी जणू एक चित्रपट शाळाच ठरला. तिथे राजदत्त जींचे चित्रपट पाहत आम्ही मोठे झालो आणि इतकेच नाही तर आम्ही त्यांच्या प्रत्येक चित्रपटाचे पोस्टर श्रीवर्धन आणि आजूबाजूच्या गावांमध्ये जाऊन चिकटवायचो. आज आम्ही राजदत्त जींच्या हस्ते रोहनच्या पहिल्या चित्रपटाचे 'एप्रिल मे ९९' चे पोस्टर रिलीज करत आहोत. यापेक्षा मोठा आनंद दुसरा कोणता असू शकतो? त्यांच्या शुभेच्छांमुळे आमच्या प्रवासाला एक वेगळे बळ मिळाले असून त्यांचे हे आशीर्वाद आम्हाला कायम प्रेरित करतील."

लेखक, दिग्दर्शक रोहन मापुस्कर म्हणतात," आज मी दिग्दर्शक म्हणून माझ्या पहिल्या चित्रपटाचे पोस्टर माननीय राजदत्तजी यांच्या हस्ते प्रदर्शित करतोय ही माझ्यासाठी अभिमानाची गोष्ट आहे. या प्रवासात आम्ही अनुभवलेले क्षण, चित्रपटांची जादू आणि कलेची आस हे सर्व एकत्र होऊन या नव्या प्रकल्पाला आकार देत आहेत. नेहमी प्रमाणे प्रेक्षकांच्या प्रेमाने या चित्रपटाला पुन्हा पाठिंबा मिळेल, अशी खात्री आहे.  राजदत्त सरांचे आशीर्वाद आम्हाला पुढील प्रवासासाठी उर्जा देतील याची मला पूर्ण खात्री आहे.” मापुस्कर ब्रदर्स इन असोसिएशन फिंगर प्रिंट फिल्म्स, नेक्सस अलायन्स , थिंक टँक आणि मॅगीज पिक्चर्स प्रस्तुत 'एप्रिल मे ९९’  या चित्रपटाचे लेखन आणि दिग्दर्शन रोहन मापुस्कर यांनी केले असून राजेश मापुस्कर, मधुकर कोटीयन, जोगेश भूटानी , मॉरिस नून हे निर्माते आहेत तर लॉरेन्स डिसोझा सह निर्माते आहेत.

Actors "fitness resolutions and their journey toward achieving them!

 Actors "fitness resolutions and their journey toward achieving them!

For actors, maintaining fitness is not just about looking good on screen—it is about staying strong, energetic, and mentally sharp. With demanding shooting schedules and unpredictable routines, setting fitness resolutions can be challenging. However, many actors remain committed to their goals, whether it is building strength, improving endurance, or adopting a healthier lifestyle alongside their professional careers. &TV artists share their fitness goals, the challenges of balancing workouts with hectic shoots, and the physical and mental transformations they have experienced. These include Vikram Dwivedi (Vishambhar Singh, Bheema), Geetanjali Mishra (Rajesh, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan), and Vidisha Srivastava (Anita Bhabhi, Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai). Vikram Dwivedi, aka  Vishambhar Singh from Bheema, shares, "My fitness resolution this year is to maintain my current shape for a lifetime. To achieve this, I have completely cut out sugar and focused on balancing my intake of carbs, protein, and fibre. I prefer a gym-free approach, relying on allied workouts that I practice daily, even amidst a hectic schedule. My fitness journey began in 2019 when I weighed around 58 kg. Today, at 70 kg, I have reached an ideal weight for my height. Since then, my body has undergone significant changes, with noticeable growth and strength in every part. This transformation has not only enhanced my physique but also boosted my overall health and well-being, keeping me motivated to stay consistent."

Geetanjali Mishra, aka Rajesh from Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, shares, "My fitness resolution this year is to maintain a healthy, well-functioning heart. I prioritize staying hydrated by consuming ample water throughout the day and carrying a bottle filled with fresh fruit or vegetable juice. Additionally, I incorporate regular meditation breaks between tasks to maintain a sense of relaxation. Despite occasional cravings, I consciously try to avoid junk food, opting instead for a diet rich in leafy greens, fresh vegetables, fruits, and milk. I encourage everyone to prioritize healthy eating habits to support overall well-being and ensure proper hydration for a healthier lifestyle." Vidisha Srivastava, aka Anita Bhabhi from Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, shares, "Fitness, for me, is not just about looking good but feeling strong and energetic every day. This year, I am focusing on a well-rounded approach—keeping my body and heart healthy with regular cardio, prioritizing hormonal balance by listening to my body and strengthening my core for overall wellness. I also believe in making fitness fun! Whether it is trying new dance workouts, hiking, or simply enjoying a mindful yoga session, I want to keep it sustainable and enjoyable. Most importantly, I remind myself that progress matters more than perfection. Small, consistent efforts lead to lasting results, and that is my mantra for a healthier, happier me!"

Watch your favourite artists in Bheema at 8:30 PM, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan at 10:00 PM, and Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai at 10:30 PM, airing every Monday to Friday only on &TV!

Akaal Title Track for Radio.


Akaal Title Track for Radio.

"Akaal Title Track by Sukhvinder Singh and Rap by Bohemia from the upcoming movie Akaal."

Friday, February 21, 2025

On International Mother Language Day, Actors reveal their favourite first language expressions!

 On International Mother Language Day, Actors reveal their favourite first language expressions!

Language is more than words—it carries culture, emotions, and identity. International Mother Language Day, observed on February 21st, is a tribute to linguistic diversity and the importance of preserving native languages. With India being home to twenty-two official languages and thousands of dialects, this day holds special significance in celebrating our rich linguistic heritage. This International Mother Language Day, &TV artists, take pride in their first language, cherish the words that connect them to their roots, and strive to keep the essence of their language alive for generations to come. These include Smita Sable (Dhaniya, Bheema), Yogesh Tripathi (Daroga Happu Singh, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan), and Shubhangi Atre (Angoori Bhabi, Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai). Smita Sable, aka Dhaniya from Bheema, shares, “I take this moment to proudly say, ‘Mala Marathi far aavadtay!’ Being a true Marathi mulgi, I find immense joy in expressing myself in my first language. Since childhood, my immediate reaction to any pain or unexpected situation has always been ‘Arre Deva!’—a phrase that comes straight from the heart. Checking in on someone with a simple ‘Kashya Aahes?’ carries a warmth that feels truly special. What makes Marathi even more beautiful is its unique way of expressing everyday moments. For instance, when stepping out, instead of saying ‘Nighte me’ or ‘I am going out,’ we say ‘Parat Yein,’ which means ‘I will return.’ It is a heartfelt reassurance that no matter where we go, we always intend to come back. That is the essence of Marathi—a language that feels like home!"

Yogesh Tripathi, aka Daroga Happu Singh from Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, shares, “The dialect of Uttar Pradesh is rich with some of the most unique, earthy, and amusing words and phrases, making conversations lively and full of character. A common way to greet someone here is ‘Ka haal ba?’ I often find myself using  various local words in daily life, such as ‘Bhondoo’ (a foolish person), ‘Chaturaayi’ (over-smartness), ‘Dhakosla’ (nonsense talk), ‘Thokai’ (a good scolding or beating), and one of my favourites, ‘Gadhaa’ (donkey, used playfully to tease close friends). Those who know me well frequently hear me say ‘Bewaqoof,’ which means ‘fool’ in English—a word my mother often used whenever I did something silly or avoided studying (laughs).” Shubhangi Atre, aka Angoori Bhabi from Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, shares, “Indore holds a special place in my heart for many reasons—it is delicious food, vibrant fashion, and, most importantly, its wonderful people. But what I cherish the most is my first language. We often address each other, saying ‘Bhaikko’ (How are you?), and instantly receive a warm smile in return. My favourite word in my mother language is ‘Bhannat’ (Fantastic). When pronounced correctly, it has a completely different flavour, and I often use it in my day-to-day life—so much so that everyone on set has also started using it! On this International Mother Language Day, I encourage everyone to embrace and take pride in their native language—not just today, but every day!”

Watch your favourite artists in Bheema at 8:30 PM, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan at 10:00 PM, and Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai at 10:30 PM, airing every Monday to Friday, only on &TV!

IPRS Brings ‘My Music, My Rights’ Season 2 to Bengaluru with an Impactful Session for Music Creators

 IPRS Brings ‘My Music, My Rights’ Season 2 to Bengaluru with an Impactful Session for Music Creators

Bengaluru, February 22 nd , 2025: The Bengaluru edition of the ‘My Music, My Rights: Creators Connect Programme’ by the Indian Performing Right Society (IPRS) witnessed an overwhelming response yesterday, as Bengaluru, known for its thriving independent music scene, welcomed music creators, independent artists, and industry professionals eager to gain crucial insights into the evolving music ecosystem. The event, hosted at Indian Music Experience Museum, provided a dynamic platform for creators to deepen their understanding of IP rights, royalties, music publishing, and digital monetization strategies. The session featured engaging panel discussions and expert-led presentations, equipping participants with actionable strategies to navigate the music industry. Industry leaders shared their expertise on critical aspects such as enhancing music production, leveraging YouTube’s potential, and exploring sustainable career opportunities in the creative economy. 

Speakers included Karan Grover, Senior Director – India, Middle East & Africa, Dolby Labs; Santhosh Kumar (Vice President Think Music, Believe); Panimalar K (Rachō Publishing); Mr. Ujjwal Mukhia (Founder & CEO Artist Connect); Varun Murali (Guitarist at Swarathma, Music Producer and Founder The Red Music Box); Deepak Hariharan (Creative Director Paradox Studios) and Sangeetha Rajeev (Singer- Songwriter) and Mrs. Rumpa Banerjee, Head of Marketing, Communication & Member Relations at IPRS. The discussion offered invaluable perspectives on the business of music, guiding attendees on protecting their rights and maximizing their creative output.

Varun Murali, Guitarist at Swarathma, Music Producer, and Founder of The Red Music Box, shared his insights, stating, “The journey of an artist is as much about passion as it is about knowledge and awareness. Platforms like ‘My Music, My Rights’ provide artists with the essential tools and understanding to protect and monetize their creations, ensuring a more secure and thriving music career.” Adding to this, Singer-Songwriter Sangeetha Rajeev remarked, “Music creators often focus solely on their art, but knowing how to safeguard and benefit from it is just as important. IPRS’s initiative is a game-changer, enabling artists to take charge of their rights and revenues in a rapidly evolving industry.”

Reflecting on the success of the event, Mr. Rakesh Nigam, CEO of IPRS, expressed, “It’s immensely rewarding to witness the enthusiasm and curiosity displayed by the creators today. The overwhelming response reinforces IPRS’s commitment to empowering music creators by educating them about their rights and the resources available to them. To see such a diverse group of creators come together to learn, share, and grow is inspiring. This initiative is all about fostering a culture where creators are empowered, and their contributions are acknowledged and rewarded.”

Bengaluru, with its rich musical heritage and vibrant community of independent artists, proved to be the perfect backdrop for the ‘My Music, My Rights’ initiative. Building on the momentum of this session, upcoming editions of ‘My Music, My Rights’ are scheduled for Chennai on 6th March, Lucknow on 26th March, and Patna on 9th April, continuing IPRS’s mission to empower music creators nationwide. The Indian Performing Right Society (IPRS) remains committed to safeguarding the rights of music creators, ensuring they are equipped with the necessary knowledge and resources to build sustainable careers while contributing to a more equitable and thriving music industry.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025



Brace yourselves, world! A vocal hurricane is taking over, and her name is Sneha Shankar! At just 18, this powerhouse performer is redefining musical brilliance on Indian Idol, making even the most iconic names in Bollywood sit up and take notice!

Hailing from a lineage of musical royalty—the daughter of maestro Ram Shankar—Sneha is carving her own legend with soul-stirring renditions of classics like Yaad Piya Ki Aaye, Aaj Ibadat, Baahon Mein Chale Aao, Mahi Ve, and Zindagi Mein Koi Kabhi. Each performance is nothing short of sonic magic, leaving the legendary trio Shreya Ghoshal, Vishal Dadlani, and Badshah absolutely awestruck!

But the standing ovations don’t stop there! Bollywood icons like Nana Patekar ji, Jeetendra ji, and Govinda ji recently graced the Indian Idol set and were left spellbound by Sneha’s electrifying presence and powerhouse vocals! And if that wasn’t a moment of glory, the ultimate stamp of approval came straight from Padmashri Sonu Nigam ji, who sent a heartfelt voice note applauding her unparalleled talent and dedication!

With a one-in-a-million voice, unmatched charisma, and a destiny written in melodies, Sneha Shankar is THE name to watch out for! Now, it's time to turn dreams into reality—let’s rally behind this queen of notes and crown her as the ultimate champion of Indian Idol!


A STAR IS BORN! @snehashankarofficial—a name destined for greatness! At just 18, she’s mesmerizing the legendary icons Shreya Ghoshal, Vishal Dadlani, and Badshah in awe. From Bollywood royalty like Nana Patekar, Jeetendra, Govinda, Sonu Nigam sending her a heartfelt appreciation. She is the most loved contestant in the show. VOTE FOR SNEHA SHANKAR and let’s witness the rise of a legend!

Exclusive Release - Nyn Music (KitSe Fame), Donn£, Laksh collaborate to drop “Chaudhary”

        Nyn Music (KitSe Fame), Donn£, Laksh collaborate to drop                                                     “Chaudhary” 

Mumbai, 17th Feb 2025: After setting the music scene on fire with KitSe, Nyn Music is back with another electrifying track—Chaudhary! This time with Donn£ and Laksh to create an absolute banger that pays homage to the grandeur, pride, and unshakable legacy of the Chaudhary community.

With an irresistible hook—"Isya koi Chaudhary na Dekho"—this song is a statement! A perfect fusion of folk influences and hard-hitting desi hip-hop, Chaudhary brings a fresh wave of regional swag to the music scene. The beats are infectious, the energy is high, and the visuals are a visual spectacle, capturing the rich cultural essence of the Chaudhary heritage.

Talking about the song, Nyn Music shares, “We wanted to create a track that not only gets people vibing but also represents the unshakable pride of the Chaudhary community. The fusion of folk and hip-hop gives it a unique sound, and we can’t wait for people to blast it loud and own their vibe” 


From street anthems to cultural celebrations, Chaudhary is set to be the next big thing.

Watch the song here-

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

GJEPC Announces Mr. Kirit Bhansali as Chairman, Mr. Shaunak Parikh as Vice Chairman and new Committee of Administration


National, 18th February 2025: Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), the country’s apex nodal trade body, announced the appointment of Mr. Kirit Bhansali as Chairman; Mr. Shaunak Parikh as Vice Chairman and announced the constitution of new Committee of Administration (COA) after the completion of the COA Election 2024.

Mr. Kirit Bhansali, Chairman, GJEPC, said, “Our vision is to drive transformative growth for India’s gem and jewellery industry through strategic initiatives, innovative projects, and collaborative efforts. From advancing flagship projects like the India Jewellery Park in Mumbai and the Gem Bourse in Jaipur to expanding our global footprint with initiatives like Saudijex in Saudi Arabia and IJEX Dubai, we aim to position India as a global leader in technology, design, and manufacturing. Together, we will strive to achieve the ambitious export target of USD 100 billion by 2047, aligning with our Hon’ble Prime Minister’s vision of a Viksit Bharat.”

Bhansali further added, "We aim to sustain India’s global leadership, capitalize on domestic market potential, and advocate for favorable policies while continuing to support our artisans. To boost exports from the sector and support India’s economic growth, GJEPC has identified 17 key clusters based on their size, potential, and strategic location. By nurturing these clusters, we aim to develop them into thriving export hubs."

Mr. Shaunak Parikh, Vice Chairman, GJEPC, said, “I sincerely thank all the industry members for entrusting me with this responsibility and giving me the opportunity to contribute to the growth and success of our remarkable gem and jewellery sector. This is a crucial time for the industry, and the challenges before us demand bold vision and decisive action. It is imperative to focus on category promotion across all verticals, infrastructure development, skill enhancement, and adopting global standards to ensure our industry remains competitive on the world stage. The Council will continue to collaborate closely with the government to shape policies that not only drive growth but also address the pressing concerns of our exporters in an ever-evolving global market."

Mr. Kirit A. Bhansali, Chairman, GJPEC

Mr. Kirit A. Bhansali, is a well-known personality in the Indian diamond and jewellery industry. He is a partner in Smital Gems, a leading diamond manufacturing company based in Mumbai. With his extensive experience in the field, he has played a significant role in promoting and developing the Indian gem and jewellery industry. He is the Chairman of India Jewellery Park Mumbai (IJPM) and is a Committee Member of the Bharat Diamond Bourse (BDB). In the past he has also served as the chairman of the Indian Institute of Gems and Jewellery (IIGJ). Apart from his business activities, Mr. Bhansali is actively involved in various socio-political and educational initiatives. Through his leadership and vision, Mr. Bhansali has contributed significantly to the growth and development of the Indian diamond and jewellery industry.

Mr. Shaunak Jitendra Parikh, Vice Chairman, GJEPC

Mr. Shaunak Jitendra Parikh is 3rd generation entrepreneur and is one of the Directors of Mahendra Brothers Group of Companies who are into business of the manufacturing and marketing of diamonds and diamond jewellery. Mr. Parikh holds a degree of Bachelors of Commerce from University of Mumbai and has more than 30 years of experience in the industry. After successfully establishing manufacturing and marketing of diamond jewellery for over a decade, Mr. Parikh took charge of Group’s finances about 15 years back. He simultaneously completed an executive diploma in corporate finance from London Business School. A people’s man, and with a flair for creativity, he plays a vital role in running company’s overall business, group strategic planning & decision making, managing group finances and new business opportunities. Shaunak Parikh has previously held several key positions in GJEPC, including serving as the Convener of the Banking, Insurance, and Taxation Committee, as well as the Convener of International Exhibitions.

About The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC)

The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), set up by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India (GoI) in 1966, is one of several Export Promotion Councils (EPCs) launched by the Indian Government, to boost the country’s export thrust, when India’s post-Independence economy began making forays in the international markets. Since 1998, the GJEPC has been granted autonomous status. The GJEPC is the apex body of the gems & jewellery industry and today represents 10600+ members in the sector.  With headquarters in Mumbai, GJEPC has Regional Offices in New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Surat and Jaipur, all of which are major centres for the industry. It thus has a wide reach and is able to have a closer interaction with members to serve them in a direct and more meaningful manner. Over the past decades, GJEPC has emerged as one of the most active EPCs and has continuously strived to both expand its reach and depth in its promotional activities as well as widen and increase services to its members.

Childhood Cancer Survivors Lead Mumbai’s Cycle for Gold

 Childhood Cancer Survivors Lead Mumbai’s Cycle for Gold

Mumbai, February 17, 2025 - On Sunday, February 16, over 200 cyclists from across Mumbai, Thane, Mira Bhayander, and Panvel, led by Vikas Yadav and 12 other childhood cancer survivors, participated in the "Cycle for Gold" rally organized by CanKids KidsCan - The National Society for Change for Childhood Cancer in India to observe International Childhood Cancer day. Starting at NCPA Nariman Point,  the riders completed a 9-kilometer route along a packed Sunday audience at Marine Drive spreading awareness that childhood cancer is curable and children with cancer can survive and thrive. The cyclists also interacted with students of CanKids Canshala – school for children undergoing treatment in hospitals around Mumbai. The rally was flagged off by Shree Rajeev Nivatkar (IAS), Commissioner, Medical Education and AYUSH, MEDD, Government of Maharashtra.

This event is part of the fourth edition of "Cycle for Gold," India's largest charity cycling challenge, aimed at raising awareness, support, and funds for childhood cancer care. The initiative targets 600,000 collective kilometers over 40 days, with a fundraising goal of Rs. 3 crores to support treatment for 24,000 children battling cancer this year under CanKids KidsCan’s holistic care model. The rally marks International Childhood Cancer Day (ICCD) on February 15. aligning with the International Union for Childhood Cancer’s theme, “United by Unique, People-Centered Care: Win for Every Child”

The rally highlighted powerful stories of courage, including that of Vikas Yadav, a 25-year-old Retinoblastoma survivor who led the ride. “When I lost my eye to cancer, I thought my future was over. But your journey doesn’t end with a diagnosis - it begins with a fight,” Vikas shared. “I ride because I survived, and every child deserves that chance to survive and thrive.”  He further emphasized the importance of collaboration in improving childhood cancer outcomes: “I deserve Access2Care - anytime, anywhere is what every cancer patient tells the world. By coming together with the government, hospitals, treating doctors, NGOs, and civil society, we can inspire meaningful action, ensure that every child’s needs are heard, and give them the support they need to overcome cancer.” 

Chief guest Mr Rajeev Nivatkar (IAS), Commissioner Medical education and AYUSH, shared their thoughts: “It is inspiring to see cyclists across Maharashtra come together to spread awareness and support children facing cancer. With initiatives like Cycle for Gold, we reinforce the message that childhood cancer is curable, and children can not only survive but thrive. CanKids is doing great work in childhood cancer space, their holistic approach is truly  commendable."

In Maharashtra, CanKids has partnered with 20 cancer hospitals, supporting over 13,000 children and families to date. This includes funding for diagnostics, drugs, surgeries, prosthetics, education and accomodation.

Board Member Ms Priti Dhall underscored the importance of collective action. “Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide, with around 80,000 children diagnosed in India each year. Through collaborative efforts like Cycle for Gold, we can achieve the WHO target of a 60% survival rate by 2030, ensuring that no child is left behind.” “Cycle for Gold is more than just a cycling challenge - it’s a movement to unite individuals, organizations, and communities for lasting change,” added Ms  Dhall “Every kilometer cycled brings us closer to better treatment, support, and survival for children with cancer.” 


With the success of the Mumbai rally, the campaign continues to inspire action and bring hope to thousands of children fighting cancer across India, as it progresses toward its March 16 conclusion.

Hyderabad Achieves Historic Milestone: Massive Human Dove Formation by Sudha Reddy Foundation Sets New Guinness World Record for Peace

 Hyderabad Achieves Historic Milestone: Massive Human Dove Formation by Sudha Reddy Foundation Sets New Guinness World Record for Peace

Hyderabad: February 2025: A remarkable demonstration of collective purpose unfolded in Hyderabad today as over 2,111 individuals converged to orchestrate the world's largest human image of a dove, the quintessential emblem of peace. This extraordinary accomplishment, a testament to the vision of the Sudha Reddy Foundation, has been officially recognized as a Guinness World Record. The event, held at the Lords Institute Of Engineering & Technology from 7:00 AM to 10:00 AM, saw participants, clad in white, coalesce into the breathtaking aerial tableau.

This unprecedented undertaking, orchestrated by the Sudha Reddy Foundation, not only showcased meticulous logistical planning and seamless collaboration but also served as a potent symbol of unity and a fervent call for peace in our contemporary world. The dove, a universally acknowledged icon of harmony and goodwill, was strategically chosen as the centrepiece of this endeavour to catalyse global discourse on the imperative of fostering peace and mutual understanding across communities.  Philanthropist Sudha Reddy, the driving force behind the foundation, expressed profound pride in this historic achievement. "To witness thousands unite in common cause for such a deeply resonant purpose is a source of immense gratification," she affirmed. "This record transcends mere statistical significance; it stands as a beacon of hope and a powerful testament to the enduring human aspiration for peace."

The Foundation gratefully acknowledged the indispensable contribution of the enthusiastic participants, whose unwavering dedication and collective spirit were instrumental in transforming this ambitious vision into a tangible reality. This Guinness World Record achievement serves as an inspiration to individuals and organizations worldwide, encouraging them to embrace the principles of peace and cultivate a spirit of solidarity within their respective communities. The Foundation hopes that this event will galvanize a global movement of similar initiatives, propagating the message of peace and harmony far and wide. The Sudha Reddy Foundation is a philanthropic organization dedicated to positive societal impact through initiatives in social welfare, education, women and child empowerment and community development. The foundation works across diverse areas with notable partnerships with organizations like UNICEF, the Global Gift Foundation and the Breast Cancer Research Foundation highlight the foundation's diverse commitments.

Chhaava Roaring in Theatres. 424.76 Cr Non-Stoppable....

Chhaava Roaring in Theatres. 424.76 Cr Non-Stoppable.... #Chhaava kicks off Week 3 with a bang! Rakes in 13.30 Cr on 3rd Friday, taking its ...