Monday, October 17, 2022

Producer Gaurang Doshi and Vivek Oberoi duped for crores by con mastermind Raadhika Pratap Nanda and Sanjay Saha of Anandita Entertainment LLP/ Mumbai Medley who were recently arrested in Mumbai

Producer Gaurang Doshi and Vivek Oberoi duped for crores by con mastermind Raadhika Pratap Nanda and Sanjay Saha of Anandita Entertainment LLP/ Mumbai Medley who were recently arrested in Mumbai

Ace producer Gaurang Doshi who was recently in the news for bringing together the biggest names of Hollywood & Bollywood for two music videos ft. Lil Pump, Yo Yo Honey Singh, Jason Derulo, Urvashi Rautela, Erica Fernandez & DJ Shadow Dubai for the promotional tracks of his multi-starrer crime thriller web series - '7th Sense' was conned by Raadhika Pratap Nanda & Sanjay Saha of Anandita Entertainment in the pretext of his web series '7th Sense' & multiple big budget films which later turned out to be fake. Not only Gaurang, even Vivek Oberoi have fallen prey to this atrocious con.

The complainants, Gaurang Doshi & Vivek Oberoi have alleged that they were trapped into an investment scheme floated by Raadhika Pratap Nanda & Sanjay Saha of Anandita Entertainment Llp. Both Raadhika & Sanjay lured Gaurang to spend an exorbitant sum of 1 crore 55 lakhs. Raadhika & Sanjay claimed that they have 8 renowned Bollywood writers on board whereas none of the named writers were associated with the said project, it turned out to be a fake, non- existent project. Apart from 1 crore 55 lakhs, both Raadhika Pratap Nanda & Sanjay Saha asked Gaurang to send luxury gifts involving brands like Louis Vuitton and Christian Dior to a number of renowned names working with a global OTT platform as a goodwill gesture to fast track the process. It was later discovered that all the gifts didn’t reach the desired receiver, it was received by Raadhika & Sanjay.

After an extensive enquiry on the Raadhika Pratap Nanda & Sanjay Saha it was discovered that the two have conned multiple people in the past after promising them their designated roles in the project. They have also conned many innocent artists from the film industry & taken monetary advantage of them. A source reveals they have been involved in multiple tax frauds and non-payment to employees and vendors as well in the past and have been switching company names under different registrations in order to avoid taxes. There are already 39 existing petitions filed against them and many more would follow as and when the victims will reveal about their fraud activities.

Elaborating further about the con, Gaurang Doshi says "I was introduced to Sanjay and Raadhika through my dear friend Vivek who unfortunately didn't know that even he is also a mere victim of their con activities. They made several fake rather convincing commitments which looked very fancy in the initial days but as the days passed and I was not getting any results for the huge amount of money and other investments I had paid for, their true colours started to reveal. It came to my notice that they were trying to sell the project to other people and OTT platforms by removing my name and claiming it's their project. When questioned they started with ignoring the calls and later blocked numbers feeling there was no way to reach out to them. Fortunately our industry is like a happy family and frauds like them don't have a place in this. Gradually I started hearing from other people about the cons they had played with them and the amount of money they had taken and later blocked the contacts. May justice prevail upon all who have been cheated by them and no one else has to go through the trauma they cause in one's life. For no rime or reason my project was delayed and negativity was spread despite me being the victim of their criminal activities. All's well that ends well, karma will serve all who have done wrong and tried to sabotage my name just to fill their pockets"

Vivek Oberoi says “It saddens me deeply to see the immense extent of their fraud. When you believe in people who come to you asking for support and help and they end up defrauding you with the intent to cheat not only you but other innocent people using your name, it’s truly disturbing. It is disgusting to hear that unsuspecting investors were baited through calls and websites with lofty promises and then duped of their savings. Even simple employees were cheated out of their hard earned salaries. I’m sure justice will prevail, the system will punish them for their crimes and the universe will punish them for their bad karma"

Picture N Kraft Team

19/101 Mhada Complex, Oshiwara Garden Lane, 
New Link Road, Andheri (West) Mumbai-400053

Child actors Myra Vaikul, Veda Agrawal and Yahavi Shetty touched the hearts of the audience through the advertisement of Cotton King;

 Child actors Myra Vaikul, Veda Agrawal and Yahavi Shetty touched the hearts of the audience through the advertisement of Cotton King;

Mumbai - Brands are not just making ad films these days but are keen to give a enlightening social message through their films.

Cottonking has successfully managed to give another heart touching message starring child actors like Veda Agrawal ,Yahvi Shetty and Myra Vaikul.

Tejashree Pradhan; Kasha Asatat Ya Bayka; was a popular ad film last year was presented by ;Cotton King, a shirt brand. It is time for the brand to give a special message that will make the society think through advertising. So, this year too this shirting brand has made a very relevant and caring film on mobile pollution. The main attraction of this viral ad is the concept of the ad and child actors Myra Vaikul, Yahavi Shetty and Veda Agrawal. The brand has made this film in 3 different languages Marathi, Hindi and Kannad. Although the world has come closer due to mobile phones, the intimacy in relationships is getting lost somewhere. So, this film has come up with an incident that happens in everyday life to warn to be alert. The family organises little Anu;s fifth birthday. But the relatives who are present on the birthday are busy with mobile phones. Even though they are in front of each other, they connect through mobile. When it;s time to cut the cake, everyone keeps their mobiles in front of them and shoots the event. But Anu doesn;t want this. She doesn;t want to connect with relations through mobile; She wants to get entangled in the tight bonds of relationships through the company of people. She doesn;t want a big cake, she doesn;t want a big gift, she wants ;time. It is from this time that she wants to connect the lost relationships. She wants to create vibrancy in those relationships. Thus, she gives an important message by insisting on Disconnect to Reconnect... This relationship-building ad has been created and produced by the Adbhoot Creatives . This advertisement is written by Shalmali Pethe, and directed by Vaibhav Pandit. Talking about advertising, Vaibhav says, & quot ;Technology has brought the world closer together. It is saving time. It is true, but some of these good results have side effects. The most important side effect is artificiality in relationships. People are giving more time to technology than to each other. We have tried to show how the benefits of technology affect human relationships through this film. Interestingly, you will not see any brand integration anywhere in this entire ad. Koushik Marathe of ;Cotton King; says that nowadays everyone is seen stuck in their mobile phones with their necks down during the festival. The same situation is seen from every house. So, I was disturbed by the thought of how much distance this unintentional crisis would add to the relationship. We felt the need to make this film that conveys this message. It has become easy for us to give you the important message Disconnect to Reconnect through this short ad film. Both ADbhoot creatives and the child stars have given our concept a satisfying result. Commenting on the selection of Myra Vaikul , Veda Agrawal and Yahavi Shetty for this ad film, Koushik Marathe and director Vaibhav Pandit said, " Disconnect to Reconnect needed such a promising faces to deliver such an important message and the first time I saw Myra, Veda and Yahvi I was convinced. It was a blast working with them. We were amazed by the way these children understand and perform at such a young age.& quot; If you havent seen ;Disconnect to Reconnect a film by ;Cotton King; you are surely missing something.

मायरा म्हणतेय... मी जर मोबाईल असते तर...

                            मायरा म्हणतेय... मी जर मोबाईल असते तर...

विविध व्हीडिओजच्या माध्यमातून नेहमीच चर्चेत राहणारीलहान वयातच सर्वात जास्त फॅन फॉलोईंग असणारी चिमुरडी मायरा वायकुळ आता मोबाईल पोल्युशनवर मेसेज देण्यासाठी सज्ज झाली आहे. मोबाईल पोल्युशनवर एक अतिशय समर्पक असणारी अशी काळजाचा ठाव घेणारी शॉर्टफिल्म गेल्या काही दिवसांपासून व्हायरल होत आहे. बऱ्यापैकी व्हायरल झालेल्या या शॉर्टफिल्मचं प्रमुख आकर्षण आहेतिची कन्सेप्ट आणि मायरा वायकुळ. मुख्य म्हणजे ही शॉर्टफिल्म मराठीहिंदी आणि कन्नड अशा तीन भाषांमध्ये बनवली आहे.

मोबाईलमुळे जग जवळ आलं असलं तरी नात्यांमधला जिव्हाळा कुठेतरी हरवत चालला आहे. त्यामुळे 'सतर्क व्हाअसा इशारा करणारी ही फिल्म अगदी रोजच्या आयुष्यात  घडणारा एक प्रसंग घेऊन आली आहे. छोट्या अनूच्या (मायरा वायकुळ) पाचव्या वाढदिवसाचं जंगी आयोजन केलं जातं.  पण वाढदिवसाच्या दिवशी हजर असलेले नातेवाईक मोबाईलमध्ये व्यस्त असतात. एकमेकांच्या समोर असून सुद्धा मोबाइलच्या माध्यमातून कनेक्ट होतात. जेव्हा केक कापण्याची वेळ येतेतेव्हा तर सगळे मोबाईलला समोर धरून तो इव्हेंट शूट  करतात.  मात्र अनूला हे काही नकोय.. तिला मोबाईलच्या माध्यमातून नात्यांशी  जोडायचं नाहीयतर माणसांच्या सहवासातून नात्यांच्या घट्ट बंधनात गुंफलं जायचंय. तिला मोठ्ठा केक नकोयमोठाले गिफ्ट नकोयततर तिला हवाय  'वेळ'.  या वेळेतूनच तिला हरवत चाललेली नाती जोडायची आहेत.  त्या नात्यांमधला जीवंतपणा निर्माण करायचा आहे.  तसं ती आग्रहाने सांगत Disconnect to Reconnect...हा महत्त्वाचा मेसेज  देते.

नात्यांना जोडणाऱ्या या शॉर्टफिल्मची निर्मिती अद्भुत या निर्मिती संस्थेने केली आहे. ही शॉर्टफिल्म कौशिक मराठे यांची असून दिग्दर्शन वैभव पंडित यांनी केलं आहे. शॉर्टफिल्मविषयी वैभव सांगतात, " तंत्रज्ञानामुळे जग जवळ आलंय.  वेळ वाचत आहे. हे खरंयपण अशा काही चांगल्या परिणामांचे दुष्परिणामही आहेत. सगळ्यात महत्त्वाचा दुष्परिणाम म्हणजे नात्यांमध्ये कृत्रीमता वाढू लागली आहे. माणसं एकमेकांना वेळ देण्यापेक्षा तंत्रज्ञानाला सर्वात जास्त वेळ देत आहेत. तंत्रज्ञानाचे फायदे मानवी नात्यांवर कसा परिणाम करतात हेच तर आम्ही शॉर्टफिल्ममधून मांडण्याचा प्रयत्न  केला आहे.  त्यासाठी  आम्ही मोबाईलचं उदाहरण शॉर्टफिल्ममध्ये दिलं आहे. विशेष म्हणजे या संपूर्ण शॉर्टफिल्मद्वारे केलेला हा प्रवास स्वागतार्ह आहे.

कौशिक मराठे म्हणतात कीआजकाल सणासमारंभात सगळेच मान खाली घालून मोबाईलमध्ये अडकलेले दिसतात. अशीच परिस्थिती घराघरांतून दिसते. त्यामुळे अजाणतेपणी आलेले हे संकट पुढे नात्यांमध्येआणि किती अंतर वाढवेलया विचाराने मी डिस्टर्ब झालो. म्हणून हा मेसेज देणारी ही फिल्म आम्हाला करण्याची गरज भासली. मोबाईलच्या माध्यमातून आम्हाला आपल्याला Disconnect to Reconnect...हा महत्त्वाचा मेसेज देणं सोप्पं गेलं आहे. अद्भुत क्रिएटिव्हज आणि मायरा या दोघांनी आमच्या संकल्पनेला  समाधानकारक स्वरूप दिलं आहे.'

आपल्या कन्व्हींसिंग बोलण्यातून Disconnect to Reconnect हा मोलाचा संदेश देणारी मायराची शॉर्टफिल्म पहिली नसेल तर अवश्य पाहा. 'तुझी माझी रेशीमगाठमधल्या 'परी'नंतर मायराची या 'शॉर्टफिल्ममधली 'अनू'ही सर्वांना खूप आवडतेय आणि वायरल होतेय.

मायराचा मेसेज पाहण्यासाठी : इथे क्लिक करा.

Short-film Link 


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Saturday, October 15, 2022

The first look poster of Ajay Devgn from Drishyam2

Sawaal yeh nahin ki aapki aakhon ke saamne kya hai; sawaal yeh hai ki aap dekh kya rahe hain.

Here is the first look poster of Ajay Devgn from #Drishyam2

Case Reopens on 18th November, 2022.

Viacom18 Studios Presents Gulshan Kumar, T-Series and Panorama Studios present, Drishyam 2 produced by Bhushan Kumar, Kumar Mangat Pathak, Abhishek Pathak and Krishan Kumar. The original score and music is by Rockstar DSP (Devi Sri Prasad). Directed by Abhishek Pathak, Drishyam 2 is set to release theatrically on 18th November 2022._

It’s a wrap! John Abraham and team complete the shoot for Dinesh Vijan’s Tehran

It’s a wrap! John Abraham and team complete the shoot for Dinesh Vijan’s Tehran

May it be the suspense around its plot or the film’s power packed cast, Dinesh Vijan’s Tehran has generated a lot of curiosity since announcement.

As fans excitedly wait to know about the John Abraham-Manushi Chhillar starrer, the makers have released an interesting video to announce the wrap 

The clip sees Tehran’s principal cast and crew wield the clap one last time as it wraps final leg of shooting. While the video features John in a raw, rugged and intense avatar, Manushi sports a fresh and different look too!

They do say all’s well that ends well Looks like John and Co ended the shooting of Tehran on quite a thrilling note! 

A Maddock Films production in association with Bake My Cake Films, Tehran has been directed by Arun Gopalan, written by Ritesh Shah and Ashish Prakash Verma, produced by Dinesh Vijan, Shobhna Yadav and Sandeep Leyzell.

Bollywood's Shershaah Sidharth Malhotra attends the launch ceremony of the 'Maa Bharati Ke Sapoot’ l

Bollywood's Shershaah Sidharth Malhotra attends the launch ceremony of the 'Maa Bharati Ke Sapoot’ web portal at the National War Memorial Complex in Delhi today. The chief guest of the event was the  Honourable Defence Minister, Sh. Rajnath Singh

Sidharth Malhotra, who inspired the world with his remarkable performance as Captain Vikram Batra in the film Shershaah, shared his childhood memories of coming from an army family as well as his recent experience while portraying Captain Vikram Batra's journey on screen. He shared his belief that the Indian Armed Forces are the best in the world and the reason why we enjoy our freedom and democracy. 

Sidharth Malhotra spoke about the importance of this initiative launched by the Indian Government and urged every Indian to support the families of our soldiers killed or grievously injured in the line of duty during military operations.

Feel the Love, Passion and Pain with Teri Ho Gayi from Tara Vs Bilal

Feel the Love, Passion and Pain with Teri Ho Gayi from Tara Vs Bilal

The trailer of Tara Vs Bilal created a lot of excitement amongst the audiences for a hatke love story of two opposite worlds, Tara and Bilal. As fans await the release of this film, makers drop Teri Ho Gayi, a mesmerising song that will touch your heart and fill it with love. 

This soulful song is sung by Master Saleem and Faridkot and the lyrics are penned by Manan Bhardwaj. Feel the Love and emotion this year with Teri Ho Gayi. The song depicts the beautiful relationship between Tara and Bilal and their realisation of love for each other amidst the chaos of life.

Gulshan Kumar & T-Series present  A T-Series Films, JA Entertainment and TVB films production  Tara  Vs Bilal Produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, and John Abraham; Directed by Samar Iqbal is set to release on 28th October 2022_

Chhaava Roaring in Theatres. 424.76 Cr Non-Stoppable....

Chhaava Roaring in Theatres. 424.76 Cr Non-Stoppable.... #Chhaava kicks off Week 3 with a bang! Rakes in 13.30 Cr on 3rd Friday, taking its ...