Filmmaker Neha Lohia and Woman Spiritual leader Sadhvi ji New York from Hollywood to the Himalayas
Neha wants to promote Eastern culture, and women in spiritual leadership positions and empower humanity by creating films, content, and opportunities that explore deeper truths, and bridge the gap between east and west, body mind and soul.
Woman spiritual leader Sadhvi Ji, left her cushy life to help people find their paths to inner fulfilment when she found her own. It was truly a heart-warming and soul- nourishing experience for the collective that was gathered this day to learn tools to unleash creativity and inner strength using eastern ways of the heart.
New York’s incredible talent came together to support Neha. Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, The Indian consulate in New York, several dignitaries like Tirlok Malik the filmmaker, Prashant Goyal, founder of heritage India fashions, Shiv Khemka of tGELF, queens world film festival, chip away productions, apple productions and a devoted team including media professionals like Kai MKenna, art director Nabha, influencer Christine Mendes, screenwriter Henry Negrete, producer Boby Lohat, chef Dhara shah, animator Coumba Seye, musician Indro and photographer Rob Klein. TV Asia, ITV, Parikh media, QPTV and so many press and media organizations too joined in full capacity.
“Show me one spiritual scripture ever written by a woman,” said Neha when she was asked why she is determined to promote women in spiritual leadership and Eastern culture through her films and work. “When were we as women ever allowed to have a voice, a say, and be given the chance to share the wisdom that is trusted only in us as women, as creators? Pain, suffering, each rejection, and denial are a portal, for me, these are truths of life, stories of resilience of the human spirit and I wish to create through them. My work is connecting with people’s hearts as I am able to relate to their hurt, pain, and suffering at that very base level of my own. It is time we recognize that everything is created by Shakti, by her power in this world and we need to give her the share of the stage, validation, and recognition that she deserves. This is my dharma path to say the stories of this Shakti in very many forms and showcase her through all my works.”- Neha Lohia.
Sadhvi Ji and Neha are women from opposite parts of the world, different Janmabhoomi (birth land), and are now serving on different karma Bhoomi (work land) merging all boundaries and sharing the gifts of India and eastern spirituality as women leaders in their own ways and work. There will be many more things these 2 women are determined to create and offer the world together and independently in the days to come.
The event was a packed house and attended by Indian and American dignitaries, actors, doctors, media professionals, authors, and business tycoons of NYC. The guests were deeply moved and unanimously encouraged Neha. They mentioned this work is needed now more than ever and that they are in complete support of her vision.