Friday, January 5, 2024

Explore the celebrities' favourite locations with Hello Bollywood! Mumbai, 5th January 2024: The Bollywood madness is now back with the Box Office seeing hits like Tiger 3, Gadar 2 and Jawan amongst many others. Stars are enticing the viewers and as this craze takes over the country, Zee Café, known to bring the best shows from across the world, is now all set to telecast Hello Bollywood. To take the audiences on a voyage across all Bollywood’s favourite destinations, the show will run every Saturday and Sunday at 7:00 PM starting 6th January. Hello Bollywood, an iconic travel show, but with a difference. Since the inception of Television, audiences have seen multiple travel-related shows, but this property is unique in itself as it explores places that are dear to Bollywood. Locations of iconic scenes to favourite destinations of celebrities, all will be explored during December weekends. The series has 13 episodes, capturing 17 cities where Bollywood has predominantly shot films till now. So, Bollywood Buffs, do not miss out!

Explore the celebrities' favourite locations with Hello Bollywood!


Mumbai, 5th January 2024: The Bollywood madness is now back with the Box Office seeing hits like Tiger 3, Gadar 2 and Jawan amongst many others. Stars are enticing the viewers and as this craze takes over the country, Zee Café, known to bring the best shows from across the world, is now all set to telecast Hello Bollywood. To take the audiences on a voyage across all Bollywood’s favourite destinations, the show will run every Saturday and Sunday at 7:00 PM starting 6th January.

Hello Bollywood, an iconic travel show, but with a difference. Since the inception of Television, audiences have seen multiple travel-related shows, but this property is unique in itself as it explores places that are dear to Bollywood. Locations of iconic scenes to favourite destinations of celebrities, all will be explored during December weekends. The series has 13 episodes, capturing 17 cities where Bollywood has predominantly shot films till now. So, Bollywood Buffs, do not miss out!

प्राइम वीडियो ने रोहित शेट्टी के कॉप यूनिवर्स के अगले अध्याय, इंडियन पुलिस फोर्स का हाई-ओक्टेन ट्रेलर लॉन्च किया

प्राइम वीडियो ने रोहित शेट्टी के कॉप यूनिवर्स के अगले अध्याय, इंडियन पुलिस फोर्स  का हाई-ओक्टेन ट्रेलर लॉन्च किया 

रोहित शेट्टी द्वारा निर्मित, कॉप एक्शन-ड्रामा सीरीज़ में सिद्धार्थ मल्होत्रा, शिल्पा शेट्टी कुंद्रा, विवेक ओबेरॉय, श्वेता तिवारी, निकितिन धीर, ऋतुराज सिंह, मुकेश ऋषि, और ललित परीमू मुख्य भूमिकाओं में हैं

इंडियन पुलिस फोर्स को 19 जनवरी, 2024 से भारत और दुनिया भर के 240 देशों और क्षेत्रों में स्ट्रीम किया जाएगा

Watch the trailer of Indian Police Force here:

मुंबई, भारत- 5 जनवरी, 2024- भारत के सबसे पसंदीदा मनोरंजन स्थल, ने आज बेहद प्रतीक्षित अमेज़ॅन ओरिजिनल सीरीज़ इंडियन पुलिस फ़ोर्स का एक्शन से भरपूर ट्रेलर लॉन्च किया। आगामी सीरीज़ मनोरंजन, एक्शन, सस्पेंस, रोमांच और ड्रामा से भरपूर होने को वादा करती है, और रोहित शेट्टी के प्रतिष्ठित कॉप यूनिवर्स के अगले अध्याय में दुनिया भर के दर्शकों को एक मनोरम सफर पर ले जाएगा। रोहित शेट्टी द्वारा निर्मित और रोहित शेट्टी और सुश्वन्त प्रकाश के निर्देशन में बना, यह कॉप एक्शन ड्रामा शेट्टी के डिजिटल निर्देशन की पहली सीरीज़ है, जिसमें सिद्धार्थ मल्होत्रा मुख्य भूमिका में हैं। मल्होत्रा के अलावा, सीरीज़ में शिल्पा शेट्टी कुंद्रा, विवेक ओबेरॉय, श्वेता तिवारी, निकितिन धीर, ऋतुराज सिंह, मुकेश ऋषि, ललित परिमोइन भी महत्वपूर्ण भूमिकाएँ हैं।

यह उन भारतीय पुलिस अधिकारियों की निस्वार्थ सेवा, अटल समर्पण और जोरदार देशभक्ति को हृदयस्पर्शी श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित करता है, जिन्होंने अपने कर्तव्य के नाम पर राष्ट्र को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए अपना सब कुछ बालिदान कर दिया। सात-एपिसोड की सीरीज़ का प्रीमियर विशेष रूप से 19 जनवरी, 2024 को भारत और दुनिया भर के 240 से अधिक देशों और क्षेत्रों में प्राइम वीडियो पर किया जाएगा। इंडियन पुलिस फोर्स प्राइम सदस्यता में नवीनतम शामिल की गई है। भारत में प्राइम सदस्य केवल ₹1499/वर्ष में एकल सदस्यता में बचत, सुविधा और मनोरंजन का आनंद लेते हैं।

ट्रेलर दर्शकों को अलग-अलग शहरों के दृश्यों से गुजरते हुए, प्रत्येक फ्रेम टिक-टिक करती बम क्लॉक के साथ रहस्य को बढ़ाता है, जो अंत में धमाकेदार विस्फोटों के साथ समाप्त होते है। इस बढ़ते खतरे के बीच, पुलिस ड्रामा देखने को मिलता है, जो हमारे साहसी नायक- सिद्धार्थ मल्होत्रा, विवेक ओबेरॉय, और शिल्पा शेट्टी कुंद्रा - द्वारा नेतृत्व की गई एक रोमांचक चेस को दर्शाता है। वे सभी मिलकर बम विस्फोटों के पीछे के मास्टरमाइंड्स से सामना करते हैं,  शहर को आसन्न खतरों से बचाने के लिए अराजकता से बहादुरी से निपटते हैं, जो गहरी देशभक्ति की भावना को दर्शाते हैं।

सिद्धार्थ मल्होत्रा ने ट्रेलर लॉन्च दिन पर अपनी भावनाओं को साझा करते हुए कहा, “इंडियन पुलिस फोर्स में खाकी वर्दी' पहनकर मुझे गर्व है, यह मेस्ट्रो रोहित शेट्टी के साथ पुलिस जगत का अगला अध्याय है। हमारे वीर दिलों को चित्रित करना हमेशा एक बड़ी ज़िम्मेदारी रही है, और उसे कबीर मलिक के किरदार के माध्यम से कर पाना एक सम्मान था। खतरे के बावजूद भी सत्य के प्रति प्रतिबद्धता और निरंतर प्रयास, हमारे देश के पुलिस बल की सच्ची भावना को प्रतिबिंबित करती है। इस पुलिस एक्शन ड्रामा की कहानी देश की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित करने के लिए हमारे पुलिस अधिकारियों द्वारा किए गए बलिदानों पर गहराई से प्रकाश डालती है। दर्शकों को एक रोमांचक और मनोरंजक यात्रा पर ले जाने, अपने वास्तविक जीवन के नायकों का जश्न मनाने और उनका सम्मान करने के लिए उत्साहित हूं। जय हिन्द।"

“इंडियन पुलिस फोर्स का हिस्सा होना मेरे लिए एक परिवर्तनात्मक अनुभव रहा। यह सिर्फ एक कॉप सीरीज़ नहीं है; यह हमारे देश के अनगिनत वीर पुलिस अधिकारियों को समर्पित है,”अभिनेत्री शिल्पा शेट्टी ने कहा। “इंडियन पुलिस फोर्स, शब्दों से ही दर्शकों को एक एड्रेनालिन रश मिलता है, जिससे दर्शक अपनी सीटों से चिपके रहते हैं। पहली महिला पुलिसकर्मी के रूप में पुलिस जगत में अपनी पहली वेब सीरीज़ के लिए रोहित शेट्टी के साथ सहयोग करना, वास्तव में मेरे लिए एक बड़ा क्षण था। पुलिस परिवेश में उनकी दृष्टि और अनुभव ने सेल्युलाइड पर कानून प्रवर्तन अधिकारियों के चित्रण में एक अद्वितीय तीव्रता को जोड़ दिया है। श्रृंखला में एक महिला पुलिसकर्मी होने के नाते, एक्शन दृश्यों में शामिल होना सशक्त और उत्साहवर्धक दोनों था। मेरा किरदार एक मजबूत चरित्र है, जो साबित करता है कि शक्ति और सहनशीलता किसी लिंग को नहीं जानता, और मुझे गर्व है कि मैं उस सीरीज़ का हिस्सा हूँ जो हमारी भारतीय पुलिस शक्ति की विविधता का जश्न मनाता है।”

“एक्शन से भरपूर सफर की उलटी गिनती शुरू हो गई है। इंडियन पुलिस फोर्स वास्तविक जीवन के उन नायकों के लिए एक श्रद्धांजलि है जो हमारे देश के खतरों के खिलाफ डटकर खड़े होते हैं। यह हमारे पुलिस बलों की अदम्य भावना को सलाम करता है, ”विवेक ओबेरॉय ने कहा। “यह सीरीज़ सिर्फ खतरों के बारे में नहीं है; यह उनका डटकर सामना करने के लचीलेपन और साहस के बारे में है। रोहित शेट्टी के साथ उनके कॉप यूनिवर्स में काम करना, मेरे लिए एक अनभुलनीय अनुभव रहा है,  जो हमेशा के लिए मेरी स्मृति में अंकित हो गया है। उनका कहानी सुनाने के प्रति उनके जुनून और प्रामाणिकता के प्रति समर्पण ने यात्रा को यादगार बना दिया, और मुझे गर्व है कि मैं उसके द्वारा बनाए गए इस सिनेमाटिक विश्व का हिस्सा हूँ।”


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१५ जानेवारीपासून ‘मुलगी पसंत आहे’; ‘सन मराठी’च्या नव्या मालिकेची पत्रकार परिषद आयोजित, हर्षदा खानविलकर, कल्याणी टिभे, संग्राम समेळ यांना पत्रकारांनी दिल्या शुभेच्छा

१५ जानेवारीपासून ‘मुलगी पसंत आहे’; ‘सन मराठी’च्या नव्या मालिकेची पत्रकार परिषद आयोजित, हर्षदा खानविलकर, कल्याणी टिभे, संग्राम समेळ यांना पत्रकारांनी दिल्या शुभेच्छा

‘सन मराठी’च्या ‘मुलगी पसंत आहे’ मालिकेच्या पत्रकार परिषदेत हर्षदा खानविलकर, कल्याणी टिभे, संग्राम समेळ यांनी पत्रकारांसोबत शेअर केला नव्या मालिकेचा आनंद

हर्षदा खानविलकर, कल्याणी टिभे, संग्राम समेळ यांची ‘मुलगी पसंत आहे’ मालिका १५ जानेवारीपासून फक्त ‘सन मराठी’ वर

हर्षदा खानविलकर, कल्याणी टिभे, संग्राम समेळ यांच्या ‘मुलगी पसंत आहे’ या ‘सन मराठी’च्या मालिकेची रंगली पत्रकार परिषद

भूतकाळात अशा काही वाईट गोष्टी घडतात ज्याचे पडसाद माणसांच्या मनावर आणि येणा-या भविष्यातील हालचालीवर उमटतात. घडलेल्या वाईट घटना मनाला इतक्या भिडतात की अन्यायाविरुध्द आवाज उठवणं गरजेचं वाटतं. अशीच एक भयानक घटना स्वत:च्या बहिणीच्या आयुष्यात घडल्यावर कोणती बहिण शांत बसेल? नेमंक कोणाच्या बाबतीत काय घडलंय हे प्रेक्षकांना ‘सन नेटवर्क’च्या ‘सन मराठी’ वाहिनीवरील ‘मुलगी पसंत आहे’ या नव्या मालिकेत पाहायला मिळणार आहे. 

‘मुलगी पसंत आहे’ मालिका येत्या १५ जानेवारीपासून सोमवार ते शनिवार संध्याकाळी ७ वाजता प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीस येणार आहे. या मालिकेच्या निमित्ताने ‘सन मराठी’ वाहिनी नवीन वर्षात एक आगळी-वेगळी कथा घेऊन येतेय जी सासू आणि सून या दोन पात्रांवर जास्त भर देते. या मालिकेत अभिनेत्री हर्षदा खानविलकर सासूच्या भूमिकेत दिसणार आहे तर अभिनेत्री कल्याणी टिभे सूनेची भूमिका साकारणार आहे. अभिनेता संग्राम समेळ हा मालिकेचा प्रमुख नायक आहे. संग्राम समेळ आणि हर्षदा खानविलकर या दोघांना पुन्हा एकत्र पाहण्याची संधी प्रेक्षकांना मिळणार आहे. 

या मालिकेची नवीन झलक सोशल मिडीयावर प्रदर्शित करण्यात आली. या झलकमध्ये सासू आणि सुनेचं नातं, दोघींचे स्वभाव याचा अंदाज प्रेक्षकांना आलाच असेल. सासू आणि सून दोघींचं वेगळंच नातं दिसून येत आहे. सासूचं भूतकाळातील वागणं आणि सुनेचं वर्तमानकाळातील वागणं, तसेच सून लक्ष्मीचं रूप न घेता दुर्गेचं रूप का घेऊ पाहते हे जाणून घ्यायची प्रेक्षकांमध्ये खूप उत्सुकता आहे. अशी तोडीस तोड सासू -सुनेची जोडी क्वचितच बघायला मिळते. 

नुकतीच, ‘मुलगी पसंत आहे’ मालिकेची पत्रकार परिषद आयोजित करण्यात आली. यावेळी मालिकेतील कलाकार उपस्थित होते. मालिकेचे प्रोमो दाखवल्यावर उपस्थिती पत्रकारांनी, पाहुणे मंडळींनी मालिकेच्या संपूर्ण टीमचे कौतुक करत त्यांच्या नवीन प्रवासाला शुभेच्छा दिल्या. 

सुश्रुत भागवत दिग्दर्शित ‘मुलगी पसंत आहे’ या मालिकेची कथा आणि पटकथा लेखिका रोहिणी निनावे यांनी लिहिली आहे तर मृणालिनी जावळे यांनी संवाद लिहिले आहेत. संगीताची जबाबदारी निलेश मोहरीर यांनी पेलली आहे.

यशोधराची सून होऊन आराध्या अन्यायाच्या विरोधात उभी राहू शकेल का?, हे जाणून घेण्यासाठी नक्की पाहा ‘मुलगी पसंत आहे’ १५ जानेवारीपासून सोमवार ते शनिवार संध्याकाळी ७ वाजता फक्त ‘सन मराठी’ वर.

Gem & Jewellery industry will play a key role in making Maharashtra USD 1 trillion economy: Dr. Devendra Fadnavis Dy. Chief Minister, Maharashtra during inauguration of IIJS Signature Maharashtra’s Industries Minister Uday Samant urges GJEPC to develop indigenous gem & jewellery industry in rural India Mumbai, 5th January 2024: Gems & jewellery industry belongs to Mumbai as Mumbai accounts for 72% of the annual USD 37 bn of exports, proclaimed Dr. Devendra Fadnavis, Hon. Dy. Chief Minister of Maharashtra, while inaugurating the largest-ever IIJS Signature & IGJME 2024 twin Exhibitions organised by the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, NESCO Goregaon. For the first time ever, the New Year’s first top-of-the-line design centric jewellery trade show IIJS Signature (India International Jewellery Show Signature) along with the India Gem & Jewellery Machinery Expo (IGJME) is being held at two venues in Mumbai: Bombay Exhibition Centre, NESCO, Goregaon (5-8 January)and JIO World Convention Centre, BKC (4-7 January). Dr. Devendra Fadnavis was accompanied by Shri Uday Samant, Hon. Minister of Industries, Govt. of Maharashtra at the inauguration ceremony in the presence of Ms. Reshma Lakhani, Director General, DGEP; Mr. Paul Rowley, Executive Vice President, De Beers; Shri Sunil Nayak, CEO, Reliance Jewels; Mr. Vipul Shah Chairman, GJEPC; Shri Kirit Bhansali, Vice Chairman, GJEPC; Shri Nirav Bhansali (Convener, National Exhibitions, GJEPC); Shri Sabyasachi Ray (ED, GJEPC), along with the doyens of international & Indian diamond, gem & jewellery sector. While speaking at the IIJS Signature, Dr. Fadnavis said, “Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji has set a target of USD 75 bn for gem & jewellery exports by 2030. This will be possible with the pivotal role played by the apex body GJEPC, which has instrumental in making India one of the biggest international players in the global gems & jewellery industry. Maharashtra Government has worked closely with GJEPC to complete the new Common Facility Centre (CFC) at SEEPZ in just 17 months and this will allow gem & jewellery exporters especially MSMEs to have hassle free shipment, paper work and facilitate ease of doing business. Maharashtra Government and GJEPC have collaborated for the new India Gems & Jewellery Park at Navi Mumbai and this initiative will also help achieve export target. Jewellery Park will create new ecosystem in gems & jewellery industry wherein Maharashtra will preserve its status as ace exporter and set new records in gem & jewellery exports. Indian jewellery has been part of the global trade since time memorial not is just economic but also an emotional investment. As India prospers and economy and industry expands, Maharashtra will continue to make new investments. Maharashtra Govt. is working tirelessly to help gem & jewellery entrepreneurs in key parameters such as ease of doing business and cost of doing business. As Maharashtra targets to become USD 1 trillion economy, we shall continue to collaborate with GJEPC to create unique institutions such as the Bharat Diamond Bourse, which symbolises unique ecosystem. And whenever GJEPC wishes to create any new ecosystem, the natural and first choice has to be Maharashtra.” Maharashtra’s Industries Minister Uday Samant urges GJEPC to develop indigenous gem & jewellery industry in rural India. While thanking Dr. Devendra Fadnavis for his support and vision, Mr. Vipul Shah, Chairman, GJEPC, said, "Now, with the Jewellery Park coming up in Navi Mumbai with the support of Maharashtra Government, our industry is getting ready to bring in more investments from abroad. The Jewellery Park brings with it several government-backed advantages. It's a one-stop-shop with the Single Window Clearance for government approvals under the Maitri Policy, making processes smoother and faster. Additionally, the State Government has offered relief in power tariff and electricity charges, among other benefits. These initiatives significantly ease the path for businesses, ensuring efficiency and reducing operational costs, ultimately fostering a thriving environment within the park." Talking about the mega CFC in SEEPZ, Mumbai, Shri Shah said, "GJEPC, with the support of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has set up a Mega CFC at SEEPZ in Mumbai, which will be launched soon. This groundbreaking initiative aims to enhance the manufacturing capacity of the industry, foster technological advancements, and provide comprehensive skill development opportunities." Shah said, “The Indian gem & jewellery industry shares our beloved Prime Minister’s dream of becoming a US dollars 5 trillion economy by 2030 and be a first world nation by 2047. To take part in that Sankalp to be Viksit Bharat, our goal is to reach USD 75 billion exports by the year 2030 and USD 100 billion by 2047. Maharashtra is already a big player in the Indian gem and I am sure that Maharashtra will continue to be leading exporters from the country as we set higher goals." Mr. Paul Rowley, Executive VP, De Beers, said, “As seen here at IIJS Signature, India truly inspires and Indian entrepreneurship and their drive and passion is infectious. As India progresses towards becoming the largest economies of the world, massive infrastructure investment is changing face of country rapidly and supporting economic development, nurturing businesses and enhancing people’s lives. “India's sustainable growth provides optimum environment for business and facilitates innovation to shine. India’s fast growing global stature is the heartbeat of the new global economy. New exciting opportunities are emerging with industrialisation, urbanisation and consumption. The world is eyeing India’s affluent middle class segment of 30 mn households as potential customers. This will lead to increased spending on fashion jewellery. The gem & jewellery industry in India is also maturing. The diverse & distinct worlds of natural diamonds and Lab Grown Diamonds (LGDs) have started to diverge. Natural diamond is unique miracle rare and breath-taking beauty. They symbolise precious enduring love ties across generations, deepest human emotions and the most profound connections humans could have – real diamonds are the most desired cherished and richly symbolic objects in the world. LGDs do not have the qualities or symbolism of natural real diamond. G7 sanctions are major concern to everyone in global trade and industry has to speak as one voice in a collective and collaborative way. Diamond industry is cyclical and the industry should be optimistic for the next wave.” The 16th edition of GJEPC's IIJS Signature will witness 30,000+ visitors (including international buyers) from 800 Indian cities and 60 countries. The show boasts of 1,500+ exhibitors occupying 3,000+ stalls across a sprawling 1.25 lakh sq. mt. of exhibition area. Shri Kirit Bhansali, Vice Chairman, GJEPC, requested Dr. Devendra Fadnavis to consider GJEPC’s plea of land for building residences for workers near the India Jewellery Park and first of its kind Gem & Jewellery University in the country. “The IIJS Signature show alone is set to enable a staggering Rs. 35,000 crore worth of business. When considering the collective impact of all three IIJS shows, the total business generated will amount to an impressive Rs. 1.25 lakh crore. This establishes the IIJS as a truly unparalleled platform within the global gems and jewellery industry, added Nirav Bhansali, Convener, National Exhibitions, GJEPC. GJEPC has successfully enlisted the IIJS Signature 2024 Exhibition under the “Procurement and Marketing Support” scheme of the Ministry of MSME. The scheme provides financial assistance to micro and small enterprises for participating in domestic and international trade fairs and exhibitions. As a result, the eligible exhibitors can now avail themselves of a grant of ₹1.50 lakh each, which will help them cover costs and enhance their visibility and competitiveness in the global market. Additionally, GJEPC has introduced a dedicated section for luxury connoisseurs and couture jewellery buyers called “The Select CLUB” at IIJS Signature 2024 in the Jio World Convention Centre. This exclusive section allows Couture jewellery manufacturers to showcase their extensive collection of high-end, exclusive jewellery designs to a curated audience. About The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), set up by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India (GoI) in 1966, is one of several Export Promotion Councils (EPCs) launched by the Indian Government, to boost the country’s export thrust, when India’s post-Independence economy began making forays in the international markets. Since 1998, the GJEPC has been granted autonomous status. The GJEPC is the apex body of the gems & jewellery industry and today around 9,600 members in the sector. With headquarters in Mumbai, GJEPC has Regional Offices in New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Surat and Jaipur, all of which are major centres for the industry. It thus has a wide reach and is able to have a closer interaction with members to serve them in a direct and more meaningful manner. Over the past decades, GJEPC has emerged as one of the most active EPCs and has continuously strived to both expand its reach and depth in its promotional activities as well as widen and increase services to its members.

The gem and jewellery industry will play a key role in making Maharashtra a USD 1 trillion economy: Dr Devendra Fadnavis Dy. Chief Minister, Maharashtra during the inauguration of IIJS Signature

 Maharashtra’s Industries Minister Uday Samant urges GJEPC to develop indigenous gem & jewellery industry in rural India


Mumbai, 5th January 2024: Gems & jewellery industry belongs to Mumbai as Mumbai accounts for 72% of the annual USD 37 bn of exports, proclaimed Dr Devendra Fadnavis, Hon. Dy. Chief Minister of Maharashtra, while inaugurating the largest-ever IIJS Signature & IGJME 2024 twin Exhibitions organised by the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) at the Bombay Exhibition Centre, NESCO Goregaon.

For the first time ever, the New Year’s first top-of-the-line design-centric jewellery trade show IIJS Signature (India International Jewellery Show Signature) along with the India Gem & Jewellery Machinery Expo (IGJME) is being held at two venues in Mumbai: Bombay Exhibition Centre, NESCO, Goregaon (5-8 January)and JIO World Convention Centre, BKC (4-7 January).


Dr Devendra Fadnavis was accompanied by Shri Uday Samant, Hon. Minister of Industries, Govt. of Maharashtra at the inauguration ceremony in the presence of Ms. Reshma Lakhani, Director General, DGEP; Mr Paul Rowley, Executive Vice President, De Beers; Shri Sunil Nayak, CEO, Reliance Jewels; Mr. Vipul Shah  Chairman, GJEPC; Shri Kirit Bhansali, Vice Chairman, GJEPC; Shri Nirav Bhansali (Convener, National Exhibitions, GJEPC); Shri Sabyasachi Ray (ED, GJEPC), along with the doyens of international & Indian diamond, gem & jewellery sector.

While speaking at the IIJS Signature,
 Dr Fadnavis said, “Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi ji has set a target of USD 75 bn for gem & jewellery exports by 2030. This will be possible with the pivotal role played by the apex body GJEPC, which has been instrumental in making India one of the biggest international players in the global gems & jewellery industry. Maharashtra Government has worked closely with GJEPC to complete the new Common Facility Centre (CFC) at SEEPZ in just 17 months and this will allow gem & jewellery exporters especially MSMEs to have hassle-free shipment, and paperwork and facilitate ease of doing business. Maharashtra Government and GJEPC have collaborated for the new India Gems & Jewellery Park at Navi Mumbai and this initiative will also help achieve the export target. Jewellery Park will create a new ecosystem in the gems & jewellery industry wherein Maharashtra will preserve its status as an ace exporter and set new records in gem & jewellery exports. Indian jewellery has been part of global trade for a time memorial not just economically but also as an emotional investment. As India prospers and the economy and industry expand, Maharashtra will continue to make new investments. Maharashtra Govt. is working tirelessly to help gem & jewellery entrepreneurs in key parameters such as ease of doing business and cost of doing business. As Maharashtra targets to become a USD 1 trillion economy, we shall continue to collaborate with GJEPC to create unique institutions such as the Bharat Diamond Bourse, which symbolises a unique ecosystem. And whenever GJEPC wishes to create any new ecosystem, the natural and first choice has to be Maharashtra.”  


Maharashtra’s Industries Minister Uday Samant urges GJEPC to develop the indigenous gem & jewellery industry in rural India.


While thanking Dr Devendra Fadnavis for his support and vision, Mr Vipul Shah, Chairman, GJEPC, said, "Now, with the Jewellery Park coming up in Navi Mumbai with the support of Maharashtra Government, our industry is getting ready to bring in more investments from abroad. The Jewellery Park brings with it several government-backed advantages. It's a one-stop shop with the Single Window Clearance for government approvals under the Maitri Policy, making processes smoother and faster. Additionally, the State Government has offered relief in power tariffs and electricity charges, among other benefits. These initiatives significantly ease the path for businesses, ensuring efficiency and reducing operational costs, ultimately fostering a thriving environment within the park."

Talking about the mega CFC in SEEPZ, Mumbai, Shri Shah said, "GJEPC, with the support of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, has set up a Mega CFC at SEEPZ in Mumbai, which will be launched soon. This groundbreaking initiative aims to enhance the manufacturing capacity of the industry, foster technological advancements, and provide comprehensive skill development opportunities."


Shah said, “The Indian gem & jewellery industry shares our beloved Prime Minister’s dream of becoming a US dollar 5 trillion economy by 2030 and be a first world nation by 2047. To take part in Sankalp to be Viksit Bharat, our goal is to reach USD 75 billion in exports by the year 2030 and USD 100 billion by 2047. Maharashtra is already a big player in the Indian gem and I am sure that Maharashtra will continue to be leading exporters from the country as we set higher goals."

Mr. Paul Rowley, Executive VP, De Beers, said, “As seen here at IIJS Signature, India truly inspires and Indian entrepreneurship and their drive and passion is infectious. As India progresses towards becoming the largest economy in the world, massive infrastructure investment is changing the face of the country rapidly and supporting economic development, nurturing businesses and enhancing people’s lives.


“India's sustainable growth provides an optimum environment for business and facilitates innovation to shine. India’s fast-growing global stature is the heartbeat of the new global economy. New exciting opportunities are emerging with industrialisation, urbanisation and consumption. The world is eyeing India’s affluent middle-class segment of 30 mn households as potential customers.  This will lead to increased spending on fashion jewellery. The gem & jewellery industry in India is also maturing.


The diverse & distinct worlds of natural diamonds and Lab lab-grown diamonds (LGDs) have started to diverge. Natural diamond is a unique miracle rare and breath-taking beauty. They symbolise precious enduring love ties across generations, the deepest human emotions and the most profound connections humans could have – real diamonds are the most desired cherished and richly symbolic objects in the world. LGDs do not have the qualities or symbolism of natural real diamonds. G7 sanctions are a major concern to everyone in global trade and industry has to speak as one voice collectively and collaboratively. The diamond industry is cyclical and the industry should be optimistic for the next wave.”


The 16th edition of GJEPC's IIJS Signature will witness 30,000+ visitors (including international buyers) from 800 Indian cities and 60 countries. The show boasts of 1,500+ exhibitors occupying 3,000+ stalls across a sprawling 1.25 lakh sq. mt. of exhibition area.


Shri Kirit Bhansali, Vice Chairman, GJEPC, requested Dr Devendra Fadnavis to consider GJEPC’s plea for land for building residences for workers near the India Jewellery Park and first of its kind Gem & Jewellery University in the country.


“The IIJS Signature show alone is set to enable a staggering Rs. 35,000 crore worth of business. When considering the collective impact of all three IIJS shows, the total business generated will amount to an impressive Rs. 1.25 lakh crore. This establishes the IIJS as a truly unparalleled platform within the global gems and jewellery industry, added Nirav Bhansali, Convener, National Exhibitions, and GJEPC.


GJEPC has successfully enlisted the IIJS Signature 2024 Exhibition under the “Procurement and Marketing Support” scheme of the Ministry of MSME. The scheme provides financial assistance to micro and small enterprises for participating in domestic and international trade fairs and exhibitions. As a result, the eligible exhibitors can now avail themselves of a grant of ₹1.50 lakh each, which will help them cover costs and enhance their visibility and competitiveness in the global market.


Additionally, GJEPC has introduced a dedicated section for luxury connoisseurs and couture jewellery buyers called “The Select CLUB” at IIJS Signature 2024 in the Jio World Convention Centre. This exclusive section allows Couture jewellery manufacturers to showcase their extensive collection of high-end, exclusive jewellery designs to a curated audience.


About The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC)

The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), set up by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India (GoI) in 1966, is one of several Export Promotion Councils (EPCs) launched by the Indian Government, to boost the country’s export thrust, when India’s post-Independence economy began making forays in the international markets. Since 1998, the GJEPC has been granted autonomous status. The GJEPC is the apex body of the gems & jewellery industry and today around 9,600 members in the sector.  With headquarters in Mumbai, GJEPC has Regional Offices in New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Surat and Jaipur, all of which are major centres for the industry. It thus has a wide reach and can have a closer interaction with members to serve them in a direct and more meaningful manner. Over the past decades, GJEPC has emerged as one of the most active EPCs and has continuously strived to both expand its reach and depth in its promotional activities as well as widen and increase services to its members.

Thursday, January 4, 2024

TV actors tackle winters in style with these fashionable tricks!

TV actors tackle winters in style with these fashionable tricks!


As the winter's cold weather arrives, fashion transforms and merges warmth with style. Artists from &TV, known for their on-screen charm, embark on a fashion journey to revamp their wardrobes without sacrificing style. Embracing the change in weather, actors share their best-kept secrets and unique winter fashion styles to inspire and guide fashion enthusiasts seeking trendy yet cosy outfits for the winter. These include Rahul Jethwa (Avadh Bihari Vajpayee, Atal), Geetanjali Mishra (Rajesh, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan), and Vidisha Srivastava (Anita Bhabi, Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai). Rahul Jethwa, essaying Avadh Bihari Vajpayee in &TV’s show Atal, says, “Winter is the season I find most inspiring for experimenting with my style. I opt for a loose-fitting light blue denim jacket, or a grey hood layered over a printed white t-shirt. Pair it with ankle-length light blue jeans and sleek black high-heeled boots. Another favourite winter look of mine involves donning turtleneck t-shirts matched with slim-fit pants and formal shoes, which always make me feel sophisticated. Recently, my mother surprised me with a stylish grey cashmere crewneck sweater. I was amazed that she didn't buy it for me. She had crafted it by hand, especially for me. This cardigan sweater fits perfectly on my shoulders and is incredibly versatile. It effortlessly complements any plain t-shirt, button-down shirt, blazer, or jeans. I often accessorize it with a checkered print scarf to add a touch of flair to my outfit.”

Geetanjali Mishra, 
aka Rajesh from Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, shares, “I have recently observed a significant fall in nighttime temperatures, prompting me to switch my wardrobe for the upcoming months. Throughout the day, I opt for lightweight cotton Kurtis. However, as the sun sets, I embrace my recently purchased woollen jacket from Lucknow's renowned Aminabad market. Additionally, I have begun incorporating thermal wear beneath my usual attire to add warmth. To diversify my look, I include a range of vibrant shawls, each uniquely crafted with affection and attention to detail. These shawls draw inspiration from the diverse colours and cultures across various Indian states. I sometimes use them in my character look, which compliments Rajesh’s outfits perfectly while keeping me warm and stylish. I wish everyone a delightful winter season!” Vidisha Srivastava, aka Anita Bhabi from Bhabhiji Ghar Par Hai, shares, “I hail from Varanasi, where the winters offer a pleasant atmosphere. During this season, the weather fluctuates from comfortably mild to occasionally quite chilly. During winters, my mother used to fill our wardrobes with an assortment of jackets, overcoats, skull caps, mittens, mufflers, scarves, and thermal wear. Over time, she skillfully knitted numerous exquisite mittens, sweaters, and mufflers for us, items we wore with immense joy and pride. Some of these cherished knits still reside in my closet, eagerly waiting for my daughter Aadya to adorn them. Layering clothing becomes essential to stay warm in such conditions. I love Mumbai winters as it offers pleasant weather and not extreme cold. Therefore, I tend to opt for monochromatic ensembles or add a simple scarf to my daily outfits during winter to keep myself warm and look stylish at the same time.”

Watch your favourite artists in Atal 
at 8:00 pm, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan at 10:00 pm, and Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai at 10:30 pm, airing every Monday to Friday only on &TV!


Divanyshi Dey sets another mark with her stellar performance in the spine-chilling murder mystery, Paap Culture

Divanyshi Dey sets another mark with her stellar performance in the spine-chilling murder mystery, Paap Culture

Divyanshi Dey, who gained recognition for her 2023 Odiya movie "Vivrant," has once again proven her mettle as an actress the film was a superhit and the public had a commendable response. Divyanshi is a fabulous trained classical dancer and is known for her shows globally. At the beginning of her career, she started with some remarkable projects such as the super hit Hindi TV shows Kis Din Mera Byah Howega, Rudra Ka Rakshak, and Bengali film Ami Eti amongst others. In the ever-evolving landscape of Indian entertainment, the digital platform is witnessing a surge in engaging and compelling content. One such standout performer who has recently graced our screens is Divyanshi Dey, sizzling in her latest OTT release titled "Paap Culture." The movie, set against a backdrop of mystery and intrigue, has captivated audiences with its riveting plotline and stellar performances.
Divyanshi Dey effortlessly brings a perfect blend of intensity and emotion to the screen. Dey's ability to emote and convey the complexities of her character adds a layer of authenticity to the storyline. The chemistry between Divyanshi Dey and her co-actors has always been a factor people had looked up to and the stakes are getting higher this time around. 

The actor also shared her experience with the responses she received, Divyanshi said that she was thrilled with the fantastic response to her performance received so far. It has been a long journey - one that started nearly six years back. She takes immense pride in her journey and accomplishments and is grateful for all her support. She had always thought of herself as an introvert, and it was the camera and set that made her realize her potential. Today, she has given multiple big hits in the industry and presented India and its culture through her classical dance shows globally and has been loved and praised for her hard work.

“Paap Culture" opens with a shocking incident that sends ripples through the serene façade of a farmhouse. Divya Agarwal, an aspiring actress, played by Divyanshi the plot of "Paap Culture" streaming on Jio Cinema weaves a web of suspense, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats the audience is taken on a rollercoaster ride filled with unexpected twists and turns.

Her upcoming projects include a Bengali film and a multilingual Telegu, Tamil, and Hindi projects. Divyanshi will also be seen in the project to be released in 2024 & 2025. "Paap Culture" showcases a different facet of Dey's acting prowess, establishing her as a versatile performer in the industry. She is inclined toward many humanitarian causes such as helping animals and kids without parents or guardians and she has been persistent in it.

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

तेजश्री प्रधान, भार्गवी चिरमुले, शर्वरी लोहकरे, संजय खापरे, सुहास शिरसाट आणि वर्षा उसगांवकरचा ‘ओली की सुकी’ चित्रपट ‘अल्ट्रा झकास’ मराठी ओटीटीवर

तेजश्री प्रधान, भार्गवी चिरमुले, शर्वरी लोहकरे, संजय खापरे, सुहास शिरसाट आणि वर्षा उसगांवकरचा ‘ओली की सुकी’ चित्रपट ‘अल्ट्रा झकास’ मराठी ओटीटीवर

मुंबई: प्रत्येक नवा दिवस आपल्यासोबत एक नवीन संधी घेऊन येतो, अशाच एका प्रेरणादायी विषयावर आधारित 'ओली की सुकी' चित्रपट ४ जानेवारी २०२४ रोजी ‘अल्ट्रा झकास’ मराठी ओटीटीवर प्रदर्शित होणार आहे. चित्रपटाचे दिग्दर्शन ‘आनंद दिलीप गोखले’ यांनी केले असून चित्रपटात तेजश्री प्रधान, भार्गवी चिरमुले, शर्वरी लोहकरे, संजय खापरे, सुहास शिरसाट आणि वर्षा उसगांवकर हे सुप्रसिद्ध अभिनेते दिसणार आहेत.

चित्रपटाची कथा झोपडपट्टी आणि त्यातील आयुष्यात भरकटलेल्या मुलांभोवती फिरते. झोपडपट्टीतील टुकार मुलांच्या दोन गटांत नेहमी विनाकारण भांडणे होत राहतात. ही मुले वाईट वळणांच्या एवढ्या अधीन जातात की चोरी करण्यापर्यंत यांचे विचार पोहचतात. पण त्याचवेळी त्यांच्या आयुष्यात राधिकाताई येते, जी त्यांच्या संपूर्ण जीवनाला एक वेगळंच वळण देते. राधिकाताईने नेमकी अशी कोणती जादू या मुलांवर केली ते चित्रपटात पहायला मिळणार आहे.

“आयुष्यात अनेक अडचणी येतात पण आपण त्यांना सामोरे जाऊन यशाच्या दिशेने अविरत चालत रहायला हवं. अशा प्रेरणादायी आशयाचा हा चित्रपट प्रेक्षकांसाठी नक्कीच प्रेरणादायी ठरेल याची खात्री वाटते.” असे अल्ट्रा मीडिया अँड एंटरटेनमेंट प्रा.लिमिटेडचे सी.ई.ओ. श्री. सुशीलकुमार अग्रवाल म्हणाले.

नवनवीन चित्रपट पाहण्यासाठी :-

'इलू इलू' म्हणत एलीची मराठी चित्रपटात एंट्री

  'इलू इलू' म्हणत एलीची मराठी चित्रपटात एंट्री एकीकडे मराठी चित्रपट देशविदेशातील चित्रपट महोत्सवांमध्ये बाजी मारत आहेत, तर दुसरीकडे ...