Thursday, March 2, 2017

                                               The launch of WLDC at INIFD, 

Displaying Dr. Sundeep Kochar (Mind Spa trainer), Anil Khosla, (CEO, INIFD), Dr. Pandit Rathod (MD. WLDC), Ashok Daryani (Director, INIFDC Deccan Pune) at the launch of WLDC, Goa.2.JPGDisplaying Dr. Sundeep Kochar (Mind Spa trainer), Anil Khosla, (CEO, INIFD), Dr. Pandit Rathod (MD. WLDC), Ashok Daryani (Director, INIFDC Deccan Pune) at the launch of WLDC, Goa.JPGDisplaying Members of WLDC with Dr.Pandit Rathod (MD, WLDC) at the launch of WLDC, Goa.JPGDisplaying Sandip Bomble (Director, God Agency) at the launch of WLDC, Goa.JPGDisplaying The Core Team of WLDC with Dr. Pandit Rathod (MD. WLDC) at the launch of WLDC, Goa.1.JPGDisplaying Members of INIFD Team at the launch of WLDC, Goa.JPGDisplaying Mr. Anil Khosla, (CEO, INIFD) with Dr. Pandit Rathod  (MD. WLDC) addressesing the audience at the launch of WLDC, Goa.JPGDisplaying Pandit Rathod (MD, WLDC) at the launch of WLDC, Goa.JPGDisplaying Dr. Pandit Rathod (MD, WLDC) with guests at the launch of WLDC, Goa.JPGDisplaying Entertainment performance at the launch of WLDC, Goa.JPGDisplaying Entertainment perfomance at the launch of WLDC, Goa.JPGDisplaying Guests from the fashion industry at the launch of WLDC, Goa.JPGDisplaying Sandeep Kochharof Mind Spa addressesing the audience at the launch of WLDC, Goa.JPG

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'इलू इलू' म्हणत एलीची मराठी चित्रपटात एंट्री

  'इलू इलू' म्हणत एलीची मराठी चित्रपटात एंट्री एकीकडे मराठी चित्रपट देशविदेशातील चित्रपट महोत्सवांमध्ये बाजी मारत आहेत, तर दुसरीकडे ...