Thursday, October 10, 2024

‘सोहळा सख्यांचा’ – मजेदार खेल, बातें और यादों का खजाना, अब महिलाओं के लिए एक अविस्मरणीय अनुभव, सिर्फ सन मराठी पर!

‘सोहळा सख्यांचा’ – मजेदार खेल, बातें और यादों का खजाना, अब महिलाओं के लिए एक अविस्मरणीय अनुभव, सिर्फ सन मराठी पर!

सन मराठी अपने दर्शकों के लिए लेकर आ रहा है एक अनोखा शो – ‘सोहळा सख्यांचा’! यह शो खास महिलाओं के लिए है, जहाँ वे अपनी बचपन की यादों को ताज़ा करते हुए, अपनी सहेलियों के साथ ढेर सारी मस्ती कर सकेंगी, और सभी सहेलियाँ सन मराठी चैनल पर दिखाई देंगी। इस शो की मेजबानी भले ही आशीष पवार कर रहे हों, लेकिन इस शो की असली सेलिब्रिटी महिलाएँ ही होंगी। आशीष उन्हें मायके की यादों में रमाएंगे, उनके साथ बचपन के खेल खेलेंगे, और कभी उनके मन की बातें सुनेंगे। हर महिला को अपनी कहानी दुनिया के सामने रखने का मौका मिलेगा।

‘सोहळा सख्यांचा’ शो का प्रसारण 14 अक्टूबर से सोमवार से शनिवार, शाम 6:30 बजे सन मराठी चैनल पर होगा। सन मराठी चैनल का उद्देश्य इस शो को महाराष्ट्र के हर जिले और तालुके में पहुँचाने का है। महाराष्ट्र के कोने-कोने की महिलाओं की प्रेरणादायक यात्रा और उनकी चुनौतियों को दुनिया के सामने लाने का काम उनका अपना ‘मायके का आदमी’ आशीष पवार करेंगे। यदि आप अपने शहर में इस शो को करवाना चाहते हैं, तो 8830037462 पर संपर्क करें

‘येक नंबर’ च्या टीमने सिद्धिविनायक मंदिरात घेतले बाप्पाचे दर्शन

 ‘येक नंबर’ च्या टीमने सिद्धिविनायक मंदिरात घेतले बाप्पाचे दर्शन

शारदेची आराधना असणारं, ‘फुलवंती’ चित्रपटातील ह्रदयस्पर्शी गाणे

 शारदेची आराधना असणारं,  ‘फुलवंती’ चित्रपटातील ह्रदयस्पर्शी गाणे

नवरात्र म्हणजे नऊ दिवस चालणारा सृजनाचा उत्सव. नवरात्रीच्या या मंगलमय उत्सवात सर्वत्र आईचा जागर सुरु असतो. सरस्वती ही भारतीय संस्कृतीतील एक श्रेष्ठ देवता आहे. शारदा हे सरस्वतीचे रूप. ज्ञानाची अन् विद्येची देवता अशी ओळख असलेल्या तेजोमय रूपातील 'शारदे'ची उपासना आगामी ‘फुलवंती’ या चित्रपटातील 'हे शारदे' या गाण्यातून पहायला मिळणार आहे.

वाहतो ह्या इथे ज्ञान रुपी झरा

प्रार्थना ऐकुनी भाग्य आले घरा

विद्या असे जिथे लक्ष्मी वसे तिथे

देसी तू जना अखंड सुखसंपदा 

असे बोल असणारं हे गाणे मनाला  प्रसन्नतेची आणि ऊर्जेची अनुभूती देते. मंदार चोळकर लिखित हे गाणं  राहुल देशपांडे यांनी स्वरबद्ध केले आहे. संगीतकार अविनाश विश्वजीत यांचे संगीत या गाण्याला लाभले आहे.

देवीचे रूप भक्तांच्या मनामनात अंतःकरणात कायम असते. तिच्याप्रती भावना गुंतलेल्या असतात. याच भावना ‘हे शारदे’ या गाण्याच्या वेळी आमच्या सर्वांच्या मनात होत्या असं सांगत उर्जेची अनुभूती देणारा हे गाणं प्रत्येकाच्या मनात चैतन्य निर्माण करेल, असा विश्वास ‘फुलवंती’ चित्रपटाच्या टीमने व्यक्त केला.

यानिमित्ताने खूप वर्षांनी मराठी चित्रपटामध्ये “शारदेवर” गाणं आलयं. 

शारदा अर्थात देवी सरस्वती; विद्येची देवी आहे. ती बुद्धिमत्ता, वाणीवर प्रभुत्व, शहाणपण आणि तर्कशास्त्र प्रदान करते. ज्ञानाच्या- बुद्धीच्या सामर्थ्याने आपण जीवनातील सर्व इच्छा पुर्ण करू शकतो. म्हणूनच भारतीय संस्कृतीत शारदेची उपासना महत्वाची मानली जाते.

        ‘फुलवंती’ चित्रपट नृत्यांगना ‘फुलवंती’ आणि प्रकांडपंडीत ‘व्यंकटध्वरी नरसिंह शास्त्री’ यांच्यातील पैज व आव्हानावर चित्रपट बेतला आहे. कला व बुद्धिमत्तेतील युद्ध आपण यात पाहणार आहोत. 

पॅनोरमा स्टुडिओज सादर करत आहेत... ‘फुलवंती’ मंगेश पवार अँड कं. आणि शिवोऽहम् क्रिएशन्स प्रायव्हेट लिमिटेड निर्मित ही भव्य कलाकृती ११ ऑक्टोबरला रसिकांच्या भेटीला येत आहे. या चित्रपटाचे संवाद लेखन प्रविण विठ्ठल तरडे यांचेअसून दिग्दर्शन स्नेहल प्रविण तरडे करीत आहेत. चित्रपटाच्या छायाचित्रणाची जबाबदारी महेश लिमये यांनी सांभाळली आहे. कुमार मंगत पाठक, अभिषेक पाठक, मंगेश पवार, श्वेता माळी, प्राजक्ता माळी चित्रपटाचे निर्माते आहेत. अमोल जोशी प्रोडक्शन,मुरलीधर छतवानी,रविंद्र औटी चित्रपटाचे सहनिर्माते आहेत. सहाय्यक निर्माते विक्रम धाकतोडे आहेत. चित्रपटाच्या संगीत वितरणाची जबाबदारी पॅनोरमा म्युझिकने सांभाळली आहे.

थरार अनुभवायला सज्ज व्हा! - मनोज बाजपेयी यांचा ‘भैय्या जी’ या चित्रपटाचा प्रिमियर सोनी मॅक्सवर!!

थरार अनुभवायला सज्ज व्हा! - मनोज बाजपेयी यांचा ‘भैय्या जी’ या चित्रपटाचा प्रिमियर सोनी मॅक्सवर!!

भैय्या जी’ या  ॲक्शन पॅक्ड थरारापटाद्वारे प्रेक्षकांना जबरदस्त थराराचा अनुभव देण्यासाठी सोनी मॅक्स ही भारताची प्रिमियर हिंदी चित्रपट वाहिनी सज्ज आहेमनोज बाजपेयी या कसलेल्या नटाची प्रमुख भूमिका असलेल्या या चित्रपटात रहस्यनाट्य आणि भरपूर ॲक्शन दृश्ये यांनी भरलेले कथानक आहेसोनी मॅक्सवर या चित्रपटाच्या प्रिमियरच्या आधी मनोज बाजपेयीने राम चरण त्रिपाठी ही जटिल व्यक्तिरेखा पडद्यावर जिवंत करण्याचा आपला अनुभव सांगितलातो म्हणतो, “भैय्या जी साकारण्यासाठी विशेष शरीरिक क्षमतेची आवश्यकता होतीयातल्या थरारक दृश्यांचे चित्रीकरण सलग वीस दिवस चालले आणि ती दृश्ये करताना मी अनेकदा जखमी झालोपण कसेही करून ते चित्रीकरण पूर्ण करण्याचे आम्ही ठरवले होतेत्यामुळे मला झालेल्या इजा चित्रीकरणाच्या आड आल्या नाहीत.”

               मनोज बाजपेयीने स्वतःचे सगळे स्टंट स्वतः करण्याचा निर्णय घेतलायातून त्या भूमिकेविषयीची त्याची वचनबद्धता दिसून येतेतो म्हणतो, “ही व्यक्तिरेखा मला जिवंत करायची होतीमी आता विशीतला किंवा तिशीतला नसलोतरीही हे आव्हान घ्यायचंअसं मी ठरवलंहे अवघड आव्हान होतंपण मी ते पेलू शकलो याचा मला आनंद वाटतो.”

'भैय्या जीचित्रपटात ताकदइमानदारी आणि कृतींचे परिणाम यांच्यातील गुंतागुंत दाखवली आहेप्रेक्षकांसाठी ही एक थरारक सफर असेलचित्रपटाचे वेधक कथानक आणि मनोज बाजपेयीचा दमदार अभिनय प्रेक्षकांची उत्कंठा वाढवेल यात शंका नाही.

               मनोज बाजपेयीच्या जबरदस्त अभिनयाला साथ देणारे भागीरथीझोया हुसैन आणि विपिन शर्मा वगैरे गुणी कलाकार या चित्रपटात आहेत.


पाहायला विसरू नका, ‘भैय्या जी’, सोनी मॅक्सवररविवारी १३ ऑक्टोबर रोजी दुपारी  वाजता आणि रात्री  वाजताफक्त सोनी मॅक्सवर.

Shukrana Motion Pictures Makes a Bold Splash with Its Debut Film ‘Mutra Visarjan Varjit Hai’

Shukrana Motion Pictures Makes a Bold Splash with Its Debut Film ‘Mutra Visarjan Varjit Hai’ – Tackling the Taboo of Public Urination in a Never-Seen-Before Cinematic Move conceived by Neeraj Bhadani

The evening saw the presence of Vedika Nawani, Jasleen Singh, Saachi Tiwari, Varun Bhuddhadev, Mohammedsaud Mansuri, Chahat Tewani & Many More.

In a world where film subjects can often feel repetitive, Shukrana Motion Pictures is turning heads with a first-of-its-kind venture into uncharted waters – quite literally. With the announcement of their debut film, ‘Mutra Visarjan Varjit Hai’ (translation: “Urination is Prohibited”), Shukrana Motion Pictures is putting a spotlight on many people would rather ignore: public urination.

Founded by Neeraj Bhadani and Narendra Sahu, Shukrana Motion Pictures is already creating waves with its audacious approach to filmmaking. Their mantra? Tackle societal issues head-on with stories that blend humor, heart, and hard-hitting messages. And with their debut film, they’ve set the bar sky-high by focusing on something as unconventional yet critical as public sanitation. Who knew that tackling a subject like wall urination could be so…cinematic?

‘Mutra Visarjan Varjit Hai’ isn’t just another run-of-the-mill social drama – it’s a quirky, bold, and thought-provoking narrative that puts hygiene and respect for public spaces center stage. In a society where sanitation is often overlooked, this film asks an important question: What happens when the issue of public urination is finally confronted?

Neeraj  Bhadani, Founder of Shukrana Motion Pictures, explains:
 “As we launch Shukrana Motion Pictures, we wanted to make a splash, and what better way than with a topic that literally hits the streets? With ‘Mutra Visarjan Varjit Hai’, we’re showing that even taboo subjects can spark important conversations. Our aim is to create films that make people laugh, think, and most importantly, act. This film is just the beginning of our commitment to unique and powerful storytelling.”

Sunil Subramani, the film’s director, adds  “It’s not every day you direct an interesting film like this but that’s exactly what makes this project so special As It’s an unusual subject, and through our storytelling, we want the audience to walk away not just entertained, but also aware of how a small act of negligence can have far-reaching consequences”

With a stellar cast featuring Kainaat Arora, Satyajeet Dubey, Jannat Zubair, Hiten Tejwani, Vinay Anand , and Bijendra Kala, and a story penned by Shivam Prabhakar Chaturvedi, the film combines drama, comedy, and hard-hitting social commentary. Supported by Associate Producer Dev Babbar and casting head Rajesh Gautam ,Shukrana Motion Pictures is positioning itself as a fresh voice in the industry, with an eye for films that don’t shy away from bold subjects.

‘Mutra Visarjan Varjit Hai’ dares to ask: Can we as a society stop treating our public spaces like trash cans? It’s a question that hits close to home, or rather, close to the walls we pass by every day.

So, grab your popcorn and get ready for a film that promises to entertain, educate, and leave a lasting impression – in more ways than one!

Caption- Shukrana Motion Pictures Makes a Bold Entry with Its Debut Film ‘Mutra Visarjan Varjit Hai’ – A Groundbreaking Cinematic Exploration of Public Sanitation, conceived by Neeraj Bhadani. Starring Kainaat Arora, Satyajeet Dubey, Jannat Zubair, Hiten Tejwani, Vinay Anand, and Bijendra Kala, with a thought-provoking story by Shivam Prabhakar Chaturvedi, the film is directed by Sunil Subramani and produced by Neeraj Bhadani and Narendra Sahu. Associate Producer Dev Babbar, Creative Director Aar- V, and Casting Head Rajesh Gautam round out this team committed to pushing boundaries and addressing social issues through cinema. The evening saw the presence of Vedika Nawani, Jasleen Singh, Saachi Tiwari, Varun Bhuddhadev, Mohammedsaud Mansuri, Chahat Tewani & Many More.

#Shukrana Motion Pictures #MutraVisarjanVarjitHai


FB: @armindersinghbillabhaji

Twitter: @kainaatarora

GJEPC Targets 20% Export Boost to UAE with IGJS Dubai 2024 in FY 24-25

GJEPC Targets 20% Export Boost to UAE with IGJS Dubai 2024 in FY 24-25

Dubai, October 8, 2024 — The 4th edition of the International Gem & Jewellery Show (IGJS) Dubai commenced today, hosted by the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC) of India. This exclusive event, co-sponsored by Suntech Business Solutions and supported by the Dubai Gold & Jewellery Group, brings together the finest of Indian gems and jewellery, reinforcing India's position as a premier destination for global buyers.

The inauguration ceremony of IGJS Dubai 2024 was graced by esteemed dignitaries, including Mr. Satish Kumar Sivan, Consul General of India, Dubai; Mr. Kirit Bhansali, Vice Chairman of GJEPC; Mr. Chandu Siroya, Vice Chairman of the Dubai Gold & Jewellery Group; Mr. Tamjid Abdullah, Group Deputy CEO, Jawhara Jewellery, UAE; Mr. KP Abdul Salam, Vice-Chairman, Malabar Gold & Diamonds; and Mr. Ramesh Vora, GJEPC Middle East Coordinators; Mr. Nirav Bhansali, Convener of National Exhibitions at GJEPC; and Mr. Sabyasachi Ray, Executive Director of GJEPC. Their presence underscored the significance of this event and highlighted the collaborative spirit driving the gem and jewellery industry between India and the UAE.


Mr. Satish Kumar Sivan, Consul General of India, Dubai, said, “The gem and jewellery sector is a key focus for both the UAE and India as they aim to significantly boost their non-oil trade. The two nations are working towards a goal of reaching $100 billion in bilateral non-oil trade. This progress has been made possible by the dynamic growth of the gem and jewellery trade in 2023-24, which accounted for USD 28 billion and emerged as the most traded commodity between India and the UAE during this period. It is encouraging to witness the impressive growth of India’s gem and jewellery exports to the UAE following the India-UAE CEPA. In 2023-24, India's exports in this sector surged by 40%, reaching USD 8 billion.


Mr. Chandu Siroya, Vice Chairman of the Dubai Gold & Jewellery Group, said, “The UAE and India must leverage the CEPA pact—the IGJS show represents the best of both worlds. Dubai stands as the ultimate jewellery distribution destination, while India boasts competitive production capabilities. This partnership is set for success, fueled by Dubai’s favorable laws and ease of doing business. As we enter the festive season, the mood for buying jewellery is at an all-time high.”


In his welcome address, Mr. Kirit Bhansali, Vice Chairman of GJEPC, expressed his delight at the show's growth, stating, “IGJS Dubai has become a cornerstone event for the region, strengthened by the India-UAE CEPA agreement, which has opened doors to deeper partnerships and new growth opportunities. In 2023, India’s jewellery exports to the UAE reached USD 8 billion, with plain gold jewellery exports surging by 102% and studded jewellery by 25%. We are also witnessing rising demand from key Middle Eastern markets such as Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, and Oman. IGJS Dubai has played a pivotal role in fulfilling the evolving needs of these markets.”


The event features 30 leading manufacturers showcasing stunning diamond-studded, gemstone-studded, and gold jewellery, attracting over 300 international buyers from the UAE, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Kuwait, UK, USA, Africa, and Russia, enhancing the global reach of this prestigious show.

Kirit Bhansali further added, “As you all know, the global gem and jewellery industry is currently facing challenges, with reduced demand in key consuming markets like the USA and China. It is pertinent for global stakeholders across the supply chain to make concerted efforts to increase the demand for jewellery as a product category.  India, as the key player in the mid-stream segment, is taking steps to boost demand across key regions. We are collaborating with De Beers and Natural Diamond Council for the generic promotion of diamonds and diamond jewellery, and partnering with the World Gold Council to drive demand for gold jewellery.

These efforts are essential to ensuring we capture a fair share of consumer spending in the competitive luxury market.”


Mr. Nirav Bhansali acknowledged the UAE’s importance, driven by its growing consumer base and flourishing tourism sector, which is fast becoming a major hub for jewellery sales. He also noted key regional initiatives like Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 and Qatar’s Tourism Strategy 2030, which will significantly boost market demand.

"India’s unmatched expertise in jewellery craftsmanship, combined with the UAE’s thriving market, ensures that together we can meet the ever-growing demand for high-quality, ethically made jewellery in the region and beyond,” said Mr. Nirav Bhansali.


To strengthen its trade ties with the UAE, GJEPC has set up the India Jewellery Exposition (IJEX) in Dubai, a dedicated B2B platform that enables GJEPC members to display their products and receive orders from UAE buyers all year round. Additionally, the Council organizes 20 India Pavilions across trade fairs around the year.

A Grand Unveiling of the Cinematic Gem "Mittran Da Challeya Truck Ni" Starring Amrinder Gill, Sunanda Sharma, and Sayani Gupta Music by Legendary Jatinder Shah

 A Grand Unveiling of the Cinematic Gem "Mittran Da Challeya Truck Ni" Starring Amrinder Gill, Sunanda Sharma, and Sayani Gupta Music by Legendary Jatinder Shah

Youtube Caption- Press conference with Amrinder Gill, Sunanda Sharma, Sayani Gupta about their film “Mittran Da Challeya Truck Ni”

Caption - @amrindergill @sunanda_ss @sayanigupta  @onlyrakeshdhawan @sayaji_shinde @vishwanathchatterjee were spotted in the city while promoting their film “Mittran Da Challeya Truck Ni” releasing on the 11th of October, 2024 worldwide

#MittranDaChalleyaTruckNi #11thOctober2024

Press Release 

A Grand Unveiling of the Cinematic Gem "Mittran Da Challeya Truck Ni" Starring Amrinder Gill, Sunanda Sharma, and Sayani Gupta Music by Legendary Jatinder Shah

Watch the trailer here

In an aura of vibrant anticipation and artistic brilliance, a star-studded press conference was held to announce the upcoming release of "Mittran Da Challeya Truck Ni," set to enthrall audiences worldwide on October 11th, 2024. Esteemed actors Amrinder Gill, Sunanda Sharma, and Sayani Gupta graced the occasion, sharing their passion for this much-awaited film, written and directed by the visionary Rakesh Dhawan.The music is by the Legendary Jatinder Shah who happens to compose in Bengali language for the first time in a Punjabi film .

Produced by Karaj Gill and Darshan Sharma, "Mittran Da Challeya Truck Ni" promises to be a cinematic journey filled with heartwarming narratives, soulful music, and breathtaking visuals. With a powerhouse cast including Hardeep Gill, Sayaji Shinde, Jarnail Singh, Sukhi Chahal, Deedar Gill, Vishwanath Chatterjee, and Mohini Toor, this film is poised to deliver an unforgettable experience.

Amrinder Gill expressed his excitement, stating, “This film holds a special place in my heart, and we cannot wait for audiences across the globe to witness its magic”

Sunanda Sharma, resplendent in her enthusiasm, added, “It’s a tale of humour, love, and the ties that bind us, brought to life with unparalleled artistry”

Sayani Gupta, known for her versatile performances, remarked on the depth and universal appeal of the film, calling it “a story that will resonate with audiences of all cultures and backgrounds”

Jatinder Shah says ”Mittran Da Challeya Truck Ni is a symphony of emotions, cultures, and stories woven together through the universal language of music. Each note, each melody has been crafted to resonate with the soul, and I believe audiences will find themselves immersed in the journey of the characters just as deeply as in the music that accompanies them”

As the excitement builds, "Mittran Da Challeya Truck Ni" is set to be the cinematic marvel that will redefine the beauty of storytelling this October.

North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja Samiti Unveils the Majestic Grandeur of Durga Puja 2024 in its 77th Year at their new venue SNDT Ground, Santa Cruz with Protima (Murti) Sthapna.

 North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja Samiti Unveils the Majestic Grandeur of Durga Puja 2024 in its 77th Year at their new venue SNDT Ground, Santa Cruz with Protima (Murti) Sthapna.

Youtube Caption- Protima (Murti) Sthapna at “North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja”

Press Release 

North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja Samiti Unveils the Majestic Grandeur of Durga Puja 2024 in its 77th Year at their new venue SNDT Ground, Santa Cruz with Protima (Murti) Sthapna

Sthapna saw the presence of Debuda, Krishna Mukherjee, Iose Bovna, Samrat Mukherjee,  Rita Bhattacharya, Arjun, Paramita Sarkar, Kasturi Banerjjee, Sauvik Banerjjee, Paromita Sarkar, Sushmita Daan, Sheela Banerjee, Prasun Sikdar & Many More.

North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja Samiti, a beacon of tradition and culture in Mumbai, is poised to dazzle devotees and visitors with the splendour of its 77th-year celebrations. One of the oldest and most revered Durga Puja events in the city, this year promises an unforgettable spectacle, blending spirituality, art, and culture at its newly adorned venue—SNDT, Juhu Tara Rd, Daulat Nagar, Santacruz (West), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400049.

At the heart of the celebrations stands an awe-inspiring 18-foot idol of Goddess Durga, meticulously crafted by master artisans brought in from Kolkata, ensuring the most authentic and breathtaking representation of the deity. Accompanying Maa Durga are the intricately sculpted idols of Saraswati, Lakshmi, Kartik, and Ganesh, together creating a divine tableau that embodies the essence of devotion. What distinguishes this celebration is its unwavering commitment to tradition.

In a bold and creative shift, this year’s theme is inspired by the captivating beauty of Morocco. Devotees will be transported to a world where traditional Durga Puja rituals harmoniously blend with the allure of Moroccan artistry, infusing the celebration with a unique global flavour.
North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja is fondly known as the Bollywood Durga Puja of India. With celebs like Kajol, Rani Mukerji, Hrithik Roshan, Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan, Mouni Roy, Ashutosh Gowariker and many more seeking maa Durga’s blessings.

A key highlight is the biggest bhog service in India. Where more than 10,000 people gather under one roof in a spacious, air-conditioned dome to partake in the sacred meal. What sets this experience apart is the Samiti's ethos of inclusivity—everyone, regardless of caste, colour, or financial background, is invited to relish the bhog, served by the hands of Bollywood’s biggest celebrities, alongside members of the committee. This beautiful tradition reflects the core belief that in Maa Durga’s home, everyone is equal.

In keeping with its legacy of extraordinary cultural programs, the pandal will come alive with performances by some of the nation’s most celebrated singers. This year’s star-studded lineup includes Daler Mehndi, Pritam and Pawandeep Rajan, and many more, who will take to the stage to offer their soulful renditions in devotion to Maa Durga. The evening performances are a much-anticipated part of the celebrations, adding a melodic tribute to the divine atmosphere.

However, due to the convergence of Ashtami and Navami on the same day, bhog will only be served on two special days—October 10th and 11th. Despite this limited schedule, the bhog remains a culinary highlight, prepared with love and care by expert cooks. The traditional menu includes rice, khichdi, an array of sweets, exotic vegetables, and a delightful assortment of chutneys, ensuring an authentic and flavorful feast for all devotees.

Hygiene and cleanliness are of the utmost priority, with a dedicated housekeeping team ensuring that all facilities, including the restrooms, remain spotless and dry, offering a comfortable environment for the vast crowd of attendees.

With an expected footfall of lakhs of people, this year’s Durga Puja celebration will be nothing short of a grand spectacle. The enduring legacy of the North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja Samiti, now in its 77th year, continues to shine as a symbol of unity, devotion, and the timeless spirit of celebration.

Founded in 1948, the North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja Trust boasts a rich history, established by legendary figures like Shri Sasadhar Mukerji, Ashok Kumar, Kishore Kumar, Bimal Roy, Hemant Kumar, S.D. Burman, Joy Mukerji, Pradeep Kumar, Ram Mukerji, and others.

In the words of the members of the North Bombay Sarbojanin Durga Puja Samiti: “We welcome everyone to our Pujo to seek Maa’s blessings. This year’s celebrations will be bigger, better, and grandeur than ever before”

Instagram Caption- Protima (Murti) Sthapna at the oldest and the grandest star studded Durga Puja of Mumbai - @northbombaydurgapuja. Join Kajol, Rani Mukerji, Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor and many more from 9th of October till 12th of October at SNDT Ground, Santa Cruz. Sthapna saw the presence of  Debuda, Krishna Mukherjee, Iose Bovna, Paramita Sarkar, Kasturi Banerjjee, Samrat Mukherjee,  Rita Bhattacharya, Arjun, Sauvik Banerjjee, Paromita Sarkar, Sushmita Daan, Sheela Banerjee, Prasun Sikdar & Many More.

#NorthBombaySarbojaninpurgaPujaSamiti #DurgaPuja #Festivals #Festivities #DurgaMaa

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नवरात्रोत्सवात होणार स्त्रीशक्तीचा जागर, अनुश्री फिल्म्स प्रस्तुत तीन लघुपट प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला

 Streeshakti's Jagar to be held during Navratri festival, Anushree Films presented three short films to the audience

Anushree Films presented three short films based on women empowerment

There is an auspicious atmosphere of Navratri festival everywhere. Anushree Films presents Devi, both of them, to celebrate Navratri festival And three conceptual short films Shalinie's Home Kitchen are being released. In these short films, you will get to experience the worship of Goddess, her power and devotion on the holy festival of Navratri. The subjects of all the three short films are different and each one seems to convey a different message. These short films have been produced by Mayur Tatuskar. The short films are written and directed by Shubham Ghatge. In the short film 'Devi' Amrita Suresh, Sougya Upadhyay and in the short film 'Tya Doghi' Aishwarya Vakhre, Saili Geetha, Keshav Deshpande and in the short film 'Shaliniz Home Kitchen' Surbhi Dhamal, Saurabh Ahir, Kumar Patole have played the roles. The photography of these short films has been done by Avirat Patil. Also art direction is done by Piyusha Chalke, sound is by Shreyas Kirad and Tushar Kangarkar and assistant direction is by Amitabh Bhawar and executive production is by Parag Jadhav.

Mayur Tatuskar, producer of Anushree Films, talks about the concept of short films, “Navratri is a celebration of woman power. The creation of three short films during this period is related to the same purpose, as the theme of women's empowerment seems to be more important during this period. We are trying to convey the message of love, religious significance, adventure, devotion and inspiration through this festival. These short films have been conceptualized by me and my friend Shubham Ghatge who played an important role in Anushree Films' previous hit song Bhav Bhakti Vithoba while executing this theme of Jagar Stree Shakti in this Navratri festival, bringing together different ideologies and stories to focus on. It was desired, a discussion began and this led to the development of these three stories.”

Writer-director Shubham Ghatge says about the shooting of the short film, “Devi, a short film, was shot at the unique and beautiful location of Someshwar Mandir in Pashan, where innovation, traditionality and modernity meet. Both that and the short films Shaliniz Home Kitchen were shot in Pune. The experience of filming was unforgettable, and the hard work of the actors and technicians gave us a very vivid and impressive portrayal. There was depth and emotion in every moment, making the experience searing. I hope the audience will appreciate all three short films.”

‘सोहळा सख्यांचा’ – मजेदार खेल, बातें और यादों का खजाना, अब महिलाओं के लिए एक अविस्मरणीय अनुभव, सिर्फ सन मराठी पर!

‘सोहळा सख्यांचा’ – मजेदार खेल, बातें और यादों का खजाना, अब महिलाओं के लिए एक अविस्मरणीय अनुभव, सिर्फ सन मराठी पर! सन मराठी अपने दर्शकों के ल...