MOMENT OF VICTORY! "Singer Preety Pinky" carves their name on the trophy of “Doctor of Excellence (Honoris Causa) title by CIAC Global in affiliation with International partnering University, New Delhi”
Bollywood’s ace singers, Preeti & Pinky Dave were awarded Doctor of Excellence (Honoris Causa) title in Arts & Culture on June 2018 from CIAC Global during the 5th International Education Forum. CIAC Global is an International quality rating & accreditation agency along with its education partnered international universities, for their unparalleled accomplishments with over 20 years of exquisite contribution to the Indian cinema as playback singers.
When it comes to music, there are no boundaries. All that is needed to excel is talent and hard-work says Preety Pinky.
Preety believes that – “ Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.",
Pinky believes that "There is nothing like failure; it’s just one step towards success".
No wonder, their enigmatic personality attracts people and the limelight wherever they go
The occasion was blesased with the presence of various dignitaries like Shri Manpreet Singh Manna, Director, AICTE; Sadhguru Brahmeshanandacharya Swamiji, Spiritual Leader and Padam Shri Dr. Vijay Shah, along with founder & president of AACCI, CIHF, WPDO & CIAC Global, Prof. Dr. GD Singh; Babar Afzal, Pashmina Activist, Bernadine Jayasinghe, Renowned Speaker from Sri Lanka and a plethora of other dignitaries hailing from corporate, education and entertainment industry. They were felicitated in New Delhi by the worthy hands of Prof. Dr. GD Singh, President – CIAC Global & Vice President and Padam Shri Dr. Vijay Kumar Shah - CIAC Board of Advisors & Dr. Wishwas Julka.
CIAC often confers awards and accolades for outstanding achievements of eminent personalities, putting them on record at international forum.
"Honored and elated to receive such an award, truly one of the best days of our lives", remarked both the talented playback singers with a glee.