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Thursday, February 3, 2022
मॉंटेरिया व्हिलेज, एक अभिनव प्रयोगशील ठिकाण, शहरी प्रवाशांच्या स्वागताकरिता सज्ज
सैर-सपाटे का शानदार अनुभव प्रदान करने वाले एक अनोखे डेस्टिनेशन, मॉन्टेरिया विलेज ने शहर के यात्रियों के लिए अपने दरवाजे खोले
सैर-सपाटे का शानदार अनुभव प्रदान करने वाले एक अनोखे डेस्टिनेशन, मॉन्टेरिया विलेज ने शहर के यात्रियों के लिए अपने दरवाजे खोले
मुंबई और पुणे के बाहरी इलाके में स्थित यह विलेज यात्रियों को दिन की सैर का बेजोड़ प्रस्ताव देता है
इस विलेज में एक दिन बिताएँ और कला, लोक प्रदर्शन एवं अन्य गतिविधियों के जरिए यहाँ की समृद्ध संस्कृति का भरपूर आनंद लें व्यावहारिक तौर पर एक दिन के लिए किसान बनने का पूरा अनुभव प्राप्त करें
कुदरत से जुड़ें और अपनी जड़ों की ओर वापस जाएँ
3 फरवरी, 2022: मुंबई और पुणे से दो घंटे की बेहद आसान ड्राइव आपको बिल्कुल नए मॉन्टेरिया विलेज की ओर ले जाती है, जो रायगढ़ जिले के खालापुर में 35 एकड़ के क्षेत्र में फैला हुआ है।
बिल्कुल नया डे-आउटिंग डेस्टिनेशन यहाँ आने वाले हर उम्र के मेहमानों को एक बेहतरीन गाँव में रहने का पूरा अनुभव प्रदान करता है: आगंतुक झील में डुबकी लगाने, खाट पर आराम फरमाने, लोक कलाओं के प्रदर्शन, बेहद स्वादिष्ट देसी भोजन, बाँस और खाट की बुनाई जैसे आकर्षक कलाओं के साथ-साथ लागोरी के खेल में निशाना लगाने का बेमिसाल अनुभव प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
शहर के बाहरी इलाके में मौजूद यह स्थान वीकेंड के मौके पर छुट्टियों का आनंद लेने के लिए बेहतरीन है, जो आपको अपनी जड़ों की ओर वापस ले जाता है तथा यहाँ आने वाले मेहमान चारों ओर से कुदरत से घिरे खेतों के बीच कला, संस्कृति एवं पारंपरिक गतिविधियों के माध्यम से ग्रामीण जीवन में घुल-मिल जाते हैं।
इस मौके पर मॉन्टेरिया रिज़ॉर्ट प्रा. लि. के मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर, राही वघानी, ने कहा, “मॉन्टेरिया विलेज में कदम रखने के साथ ही मेहमानों को यह अनुभव होता है कि वे गाँव के जीवन से जुड़ गए हैं। वे एक दिन के लिए किसान बन सकते हैं, घर के बने भोजन का स्वाद चख सकते हैं, लागोरी खेल का आनंद ले सकते हैं, खाट पर आराम फरमा सकते हैं, झील में तैर सकते हैं तथा बेहद शानदार ढंग से तैयार किए गए इस परिवेश में अपनी रोज़मर्रा की ज़िंदगी के तनाव को भूलकर छोटी-छोटी खुशियों का भरपूर लुत्फ़ उठा सकते हैं। बेहद कुशल कारीगरों एवं श्रमिकों के सहयोग से इस प्रकार का अनुभव प्राप्त होता है, और इस तरह यहाँ की गतिविधियां बेहद सहज बन जाती हैं। यह उन सभी लोगों के लिए सबसे बेहतर विकल्प है, जो भाग-दौड़ भरी ज़िंदगी से थोड़ा आराम चाहते हैं और अपने प्रियजनों के साथ खुशनुमा पल बिताना चाहते हैं।”
विभिन्न कलाओं का बेहद मनभावन अनुभव
इस स्थान पर बढ़ई, फर्नीचर तैयार करने वाले, बुनकर, दर्जी, कुम्हार, धातु एवं पत्थर के कारीगर, बाँस और खाट बुनने वाले, लोहार, मोची तथा सुनार दिन भर अपना काम करते हैं। यहाँ आने वाले मेहमान थोड़ी देर के लिए इनमें से किसी भी काम में अपना हाथ आजमा सकते हैं या फिर किसी कलाकृति को अपने घर ले जा सकते हैं। यहाँ की गतिविधियों में नाई से बाल कटवाना या मालिश करने वालों से चंपी करवाना, तथा महिला सहकारी विक्रेताओं द्वारा तैयार किए गए पापड़, अचार और श्रीखंड से बने स्वादिष्ट व्यंजनों का स्वाद चखना शामिल है।
खेतों में समय बिताएँ
मॉन्टेरिया विलेज को खेती के उज्जवल भविष्य पर पूरा यकीन है और यहाँ खुली खेती की सदियों पुरानी तकनीकों के साथ-साथ हाइड्रोपोनिक जैसे आधुनिक तरीकों को भी अपनाया गया है। यहाँ बायोगैस, वर्मीकम्पोस्ट, गोबर के ईंधन, गोधन अर्क तथा फूलों की खेती के लिए ग्रीनहाउस जैसी पारंपरिक ग्रामीण तकनीकों की मदद से हर काम पूरा किया जाता है। मेहमान धन्वंतरी गार्डन में अपनी तरह के इकलौते कृषि पाठ्यक्रम के लिए साइन-अप कर सकते हैं, या फिर खेतों में उगाई गई ताजी फसलों के बीच सैर का आनंद ले सकते हैं।
खान-पान का बेमिसाल अनुभव
जब पेट में चूहे दौड़ने लगें, तब आप यहाँ के स्टॉल पर उपलब्ध स्वादिष्ट पानी-पूरी, मसालेदार चना ज़ोर गरम या मसालेदार चाट का लुत्फ उठा सकते हैं। आपके पास बर्फ के गोले और मटका दही के विकल्प भी उपलब्ध हैं। प्यास बुझाने के लिए यहाँ नारियल पानी, सौंफ का पानी, कोकम पेय, मार्बल सोडा (गोटी सोडा), छाछ, कटिंग चाय या कॉफी जैसे शानदार विकल्प मौजूद हैं।
सबरस रेस्टोरेंट में बेहद पौष्टिक तथा घर का बना शाकाहारी एवं मांसाहारी भोजन परोसा जाएगा। यहाँ के मेन्यू में खेतों में उगाई गई सामग्रियों से तैयार व्यंजनों को शामिल किया गया है जिसमें सब्जी या मांस, गेहूं, बाजरा, ज्वार और चावल की चपाती, दाल चावल, कढ़ी चावल और एक पारंपरिक मिठाई का विकल्प मौजूद है।
इस स्थान के मुख्य आकर्षण
इस शानदार स्थान पर बेहद मनोरम नक्षत्र उद्यान भी मौजूद है, जिसे 12 नक्षत्रों या राशियों को ध्यान में रखते हुए बनाया गया है। यहाँ आने वाला हर मेहमान प्रकृति की सकारात्मक ऊर्जा में पूरी तरह डूब जाएगा।
एक मॉडल ग्रीन ट्रेन आपके दिल में लंबी दूरी की यात्रा की उमंगों को फिर से जगाती है, एक स्विंग सर्कल और एक विशाल हार्नेस स्विंग आपके पेट में गुदगुदी का एहसास कराते हैं, साथ ही आप विशेष रूप से तैयार किए गए बुलेट, चकदो की सवारी का भी आनंद ले सकते हैं। इस स्थान के चारों ओर सैर-सपाटे के दौरान मेहमान एक गुफा सुरंग से गुजरने, थोड़ी शांति के लिए बांसों के झुरमुट के बीच बने रास्ते पर घूमने और लक्ष्मण झूला की तरह बनाए गए पुल पर चलने का भी मजा ले सकते हैं।
मॉन्टेरिया विलेज आपको आपके बचपन के गाँव की याद दिलाता है। लागोरी और कंचे के पारंपरिक खेलों के साथ-साथ टायर को घुमाते हुए दौड़ने में शामिल होना भी दिल को सुकून देने वाला अनुभव साबित होगा।
दिन ढलने के साथ ही आनंद मेला का आयोजन होता है, और जहाँ आप खुशनुमा पल बिता सकते हैं। यह एक उत्सव की तरह है, जिसमें समुदाय के लोग दिन भर की थकान मिटाने के लिए एकजुट होकर मनोरंजक गतिविधियों का आयोजन करते हैं। एम्फी-थिएटर में लोक कलाओं का प्रदर्शन किया जाता है, जिसमें विभिन्न प्रकार के लोक संगीत, नृत्य और नाट्य प्रदर्शन शामिल हैं। यह सामाजिक सौहार्द के साथ एक-दूसरे से मिलने जुलने का अवसर है।
लक्षित पर्यटक
मॉन्टेरिया विलेज में सभी के लिए कुछ न कुछ अवश्य मौजूद है और यह हर उम्र के लोगों के लिए अनुकूल है। बच्चों के लिए खुली जगह और गतिविधियाँ, झूला, पैदल चलने के लिए पगडंडी तथा बड़े लोगों के लिए आकर्षक गतिविधियाँ और वरिष्ठ नागरिकों के लिए बेहद सुविधाजनक एवं आरामदेह अनुभव, यानी सभी के लिए कुछ न कुछ मौजूद है। बेमिसाल और अनोखे थीम सेटिंग्स तथा सभी के लिए शेड्यूल में आसानी की वजह से यह स्थान कारपोरेट कंपनियों के लिए अपनी पार्टियों, सम्मेलनों, कार्यस्थल से दूर भ्रमण करने एवं टीम तैयार करने से जुड़ी गतिविधियों के आयोजन के लिए एकदम सही है। यह स्थान विवाह के आयोजन के लिए भी उपयुक्त है जहाँ वर-वधु प्रकृति के करीब जाकर जीवन भर साथ निभाने का वादा कर सकते हैं, और इस ऑफबीट डेस्टिनेशन सेटिंग में 1500 मेहमानों के बैठने लिए सुविधाओं के साथ पारंपरिक भोजन का प्रबंध कर सकते हैं।
साफ़-सफ़ाई एवं सैनिटाइजेशन
महामारी के मौजूदा हालात को ध्यान में रखते हुए, इस स्थान पर स्वच्छता एवं सैनिटाइजेशन के प्रोटोकॉल का हर तरीके से पालन किया जाता है तथा अपने मेहमानों की सुरक्षा सुनिश्चित की जाती है। यहाँ के सभी कर्मचारियों को टीके के दोनों डोज लगाए जा चुके हैं, साथ ही मेहमानों को भी बुकिंग के समय अपने टीकाकरण का प्रमाणपत्र जमा करने की आवश्यकता होती है। यहाँ सभी प्रमुख स्थानों के अलावा जगह-जगह पर हैंड सैनिटाइजेशन के उपकरण लगाए गए हैं।
हमारे परिसर में प्रवेश करने के साथ ही आप इस गाँव का हिस्सा बन जाते हैं।
हम आपके स्वागत के लिए तैयार हैं।
मॉन्टेरिया विलेज के पैकेज में सभी सुविधाएं सम्मिलित हैं, जिसमें नाश्ता, दोपहर का भोजन, चाय और मॉन्टेरिया विलेज का अनुभव शामिल है। बुकिंग की कीमतें 999 रुपये (बच्चे), 1499 रुपये (वरिष्ठ नागरिक) से लेकर 1699 रुपये (वयस्क) प्रति व्यक्ति प्रति दिन हैं।
बुकिंग से संबंधित विवरण के लिए देखें: www.monteriavillage.com
मॉन्टेरिया विलेज का परिचय
मॉन्टेरिया विलेज सैर-सपाटे का एक ऐसा स्थान है, जिसे यहाँ आने वाले मेहमानों को ग्रामीण जीवन का बेमिसाल एवं शानदार अनुभव प्रदान करने के लिए तैयार किया गया है। यह स्थान रायगढ़ जिले के खालापुर शहर में 36 एकड़ के क्षेत्र में फैला है, जो आने वाले मेहमानों को एक भारतीय गाँव के दैनिक जीवन, संस्कृति, व्यंजन, मनोरंजन, कला और परंपराओं के साथ जोड़ता है। यहाँ आने वाले हर उम्र के लोगों को यह परिवेश उनके बचपन के दिनों में वापस ले जाता है तथा उन्हें अपनी असली जड़ों से जोड़ता है। मॉन्टेरिया विलेज मुंबई के बाहरी इलाके में स्थित एक बेहद लोकप्रिय रिसॉर्ट तथा जाने-माने हॉस्पिटैलिटी फर्म, मॉन्टेरिया रिज़ॉर्ट प्रा. लि. का हिस्सा है।
Monteria Village, a unique experiential destination, opens its door to city travellers
Monteria Village, a unique experiential destination, opens its door to city travelers
Monteria Village, a unique experiential destination, opens its door to city travelers
The Village is the latest day-outing offering on the outskirts of Mumbai and Pune
*Spend a day in a village and soak in its rich culture through art, folk performances, and activities
*Be a farmer for a day with a holistic hands-on experience
*Connect to nature and go back to your roots
FEBRUARY 3, 2022, MUMBAI: An easy two-hour drive from Mumbai and Pune leads to the newly opened Monteria Village spread across 35 acres in Khalapur, Raigad district.
The brand-new day-outing destination gives guests of all age groups a holistic experience of being in a quintessential village: a dip in a lake, a laze on the hammock, folk performances, hearty desi meals, immersive art experiences like bamboo and khaat weaving, or even a shot at game of lagori.
This short-weekend getaway on the outskirt of the city is a call back to your roots and embraces guests into village life through art, culture, and traditional activities on farmland surrounded by nature.
Managing Director, Monteria Resort Pvt. Ltd., Rahi Vaghani, “From the moment a guest enters Monteria Village, they will find themselves transported into village life. They can be a farmer for a day, savor the goodness of home-cooked meals, play a game of lagori, laze on hammocks, swim in a lake, and find simple joys of being in a stress-free setup that thrives on a well-nurtured ecosystem. The people who run the experiences are skilled artisans and workers, which adds spontaneity to the activities. This is an apt option for anyone looking to slow down and spend quality time together with their loved ones.”
Immersive art experiences
On the property, carpenters, furniture weavers, tailors, potters, metal and stone artists, bamboo and khaat weavers, blacksmiths, cobblers, and goldsmiths go about their workday. Guests can take some time to try their hand at a skill or take home an artifact. Activities include getting a haircut from a barber or a champi from a masseuse and tasting the delightful makes of papad, pickle, and shrikhand from women cooperative sellers.
Spend time on the farm
Monteria Village believes in the future of agriculture and has adopted age-old techniques of open farming to modern adaptations of hydroponic practices. Traditional village techniques are executed using BioGas, Vermicompost, Gobar Brackets, Godan Ark, and Floriculture greenhouse. Guests can sign up for a holistic one-of-a-kind farming course in the Dhanvantri Garden, or take a walk through fresh produce grown on the farm.
Food and drinks
When hunger pangs strike, local stalls sell flavorsome Pani puri, spicy chana jor garam, or a spicy chaat to indulge into. There are ice golas and matka curd to choose from too. To quench thirst, there are options of coconut water, saunf water, kokum drink, marble soda (goti soda), buttermilk, or a cutting chai or coffee.
Nutritious home-cooked vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals will be served at the restaurant Sabras. The menu made using ingredients sourced from the farm includes choice of sabzi or meat, wheat, bajra, jowar and rice chapatis, dal rice, kadhi chawal, and a traditional sweet.
Attractions on the property
The rich land has a high-vibing Nakshatra garden, built on the concept of 12 Nakshatras or Zodiac signs. Each guest will soak in the positive vibrations of nature to the fullest.
A model green train rekindles the joy of a long-distance journey, a swing circle, and a giant harness swing give the joyful butterflies in the stomach, and a ride on a modified bullet chakra some collective cheer. A walk around the property will lead guests through a cave tunnel, to a bamboo groove for some Shanti, and even onto a Lakshman Jhula replica.
Monteria Village is a reminder of the village of your childhood. Traditional games like lagori, marbles even running around rolling a tire will be heartening participation.
As the day fades, elevate your time on the venue at the Anand Mela. This is a celebration for the good folks of a community to gather for recreational activities. The Amphi-theatre hosts Lok Kala which showcases an array of folk music, dance, and theatre performances. This is an occasion for social interactions and bonhomie.
Target Audience
With something for everyone, Monteria Village is age-group friendly. Open space and activities for children, hammocks, walking tracks, and engaging activities for adults, and comfortable offerings for senior citizens. The venue is perfect for corporates to host parties, conferences and off-site excursions, and team-building events with its unique theme setting and ease of personalized schedule. Couples can take their vows close to nature in an offbeat destination setting with a traditional meal plan at an open ground that can accommodate up to 1500 guests.
Keeping in mind the current situation of the pandemic, the property takes full measures of following sanitization protocols and ensuring the safety of its guests is taken care of. All staff on the property is double vaccinated, and guests are required to submit their vaccination certifications at the time of booking. Hand sanitization equipment is set up at all stops.
You become part of the village from the moment you enter our premise.
We are ready for you.
Monteria Village offers all-inclusive packages that include breakfast, lunch, hi-tea, and Monteria Village experience. Prices range from Rs 999 (child), Rs 1499 (senior citizen) to Rs 1699 (adult) per person per day.
BOOKING DETAILS: www.monteriavillage.com
ABOUT Monteria Village
MONTERIA VILLAGE is a destination designed to give a guest an elevated experience of quintessential village life. Spread across 36 ACRES in Raigad district’s Khalapur town, the destination nurtures an ecosystem that plants its guests in the daily life, culture, cuisine, entertainment, art, and heritage of an Indian village. Every age group will find a path that leads them to their inner child and in turn, connect to their authentic roots. Monteria Village is part of the prominent hospitality firm Monteria Resort Pvt. Ltd., an immensely popular resort located in the outskirts of Mumbai.
Song link - https://youtu.be/diiyihgYgQM
Songs full of spirit, with musicians from India, Afghanistan, the US, and the UK, merging local flavors of Latin, jazz, folk, country, Sufi tradition, Western and Hindustani classical music
Scintillating performances from global masters including Zakir Hussain, V. Selvaganesh,
U. Rajesh, Shankar Mahadevan, Béla Fleck, Gary Husband, Jordan Rudess, Antonio Sanchez, Thana Alexa, Deepak Pandit, Rashid Khan, Anat Cohen, Michael League, and more
Available now from groundbreaking UK-based imprint Sufiscore
(“shining a light on South Asian music”)
Heir to a Hindustani classical lineage passed down from his father Partha Chatterjee (and his father’s teacher Pandit Nikhil Banerjee), virtuoso sitarist Purbayan Chatterjee is thrilled to share Unbounded - Abaad, his new album from the UK-based, South Asian-focused music media platform Sufiscore. The album reflects not only Chatterjee’s mastery of his native musical tongue but also what he calls “his love story with jazz” and his inquisitive approach to the music of all kinds, blending a wealth of colors from master musicians around the world. “I’m trying to create a sound that appeals to the greater diaspora,” Chatterjee says, “incorporating the nuances of Western harmony along with the embellishments and ornaments of Indian music in terms of my playing, my phrasing, my thinking.”
Joining him in this endeavor are musicians of the highest caliber with a likeminded global sensibility, including banjo pioneer Béla Fleck (whose duo work with the late Chick Corea was formative for Chatterjee); keyboardist Jordan Rudess of the progressive metal band Dream Theater; longtime Pat Metheny drummer Antonio Sanchez; Snarky Puppy bassist and founder Michael League; and acclaimed jazz clarinetist Anat Cohen.
Among the eminent Indian musicians featured are Ustad Zakir Hussain (tabla), V. Selvaganesh (kanjira), and Shankar Mahadevan (vocals), all of whom worked with the great John McLaughlin in his innovative acoustic fusion project Shakti. “I think to a lot of Indian listeners, Shakti is the first door through which we see cross-cultural collaborative music,” Chatterjee maintains. “As crossover musicians, we revere Shakti because of the way John Ji explored the Carnatic tradition and beautifully found a harmonic context to it. Zakir Bhai [brother] also embodies that bridge, much like Pandit Ravi Shankar did in the ’60s and ’70s. He’s been a mentor and esteemed colleague. You hear so many elements of Latin percussion in the way he plays the tabla, in addition to the North and South Indian traditions.”
Though Chatterjee composed the songs, each one enfolds the ideas and personalities of various co-collaborators along the way. Many others appear as special guests — ace session players who fulfilled a highly important role. “Khula Asmaan — Firmament,” with lyrics by Pinky Poonawala sung by the Indian master Javed Ali, combines Rudess’ dizzying keyboards and Guy Bernfeld’s electric bass with the animated world percussion of Taufiq Qureshi, the drumming of Darshan Doshi and the guitar and flute of Rickraj and Paras Nath respectively. This complex prog-rock whirlwind, inspired by the traditions of Sufi Islam, is “a cross between a classical bandish [fixed melodic composition] and a Sufi kalam [devotional song],” Chatterjee notes.
The album was mixed by Aditya Srinivasan at Seven Heaven Studios, mastered by Christian Wright at Abbey Road Studios in London, and mixed for Dolby Atmos by Sethuraman Kuppaiyandi, again at Seven Heaven. The album art, by Aniruddh Mehta, evokes an imaginary space or sacred room, similar to how each song contains layers of intricacies. The patterns themselves are inspired by traditional Indian weaves and tile work, while the globe in the center reiterates the worldwide collaboration process.
In all, Unbounded - Abaad showcases “six different kinds of music from our subcontinent, brought into close contact with six different styles from jazz and other realms,” Chatterjee concludes. “Improvisation is the most common connection point. The language of music can take you from one realm to the other — to feel that sense of being ‘looked after,’ essentially. Through it, you’re finding a mode of communication with greater energy, common energy that binds us all together.” In this way, Unbounded - Abaad is an emblematic sophomore release from Sufiscore: not just a traditional label but a YouTube channel amassing millions of views of songs from the Asian and South Asian markets. By celebrating new creative processes with leading musicians adapting to adversity as they continue to explore global fusion, Sufiscore is opening doors to international collaborations wherever musicians are in the world. Through live-syncing, remote recording, and other practices, Sufiscore seeks to usher in new ways of making and consuming music online.
Purbayan Chatterjee says “Having Jordan Rudess on a Sufi song was in itself a novelty. I felt the blissful energy of Sufi would go with the pulse of a prog-rock sound. Javed Ali is seen in a classical Sufi Avataar and he’s rendered not only the song but sargams too… Taufiq Qureshi's rhythm arrangements are as exotic as they are unique- everything from his signature breath Percussions to the Latin American Bataiyo that he’s used for the song”
Javed Ali says "I feel privileged to be a part of this project (Unbounded-Abaad) and have tremendous appreciation for Purbayan on how he brought so many musicians together. When I entered the studio to record this song, I was left amazed by how beautifully this song has been composed and I felt that this song is important for me because its genre and style is so different and I had the opportunity to explore that part of me. Not only do I feel that all artists and musicians who have contributed are complete but the song itself is perfect as you can find Layakari and Sargam along with the mention of Maula"
Wednesday, February 2, 2022
Tips Punjabi presents “Jinna Royi Aan” ft. Paras Chhabra and Mahira Sharma
Tips Punjabi presents “Jinna Royi Aan” ft. Paras Chhabra and Mahira Sharm
What are you willing to do for the one you love? Tips Punjabi presents “Jinna Royi Aan” ft. Paras Chhabra and Mahira Sharma
Singer - Ninja, Music by - Gold Boy, Lyrics by- Navi Ferozpurwala, Director- Aar- V, Editor - Shourya Kumar link- https://www.youtube.com/watch?
Paras Chhabra says, "Romance is a genre that every generation can relate to. I am ecstatic for being able to be a part of it. Furthermore, Mahira has been an incredible partner, so I it was an opportunity I am glad I took. The video was like a film shoot interesting angle it had and a lot of twists and turns also this would be celebrating love month."
Mahira Sharma says, "Jinna Royi Aan is such a beautiful song that I couldn't help but grab the chance to be a part of it. Paras costarring in it was like a cherry on top for me. I really enjoyed shooting for the song and I am glad that our efforts resonated with people."
Director AAR -V says, "Jinna Roiyaan is a love story of a couple who are caught up in an act that twists their destiny. While the male part is driven by a very unique character played by Paras the female is full of innocence and love played by Mahira. It was fun working with them. The story and the approach of the video are not attempted before. Go watch it"
Chaudhary fame- Mame Khan is ready to create another ripple with his latest heartbreak number- Darare Dil
Chaudhary fame- Mame Khan is ready to create another ripple with his latest heartbreak number- Darare Dil
Mumbai, 1st February 2022: Acclaimed folk singer and Marwari artist- Mame Khan is back to his audience with a new signature love & heartbreak single- Darare Dil. After receiving immense love and appreciation for his song- Chaudhary, Khan is all saddled up to take over the Indian music industry with his latest delectable piece.
A romantic loving melody that grips you right from the start. Saregama, Mame Khan, Rohan Mehra, and Digangana Suryavanshi treat their fans with another magical melody "Darare Dil". While imparting a lesson of letting go, the number simultaneously embellishes and empowers us as ‘beings’ before ‘beings of love’.
Astutely and quite observantly written by renowned lyricist- Ankit Charan, this song is an embodiment of both pain and power. Featuring the Netflix special- Bazaar’s star- Rohan Mehra, and the extremely talented Indian actress, singer, and author- Digangana Suryavanshi, this video is sure to make you go teary-eyed. So, what are you waiting for?
Creating the song Mame Khan said, "Honoured to work with Saregama, Darare Dil conveys an intense story where love and hate are two sides of the same coin, only music can express such emotions. This song is my debut with Saregama in a double role as singer and composer. I hope my fans & audience give the song much love, as this one is close to my heart".
Rohan Mehra, son of legendary actor Vinod Mehra says “I am happy and very excited to feature in Darare Dil is a beautiful song, it’s a song for everyone, one of my personal favorites. It was a pleasure working with Saregama, a team of creative genius" when asked about his entry in Bollywood with a big surname attached to his name, he adds "I know there are a lot of expectations from me because of my father. His body of work is applauded worthy, I feel privileged to be born as his son"
Featuring Darare Dil, Digangana Suryavanshi says "A soulful number which will give you goosebumps. Daare Dil is a blend of melody and emotions. It will keep you company if you are nursing a broken heart"
Tune-in to this phenomenal single only on Saregama’s YouTube channel, and all the leading streaming platforms:
Singer and composer - Mame Khan, Featuring- Rohan Mehra and Digangana Suryavanshi, Lyrics - Ankit Charan, Director - Aditya Datt
Monday, January 31, 2022
Let us begin 2022 with a grander-than-life Calendar, SUGAR Cosmetics presents GLAM ONN 2022 powered by Malabar Gold and Diamonds, themed 'The Royal Era'. The calendar will portray the royal lifestyle of His & Her Majesty. With renowned celebrities and supermodels onboard, this is definitely not to be mistaken for your ordinary calendar.
Celebs gracing the calendar launch were Mrunal Jain, Shibani Kashyap, Vikramjeet Virk, Jaan Kumar Sanu, Rohit Reddy, Prashant Virendra Sharma, Poonam Pandey, and many more
SUGAR Cosmetics presents "GLAM ONN 2022" powered by Malabar Gold and Diamonds is the most fashionable calendar with supermodels from the glamour industry working in confederacy with a renowned designer of lavish garments Gagan Kumar and Jewellery shoot with royal collection by Malabar Gold and Diamonds, famed photographer Priyankk Nandwana, and videography by SIK Films to produce influential photography. The theme for the year 2022 has been chosen to showcase the charisma of the traditional and rich Indian culture. Showcasing grandeur and royalty, the GLAM ONN 2022 calendar shoot is nothing short of a magnificent royal court.
Glam Onn 2022 has SUGAR Cosmetics onboard as its Title Partner and is the exclusive makeup partner for the entire Glam Onn calendar this year. SUGAR Cosmetics, as a brand, believes in creating state-of-the-art premium products that make a woman look bold and free. Hence, SUGAR Cosmetics presents GLAM ONN 2022 will portray the ideology of boldness and royalty in the lives of the women of the Royal Era, sending the women of our generation the message that they can rule the world one look at a time.
They also have Malabar Gold & Diamonds on board as their 'powered by' partner. Depicting the Royal Era is not possible without scintillating diamonds and dazzling gold, which Malabar is known for. Malabar jewelers have adorned the Kings and Queens of Glam Onn with their majestic jewelry that will definitely highlight the glory of our country's rich and glorious heritage of the Royals.
Celebrity Featuring on the calendar 2022: - Sangeeta Bijlani, Arti Singh, Asmita Sood, Smita Gondkar, Ulka Gupta, Sakshi Dwivedi, Vikramjeet Virk, Mrunal Jain & Himanshu Malhotra.
Models featuring for the calendar 2022: - Shree Radhe, Kavita Kharayat, Sunny Kamble, Iris Maity, Urvi Shetty, Riya Subodh, Parul Bindal, Amardeep, Priyanka Karunakaran, Mohini Dwivedi, Pari Mirza, Titiksha Taggar, Anoushka Chauhan, Pooja Singh, Vaibhav Maurya, Shourya Aditya, Lakshya Sharma, Rohullah mehndi, Musab shaikh, Shahswat Dwivedi, Gokul G, Akshay Kaushal.
Founder Blanckanvas Media
Mr. Parimal Mehhta says, "This year, Glam Onn will highlight the charismatic beauty embedded in the lifestyles of His & Her majesty. We'll be recreating the dynamism of ancient India, reflecting into the royal couture collection as well as the regal jewelry & makeup. The calendar will be one of the biggest star-studded calendars with so many celebrities and supermodels coming under one roof to create an impact and become the magnificent calendar it is destined to be.”
Title sponsor - SUGAR Cosmetics
Powered by - Malabar Gold & Diamonds
Skin glow partner - Skin works
Shot on: LUMIX by Panasonic
Radio partner - Fever 104
Beverage partner - Ocean Beverages
Content partner - SIK films
Designer - Gagan Kumar
Photographer - Priyankk Nandwana
Outdoor partner - Minimax
Grooming partner - Maviya Sankriti
Art director - Sixth sense arts
Celebration partner - Casablanca
Footwear partner - Regal shoes
Launch partner - Kingsman
Hydration partner - Brijeel partner
Location partner - Sets in the city
Accessories partner - Horra luxury
Fashion and lifestyle partner - Svar
PR - Parul Chawla, Picture and Kraft
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