Saturday, August 31, 2024

Rajkummar Rao turns ferocious



          Rajkummar Rao turns ferocious for Tips Films and         Northern Lights Films’ Maalik directed by Pulkit


Continuing their tradition of offering audiences a fresh and diverse array of films, Tips Films and Northern Lights Films are now set to present Rajkummar Rao in a gripping and intense new project. Kumar Taurani and Jay Shewakramani announce their upcoming film Maalik, featuring Rajkummar Rao in a never-before-seen avatar.

Rajkummar Rao fuels fan enthusiasm on his birthday by revealing an eye-catching fierce new poster on his social media. This will be the first time Raj Kummar Rao will be seen playing the role of a gangster in an action/thriller.

Pulkit, known for his recent work in thrillers and dramas, will take the director’s chair for this intriguing story. The film shoot is now in progress, with an extensive schedule planned across various locations in India.

Maalik is produced by Kumar Taurani under the Tips Films banner and Jay Shewakramani's Northern Lights Films.

Rajkummar Rao looks absolutely ferocious in the title unveil of his next big film #Maalik, with Tips Films and Northern Lights Films. The filming of Maalik has officially commenced.


@rajkummar_rao @justpulkit @kumartaurani @jayshewakramani @tipsfilmsofficial @nlfilms.india 

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@RajkummarRao @Pulkit @KumarTaurani @JayShewakramani @TipsFilms @NLFilmsIndia 

@GauravBose #JyotsanaNath @AnujDhawan @RitaGhosh @NiharikaBhasinKhan @SachinJigar @AmitabhBhattacharya @ChhabraMukeshCsa @TipsMusic


@RajkummarRao @justpulkit @KumarTaurani @jayshewakramani @TipsFilmsInd @NLFilmsIndia

@gauravbose_TVW @Njyotsana #AnujDhawan #RitaGhosh #NiharikaBhasinKhan @SachinJigarLive @OfficialAMITABH @CastingChhabra  @tipsofficial

Friday, August 30, 2024

मिसेस मुख्यमंत्री फेम तेजस बर्वेच ‘गजानना’ गाण्याद्वारे दिग्दर्शक म्हणून पदार्पण

मिसेस मुख्यमंत्री फेम तेजस बर्वेच ‘गजानना’ गाण्याद्वारे दिग्दर्शक म्हणून पदार्पण

मिसेस मुख्यमंत्री फेम तेजस बर्वे दिग्दर्शित आणि अनुश्री फिल्म्स निर्मित ‘गजानना’ गाणं प्रदर्शित, सोशल मीडियावर गाणं तुफान व्हायरल!

चला हवा येऊ द्या फेम रोहीत चव्हाण यांचं ‘गजानना’ गाणं प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला

बाप्पाच्या आगमनाची सर्वत्र लगबग पाहायला मिळत आहे. अश्यातच मिसेस मुख्यमंत्री फेम अभिनेता तेजस बर्वेने दिग्दर्शित केलेलं ‘गजानना’ गाणं नुकतंच प्रदर्शित झालं आहे. हे गाणं व्हिडिओ स्वरूपात तुम्हाला अनुश्री फिल्म्सवर पाहायला मिळेल. या गाण्याची निर्मिती अनुश्री फिल्म्स आणि मयुर तातुसकर यांनी केली आहे. चला हवा येऊ द्या फेम ‘रोहीत चव्हाण’ हा मुख्य कलाकाराच्या भूमिकेत असून अक्षय आणि कांचन वाटवे हे सहकलाकाराच्या भूमिकेत आहेत. दिग्दर्शकाची धुरा मिसेस मुख्यमंत्री फेम तेजस बर्वे यांनी सांभाळली आहे. या गाण्याचं संगीत मयूर बहुळकर यांनी केलं असून गीतरचना प्रणव बापट यांची आहे. अनुश्री फिल्म्सची या आधी लढला मावळा रं.., भाव भक्ती विठोबा, पंढरीची आई, तु सखा श्रीहरी, देवा गणेशा अशी गाणी प्रसिद्ध झाली आहेत.

अभिनेता - दिग्दर्शक तेजस बर्वे पदार्पणाविषयी आणि गाण्याच्या प्रोसेसविषयी सांगतात, “माझं आणि बाप्पाचं नातं खूप जवळचं आहे. मी बाप्पाचा लाडका आहे असं लहानपणापासून मला वाटतं. मी बाप्पाच्या आगमनाला ढोल वाजवायचो. त्यासाठी मी खास ढोलपथक जॉइन केलेलं. मला अभिनयानंतर दिग्दर्शन करायची इच्छा होती आणि मला बाप्पापासूनच करायची होती. आणि तसचं घडलं स्वप्नपूर्ती झाली आणि माझ्या नवीन कामाचं श्री गणेशा या गाण्यापासून होतोय. एका मूर्तिकाराची आणि बाप्पाची भावनिक कथा सांगण्याचा यातून मी प्रयत्न केला आहे. या गाण्याचा शेवटचा सीन शूट करताना सेटवरील सर्वजण भावूक झाले होते. मी लहानपणी गणपती विसर्जनासाठी घाटावर गेलो होतो तेव्हा एक लहान मुलगी खूप रडत होती. त्याचवेळी मला या गाण्याची संकल्पना सुचली. आणि बाप्पाप्रति भावना मी यात मांडली. प्रेक्षकांना आमचं गाणं आवडतंय. आमच्या सर्व गाण्यांवर असंच प्रेम असू द्या हीच सदिच्छा.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

निर्माते मयुर तातुसकर गाण्याच्या संकल्पनेविषयी सांगताना म्हणतात, “गाण्याची संकल्पना साकारण्यामागे खूपच वेगळा विचार होता. गणपती बाप्पाच्या उत्सवाच्या काळात, आपण प्रचंड उत्साह आणि भक्तिमय वातावरण अनुभवतो. परंतु, या गाण्यात आम्ही भक्ताच्या बाप्पा प्रति असलेली भक्तीची भावनिक व्याख्या सादर केली आहे. आमचा उद्देश होता की, हे गाणं आजच्या तरुणाईसाठीही समर्पक असावं, त्यामुळे गाण्याच्या संकल्पनेत पारंपारिकतेसोबत कथेचा वापर करण्यात आला. यामध्ये संगीताची ऊर्जा आणि गाण्याचे शब्द, हे दोन्ही आपल्याला भक्तीच्या नव्या उंचीवर घेऊन जातात. एक सीन होता ज्यामध्ये मुख्य कलाकार रोहित चव्हाण हे गणेशाच्या मूर्तीसमोर नतमस्तक होऊन प्रार्थना करीत होते. त्या क्षणी, वातावरणात अशी काही आध्यात्मिकता आणि ऊर्जा निर्माण झाली की, सगळेच जण भावनिक झाले. अशाच एका सीनमध्ये दिग्दर्शक तेजस बर्वे यांनी, गणपती बाप्पाच्या आशीर्वादाने, हे मिश्रण केलं, यातील काही भाग स्क्रिप्टमध्ये नव्हता, परंतु त्या क्षणात इतका प्रभावशाली ठरला की, आम्ही तो सीन गाण्यात कायम ठेवला. ‘गजानना’ या गाण्यानंतर आम्ही वेगळ्या प्रोजेक्ट्सवर काम करत आहोत, ज्यामध्ये इतिहासाशी संबंधित छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांच्या पदस्पर्शाने पावन झालेल्या सिंहगड किल्ल्याचा इतिहास दाखवणारी एक डॉक्युमेंटरी-ड्रामा असेल. अनुश्री फिल्म्स प्रेक्षकांसाठी नेहमीच नवनवीन कलाकृती घेऊन येतील. तुम्हा सर्वांचं प्रेम कायम असंच राहो.”                                                                                                                                              

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Tasva Unveils its New Flagship Store in Hyderabad, Led by actor Naga Chaitanya

Tasva Unveils its New Flagship Store in Hyderabad with a Grand Baraat, Led by actor Naga Chaitanya

Tasva, a wedding and occasion wear brand for the modern Indian man, launched by ABFRL in collaboration with ace couturier Tarun Tahiliani - has opened the doors to its spectacular flagship store in the heart of Himayatnagar, Hyderabad. Spanning an impressive 4,823 sq ft in one of the city’s most prestigious locales, this store is set to become the ultimate destination for men’s fashion. With its prime location and stunning design, Tasva is here to redefine your shopping experience—just in time for the festive and wedding season!

The grand opening was marked by the presence of Hyderabad’s own superstar Naga Chaitanya gracing the event alongside the legacy designer -Tarun Tahiliani as Tasva’s Chief Design Officer. The duo brought the perfect blend of celebrity glamour and design excellence, making this launch a day to remember.

Naga Chaitanya, reflecting on the significance of the launch, shared, "Hyderabad holds a special place in my heart, and I know how much this city values tradition and style. Tasva brings the perfect blend of both, offering designs that speak to our rich heritage while catering to the modern tastes of our people. I’m excited to see how this store will become a go-to destination for everyone looking to celebrate special occasions.”

The Himayatnagar store isn’t just a place to shop—it’s an experience. Designed to reflect the evolving tastes of India’s cosmopolitan man, the store creates a harmony between earthy wood and brass with contemporary aesthetics, drawing inspiration from India’s history and heritage. The garments are arranged in a visually stunning ombre cascade, ensuring that every step you take is a feast for the eyes. Tarun Tahiliani emphasized the connection between the brand and the city, stating, “Hyderabad’s rich cultural heritage and love for tradition resonate deeply with Tasva’s design philosophy. This store is a celebration of that connection, offering a curated collection that honors the past while embracing the future of men’s fashion.”

Hyderabad’s vibrant cultural tapestry and rapidly growing economy, was the obvious choice for Tasva’s expansion. As for what’s in store, customers can look forward to Tasva’s latest collections. The festive collection features stunning kurta sets and kurta bundi sets, with vibrant screen prints and modern silhouettes that bring a fresh twist to traditional attire. Meanwhile, the wedding collection offers luxurious sherwanis, achkans, and the innovative angrakha sherwani, crafted from opulent fabrics and detailed with intricate embroidery work.

Ashish Mukul, Brand Head of Tasva adds,  “At Tasva, our goal has always been to make designer Indian wear accessible to a wider audience. The launch of our store in Himayatnagar is a testament to our commitment to bringing the best of tradition and modernity to our discerning customers in this vibrant city”

Tasva has become a renowned name across India, with a presence in major cities and a reputation for quality and craftsmanship. The success of our stores in Hyderabad has driven the launch of this grand flagship in Himayatnagar, a strategic move to cater to the city’s growing demand for premium Indian wear. Step into the world of Tasva at our new Himayatnagar flagship store. Whether it’s a wedding, festival, or any special occasion—special days deserve a Tasva!

Store Address- Door No 3/6, Commercial Complex, 238/1, AP State Housing Board, Himayatnagar, Hyderabad, Telangana 500034

Actors share their love for Sports and how it enhances their lives!

Actors share their love for Sports and how it enhances their lives!

Sports offer numerous benefits, including improved physical fitness, mental health, and social connections. &TV artists share how their sports activities contribute to their overall well-being. These include Amit Bhardwaj (Mewa, Bheema), Ashutosh Kulkarni (Krishan Bihari Vajpayee, Atal), Geetanjali Mishra (Rajesh, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan), and Aasif Sheikh (Vibhuti Narayan Mishra, Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai).

Amit Bhardwaj, aka Mewa from Bheema, shares, “I love playing chess and cricket. Chess, however, always takes priority for me. Whenever I have some free time, I enjoy playing chess with my children, and friends, or even online when I am alone. For me, chess is more than just a game—it’s a powerful mental exercise. It sharpens memory, enhances quick thinking in challenging situations, and helps the mind work efficiently under pressure. As an actor, I value these problem-solving and memorization skills, which I often apply during shoot. Chess also nurtures positive intuition and deepens my understanding, both on and off the board.” Ashutosh Kulkarni, aka Krishna Bihari Vajpayee from Atal, shares, “My favourite sport is basketball. It is one sport that I have been playing since my childhood. I was actively involved in my school and college teams, and although I play less often now, I seize every opportunity to hit the court—whether at a public park, residential complex, or hotel. The thrill of scoring and the joy it brings are unmatched. Basketball not only boosts flexibility and concentration but also energizes the body, promotes health, and builds muscle strength. It fosters discipline, teamwork, and quick decision-making, enhancing mental focus. Overall, it offers a full-body workout while being a fun and rewarding activity."

Geetanjali Mishra, aka Rajesh from Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, shares, “Cricket is more than just a game to me; it’s my passion! As an actor, I have always been fascinated by the discipline, strategy, and teamwork involved in the sport. Playing cricket has taught me valuable life skills like perseverance, focus, and communication. It helped me build confidence, both on and off the field. I’ve learned to handle pressure, think on my feet, and adapt to new situations. Cricket has also given me a sense of camaraderie and friendship that I cherish deeply. What I love most about cricket is the thrill of the game—the excitement of hitting a six or taking a wicket is unmatched! It’s a feeling that’s hard to describe, but it’s what keeps me coming back to the sport time and again.” Aasif Sheikh, aka Vibhuti Narayan Mishra from Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, shares, “Cricket has always been a significant part of my life, especially during my school and college days. The game taught me the essence of teamwork, discipline, and perseverance. I remember those early mornings practice sessions with my team, the thrill of every match, and the invaluable lessons I learned on the field. Cricket is not just a sport for me, but a way of life that shaped my character and approach to challenges. The strategic thinking, focus, and stamina required in cricket have greatly benefited me in my acting career. Whether it’s maintaining concentration during shoot or working harmoniously with a diverse cast, the skills I honed on the cricket field continue to serve me well.”

Watch your favourite artists in Atal at 8:00 pm, Bheema at 8:30 pm, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan at 10:00 pm, and Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai at 10:30 pm, airing every Monday to Friday only on &TV.

Grand Inauguration of Late “Shri Daya Kishan Sapru Marg” in Andheri Spearheaded by Sapru Family.

Grand Inauguration of late Shri Daya Kishan Sapru Marg spearheaded by Sapru Family.

Grand Inauguration of Late “Shri Daya Kishan Sapru Marg” in Andheri Spearheaded by Reema and Rakesh Nath, Priti Sapru and Upvan Sudarshan, Tej Sapru and Dhanalaksmi, Raj and Aryaman

In a momentous tribute to the legendary actor Shri Daya Kishan Sapru, a grand ceremony was held today to inaugurate the late actor’s eponymous street, “Shri Daya Kishan Sapru Marg,” in the heart of Mumbai. *The event was graced by the esteemed presence of Shri Vinod Tawde Ji, General Secretary of the Bharatiya Janata Party (India), Shri Ravindra Waikar Ji, Member of Parliament, and Smt Bharati Lavekar Ji, Member of the Legislative Assembly, Jackey Shroff, Aditya Pancholi, Johnny Lever, Poonam Dhillon, Manoj Joshi, Pankaj Dheer, Mukesh Rishi, Kiran Kumar and many more. This dedication marks a significant moment in the annals of Indian cinema and cultural history, celebrating the life and contributions of a man whose work transcended the silver screen.

The decision to name a street after Shri Daya Kishan Sapru is a testament to his enduring legacy. As the ribbon was cut, unveiling the newly named “Shri Daya Kishan Sapru Marg,” there was a palpable sense of reverence among those in attendance. The street, now a living testament to Shri Sapru’s legacy, will serve as a beacon for admirers of his work and a reminder of the profound impact he had on Indian cinema.

The inauguration of “Shri Daya Kishan Sapru Marg” stands as a celebration of a life devoted to the arts. It is a tribute not only to a talented actor but also to the values of dedication, passion, and excellence that Shri Daya Kishan Sapru embodied throughout his career. His legacy will continue to inspire and influence the world of cinema, ensuring that his contributions will never be forgotten.

On the occasion of the inauguration, Sapru family shared "The naming of this street in his honor is not just a recognition of his contributions to Indian cinema, but a celebration of his life, his passion, and his unwavering commitment to the craft he loved so dearly. He was not only a profound actor, he was a loving father, a guiding light, and the pillar of our family. To see his name etched in the heart of this city, where he poured his soul into every role, fills us with immense pride and gratitude. We are overwhelmed by the love and respect that continues to surround his memory, and we extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this moment possible. His spirit will forever live on in the hearts of those he touched through his work, and now, through this lasting honor"

About Shri Daya Kishan Sapru- Shri Daya Kishan Sapru, a name synonymous with gravitas and excellence in Indian cinema, made his debut in the Marathi film RamShastri in 1944. His foray into Hindi cinema was met with widespread acclaim as he brought depth and nuance to every role he portrayed. Known for his commanding presence and profound understanding of the craft, Shri Sapru became a quintessential character artist, often embodying roles such as the authoritative Judge, the stern Police Commissioner, and the formidable Zamindar. One of his most memorable performances was in the classic film Sahib Bibi Aur Ghulam where he immortalized the role of Majhle Sarkar, the menacing head of the haveli. Despite his sparse dialogues, Shri Sapru’s portrayal relied heavily on his powerful screen presence, making an indelible impact on audiences and securing his place in the pantheon of great Indian actors.

Youtube Caption- Grand Inauguration of late Shri Daya Kishan Sapru Marg spearheaded by Sapru Family.

Johnny Lever, Jackie Shroff, Poonam Dhillon,& Others Celeb Present For Grand Inauguration of late Shri Daya Kishan Sapru Marg  

Instagram Caption- Honoring the timeless legacy of Shri Daya Kishan Sapru, a beacon of grace and excellence in Indian cinema, with the inauguration of 'Shri Daya Kishan Sapru Marg' in. Andheri spearheaded by Reema and Rakesh Nath, Priti Sapru and Upvan Sudarshan, Tej Sapru and Dhanalaksmi, Raj and Aryaman in the presence of Shri Ravindra Waikar Ji, and Smt Bharati Lavekar Ji, Jackey Shroff, Aditya Pancholi, Johnny Lever, Poonam Dhillon, Manoj Joshi, Pankaj Dheer, Mukesh Rishi, Kiran Kumar and many more.

#ShriDayaKishanSapru #ShriDayaKishanSapruMarg


10th Edition of India Rough Gemstones Sourcing Show 2024 Inaugurated in Jaipur

10th Edition of India Rough Gemstones Sourcing Show 2024 Inaugurated in Jaipur: GJEPC

The 10th Edition of the India Rough Gemstones Sourcing Show 2024 (IRGSS), organized by the Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), was inaugurated on 27th August in Jaipur by Shri Neeraj Dubey, Additional Commissioner of Customs, Jaipur in the presence of Shri K. M. Meena, Assistant Commissioner of Customs, Air Cargo Complex (ACC), Jaipur, along with key industry representatives. The show is being held at 5th Floor, Mall 21, Bhagwan Das Road, C-Scheme, Jaipur.

The inauguration ceremony was also attended by Shri Nirmal Bardiya, Regional Chairman, GJEPC; Shri B. N. Gupta, Convener, SFT/SS/CFJ Panel; Shri Vijay Kedia, Shri Rambabu Gupta, Shri D P Khandelwal, members of the Regional and Coloured Gemstone Committee, GJEPC. The Customs officials were warmly welcomed by the GJEPC representatives and other trade members present at the event.

Speaking about the show, Shri Vipul Shah, Chairman, GJEPC said, "It's gratifying to witness the 10th edition of the India Rough Gemstones Sourcing Show, a milestone that marks the success of an initiative we began during the COVID-19 pandemic to ensure the uninterrupted supply of rough gemstones to our coloured gemstone manufacturers in Jaipur. I am truly thankful to the exhibitors for their continued support. This event plays a crucial role in strengthening the Jaipur coloured gemstone sector, which is a significant contributor to India's gem and jewellery exports."

The exhibition, which will run until 14th September 2024, features a wide assortment of rough emeralds showcased by Kagem Mining Limited, Zambia, a subsidiary of Gemfields. Mr. Etienne Marvillet, Assistant Director, Product & Sales at Kagem Mining, was present at the inaugural and will be in India for the entire duration of the IRGSS.


About The Gem and Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC)

The Gem & Jewellery Export Promotion Council (GJEPC), set up by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India (GoI) in 1966, is one of several Export Promotion Councils (EPCs) launched by the Indian Government, to boost the country’s export thrust, when India’s post-Independence economy began making forays in the international markets. Since 1998, the GJEPC has been granted autonomous status. The GJEPC is the apex body of the gems & jewellery industry and today represents 10000+ members in the sector.  With headquarters in Mumbai, GJEPC has Regional Offices in New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Surat and Jaipur, all of which are major centres for the industry. It thus has a wide reach and is able to have a closer interaction with members to serve them in a direct and more meaningful manner. Over the past decades, GJEPC has emerged as one of the most active EPCs and has continuously strived to both expand its reach and depth in its promotional activities as well as widen and increase services to its members.


Wednesday, August 28, 2024



As India becomes the world’s second largest market for natural diamond jewellery, industry leaders De Beers and Tanishq unite to connect even more people to its enduring value

De Beers Group, the world’s leading diamond company, and Tanishq, India's largest jewellery retail brand from the Tata group, today announced a long-term strategic collaboration to connect more Indian consumers with the rarity and preciousness of natural diamonds and amplify the growing opportunity in the Indian market.

With a vibrant economy, a growing middle class and discerning consumers who seek jewellery with enduring value, demand for natural diamond jewellery from Indian consumers has surged recently and now represents 11 per cent of global demand. This has seen India replace China as the second largest market in the world for natural diamond jewellery. With diamond acquisition rates in India well below those in mature markets such as the US, this provides a significant opportunity to catalyse further growth for natural diamond jewellery in India.

 To help unlock the growth opportunity, Tanishq and De Beers have agreed to come together on a long-term collaboration to enhance consumer education, interest and confidence, and to promote natural diamonds across India. Through this collaboration, the two parties will capitalise on Tanishq’s deep understanding of the Indian market built up over three decades, combined with De Beers’ expertise in the diamond category, to deepen consumer desire for and confidence in natural diamonds, underscoring their inherent value, rarity and timelessness.

The collaboration will focus on building extensive consumer outreach, deepening capabilities of Tanishq’s retail staff to communicate about natural diamonds, educating consumers about authenticity, and shaping customer experiences as they explore their desire for natural diamonds and studded jewellery. This will also be supported by a compelling 360-degree marketing campaign to build awareness and target expanding the customer base in the country, including first time buyers.

The new collaboration builds on the existing relationship between Tanishq and De Beers, with Tanishq already using De Beers’ proprietary diamond verification technology to support the assurance of the authenticity of its products. The two parties are also in talks regarding opportunities to collaborate on traceability, how Tanishq’s diamond supply needs can best be met and further opportunities to use De Beers’ proprietary technologies to support pipeline integrity. 

Sandrine Conseiller, CEO of De Beers Brands, said: “India’s love affair with diamonds has flourished over thousands of years, and we are thrilled to partner with Tanishq to unlock the full potential of this vibrant market. Like De Beers, Tanishq recognises the power, preciousness and prestige of natural diamonds and combining our expertise with their deep understanding of the Indian market, we will work together to create something special to connect more Indian consumers to these natural treasures and their enduring value.”

Ajoy Chawla, CEO, Jewellery Division, Titan Company Limited, said: “The opportunity in India for diamonds is massive, given the very low penetration of studded jewellery and the rising per capita incomes in the world’s most populous country. Tanishq has been a pioneer in democratising diamond jewellery in the market for three decades and has always targeted the modern progressive woman. Tanishq Diamonds adhere to strictest standards, with all diamonds responsibly sourced in compliance with the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS) and the Tanishq Suppliers Engagement Protocol (TSEP).

“We offer our own certificate of Tanishq Diamond guarantee and have the most transparent buyback policy in India, enabling trust and peace of mind for our customers. In an increasingly man-made world where virtual living is becoming the norm, people crave authentic brands, real experiences and value natural, wholesome products. All Tanishq Diamonds are natural, rare and valuable and have attracted our customers with innovative designs. The collaboration with De Beers will unlock new opportunity for both Tanishq and the diamond sector, celebrating the eternal beauty of these miracles of nature.”  

About DeBeers Group 

Established in 1888, De Beers Group is the world’s leading diamond company with expertise in the exploration, mining, marketing and retailing of diamonds. Together with its joint venture partners, De Beers Group employs more than 20,000 people across the diamond pipeline and is the world’s largest diamond producer by value, with diamond mining operations in Botswana, Canada, Namibia and South Africa. Innovation sits at the heart of De Beers Group’s strategy as it develops a portfolio of offers that span the diamond value chain, including its jewellery houses, De Beers Jewellers and De Beers Forevermark, and other pioneering solutions such as diamond sourcing and traceability initiatives Tracr and GemFair. De Beers Group also provides leading services and technology to the diamond industry in the form of education and laboratory services via De Beers Institute of Diamonds and a wide range of diamond sorting, detection and classification technology systems via De Beers Group Ignite. De Beers Group is committed to ‘Building Forever,’ a holistic and integrated approach for creating a better future – where safety, human rights and ethical integrity continue to be paramount; where communities thrive and the environment is protected; and where there are equal opportunities for all. De Beers Group is a member of the Anglo American plc group. For further information, visit


About Tanishq

Tanishq, India’s most-loved jewellery brand from the TATA Group, has been synonymous with superior craftsmanship, exclusive designs and guaranteed product quality for over two decades. It has built for itself the enviable reputation of being the only jewellery brand in the country that strives to understand the Indian woman and provide her with gold & diamond jewellery that meets her traditional and contemporary aspirations and desires. The Tanishq retail chain currently spreads across 475+ exclusive boutiques in more than 270 cities. For more information, visit

क्रिमिनल्स - चाहूल गुन्हेगारांची, गुरुवार आणि शुक्रवार रात्री ९.३० वा. सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर.

  गुन्हेगारी विश्वातील रंजक केसेस छोट्या पडद्यावर. क्रिमिनल्स - चाहूल गुन्हेगारांची, गुरुवार आणि शुक्रवार रात्री ९.३० वा. सोनी मराठी वाहिनीव...