Thursday, October 10, 2024

Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai’s Aasif Sheikh and Rohitashv Gour Steal the Show at Lal Quila’s Grand Ramlila Celebrations!

 Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai’s Aasif Sheikh and Rohitashv

Gour Steal the Show at Lal Quila’s Grand Ramlila


New Delhi, 5 October 2024: The iconic Luv Kush Ramlila at Lal Quila, celebrated for

its stunning grandeur and lively atmosphere, once again captivated the capital,

drawing thousands of devotees and fans eager to witness the epic tale of Lord Ram's

victory. This year’s event was made even more special by the presence of &TV's

beloved and popular Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai actors, Aasif Sheikh aka Vibhuti Narayan

Mishra and Rohitashv Gour aka Manmohan Tiwari. The talented artists not only

attended the celebrations but also became a highlight of the festivities, much to the

audience's delight. Aasif Sheikh, who has strong ties to Delhi, was touched by the

city's warm welcome. Expressing his joy, Aasif Sheikh aka Vibhuti Mishra shared,

“Every time I return to Delhi, it feels like a homecoming. Being part of the Ramlila is

truly humbling, and the energy here is electric! As a child, I watched this very Ramlila

from the audience, dreaming of being on stage. To now stand here as a guest of

honour is surreal. This experience was made even more special with my co-star,

Rohitashv Gour, by my side. We indulged in some of Delhi’s beloved traditions, from

enjoying the delicious chhole bhature to exploring the lively local markets. Although I

usually stick to a strict diet, I couldn’t resist making an exception today. Delhi always

wins when it comes to food. I might be disciplined about my diet, but here, all bets

are off! I had to enjoy the chaat and other street delicacies, though I tried to keep the

portions in check (laughs). The memories I’m taking home will always be special. Delhi

has once again captured my heart.”

Rohitashv Gour aka Manmohan Tiwari, reflecting on his bond with the city, shared

how nostalgic this visit had been. He said, “Delhi holds a special place in my heart.

The moment we stepped on stage, the crowd's roar gave me chills. The love we

received from fans was truly magical. The Luv Kush Ramlila is an unparalleled

experience. The scale of the production, the audience's energy, and the way this city

celebrates its traditions are awe-inspiring. I will always cherish my connection with

Delhi, and this trip has been unforgettable. Celebrating the Luv Kush Ramlila, one of

the country’s largest and most renowned Ramlila events, with Aasif Ji added an extra

spark to the festivities. Fans couldn’t get enough of us as they mingled, took photos,

and shared memories, all while soaking in the vibrant atmosphere. During my time at

the National School of Drama, I was so focused on my craft that I rarely explored the

city. But coming back with Aasif Ji, who is like the perfect tour guide, has been a

wonderful experience.”

Don’t miss Aasif Sheikh as Vibhuti Narayan Mishra and Rohitashv Gour as

Manmohan Tiwari on Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, airing every Monday to Friday at 10:30

PM, only on &TV!

हॉलीवुड और बॉलीवुड की मुलाकात एक दिल दहला देने वाली वैश्विक थ्रिलर में – रयान कर्टिस की एक बेहतरीन कृति “FrAImed” एक बहुभाषी वैश्विक फिल्म है जो सिनेमाई परिदृश्य को फिर से परिभाषित करने के लिए तैयार है

हॉलीवुड और बॉलीवुड की मुलाकात एक दिल दहला देने वाली वैश्विक थ्रिलर में – रयान कर्टिस की एक बेहतरीन कृति “FrAImed” एक बहुभाषी वैश्विक फिल्म है जो सिनेमाई परिदृश्य को फिर से परिभाषित करने के लिए तैयार है

स्कॉट जेड एडलर, रयान कर्टिस, जस्टिन फोल्गर, हरि विष्णु, वी नेहा शर्मा, राकेश जावेरी, हर्षवीर श्रीवास्तव, आशीष माथुर, राजेश पांडे और वामन चालना चित्रा स्टूडियो (वीसीसी स्टूडियो) के सीएमओ अशित शर्मा ने मीडिया को संबोधित किया। इस कार्यक्रम में सोनिया बिरजे, बीएन तिवारी भी मौजूद थे

साज़िश, रहस्य और सिनेमाई भव्यता के एक सिम्फनी में, रयान कर्टिस ने अपनी महान कृति, “FrAImed” की घोषणा की – एक विस्फोटक कथा जो सत्य की अथक खोज के साथ उच्च-ऑक्टेन एक्शन की नब्ज़ को मिलाती है। दूरदर्शी कर्टिस द्वारा निर्देशित, यह अंतर्राष्ट्रीय महाकाव्य एक ऐसी कहानी को सामने लाता है जो सीमाओं को पार करती है, जिसमें जीवित रहने की दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति के साथ मानवीय कमज़ोरी की कच्ची भावना का मिश्रण है।

फिल्म वितरण भारत के प्रसिद्ध वामन चलाना चित्रा स्टूडियोज और कैसाडेलिक पिक्चर्स द्वारा, एक गतिशील हॉलीवुड स्वतंत्र फिल्म स्टूडियो, वैश्विक कहानी कहने में अदम्य ताकत। कुशल स्कॉट एडलर द्वारा निर्मित और वीसीसी स्टूडियोज वर्ल्डवाइड और कैसाडेलिक पिक्चर्स द्वारा प्रस्तुत, जिसमें गतिशील जस्टिन फोल्गर एक निर्माता के रूप में हैं, "फ्रैमेड" दूरदर्शी फिल्म निर्माण की शक्ति का एक वसीयतनामा है। इस अभूतपूर्व सहयोग से हॉलीवुड और बॉलीवुड दोनों की शीर्ष प्रतिभाएं एक अनूठे बहुभाषी, बहु-सांस्कृतिक सिनेमाई अनुभव में एक साथ आएंगी। रयान कर्टिस द्वारा निर्देशित "फ्रैमेड" एक बदनाम अमेरिकी सीआईए अधिकारी और एक दृढ़ भारतीय खुफिया विश्लेषक की कहानी है, यह फिल्म सच्चाई, भरोसे और तकनीक द्वारा संचालित दुनिया में गलत सूचना के खतरों की गहन खोज के साथ उच्च-ऑक्टेन एक्शन को जोड़ती है। भारत के प्रतिष्ठित स्थानों पर निर्माण के साथ - जिसमें नई दिल्ली, मुंबई, हैदराबाद और लुभावने उत्तरी पहाड़ शामिल हैं - "FrAImed" एक शानदार, एड्रेनालाईन-ईंधन वाली सिनेमाई सवारी देने का वादा करता है जो महाद्वीपों के दर्शकों को आकर्षित करेगी। निर्देशक रयान कर्टिस, जिनके हालिया कामों में आगामी फिल्म हॉलीवुड ग्रिट और टेलीविज़न पायलट REPO’d शामिल हैं, निर्माता स्कॉट एडलर, जस्टिन फोल्गर और ब्रायन एलियासिन के साथ अपनी दूरदर्शी कहानी को वैश्विक मंच पर लाते हैं। कर्टिस और क्रिस्टीना डेंटन द्वारा लिखी गई पटकथा आज की AI-संचालित दुनिया में समय के साथ तालमेल बिठाती है। "जो बात भयावह है वह यह है कि हथियारबंद एआई का अस्तित्वगत खतरा अब दूर के भविष्य की बात नहीं रह गई है, यह अभी हमारे दरवाजे पर है," कर्टिस कहते हैं

कैसडेलिक पिक्चर्स और वामन चालना चित्रा स्टूडियो के बीच सहयोग ने क्रॉस-कल्चरल फिल्म निर्माण के लिए एक नई मिसाल कायम की है। "भारत में फिल्म और सिनेमा का इतना समृद्ध इतिहास है, मैं FrAImed को जीवंत करने के लिए इससे बेहतर जगह के बारे में नहीं सोच सकता," कर्टिस कहते हैं।

हरि विष्णु के नेतृत्व में वामन चालना चित्रा स्टूडियो इस फिल्म को एशिया और मध्य पूर्व में वितरित करेगा, जिससे यह परियोजना हॉलीवुड-बॉलीवुड के पहले सच्चे सहयोगों में से एक बन जाएगी। स्थानीय क्रू और प्रतिभा पर विशेष ध्यान देने के साथ, इस साझेदारी का उद्देश्य भारत और अमेरिका के समृद्ध सांस्कृतिक दृष्टिकोण को प्रदर्शित करते हुए दोनों फिल्म निर्माण परंपराओं का सर्वश्रेष्ठ मिश्रण करना है।

हरि विष्णु कहते हैं ”FrAImed का हिस्सा बनना उच्च-दांव जासूसी और वैश्विक साज़िश की दुनिया में एक रोमांचक यात्रा है। यह फिल्म सांस्कृतिक सीमाओं को पार करती है, हॉलीवुड की तीव्रता को बॉलीवुड के जुनून के साथ मिलाती है, और मुझे ऐसे स्मारकीय मंच पर भारतीय सिनेमा का प्रतिनिधित्व करने का सम्मान मिला है। इस अविश्वसनीय कलाकारों के साथ काम करना एक गहरा अनुभव रहा है, और मैं दुनिया भर के दर्शकों को हमारे द्वारा साथ मिलकर बनाए गए जादू को देखने के लिए इंतजार नहीं कर सकता”

“हम भारत में ऐसे प्रतिभाशाली फिल्म निर्माताओं के साथ काम करने के लिए रोमांचित हैं। यह जीवन का एक बड़ा अवसर है" निर्माता जस्टिन फोल्गर कहते हैं। कैसाडेलिक पिक्चर्स के संस्थापक स्कॉट एडलर कहते हैं, “भारत सिनेमा और तकनीक दोनों के लिए अमेरिका के जुनून को अद्वितीय रूप से साझा करता है, और FrAImed एक ऐसी कहानी के साथ उस ऊर्जा का लाभ उठाता है जो रोमांचकारी, मनोरंजक और गहराई से प्रासंगिक है"

हेनरी कैविल, मैक्स मार्टिनी, जेम्स फ्रैंको, रोसारियो डॉसन, ईवा मेंडेस, ईवा लोंगोरिया, केन वतनबे, क्रिस्टोफ वाल्ट्ज और राल्फ फिएनेस सहित हॉलीवुड के दिग्गज "FrAImed" में अपनी स्टार पावर लाने के लिए बातचीत कर रहे हैं। प्रत्येक अभिनेता को ऐसी भूमिकाओं के लिए सावधानीपूर्वक संपर्क किया गया है जो उनकी दुर्जेय प्रतिभा को प्रदर्शित करने का वादा करती हैं, जो इस अंतर्राष्ट्रीय थ्रिलर में गहराई और आयाम जोड़ती हैं। बॉलीवुड के सबसे चमकीले सितारे "FrAImed" में चमकने के लिए तैयार हैं। जबकि हरि विष्णु और वी नेहा शर्मा की पुष्टि हो चुकी है, श्रुति हसन, सामंथा प्रभु, रश्मिका मंदाना, किरण भट्टाचार्य, देव राव, विक्रम नायर और रजनी कलाकारों में शामिल होने के लिए बातचीत कर रहे हैं। प्रत्येक को महत्वपूर्ण भूमिकाओं के लिए संपर्क किया गया है जो उनकी अविश्वसनीय प्रतिभा को उजागर करेगा और फिल्म की क्रॉस-कल्चरल कथा को जीवंत करेगा।

Experience Kolkata's Iconic Durga Pujo in Mumbai with a Royal Twist Organized by Kunal Verma, Puja Banerjee, Piyush Kothari, and Bikash Verma

Experience Kolkata's Iconic Durga Pujo in Mumbai with a Royal Twist Organized by Kunal Verma, Puja Banerjee, Piyush Kothari, and Bikash Verma

Youtube Caption- Announcement of Goregaon Durga Mahotsav 2024 and unveiling of Maa’s murti on the first day of Navratri as 'Mumbai Chi Raani’

Caption- Grand unveiling of 'Mumbai Chi Raani' marking the start of Navratri at ‘Goregaon Durga Mahotsav 2024’ organised by Kunal Verma, Puja Banerjee, Piyush Kothari, and Bikash Verma bringing the grandeur of Kolkata's Durga Pujo to the city for the first time! With a stunning palace-themed pandal, an exquisite ‘Queen Durga’ idol crafted in Kolkata, and daily cultural performances from October 8th-12th at the Vishnu Hanuman Ground, Bangur Nagar, Goregaon West, this celebration will be a feast for the eyes and soul. The grand announcement saw the presence of Arjun Bijlani, Aslam Shaikh, Atul Srivastava, Shweta Khanduri, Paras Modaan, Soumita Das

#goregaondurgamahotsav #Durgamahotsav #goregoan #durga #maadurga #durgamaa #festival #indianfestival


Press Release 

Goregaon Durga Mahotsav 2024: Experience Kolkata's Iconic Durga Pujo in Mumbai with a Royal Twist Organized by Kunal Verma, Puja Banerjee, Piyush Kothari, and Bikash Verma

The grand announcement saw the presence of Arjun Bijlani, Aslam Shaikh, Atul Srivastava, Shweta Khanduri, Paras Modaan, Soumita Das

Prepare to be mesmerized as the Goregaon Durga Mahotsav 2024 unfolds an extraordinary spiritual and cultural extravaganza from October 8th to 12th at the Vishnu Hanuman Ground, Bangur Nagar, Goregaon West. Organized by Kunal Verma, Puja Banerjee, Piyush Kothari, and Bikash Verma, the festival promises an awe-inspiring amalgamation of tradition, artistry, and devotion. For the first time ever, this iconic event brings the true essence of Kolkata’s revered Durga Pujo to Mumbai, offering devotees a divine experience like never before.

Durga Maa’s murti was revealed today as 'Mumbai Chi Raani' – a moment that revealed the true grandeur of Ma Durga in her queenly form.

This year’s theme, a magnificent royal palace, will transport attendees into the regal world of opulence and spirituality. The crowning jewel of the event is the breathtaking ‘Queen Durga,’ an intricately crafted idol, arriving from the city of Kolkata, known for its unparalleled artistry. All materials, including the idol and decorations, are sourced directly from the City of Joy, ensuring the most authentic Kolkata Pujo experience right here in Mumbai.

The pandal, designed as an elaborate film set, promises to be the true USP of the Mahotsav, immersing visitors in a cinematic portrayal of devotion.

Throughout the festival, devotees and revellers will be treated to daily cultural performances from 7 PM to 10 PM, showcasing an eclectic mix of traditional and contemporary acts. Meanwhile, the sacred Bhog will be served daily from 12 PM to 3 PM, with arrangements made to feed up to 2,000 people each day, ensuring that no one leaves without receiving Maa Durga’s blessings.

This immersive celebration promises to unite the divine with the artistic, offering an experience rich in spirituality, cultural heritage, and artistic grandeur.

Kunal Verma, Puja Banerjee, Piyush Kothari, and Bikash Verma quote saying ”Our vision for the Goregaon Durga Mahotsav 2024 was to bring the true spirit of Kolkata’s iconic Durga Pujo to Mumbai, but with a regal touch. From the majestic palace-themed pandal to the stunning ‘Queen Durga’ idol, we’re recreating an experience that feels both grand and deeply spiritual. Every detail, from the artistry to the performances, is designed to transport you to the heart of Kolkata. We can’t wait for Mumbaikars to witness ‘Mumbai Chi Raani’ and celebrate this cultural fusion with us in a way that’s never been done before”

HelpAge India 's #GenerationsTogether campaign

 HelpAge India 's #GenerationsTogether campaign

HelpAge India launched #GenerationsTogether campaign to bridge the generation gap


Mumbai , 1 October 2024: On the occasion of the International Day of Older Persons ( IDOP ) , to recognize the contribution of senior citizens and strengthen the bond between the two generations. Today HelpAge India launched #GenerationsTogether campaign in Mumbai. The aim of this campaign is to strengthen the relationship between the old and the new generation. The function started with a walkathon , in which more than 150 people including students, senior citizens and dignitaries participated. This was followed by cultural programs and speeches, highlighting the importance of elderly care and community contribution.


Former Joint Secretary of Maharashtra Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment ( MSJE ) Shri. Dinesh Dingle, President FESCOM Shri. Dr. Anna Saheb Tekale , Head of Community Medicine Department at Cooper Hospital. Ravindra Kimbavi , M. M. P. Shah College Principal Dr. Archana Pataki ; Senior Professor of Tilak Institute of Social Work, Mumbai Ms. Asha Banu Solite ; HelpEdge India Joint Director Shri. Valerian Pies ; And HelpEdge India Director Smt. Dignitaries like Rajeshwari Chaudhary were present. He expressed his views on the welfare of the elderly and the support of the society.


Students of Ryan Group of Schools , MMP Shah College and some elders participated in the cultural program. The audience enjoyed an interesting writing competition, in which students and senior citizens participated enthusiastically.


HelpEdge has announced that it has roped in renowned actress, Padma Bhushan Sharmila Tagore as the Honorary Brand Ambassador of HelpEdge India in the nation's capital . Smt. Sharmila Tagore launched this campaign in Delhi.


Expressing her excitement at the ceremony in Delhi, Mrs. Sharmila Tagore said , “I am now at such a stage in life that I now choose the work that I want, that will take me. I am committed to my role as the brand ambassador of HelpEdge India. I hope that my presence will definitely make a difference and that I can be a voice for the issues of the elderly , bring awareness and urge people to come forward more vigorously to contribute to this cause. Today's theme is 'Towards a Society for All Ages', which is much needed, but a systemic change must be made. It means that everyone should play their role honestly, be it civil society, academia, corporates, philanthropic organizations, public sector, policy makers or the youth and ourselves.”


HelpEdge India CEO Shri. Rohit Prasad said, “The #GenerationsTogether campaign aims to promote interaction between the two generations, increase conversation, connection and cooperation between them, so that we can create a more age-sensitive society. As we celebrate the International Day of Older Persons today, we must remember the need for stronger relationships between the two generations to build a cohesive society. A society where young people can learn some valuable life lessons from the elders and Old people too Some of the lessons that young people can learn are how to adapt to the ever-changing digital world. Hence the theme 'Towards a society for all ages' is very relevant today. We look forward to new opportunities opening up and looking forward to working with various stakeholders. This collaboration will lead to a more enabling environment for older adults and a more caring and inclusive society.”


Valerian Pais , Joint Director , HelpAge India said, “We are very excited about the #GenerationsTogether campaign, as it has great potential to bring together all the big and small. We hope to spread this campaign through our 'Student Action for Value Education' program and reach more schools and students. This student campaign will be joined by senior citizens from our Senior Citizens Association network. In Mumbai, we are focusing on creating opportunities, especially among the two generations, through our digital literacy program, fun cultural activities and project visits, among other programs.”


Representatives of two partner organizations, Prayad Community Center (Malad) and Roshni Griha Center (Poisar) were felicitated at the function for their dedicated work in helping the elderly . The function concluded by thanking all the dignitaries, participants and partners for their cooperation in making the function a success.


About HelpAge India

HelpAge India is a leading non-profit organization working with and for older people in India for the past 46 years. It runs healthcare, agecare, livelihood, disaster response and digital empowerment programs throughout the country & advocates strongly for the elder cause working collaboratively with stakeholders. It became the first and only Indian organization to be honored with the 'UN Population Award 2020' for its exemplary work in the field of aging and population issues, and earlier in 2014, has been the recipient of 'Vayoshreshtha Samman' by the Government of India. as an institution working for senior citizens.

Sana Makbul and Karan Veer Mehra Bring New Life to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s Classic ‘Kehna Galat Galat’

 Sana Makbul and Karan Veer Mehra Bring New Life to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s Classic ‘Kehna Galat Galat’ in the soulful voice of Jyoti Nooran

The magic of timeless music comes alive with the release of “Kehna Galat Galat,” a reimagined version of one of the legendary Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s most iconic masterpieces. This soulful rendition is crafted by the talented duo Javed-Mohsin and features the powerful vocals of Jyoti Nooran, known for her recent hit “Paon Ki Jutti.” Her passionate singing pays tribute to the original while adding a refreshing modern touch. 

To complement the track, the beautifully shot music video stars Sana Makbul, winner of Bigg Boss OTT Season 3, and Karan Veer Mehra, champion of Khatron Ke Khiladi 14. Set against the stunning backdrop of Udaipur, the video tells the story of a newly married wife, played by Sana, who struggles in a challenging relationship with her abusive husband, portrayed by Karan.
With modern music and thought-provoking lyrics by Kunaal Vermaa, this version of "Kehna Galat Galat" is poised to connect with audiences of all ages. It honours the essence of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan’s classic while promising to be one of the most memorable recreations in recent times.
Singing ‘Kehna Galat Galat’ was not just a performance for me; it was an honor to breathe new life into such an iconic piece. This reimagining is my way of paying tribute to his incredible legacy while adding my own flavour to it. I hope my rendition resonates with both old fans and new listeners alike.” says Jyoti Nooran.
Sharing their thoughts on the track, the composers, Javed- Mohsin shared, “Creating this version of ‘Kehna Galat Galat’ was a beautiful challenge. We aimed to honour the original while infusing it with contemporary elements that appeal to today’s audience. We believe that music transcends time, and we’re thrilled to bring the magic of this iconic track to a new generation.”
Talking about Kehna Galat Galat, Sana Makbul shares, "Playing the role of a married woman trapped in an abusive relationship was both challenging and deeply moving. I hope this story resonates with viewers and sparks important conversations. This music video is more than just a visual experience; it’s a narrative that reflects real struggles of many women in our country - that never gets seen or heard. I am very happy that VYRL Originals considered me to be a part of this project that honours such an iconic song while addressing significant issues.”
Talking about his latest project, the winner of Khatron Ke Khiladi 14, Karan Veer Mehra, said “Portraying a complex character like an abusive husband required me to tap into some intense emotions. It was a challenging role, because it’s of a chauvinistic man , a husband who fails to give even an iota of respect to his marriage and at every point reinforces the patriarchal mind frame that is still so prevalent in so many homes in our country. The actor in me jumped at the opportunity to play someone like that, and I had to dig deep within myself to portray this character convincingly. Add to this - the chance to work in a recreation of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan saab, rendered by the powerful vocals of Jyoti Nooran and to work alongside my good friend Sana Makbul- this is the kind of project I didn’t want to pass on.  I hope our performances coupled with the absolutely stellar music leave a lasting impact on the audience.”


Filmed in breathtaking locations, including a historic haveli and serene lakes, the video captures the deep emotions of the story. Both Sana and Karan deliver powerful performances, and the surprising twist at the end will leave viewers wanting more.

Song link:

&TV’s Happu Ki Ultan Paltan actors Yogesh Tripathi and Geetanjali Mishra join the Grand Ram Baraat in Agra, UP!

 &TV’s Happu Ki Ultan Paltan actors Yogesh Tripathi and

Geetanjali Mishra join the Grand Ram Baraat in Agra, UP!

Agra, September 28th, 2024: The city of Agra was filled with excitement and devotion

as it hosted the grand Ram Baraat, a mega event that represents the divine wedding

procession of Lord Ram. Among the thousands participating in this magnificent event

were two beloved characters Daroga Happu Singh (Yogesh Tripathi) and his Dabang

Dulhaniya Rajesh (Geetanjali Mishra) from &TV’s gharelu comedy Happu Ki Ultan

Paltan. They shared their spiritual experiences and joy in being part of the

celebrations, seeking blessings from Lord Ram ahead of Dussehra.

Yogesh Tripathi expressed his excitement, saying, “Participating in the Ram Baraat in

Agra was an unforgettable experience. Our show is set in Uttar Pradesh, and being

part of such a grand event felt like celebrating the occasion with my people. I had

witnessed the grandeur of the Ram Baraat before, but this time was truly special. The

love and hospitality from the people of Agra were overwhelming. Joining Lord Ram’s

baraat was a profoundly divine experience. Meeting fans who cherish our show was

deeply moving. I was surprised to see how much they love my catchphrase, ‘Arre

Dada!’. Although I often ask for nyochavar on the show, the warmth I received here

was the greatest offering of all. Agra’s beauty and hospitality left a lasting

impression, and of course, the trip wouldn’t have been complete without enjoying the

city’s famous chaat and bringing home some Pethas for friends and family!”

Geetanjali Mishra, who plays Rajesh, added, “Attending Agra’s Ram Baraat was truly

unforgettable. The vibrant atmosphere, stunning lights, and beautifully adorned

Janakpuri felt like a divine celebration. Interacting with the locals and feeling their

warmth and love was wonderful. I feel blessed to have participated in this sacred

festival, and I pray to Lord Ram to bless everyone, including our show!”

Don’t miss your favorite characters Daroga Happu Singh and Rajesh in Happu Ki

Ultan Paltan, airing Monday to Friday at 10:00 PM only on &TV!

Friday, September 27, 2024

क्रिमिनल्स - चाहूल गुन्हेगारांची, गुरुवार आणि शुक्रवार रात्री ९.३० वा. सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर.

 गुन्हेगारी विश्वातील रंजक केसेस छोट्या पडद्यावर.

क्रिमिनल्स - चाहूल गुन्हेगारांची, गुरुवार आणि शुक्रवार रात्री ९.३० वा. सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर.

आपल्या आजूबाजूला अनेक गुन्हे घडत असतात. काही गुन्हे हे समोरचा गाफील राहिल्याने होतात.

अशा वेळी आपण काळजी घेणं आणि सावध राहणं गरजेचं आहे. असाच संदेश देणारा कार्यक्रम 'क्रिमिनल्स - चाहूल

गुन्हेगारांची' सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर पुन्हा प्रेक्षकांना पाहायला मिळणार आहे. खरं तर बरेच गुन्हे हे आपण बेसावध

राहिल्याने घडत असतात, गुन्ह्यांची चाहूल ही आधीच लागेलेली असते पण आपण ती नजरअंदाज करतो. या

मालिकेतून प्रेक्षकांच गुन्हेगारी विश्वापासून कसं सावध राहता येईल यावर प्रबोधन होईल; म्हणूनच गुन्हेगारी

विश्वातील रंजक केसेस सोनी मराठी वाहिनी पुन्हा दाखवणार आहे क्रिमिनल्स - चाहूल गुन्हेगारांची मालिकेतून

प्रेक्षकांनी सावध राहणं का गरजेचं आहे हे समजण्यासाठी मालिकेचे पुनः प्रक्षेपण सोनी मराठी वाहिनी करत आहे.

अभिजित खांडकेकर या कार्यक्रमाचं सूत्रसंचालन केले आहे. अभिजित खांडकेकर हा एक उत्तम

सूत्रसंचालक असून आजवर त्याच्या विविध भूमिकांनी प्रेक्षकांच्या मनात घर केले. त्याची उत्तम संवाद फेक आणि

भाषेवरची पकड यामुळे तो प्रेक्षकांना अजून आपलासा वाटतो. क्रिमिनल्स - चाहूल गुन्हेगारांची या कार्यक्रमाच्या

माध्यमातून प्रेक्षकांना गुन्ह्यांपासून स्वतःचा बचाव कसा करावा या याबद्दल बरीच माहिती मिळणार आहे. अभिजित

एका जबाबदार निवेदकाच्या भूमिकेत दिसणार आहे जो मनोरंजनाच्या माध्यमातून सतर्कतेचा संदेश देखील देणार

आहे. क्राईम शोज ना प्रेक्षकांची विशेष पसंती असते. या आधी देखील बऱ्याच क्राईम शो प्रेक्षकांच्या पसंतीस उतरले

आहेत. सर्वसामान्यांच्या कल्‍पनाशक्‍तीला आव्‍हान देणाऱ्या, प्रेक्षकांना खिळवून ठेवणाऱ्या आणि अशक्‍य

वाटणाऱ्या गुन्‍ह्यांच्‍या कथा मालिकांमधून पाहायला मिळतात. आणि अशाच धाटणीचा कार्यक्रम मराठीत सोनी

मराठी वाहिनी पुन्हा घेऊन आली आहे.

पाहा, क्रिमिनल्स - चाहूल गुन्हेगारांची, गुरुवार आणि शुक्रवार रात्री ९.३० वा. सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर.

‘सोहळा सख्यांचा’ – मजेदार खेल, बातें और यादों का खजाना, अब महिलाओं के लिए एक अविस्मरणीय अनुभव, सिर्फ सन मराठी पर!

‘सोहळा सख्यांचा’ – मजेदार खेल, बातें और यादों का खजाना, अब महिलाओं के लिए एक अविस्मरणीय अनुभव, सिर्फ सन मराठी पर! सन मराठी अपने दर्शकों के ल...