Monday, August 5, 2024

Shannon K and Kumar Sanu Unite After Seven Years to Serenade Hearts with "9 to 5"

Shannon K and Kumar Sanu Unite After Seven Years to Serenade Hearts with "9 to 5"

An Enchanting Fusion of Legendary Talent and Modern Musical Sensibility

In a heartfelt and much-anticipated musical reunion, Shannon K and her illustrious father, Kumar Sanu, have once again joined forces to create a melodious masterpiece titled "9 to 5." It’s a song with a message is perfect blend of Kumar Sanu's legendary talent and Shannon K's modern musical sensibility promises to capture the hearts of listeners across generations. The song is about people who are stuck in 9 to 5 job and forget to be happy in small moments of happiness in crazy race of achieving something big!

After a hiatus of seven years, the collaboration between Shannon K and Kumar Sanu is nothing short of magical. Kumar Sanu's iconic voice, renowned for its emotive depth and timeless appeal, harmoniously intertwines with Shannon K's fresh and contemporary vocal style, creating a symphony that is both nostalgic and innovative

“9 to 5" is a beautiful narrative that encapsulates the unwavering support and care shared by lovers in the face of life's pressures and tough situations. Through poignant lyrics penned by Shannon K and Annabelle Kumaar, and music crafted by the talented Annabelle Kumaar, this song speaks to the enduring power of love that transcends time and generations.

”Collaborating with my father after seven years on '9 to 5' has been an incredibly special and emotional journey for me, It was long due” she further adds ”9 to 5 captures the essence of love and support that transcends generations. The vibe of '9 to 5' is all about resilience and standing by each other through life's pressures, and I hope it resonates deeply with everyone who listens”

”Witnessing her growth as an artist and blending our unique musical styles to create this song has been truly special" says Kumar Sanu

Saturday, August 3, 2024

एण्‍डची नवीन मालिका टीव्‍ही 'भीमा'

एण्‍डची नवीन मालिका  टीव्‍ही 'भीमा'

एण्‍ड टीव्‍हीवरील मालिका 'भीमा'मध्‍ये प्रतिभावान कलाकार असतील, जसे 'भीमा'च्‍या भूमिकेत तेजस्विनी सिंग, भीमाची आई 'धनिया'च्‍या भूमिकेत स्मिता साबळे, भीमाचे वडिल 'मेवा'च्‍या भूमिकेत अमित भारद्वाज, 'कैलाशा बुआ'च्‍या भूमिकेत नीता महिंद्रा आणि तिची दोन मुले, 'कलिका सिंग'च्‍या भूमिकेत मयंक मिश्रा व 'विश्‍वंबर सिंग'च्‍या भूमिकेत विक्रम द्विवेदी. त्रिपुरारी यादव भीमाचे काका 'गया'च्‍या भूमिकेत दिसतील आणि नेहा शर्मा त्‍याची पत्‍नी 'फलमतिया'च्‍या भूमिकेत दिसेल. या मालिकेची निर्मिती राज खत्री प्रोडक्‍शन्‍सने केली आणि मालिका सुरू होत आहे ६ ऑगस्‍ट २०२४ पासून रात्री ८.३० वाजता दर सोमवार ते शुक्रवार फक्‍त एण्‍ड टीव्‍हीवर.

राष्‍ट्रीय, ० ऑगस्‍ट २०२४: १९८०च्‍या दशकावर आधारित आणि राज खत्री प्रोडक्‍शन्‍स निर्मित एण्‍ड टीव्‍हीवरील नवीन मालिका 'भीमा' मागासवर्गीय समाजातील तरूण मुलगी 'भीमा'च्‍या जीवनगाथेला सादर करते. मालिकेचे कथानक सामाजिक ड्रामा आहे, जे या तरूण मुलीचे प्रयत्‍न आणि समान अधिकार मिळवण्‍याप्रती तिच्‍या प्रवासाला प्रकाशझोतात आणते. प्रेक्षकांना तिचा धाडसी प्रवास पाहायला मिळेल, जेथे ती तिचे कुटुंब, समाज आणि आर्थिक स्थितींमुळे उद्भवलेल्‍या संकटांशी सामना करते. अनेक अन्‍याय व भेदभावांचा सामना करत ती नीडरपणे या अडथळ्यांवर मात करण्‍याचा प्रयत्‍न करते.

भारतीय संविधानाचे शिल्‍पकार डॉ. बी. आर. आंबेडकर यांचे कायदे व आदर्श कायम ठेवण्‍याचा भीमाच्‍या संकल्पामधून आव्‍हानांना न जुमानता तिची अविरत कटिबद्धता दिसून येते. अगदी कमी वयामध्‍ये ती या मिशनप्रती स्‍वत:ला प्रामाणिकपणे झोकून देते. पण, तिच्‍या या प्रयत्‍नांमुळे घाबरून भारतीय संविधानाचे शिल्‍पकार डॉ. बी. आर. आंबेडकर यांचे कायदे व आदर्श कायम ठेवण्‍याचा भीमाच्‍या संकल्पामधून आव्‍हानांना न जुमानता तिची अविरत कटिबद्धता दिसून येते. अगदी कमी वयामध्‍ये ती या मिशनप्रती स्‍वत:ला प्रामाणिकपणे झोकून देते. पण, तिच्‍या या प्रयत्‍नांमुळे घाबरून गेलेला समाजातील उच्‍चभ्रू वर्ग तिच्‍या प्रयत्‍नांना मोडून काढण्‍यासाठी एकत्र येतो. अडथळ्यांसोबत संघर्ष गंभीर होत असताना देखील भीमाचा दृढनिश्‍चय कायम राहतो.

या मालिकेबाबत सांगताना एण्‍ड टीव्‍हीचे व्‍यवसाय प्रमुख विष्‍णू शंकर म्हणाले, ''आमच्‍या मालिका 'एक महानायक - डॉ. बी. आर. आम्‍बेडकर' आणि 'अटल'ला मिळालेल्‍या भव्‍य यशामधून आशा व प्रतिकाराच्‍या कथा प्रेक्षकांना आवडत असल्‍याचे दिसून येते. आमची नवीन मालिका 'भीमा' तरूण मुलगी भीमाच्‍या प्रवासाला सादर करण्‍यासोबत समान अधिकार मिळवण्‍यासाठी तिच्‍या लढ्याला, तिला सामना करावी लागणारी आव्‍हाने व संकट आणि मान्‍यता व सामाजिक परिवर्तनाप्रती तिच्‍या महत्त्‍वाकांक्षांना दाखवते. मालिकेचे क‍थानक आशा, निर्धार व परिवर्तनाच्‍या वैश्विक थीम्‍सना दाखवत सामाजिक अडथळ्यांवर मात करण्‍याच्‍या कथेला सादर करेल. भीमाची आव्‍हाने व विजय प्रेक्षकांशी संलग्‍न होतील, ज्‍यामुळे तिचा प्रवास प्रेरणादायी व पथदर्शक ठरेल. ही मालिका प्रबळ दृष्टीकोनाला सादर करेल, ज्‍याद्वारे प्रेक्षक त्‍यांची मूल्‍ये व विश्‍वासांचा शोध घेऊ शकतात, ज्‍यामुळे हे सर्वसमावेशक व विचारशील कथानक आहे.''

राज खत्री प्रोडक्‍शन्‍सचे निर्माता राज खत्री म्‍हणाले, '''भीमा' दृढनिश्‍चय, निर्धार व महत्त्वाकांक्षांची लक्षवेधक कथा आहे. या मालिकेमध्‍ये भावना व सर्वोत्तम प्रॉडक्‍शनचे परिपूर्ण मिश्रण आहे, जे टेलिव्हिजन प्रेक्षकांच्‍या दर्जेदार कन्‍टेन्‍टप्रती वाढत्‍या मागणीची पूर्तता करते. मी सतत लक्षवेधक कथानक वितरित करण्‍यासाठी आणि आमच्‍या मालिकेला देशभरातील प्रेक्षकांशी कनेक्‍ट होण्‍याकरिता मंच देण्‍यासाठी एण्‍ड टीव्‍हीचे मन:पूर्वक आभार व्‍यक्‍त करतो. 'भीमा'चे कथानक प्रेरित करण्‍याचा, विचारशील अनुभव देण्‍याचा प्रयत्‍न करते आणि सहानुभूती व सामंजस्‍यपणाला चालना देण्‍यासाठी कथानकाची क्षमता अधिक दृढ करते.''

मालिका 'भीमा'च्‍या लेखिका शांती भूषण म्‍हणाल्‍या, ''उत्तर प्रदेशमधील शांतमय गावातील १९८० च्‍या दशकांमध्‍ये स्थित सामाजिक ड्रामा कलात्‍मकतेसह रचण्‍यात आला आहे, जो प्रेक्षकांशी संलग्‍न होणाऱ्या युगाला सादर करेल. प्रत्‍येक पात्र बारकाईने तयार करण्‍यात आले आहे, ज्‍यामधून प्रत्‍येक सीनशी जुडले जात असण्‍याची खात्री घेण्‍यात आली आहे. भीमाची भूमिका सर्वांना जागरूक करण्‍यास आणि सामाजिक ड्रामाला यशाच्‍या नव्‍या उंचीवर घेऊन जाण्‍यास सज्‍ज आहे.'' 

मालिका 'भीमा'मधील शीर्षक भूमिकेबाबत सांगताना तेजस्विनी सिंग म्‍हणाली, ''भीमा साहसी असून शिक्षण घेण्‍याचा निर्धार करते. तिचा अनेक आव्‍हानांचा सामना केल्‍यानंतर देखील अधिकारासाठी खंबीरपणे उभे राहण्‍यावर विश्‍वास आहे. ही प्रेरणादायी व प्रबळ भूमिका आहे आणि मला ही शीर्षक भूमिका साकारण्‍याची संधी मिळाल्‍याचा आनंद होत आहे. मी आशा करते की, आम्‍ही मालिकेसाठी शूटिंग करताना केलेल्‍या धमालीप्रमाणे प्रेक्षक देखील आमची मालिका पाहण्‍याचा आनंद घेतील.'' भीमाची आई धनियाची भूमिका साकारणाऱ्या स्मिता साबळे म्‍हणाल्‍या, ''मालिका 'भीमा'चे लक्षवेधक कथानक प्रेक्षकांचे लक्ष वेधून घेईल. कलाकार म्‍हणून आम्‍ही अर्थपूर्ण असलेल्‍या आणि दीर्घकालीन प्रभाव निर्माण करणाऱ्या भूमिका साकारण्‍याचा प्रयत्‍न करतो. धनिया काळजी घेणारी आई आहे, जी तिच्‍या कुटुंबाला एकत्र ठेवते. तिला शिक्षणाचे महत्त्व माहित आहे आणि भीमाच्‍या शिक्षणासाठीच्‍या अधिकाराला पाठिंबा देते.'' भीमाचे वडिल मेवाची भूमिका साकारण्‍याबाबत अमित कुमार म्‍हणाले, ''मेवा साधा माणूस आहे, जो सर्वांचे आरोग्‍य उत्तम राहण्‍यासाठी प्रार्थना करतो आणि नेहमी लोकांना मदत करतो. पण, अन्यायाचा त्‍याच्यावर परिणाम झाला तरी त्‍याविरोधात आवाज न उठवण्‍याच्‍या त्‍याच्‍या अक्षमतेमध्‍ये त्‍याची कमजोरी आहे. मेवाची प्रबळ भूमिका आणि मालिका 'भीमा'चे लक्षवेधक कथानक यामुळे मी मालिकेमध्‍ये काम करण्‍यास त्‍वरित होकार दिला.''

पहा मालिका 'भीमा' ६ ऑगस्‍टपासून रात्री ८.३० वाजता दर सोमवार ते शुक्रवार फक्‍त एण्‍ड टीव्‍हीवर!

“The Diary of West Bengal” Releasing on the 30th of August starring Arshin Mehta, Yajur Marwah and Gauri Shankar in the lead role

“The Diary of West Bengal”: A Bold Exploration of History, Culture, and Controversy Releasing on the 30th of August starring Arshin Mehta, Yajur Marwah and Gauri Shankar in the lead role

“The Diary of West Bengal” starring Arshin Mehta, Yajur Marwah, Gauri Shankar in the lead roles delves deep into the heart of a region steeped in rich history and complex cultural dynamics. With a backdrop of Rohingya refugees from Myanmar and illegal infiltrators from Bangladesh, the film paints a vivid picture of life in West Bengal, intertwining the region’s traditions with its modern-day challenges. The narrative also touches upon the sensitive issue of “love jihad,” adding a layer of intrigue and controversy to the storyline.

Writer and Director Sanoj Mishra shares his vision “In ‘The Diary of West Bengal,’ I aimed to transcend stereotypes and present a nuanced narrative that reflects the cultural and emotional depth of the region. This film is a personal journey into Bengal’s soul, capturing its historical essence and contemporary issues. It’s a homage to the untold stories of its people, offering a fresh perspective on their collective spirit”

Producer  Jitendra Narayan Singh (Syed Waseem Rizvi ) remarks "The production of ‘The Diary of West Bengal’ was an intense journey of historical research and meticulous fact-checking. Our dedication to accuracy shines through in the film’s portrayal of the region’s past and its diverse cultural landscape. We are thrilled to present a film that not only educates but also provokes thought and discussion, challenging viewers to see beyond the surface”
Instagram Caption- Embark on an enthralling journey through the annals of West Bengal, where history, culture, drama and controversy intertwine in a tapestry of profound storytelling. “The Diary of West Bengal," a cinematic odyssey that dares to explore the soul of West Bengal, coming to theatres on August 30th.

#thediaryofwestbengal #30thAugust2024


The Diary of West Bengal
Sanoj Mishra film director
Arshin Mehta
Ramendra Chakarwarti


&TV launches a compelling social drama ‘Bheema’ centered on equal rights

 &TV launches a compelling social drama ‘Bheema’ centered on equal rights

Bheema on &TV will feature a talented, ensemble cast comprising Tejaswini Singh as ‘Bheema’, Smita Sable as Bheema’s mother, Dhaniya, Amit Bhardwaj as Bheema’s father, Mewa, Neeta Mohindra as Kailasha Bua and her two sons, Mayank Mishra as Kalika Singh and Vikram Dwivedi as Vishambar Singh. Tripurari Yadav will be seen as Bheema’s paternal uncle, Gaya and Neha Sharma will be seen as his wife, Fulmatiya, amongst others. The show is produced by Raj Khatri Productions and will premiere on August 06th, 2024, at 8:30 pm and will air every Monday to Friday on &TV.

National, 1st Aug 2024:  Set in the 1980s, &TV’s new show ‘Bheema’, produced by Raj Khatri Productions, follows the story of a young girl named ‘Bheema’ from the other community. The story is a social drama focusing on this young girl’s predicament and her journey toward equal rights. The audience will witness her courageous journey as she battles adversities stemming from her family, society, and economic conditions. Despite facing numerous injustices and discrimination, she fearlessly strives to overcome these obstacles.

Bheema's resolve to uphold the laws and ideals of Dr B.R. Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian constitution, is a testament to her unwavering commitment despite the challenges. At a tender age, she dedicates herself sincerely to this mission. However, the dominant class in society, threatened by her pursuit, unites with unprecedented force to thwart her efforts. Yet, Bheema's determination remains unshaken, even as obstacles mount, intensifying the conflict.

Talking about the show, Vishnu Shankar, Business Head - &TV, says, “The resounding success of our shows 'Ek Mahanayak—Dr B.R. Ambedkar' and 'Atal' is a testament to stories of hope and resilience resonating well with our viewers. Our latest offering, ‘Bheema’, follows the journey of a young girl named Bheema, showcasingher fight for equal rights, her trials and tribulations and her aspirations for recognition and social change. The story will depict a compelling narrative of overcoming societal barriers by highlighting the universal themes of hope, determination, and transformation. Bheema’s challenges and triumphs will resonate with viewers, making her journey both inspiring and relatable. It will also provide a powerful lens through which viewers can explore their values and beliefs, making for engaging and thought-provoking storytelling."

Raj Khatri, Producer, Raj Khatri Productions, comments, “Bheema is an appealing story of resilience, determination and aspirations. This show is the perfect blend of emotions and aesthetic production that caters to the growing appetite for quality content amongst TV audience. I also extend my heartfelt appreciation to &TV for consistently delivering compelling narratives and providing our show a platform to connect meaningfully with audiences nationwide. The story of Bheema strives to inspire, provoke thought and reinforce the power of storytelling to foster empathy and understanding.”

Shanti Bhushan, Writer of Bheema, adds, “The social drama set in the 1980s within a quaint village in Uttar Pradesh has been crafted with artistic flair, vividly resurrecting an era that resonates with its audience. Each character is meticulously developed, ensuring every scene resonates deeply. Bheema’s character is poised to ignite reflection and elevate social drama to new heights of success.”

Talking about her title role in Bheema, Tejaswini Singh says, “Bheema is courageous and determined to pursue education. She believes in standing up for the right despite facing numerous difficulties. It is an inspiring and powerful character, and I am very excited to play the title role. I hope people like our show as much as we are enjoying shooting for it.” Smita Sable, essaying Bheema’s mother Dhaniya, adds, “The appealing storyline of Bheema will attract viewers’ attention. As an actor, we strive to bag roles which are meaningful and create a long-lasting impact. Dhaniya is a caring mother who keeps her family together. She understands the significance of education and advocates for Bheema’s right to education.” On playing Bheema’s father, Mewa, Amit Kumar comments, “Mewa is a simple person who wishes well for everyone and is always willing to help people. However, his weakness lies in his inability to speak out against injustice even when it affects him. The nuanced portrayal of Mewa and the captivating narrative of Bheema made me instantly sign for the show.”

 Tune in to watch ‘Bheema’, premiering on August 6th at 8:30 pm, every Monday to Friday only on &TV! 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Shibani Kashyap and Meet Bros ‘Heer Hai Royi'

Shibani Kashyap and Meet Bros ‘Heer Hai Royi' Starring Karishma Modi: A Soulful Journey Through the Tapestry of Unfulfilled Love

Renowned singer Shibani Kashyap, celebrated for her distinctive voice and emotive performances, has joined forces with the talented composer duo Meet Bros for the mesmerizing new single, "Heer Hai Royi." This poignant ballad, penned by the illustrious lyricist Kumaar, features captivating performances by the talented actors Karishma Modi and Akshay Bindra, whose depth and passion bring the song’s intricate narrative to life.

Shibani Kashyap, who first gained widespread acclaim with her iconic hit "Sajna Aa Bhi Ja," continues to enchant audiences with her versatility and powerful vocal renditions. With "Heer Hai Royi," she further solidifies her place in the music industry, delivering a performance that is both heartfelt and hauntingly beautiful.

The song "Heer Hai Royi" weaves a poignant tale of unaccomplished love, capturing the essence of longing and heartache. Shibani's evocative vocals harmonize flawlessly with Meet Bros' soulful composition, creating an immersive musical experience that resonates profoundly with listeners. The seamless blend of heartfelt lyrics and stirring melodies transports the audience into a world where love and sorrow are inextricably linked.

Reflecting on her journey with the song, Shibani Kashyap expressed, “‘Heer Hai Royi’ is a deeply special project for me. It allowed me to delve into the emotional depths of the character through my voice. Collaborating with Meet Bros and bringing Kumaar's beautiful lyrics to life has been an incredibly fulfilling experience.”

Karishma Modi, who portrays one of the central characters in the music video, shared her personal connection to the song, stating, “The emotions embedded in 'Heer Hai Royi' struck a chord with me. The narrative’s exploration of love and loss is something I found deeply relatable. Akshay Bindra added that the music video captures the intricacies of these emotions beautifully, allowing viewers to connect with the story on a personal level.”

Set to captivate audiences with its soul-stirring melody and poignant lyrics, "Heer Hai Royi" is more than just a song; it is a visual and auditory masterpiece. The music video complements the song’s narrative, enhancing its emotional impact and making it a treat for both the eyes and the ears.

As Shibani Kashyap's "Heer Hai Royi" unfolds, listeners and viewers alike will find themselves enchanted by this heartfelt journey through the tender and tumultuous realms of love and unfulfilled desires. Prepare to be moved by a melody that lingers long after the last note has faded.

K-Pop Star Aoora Unveils His Enchanting New Single "Thi Thi Thara",

K-Pop Star Aoora Unveils His Enchanting New Single "Thi Thi Thara", A Cultural Odyssey through South India with Sireesha Bhagavatula, FRIDAYYY, and Mellow Kitchen

International K-Pop star Aoora has announced the release of his enchanting new single, "Thi Thi Thara," a melodious masterpiece celebrating the rich cultural tapestry of South India with Sireesha Bhagavatula and the innovative sounds of FRIDAYYY and Mellow Kitchen, promising to captivate listeners worldwide.

“Thi Thi Thara" is a vivid testament to Aoora's profound affection for India and its vibrant culture. With every note and lyric, Aoora embarks on a melodious journey, painting an evocative portrait of South India's serene beauty. The song invites listeners to traverse the tranquil shores, swaying beneath the lofty palm trees, and meander through the bustling streets, all brought to life through Aoora's visionary artistry.

The collaboration with Sireesha Bhagavatula adds an unparalleled depth to the track. FRIDAYYY and Mellow Kitchen infuse the song with their unique sonic flavours, creating a harmonious blend that is both fresh and nostalgic.

Its catchy, lyrical refrain will undoubtedly linger in your mind, leaving you murmuring "Thi thi Thara" long after the music fades. This release underscores Aoora's remarkable talent for crossing cultural boundaries, showcasing his ability to bring together diverse musical traditions into a cohesive and delightful masterpiece.

”Creating 'Thi Thi Thara' has been an incredibly enriching experience for me. The song is a heartfelt ode to the vibrant culture and serene beauty of South India. Collaborating with the immensely talented Sireesha Bhagavatula, FRIDAYYY, and Mellow Kitchen brought an authentic and magical vibe to the track. I wanted to capture the essence of South India's spirit, and I hope listeners can feel the love and passion we poured into this project. Shooting the video amidst such breathtaking landscapes was a dream come true, and I am thrilled to share this journey with my fans worldwide Aoora

”Working on 'Thi Thi Thara' has been an extraordinary journey for me. Collaborating with Aoora, was an inspiring experience. This song is different from my other works because it blends K-Pop with the essence of Indian music, creating a harmonious fusion that is both innovative and nostalgic. I'm thrilled for listeners to experience the beauty and vibrancy we've captured in this song” Sireesha Bhagavatula. 

"Life Hill Gayi"

Actor and Producer Aarushi Nishank's Production Brings Uttarakhand's Beauty to Life in New Series "Life Hill Gayi" starring Divyenndu Sharma, Kusha Kapila

They say, you don't take a shot…you make a shot”-  Actor and Producer– Aarushi Nishank gears up for her project “Life Hill Gayi” starring Mukti Mohan, Vinay Pathak and Bhagyashree which will be streaming on Disney+ Hotstar from August 9

“Life Hill Gayi” is the result of Aarushi Nishank’s long and interesting journey of being in front of the camera and her love for storytelling. Not only has she produced this captivating series, but she also conceptualized it, driven by a deep desire to celebrate and promote the rich culture of her beloved Uttarakhand. Aarushi's unique vision shines through as she endeavours to showcase the serene and awe-inspiring beauty of Uttarakhand, portraying India through the enchanting lens of this magnificent region. Her passion for her homeland is evident, making “Life Hill Gayi” a truly mesmerizing journey into the heart of Uttarakhand’s cultural and natural splendour.

As a young producer who is full of ideas, Aarushi aims to venture into unexplored realms of production by experimenting with new themes and subjects. She envisions delving into revolutionary and untrammelled areas and thus being able to discover her inner self using the limitless possibilities and scope of cinema.

“I am incredibly excited for 'Life Hill Gayi.' This series is a reflection of my deep love for entertainment and my passion for showcasing the rich culture and breathtaking beauty of Uttarakhand. Through this project, I aim to bring the serene and awe-inspiring landscapes of my homeland to a global audience. 'Life Hill Gayi' is a journey into the heart of Uttarakhand, and I can't wait for viewers to experience the magic and charm of this remarkable region” says Aarushi Nishank

Instagram Caption- Get ready to embark on a mesmerizing journey through the heart of Uttarakhand with Actor & Producer production, @arushi.nishank"Life Hill Gayi” starring @divyenndu @kushakapila @muktimohan and @pathakvinay, this captivating series will be streaming on @disneyplushotstar from August 9.


Watch the trailer here-

क्रिमिनल्स - चाहूल गुन्हेगारांची, गुरुवार आणि शुक्रवार रात्री ९.३० वा. सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर.

  गुन्हेगारी विश्वातील रंजक केसेस छोट्या पडद्यावर. क्रिमिनल्स - चाहूल गुन्हेगारांची, गुरुवार आणि शुक्रवार रात्री ९.३० वा. सोनी मराठी वाहिनीव...