Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Kerala Tourism clocks sharp rise in domestic arrivals, uptick in foreign tourist visits

 Kerala Tourism clocks sharp rise in domestic arrivals, uptick in foreign tourist visits

Unfolds new products ahead of festivals & holiday season

Riding on a high-growth trajectory, Kerala Tourism has unfolded a range of fresh products and packages to whip up new interest among travellers from both inside the country and outside in the upcoming festive and winter holiday seasons. 

Alongside the new projects, the state’s core assets like beaches, hill stations, houseboats and backwater segment will continue to have a mesmeric charm for the visitors. Kerala’s unique touristy appeal lies in providing a diverse range of experiences for tourists like houseboats, caravan stays, plantation visits, jungle lodges, homestays, Ayurveda-based wellness solutions, adventure activities, countryside walks, and trekking to verdant hills.


Kerala’s resilience in putting its pandemic-hit tourism industry back on the rail is evident from an appreciable surge in domestic arrivals. In pre-COVID times, it was the year 2019 when the state registered the highest growth rate in domestic and total tourist arrivals in 24 years with their number pegged at 1,95,74,004, comprising 1,83,84,233 domestic tourists and 11,89,771 visitors from abroad.


In 2023, it witnessed a record surge in the number of domestic tourists with as many as 21,871,641 people visiting the state. The number of international tourists was pegged at 6,49,057.


As for the first quarter (January-March) of 2024, Kerala attracted 50,37,307 domestic tourists compared to 49,36,274 visitors in the corresponding period a year earlier, registering a 2.05 per cent increase, in a rousing endorsement of its touristy appeal. Equally assuring for Kerala is the uptick in international tourist arrivals, which are expected to reach the pre-COVID levels by 2025.


Tourism Minister Shri PA Mohamed Riyas says the focus will no longer be confined to beaches, backwaters and hill stations. “We are making a calibrated move to bolster Kerala’s reputation as an all-weather hospitable destination. Our latest offerings will spark new interest among the visitors as it makes Kerala a compelling experiential tourist hotspot for all segments of visitors, be it an upscale globetrotting tourist, a honeymooning couple, a backpacker, or an adventure-seeker.”


An upshot of the sustained efforts to rejuvenate the tourism sector was Kerala Tourism’s digital marketing campaign bagging the prestigious PATA Gold Award. The New York Times had included Kerala in its list of ‘52 must-visit places in 2023’. 

Kerala Travel Mart, Asia’s largest tourism event, is slated to be held in September to boost the state’s tourism sector. More than 1,500 domestic buyers and 650 foreign buyers have already registered for the event.


Kerala will also host an international conference on gender-inclusive tourism in October to showcase the state’s success in promoting participatory development in tourism through the Responsible Tourism scheme and address the issues faced by women travellers.


“We are transforming the whole of Kerala into a sustainable, interconnected tourist haven where visitors get plenty of choices and diverse experiences within the few days they spend in the state,” said Shri Biju K, Secretary - Tourism, Government of Kerala.


“It will make the stay of new-age travellers a relaxing, rejuvenating, safe and learning experience by unfolding before them the captivating charm of Kerala’s rural hinterland and lesser-known places,” he added.


Among the new offerings is heli-tourism, which has been hailed as a game changer. The project —Sky Initiative— is aimed at providing one-day travel between the state’s top tourist destination. Another offering is caravan tourism—Keravan Kerala—that takes tourism deep into the state’s interiors and rural hinterlands.


In order to create an appreciable surge in tourist footfalls, tour operators and hoteliers in Kerala are offering attractive packages for the festival and winter holiday seasons. Alongside, international bookings are also witnessing an upswing in the upcoming holiday season.


“Started with a Partnership Meet in Vadodara, followed by Surat, Kerala Tourism has planned a string of travel trade networking activities, including participation in Trade Fairs and organizing B2B roadshows, to introduce the new products to a wider audience across the country”, said Smt. Sikha Surendran, Director, Department of Tourism, Government of Kerala.


Apart from Mumbai, B2B meets will be held in Pune on August 29th, followed by similar Partnership Meets in Chennai and Kolkata in the coming months.


“Our continuous and innovative initiatives to reach our target markets through various promotional means have successfully placed Kerala as a must-visit destination, and this will remain our focus in the future as well. Also, MICE, Destination Weddings, Responsible Tourism, adventure, wellness and will be taken forward with greater vigour,” she added.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

On International Dog Day, &TV actors celebrate their special bonds with rescued dogs!

On International Dog Day, &TV actors celebrate their special bonds with rescued dogs!

Dogs are often referred to as 'man's best friend' due to their unwavering affection, a fact continuously demonstrated by our four-legged companions. On this International Dog Day, &TV actors and passionate dog lovers share their touching stories of rescuing and caring for stray dogs. Among them are Tejaswini Singh, essaying the title role in Bheema, Ashutosh Kulkarni (Krishan Bihari Vajpayee, Atal), Himani Shivpuri (Katori Amma, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan) and Soma Rathod (Ammaji, Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai). Tejaswini Singh, who plays the title role in the newly launched show Bheema shares, "I've always loved dogs and had asked my parents for a puppy. However, recently I met a charming stray puppy who instantly captured my heart. He approached me and started playfully nudging my leg, creating an immediate bond. I named him Tyson because of his agility and cuteness. We spent many afternoons together playing with a ball and exploring parks. I eventually brought him home, and now my family takes care of him and loves him even more than I do (laughs)." 

Ashutosh Kulkarni, known for his role as Krishan Bihari Vajpayee in Atal shares, "Adopting a stray dog has been one of the most fulfilling decisions I have ever made. The bond with a stray is uniquely special, rooted in trust, love, and mutual care. There was a dog in my building whom I named ‘Shero.’ He was always nearby, wagging his tail whenever I passed by. Although he didn’t have a home, his warm and gentle nature drew me to him. I began by feeding him regularly, and soon, he became an integral part of my life. It wasn’t just about providing food and shelter; it was about forging a meaningful connection. We spent each day together, going for walks and enjoying each other's company. Shero is more than a pet; he’s a loyal friend who offers unconditional love. Caring for him has deepened my understanding of compassion and the simple joys of life. Our bond is irreplaceable, and I am thankful every day for the love he brings into my life."

 Himani Shivpuri, who plays Katori Amma in Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, shares, "A furry friend can brighten our day with just a wag and a cuddle. While pedigree pets often receive care, stray dogs also need food, protection, and shelter. On the sets of Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, I’ve adopted and cared for stray dogs, providing them with food, water, shelter, and basic veterinary care for six years. I’ve named them ‘Jenny,’ ‘Tiger,’ and ‘Scotty.’ Even when I’m away, I make sure they’re well looked after. At home, I also regularly feed two stray dogs, offering them a special weekly menu of oats, sweet potatoes, eggs, rice, and meats." Soma Rathod, recognized for her role as Amma Ji in Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai shares, "My love for animals has been unwavering since childhood, nurtured by my father’s passion for them. I have rescued and cared for many animals, including birds, rabbits, cats, and dogs. Currently, I live with five pets, each with a unique story. It all began with rescuing three dogs: Gentle, Shero, and Sonu. My son Arjun and I ensure our pets receive excellent care, including a special garden area just for them. Caring for animals requires minimal effort but yields great rewards, fostering compassion, responsibility, and positivity. Even on the set of 'Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai,' I have welcomed stray dogs into my care, treating them as family. Over the past nine years, these dogs have formed deep bonds with me, and I make sure they have everything they need—food, water, shelter, and veterinary care."

Watch your favourite show Atal at 8:00 pm, Bheema at 8:30 pm, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan at 10:00 pm, and Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai at 10:30 pm, airing Monday to Friday only on &TV!

‘तांबडी चांबडी’ गाण ठरलं आंतरराष्ट्रीय संगीत रेकॉर्ड लेबलवरील पहिलचं मराठी गाण

‘तांबडी चांबडी’ गाण ठरलं आंतरराष्ट्रीय संगीत रेकॉर्ड लेबलवरील पहिलचं मराठी गाण

‘मराठी वाजलचं पाहिजे' फेम क्रेटेक्सचं 'तांबडी चांबडी' गाण्याद्वारे संगीतसृष्टीत पदार्पण!

मराठमोळ्या क्रेटेक्सने अखेर मराठी वाजवलच, आंतरराष्ट्रीय स्पिनिंग रेकॉर्ड लेबलवर ‘तांबडी चांबडी’ हे मराठी गाण प्रदर्शित!

मराठी वाजलाचं पाहिजे’ असे उच्चार होतात तेव्हा आपसूकच एकच नाव डोळ्यासमोर येते ते म्हणजे आपला मराठमोळा क्रेटेक्स. सध्या सोशल मीडियावर व्हायरल झालेल्या क्रेटेक्स आणि श्रेयसचा ‘तांबडी चांबडी’ या गाण्याचा म्युझिक व्हिडीओ नुकताच प्रदर्शित झाला आहे. हे गाण आता जगभरात गाजणार आहे. जगभरातील लोक हे गाण आता बघू आणि ऐकू शकतात. स्पिनिंग रेकॉर्ड्स या आंतरराष्ट्रीय संगीत कंपनीच्या ऑफिशल चॅनेलवर क्रेटेक्सच ‘तांबडी चांबडी’ गाण प्रदर्शित झाल आहे. आणि त्या लेबलवरील हे पहिलच मराठी गाण आहे. संगीतकार क्रेटेक्स (कृणाल घोरपडे) याचे ‘तांबडी चांबडी’ या गाण्याद्वारे संगीतसृष्टीत पदार्पण होत आहे. त्याने या गाण्याच पार्श्वसंगीत केलं आहे तर श्रेयस सागवेकर याने हे गाण लिहिलं असून गायलं आहे. या गाण्याची निर्मिती वर्ल्ड ऑफ वाइब्ज आणि रॉक कच्ची यांनी केली आहे. तेजस शेट्ये, मनीष शेट्ये, वृशाली शेट्ये, निनाद सावंत, आकाश साळुंखे, माटिन शेख, मल्हार जाधव, यश माधव, रूपेश किंगरे, अवंतिका चौघुले, आशिष नेगी, धनंजय जाधव आणि अनिकेत सोंडे या कलाकारांनी या गाण्यात अभिनय केला आहे.

या गाण्याचा संगीत अनावरण सोहळा नुकताच ठाण्यातील आय लिफ बँक्वेट्स येथे पार पडला. या सोहळ्याला संगीतकार क्रेटेक्स, गायक श्रेयस, ‘तांबडी चांबडी’ गाण्याची संपूर्ण टीम तसेच हास्यजत्रा फेम पृथ्विक प्रताप, स्टँडप कॉमेडियन अनिश गोरेगांवकर, भाडिपा टीम आणि सागरिका म्युझिक चैनल हेड सागरिका दास असे नामवंत मान्यवर उपस्थित होते.

'तांबडी चांबडी' गाण्याविषयी संगीतकार क्रेटेक्स सांगतो, “माझा आनंद गगनात मावत नाही आहे. माझ स्वप्न होत की माझं गाण स्पिनिंग रेकॉर्डस वरती कधीतरी याव. ज्या रेकॉर्ड लेबलवरती जगभरातील डेव्हिड ग्वेट, मार्टिन गॅरिक्स, अफ्रोजॅक, डिमिट्री व्हेग्स एंड लाइक माइक, हार्डवेल, स्टीव्हओकी अश्या सुप्रसिद्ध कलाकारांची गाणी या आधी प्रदर्शित झाली आहेत. आणि  आता या विविध भाषेमधील गाण्यांमध्ये आपलं मराठी गाण प्रदर्शित होण. माझ्यासाठी ही स्वप्नपूर्ती आहे. या गाण्याच्या ऑडियोला भारतातच नव्हे तर जगभरात प्रेक्षकांचा चांगला प्रतिसाद मिळाला. त्यामुळे आम्ही व्हिडीओच्या स्वरूपात गाण तुमच्यासाठी घेवून आलो आहोत. आणि आता लवकरच मी परदेशात मराठी गाण्याचे शो करत आहे. प्रेक्षकांच प्रेम कायम असच राहो. आणि मराठी भाषा, मराठी गाणी देशात नव्हे तर परदेशातही वाजू दे हीच सदिच्छा. येत्या १ सप्टेंबरला पुण्यातील बॉलर येथे मराठीतील सर्वात मोठा शो होणार आहे. तेव्हा पुणेकर आणि सर्व प्रेक्षकांनी जरुर या शो ला या.”

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TV Actors reveal Janmashtami celebrations in their hometowns!

         TV Actors reveal Janmashtami celebrations in their hometowns!

Janmashtami is joyfully celebrated to honour the birth of Lord Krishna. People across the globe observe this festival in their unique ways. &TV artists share how the festivities unfold in their hometowns. These include Amit Bhardwaj, who plays Mewa in the newly launched show Bheema, Ashutosh Kulkarni (Krishan Bihari Vajpayee, Atal), Geetanjali Mishra (Rajesh, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan), and Shubhangi Atre (Angoori Bhabi, Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai). Amit Bhardwaj who plays Mewa in Bheema, says, “Patna celebrates Janmashtami with tremendous zeal. Temples are beautifully decorated, prayers echo through the air, and devotional songs set the tone for the day. Traditional dances like Raas Leela mesmerize those who take part, creating a vibrant and festive atmosphere throughout the city. The celebrations in my hometown of Patna are grand, featuring 56 varieties of Bhog and Krishna dressed in vibrant yellow attire. A cradle is decorated with flowers, and Bhajans are sung throughout the day in his honour.” Ashutosh Kulkarni who plays Krishan Bihari Vajpayee in Atal, shares, “Janmashtami in Maharashtra is celebrated with incredible enthusiasm and energy. Everywhere you turn, you'll see people forming human pyramids, eagerly trying to reach and break the Dahi Handi, a pot filled with curd, milk, fruits, and sweets. The entire festival is infused with a vivid, divine atmosphere. Growing up in Pune, I was lucky to be immersed in this tradition. Every street corner would be packed with people gathering for the Dahi Handi event, and as kids, we were determined not to miss a single moment. We would race around, catching every scene, excited to see who would finally succeed in breaking the pot. The temple decorations and devotional songs created a divine environment. But my favourite part was always dancing to the beats of drums and singing 'Govinda ala re ala,' followed by indulging in puran poli and other traditional treats lovingly prepared by my mother. 

Geetanjali Mishra who portrays Rajesh in Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, adds, “Janmashtami celebrations in UP are no less than a dream. I have had the privilege of being part of these festivities in the past. Many people gather at the Shri Krishna Janmabhoomi Temple in Mathura to join in the celebrations. Artists perform Krishna's Rasleelas, some so mesmerizing that they deeply move the devotees of Lord Krishna. The celebrations are grand in my hometown Varanasi also. My grandmother would prepare special prasads like Malai Peda, Charnamrit, and Dhaniya Panjiri, offered as a tribute to Lord Krishna. We would then visit temples to distribute these homemade offerings and participate in the bhajans sung there. As a child, I once asked my mother for a Radha costume. I still feel the joy of wearing it. May Lord Krishna bless us all with love and harmony. Wishing you a joyous Janmashtami!” Shubhangi Atre, renowned for her role as Angoori Bhabi in Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, says, “I fondly remember how temples are adorned with intricate decorations and special rituals are performed throughout the day during Janmashtami in Indore. People observe fast, offer prayers, and engage in soulful devotional singing and dancing. The city exudes a joyful atmosphere, enriched by various cultural performances and events. My father and I would visit the famous Laxminarayan Temple, also known as the Birla Temple or Krishna Parnami Temple, where the celebrations were grand, and we would seek blessings. At home, we would create tiny baby footprints on the floor to represent Baal Krishna’s steps. We would stay up until midnight for the aarti, prepare treats like Makhan mishri, lauki ki barfi, makhana kheer, and more, all lovingly prepared by my mother and grandmother, and then offered to Lord Krishna. This time, as my daughter Ashi is in Mumbai, I will follow the same rituals.”

Don't miss your favourite artists in Atal at 8:00 pm, Bheema at 8:30 pm, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan at 10:00 pm, and Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai at 10:30 pm, airing every Monday to Friday only on &TV!

Monday, August 26, 2024

Padma Shri Kailash Kher Channels Divine Inspiration with the Release of "Hey Kanha Hey Gopala"

Padma Shri Kailash Kher Channels Divine Inspiration with the Release of "Hey Kanha Hey Gopala" This Krishna Janmashtami

In a divine confluence of music and spirituality, the illustrious Padma Shri Kailash Kher is set to grace the world with his latest devotional masterpiece, "Hey Kanha Hey Gopala." This soul-stirring track, a heartfelt homage to Lord Krishna, will resonate across all major streaming platforms on the revered occasion of Krishna Janmashtami, August 26, 2024.

"Hey, Kanha Hey Gopala" is a profound musical offering that immerses listeners in the serene and sacred realms of devotion. Kailash Kher's evocative voice, coupled with the delicate symphony of keys, flute, and synthesizer, weaves an intricate soundscape that is at once soothing and spiritually elevating. The composition gracefully ascends to a majestic crescendo, encapsulating the deeply spiritual odyssey of love and devotion, leaving the listener with a sense of divine fulfilment.

Reflecting on the creative muse behind this celestial composition, Padma Shri Kailash Kher shares Bhagwan Krishna embodies love, beauty, and happiness, all of which are reasons to celebrate. Celebration is at the heart of festivals, and in essence, Bhagwan Krishna's teachings remind us that life itself is a celebration. Bharat, the land of festivals, is where this spirit thrives.

Let’s come together this Janmashtami to celebrate with 'Hey Kanha Hey Gopala.'” Enhancing the ethereal experience of the song is a visually breathtaking music video that reinterprets the eternal love story of Radha and Krishna with a contemporary twist. In a daring and imaginative portrayal, Lord Krishna is envisioned in a modern, Michael Jackson-inspired avatar, while Radha retains her timeless traditional elegance. Their dance, a sublime fusion of classical and modern expressions, breathes life into the eternal narrative, creating a visually stunning tableau that transcends time and tradition. The music video features the viral Internet sensation and Michael Jackson-style dancer Baba Jackson, along with Sanaya Shiva, a talented student from KKALADHAM (Kailash Kher Academy for Learning Art). The video has been expertly directed by the reputed choreographer and director Swarupraj Medara.

As Krishna Janmashtami dawns, let "Hey Kanha Hey Gopala" by Kailash Kher be the anthem that elevates your spiritual journey, a melodious bridge to the divine that resonates with the eternal love and devotion of Lord Krishna.

About Padma Shri Kailash Kher: Padma Shri Kailash Kher is a celebrated Indian spiritual singer, music composer, and lyricist, known for his powerful voice and heartfelt compositions. With numerous accolades and a global fanbase, Padma Shri Kailash Kher continues to inspire through his music that transcends boundaries and resonates with the soul.

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Instagram Caption- On this sacred Krishna Janmashtami, immerse yourself in the divine melodies of Padma Shri @kailashkher newest offering, "Hey Kanha Hey Gopala”. Let this transcendent anthem, woven with love, devotion, and the timeless essence of Lord Krishna, uplift your soul and resonate with your heart

#kailashkher #HeyKanhaHeyGopala #Janmashtami


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Atharva as Baba Saheb in &TV’s new show Bheema

Atharva as Baba Saheb in &TV’s new show Bheema

Actor Atharva, renowned for his compelling portrayal of the titular role in the &TV show Ek Mahanayak: Dr B.R. Ambedkar, once again embodies the iconic figure in the newly launched social drama, Bheema. Reflecting on his experience, Atharva shares, “It is a huge honour to play such an inspiring leader. Over the past two and a half years, I’ve had the privilege of being a part of such an iconic show. When I learned that the makers of Bheema wanted me to portray Baba Saheb, I was overjoyed and immediately accepted. This role has been transformative, and I am grateful to continue honouring his legacy through my performance.”

Discussing his role in Bheema, Atharva says, “Baba Saheb serves as a guiding force for Bheema as she fights for her rights and seeks her rightful place in society. The show meticulously captures her battles against the adversities imposed by the society. Despite enduring numerous injustices and discrimination, Bheema remains fearless in her pursuit of justice and equality.” Atharva has been receiving praises for his performance in Bheema. He adds, “I was deeply honoured when the show’s first episode aired and garnered such positive feedback. Hearing from viewers who were moved by the show’s narrative was incredibly rewarding. The love and appreciation from the audience has been heartening, and I’m thankful to be involved in such a meaningful project.”


Catch Atharva as Baba Saheb in Bheema, airing every Monday to Friday at 8:30 pm on &TV!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार प्राप्त गायिका सावनी रविंद्रने सुरू केला संगीत पोडकास्ट शो

राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार प्राप्त गायिका सावनी रविंद्रने सुरू केला संगीत पोडकास्ट शो

संगीतविश्वातील मनोरंजक गोष्टी प्रथमच पोडकास्टद्वारे उलगडणार

सावनीचा म्युझिक पोडकास्ट शो ठरला संगीतविश्वातील पहिलाच मराठी म्युझिक पोडकास्ट शो

आपल्या मधाळ आवाजानं रसिकांना मंत्रमुग्ध करणारी राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार प्राप्त गायिका सावनी रविंद्र ही नेहमीच काहीतरी नवनवीन गोष्टी तिच्या प्रेक्षकांसाठी करत असते.  तिने नुकतच सावनी म्युझिक पोडकास्ट शो सुरु केला आहे. हा शो संगीतविश्वातील पहिलाच ‘मराठी म्युझिक पोडकास्ट’ आहे. ज्यात स्वतः गायिका लोकप्रिय गायक, संगीतकार, वादक यांच्यासोबत मनसोक्त संगीतविषयक गप्पा मारणार आहे. या पोडकास्टच्या पहिल्याच भागात राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार प्राप्त गायक राहुल देशपांडे हे उपस्थित होते. सावनी म्युझिक या पोडकास्ट वर हा पहिलाच भाग आपण पाहू शकतो. यापूर्वी सावनीने मराठी, हिंदी,  गुजराती, तमिळ, तेलुगू, मल्याळम, कन्नडा, कोंकणी अशा प्रादेशिक भाषांमध्ये गाणी गायली आहेत. तसेच गेल्यावर्षीच्या बहुचर्चित बाईपण भारी देवा या चित्रपटातील सावनीने गायलेली मंगळागौर सगळ्यांच्याच पसंतीस पडली.

सावनी तिच्या म्युझिक पोडकास्टविषयी सांगते, “मी एक संगीताची विद्यार्थी म्हणून गेली अनेक वर्ष या संगीतसृष्टीत काम करत आहे. काही चढउतार देखील मी पाहिले. तर या प्रवासात अनेक माणस प्रत्यक्ष अप्रत्यक्ष मला भेटली. त्यांच्याकडून अनेक गोष्टी मला शिकायला मिळाल्या. म्युझिक पोडकास्टच्या निमित्ताने संगीतात नवनवीन प्रयोग करू इच्छिणाऱ्या गायकांसाठी तसेच या क्षेत्रात असणाऱ्या सर्व कलाकारांसाठी, जाणकार प्रेक्षकांसाठी मी हा पोडकास्ट सुरू केला आहे. सर्वांनी नक्कीच हा पोडकास्ट पाहा. आणि मला कमेंट्सद्वारे आपल्या प्रतिक्रिया माझ्यापर्यंत पोहोचवा.”

क्रिमिनल्स - चाहूल गुन्हेगारांची, गुरुवार आणि शुक्रवार रात्री ९.३० वा. सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर.

  गुन्हेगारी विश्वातील रंजक केसेस छोट्या पडद्यावर. क्रिमिनल्स - चाहूल गुन्हेगारांची, गुरुवार आणि शुक्रवार रात्री ९.३० वा. सोनी मराठी वाहिनीव...