Thursday, September 30, 2021

Tips Rewind, A tribute to Jagjit Singh released their first song with Sonu Nigam titled "Badi Nazuk"

 Original music- Tabun Sutradhar, Original lyrics -  Zameer Kazmi, Music by- Shameer Tandon, Additional lyrics- Priyanka R Bala

Tips released their first ghazal from the series of Tips Rewind, titled "Badi Nazuk" by the ace singer Sonu Nigam.

Sonu Nigam says "Badi Nazuk is gold. I hear the original till date. It has a special place in my heart. The fact I could recreate this track is an honour"

Tips Rewind platform will bring together India’s most talented and popular artists, who will showcase & perform the mesmerising renditions of Jagjit Singh’s on the same stage. Artist line up includes - Sonu Nigam, Hariharan, Babul Supriyo, Shaan, Sameer Khan, Ankit Tiwari, Talat Aziz, Amit Mishra, Bandish, Ash King, Shahid Mallya & Navraj Hans.

शिवानी बावकर दिसणार नव्या भूमिकेत - 'कुसुम', ४ ऑक्टोबरपासून, संध्या. ८:३० वा. सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर!

 बालाजी टेलिफिल्म्स आणि सोनी मराठी वाहिनी घेऊन येत आहे नवीन मराठी मालिकाकुसुम  ऑक्टोबर पासुन रा..३० वासोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर

 जोडायला माहेरची नाळ तोडायची काय गरज 'कुसुम' ‘  ऑक्टोबर पासुन रा..३० वासोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर

सोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर 'कुसुमही नवी मालिका प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला येते आहेनुकताच त्याचा प्रोमो पाहायला मिळालामहाराष्ट्राची लाडकी अभिनेत्री शिवानी बावकर या मालिकेत मुख्य भूमिकेत दिसणार आहेशिवानी ही प्रसिद्ध अभिनेत्री असून आपल्या 'शीतलीया व्यक्तिरेखेमुळे ती महाराष्ट्राच्या घराघरांत ओळखली जातेसासर आणि माहेर अशा दोन्ही जबाबदाऱ्या पार पाडणाऱ्या मुलीच्या भूमिकेत शिवानी दिसणार आहेबालाजी टेलिफिल्म्स आणि सोनी मराठी वाहिनी घेऊन येत आहे नवीन मराठी मालिकाकुसुम.

आपल्या आईवडिलांसाठीआपल्या कुटुंबासाठी सतत तत्पर असलेली आणि सासार आणि माहेर अशा दोन्ही जबाबदाऱ्या लीलया पेलणारी कुसुमसासर जोडायला माहेरची नाळ तोडायची काय गरजअसा सगळ्या मुलींच्या मनातला प्रश्न या मालिकेतून मांडण्यात येणार आहे.

आत्तापर्यंत या मालिकेचे तीन प्रोमो आले आहेतमाहेरचं लाईट बील भरणारीवडिलांना डॉक्टरकडे घेऊन जाणारी आणि सगळ्यांची उत्तम काळजी घेणारी कुसुम या प्रोमोमधून प्रेक्षकांना दिसलीदुनियेसाठी खपायचं आणि आई बापाला नाही जपायचंअसं कसं चालेलअसं म्हणत कुसुम सगळ्या जाबदाऱ्या उत्तम पार पाडते.

२००१ साली हिंदीमध्ये 'कुसुमनावाची मालिका प्रसारित झाली होतीत्या मालिकेचा हा मराठी अवतार आहेतेव्हाही  ही मालिका प्रेक्षकांच्या पसंतीस उतरली होती आणि रेकॉर्ड ब्रेकर ठरली होतीकसुम दोन दशकाच्या आधी जेव्हा आली होती तेव्हा तिने त्या काळच्या सामान्य मुलींच्या प्रश्नांना वाचा फोडलीआता जेव्हा कुसुम येतेय तेव्हा ती आताच्या काळातील मुली किंवा स्त्रियांचं प्रतिनिधित्व करतेज्या मुलींना आपल्या कुटुंबासाठी काही करायचं आहे त्या सगळ्यांना या मालिकेतून नक्कीच प्रेरणा मिळेल

बालाजी टेलिफिल्न्स आणि सोनी मराठी वाहिनी यांनी मिळून 'कुसुमया मालिकेतून आजच्या काळातल्या मुलींच्या मनातले प्रश्न मांडले आहेत

सर्वच मुलींच्या मनातला प्रश्न तिनी यात बोलून दाखवला आहेआणि म्हणूनच कुसुम तुमच्या-आमच्याली एक वाटते

 'कुसुमही मालिका  ऑक्टोबरपासूनसंध्या:३० वासोनी मराठी वाहिनीवरून प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला येणार आहे.

Ekta Kapoor quote –

२१ वर्षानंतर 'कुसुम'  प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला पुन्हा येते आहेमी खूप आनंदी आहेसोनी मराठी वाहिनीवर प्रेक्षकांसमोर 'कुसुम'  आणण्याची संधी मला मिळाली. 'कुसुमही  मालिका मजा खूप जवळची आहेमी मराठीमध्ये याआधीही काम केले आहेपण खूप काळानंतर मी मराठीमध्ये पुन्हा येते आहेप्रादेशिक भाषेमध्ये आणि खासकरून मराठीमध्ये खूप एक्सप्लोर करण्यासारखे आहेआणि मी खूश आहे की सोनी मराठी वाहिनीने मला ही संधी दिलीपाहायला विसरू नका 'कुसुम',  ऑक्टोबरपासूनसंध्या:३० वासोनी मराठी वाहिनीवरून प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला येणार आहे.

वैभव तत्ववादी अभिनित ग्रे चित्रपट लवकरच प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीस!


अल्पावधीतच आपल्या अभिनयाने रसिक प्रेक्षकांच्या मनावर अधिराज्य गाजवणारा अभिनेता वैभव तत्ववादी लवकरचं 'ग्रेनामक एक रहस्यमय थरारक चित्रपट घेऊन आपल्या भेटीस येत आहे. या चित्रपटाचा ट्रेलर सोशल मीडियावर नुकताच व्हायरल झाला असून त्यास  प्रेक्षकांचा उदंड प्रतिसाद देखील मिळत आहे.


दिग्दर्शक अभिषेक जावकर दिग्दर्शित 'ग्रेचित्रपटात वैभव 'सिद्धांतनामक एका युवकाची भूमिका साकारत आहे. ग्रे ही सिद्धांतच्या कुटुंबाच्या दुर्दैवी बादल्याच्या बदल्याची कथा आहे. या चित्रपटात वैभव तत्त्ववादी समवेत पल्लवी पाटीलमयुरी देशमुखशरद पोंक्षेअविनाश नारकरपुष्कराज चिरपूटकर असे एकापेक्षा एक अव्वल कलाकार आपणांस ह्या चित्रपटात पाहायला मिळणार आहेत. अभिषेक जावकर आणि स्पृहा जोशी यांनी या चित्रपटाचे लेखन केलेले असून विजय भाटे आणि केवल वाळुंज यांच्या संगीताची जोड या चित्रपटास लाभली आहे.


रेड बल्ब मूव्हीज आणि का का किंडल एंटरटेनमेंट निर्मितअभिषेक जावकर दिग्दर्शित 'ग्रेहा चित्रपट येत्या १ ऑक्टोबरला झीप्रीमियर वर आपल्या भेटीस येणार आहे.

Below is the trailer link of grey-

World Book of Records ( UK ) and South Asian Chamber of Commerce & Industry ( SACCI ) felicitates 100 personalities of global presence

 Hon'ble Shri Ramdas Athawale ( Union Minister , Govt . of India ) , Shri Akhilesh Mishra ( High Commissioner , Republic of Ireland ) , Shri Udit Narayan and Shri Sameer Anjaan graced the occasion . 

INDORE : One of the prestigious organization working at global level , World Book of Records , London ( UK ) with the collaboration of South Asian Chamber of Commerce & Industry ( SACCI ) has organized Award Ceremony . The ceremony was held in Indore ( Madhya Pradesh ) India to honour and felicitate those who performed well in their respective fields . This was informed by Shri Santosh Shukla , Supreme Court , Advocate ( President and CEO , World Book of Records ) . 

The Award Ceremony was graced by Hon'ble Ramdas Athawale ( Union Minister , Govt . of India ) being the chief guest along with Shri Akhilesh Mishra ( High Commissioner , Republic of Ireland ) , Prof. Anil D. Sahasrabudhe ( Chairman , All India Council for Technical Education ( AICTE ) ) , Dr. Diwakar Sukul ( Chairman , World Book of Records , England ) , Shri Shankar Lalwani ( Member of Parliament ) , Shri Udit Narayan ( Legendry Playback Singer ) , Shri Sameer Anjaan ( Prominent Lyricist ) , Shri Sanjay Shukla ( Principal Secretary , Govt . of MP ) , Major General Arvind Kapoor ( India Army ) , Shri Varun Kapoor , IPS ( Additional Director General of Police ) , Shri Shaileshbhai Mehta ( MLA ) , Shri Sanjay Shukla ( MLA ) , Shri Sanjay Singh Masani ( Vice President , MPCC ) , Usman Khan ( Music Director , Vice President - WBR - India ), Parul Chawla (Picture N Kraft ) and other prominent guests . 

On this occasion , esteemed guests presented certificate and mementos to all Awardees of World Book of Records and certificates to South Asian Chamber of Commerce & Industry ( SACCI ) . At the ceremony , Overseas Volume of World Book of Records , London and Alma Today were released by esteemed guests . Meanwhile , bestowing of Certificate of Investiture of South Asian Chamber of Commerce and Industry ( SACCI ) were presented by the guests of the ceremony . 

Shri Kalraj Mishra ( Hon'ble Governor , Himachal Pradesh ) , Shri Thawar Chand Gehlot ( Hon'ble Governor , Karnataka ) , Shri Virendra Sharma ( Member of Parliament , England ) , Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan ( Hon'ble Chief Minister , Madhya Pradesh ) , Shri Rajeev Shukla ( Former Union Minister , Govt . of India ) congratulated for the Success of the ceremony . 

The ceremony was conducted by Shri Santosh Shukla , Supreme Court , Advocate ( President , World Book of Records , London ) and vote of thanks was given by Shri Vikram Trivedi and Dr. Bharat Sharma ( Ministry of Culture , Govt . of India ) .

Ayee Haallo! Celebrate Navratri with Tips Gujarati’s new track “Maa Na Rathda” by singer Divya Kumar

 Lyrics by - Priya Saraiya, Music by - Divya Kumar, Video Director - Karan Ghoda

Soaking the festive spirit! This Navratri, celebrates Devi in her many manifestations with the newest musical release from Tips Music titled “Maa Na Rathda”.

It celebrates predominant aspects of Devi. During Navratri, a festival dedicated to the divine feminine, devi manifests in her many forms.  
Divya Kumar says “Maa na rathda” is a happy, foot tapping Garba with a fusion of playful lezim beats. Beautifully written by my friend Priya Saraiya. Priya and I have performed during Navratri for more than 10 years in Gujarat so the festival is very close to my heart and every year I seek blessings of “Mataji” by singing garba songs. I composed “Maa na rathda” during lockdown and I am glad that it has been released on the platform of Tips Gujarati YouTube Channel. It has been always a great pleasure doing songs with Tips"

Priya Saraiya says “Every time I try my best to bring in a new flavour when it comes to write a garba as this genre is very close to my heart. It brings back the beautiful childhood memories of performing mataji garba with my grandfather. When Divya Kumar played me this melody I instantly connected with the vibe and knew exactly what he was looking for. "Maa na rathda” is a special song as not only I got to write the lyrics but also being a creative head at Tips I got the opportunity to work with my friend Divya Kumar. Always thankful to Tips Gujarati for believing in Gujarati music and artists"



The 30th AGM of Indian Film & TV Producers Council (IFTPC) was held on 29th September, 2021by virtual means under the Chairmanship of Sajid Nadiadwala. In his President’s address Nadiadwala though he lamented the dire strait of the industry due to the pandemic, detailed the achievements and progress made by the Council in the year under review. Referring to the recent announcement of Government of Maharashtra on re-opening of cinemas,he hoped the audience will throng the cinemas in huge numbers. He further informed that in London the cinema houses are booked in advance for months and he hoped that the same trend will be here in India. He further lauded the efforts of IFTPC in holding four vaccination drives and promptly attending the film workers and actors in need during pandemic. He also thanked the board members and members for their cooperation during the pandemic. He also complimented JD Majethia for working tirelessly for the welfare of the industry.

JD Majethia Chairman TV-Web Wing said that the difficult times have opened up new avenues for the producers. The energy, tenaciousness and character of the TV producers was clearly visible when they spread out throughout India to shoot their contents. In fact, he added, the ratings went up during the pandemic and no shooting days were lost.

Subsequently Sajid Nadiadwala was again elected unanimously as the President for the year 2021-22. It is pertinent to note here that Sajid Nadiadwala is continuously being elected as president since 2011-12.
NR Pachisia, Vijay Galani,Rajat Rawail, and Nitin Vaidya(All Directors of IFTPC),Ramesh Taurani( Hon. Advisor-IFTPC), David Dhawan were the notables among the present. Representatives of renowned Studios and production houses were also present.  

The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the Chair.

Monday, September 27, 2021

'जिंदगानी' चित्रपटाद्वारे नवोदित अभिनेत्री वैष्णवी शिंदेचे चित्रपटसृष्टीत पदार्पण !


नर्मदा सिनेव्हीजन्स निर्मित आणि विनायक भिकाजीराव साळवे दिग्दर्शित 'जिंदगानीचित्रपटाद्वारे वैष्णवी शिंदे हिचे चित्रपटसृष्टीत पदार्पण होत आहे. या चित्रपटात अभिनेते शशांक शेंडे आणि अभिनेते विनायक साळवे यांसमवेत वैष्णवी प्रमुख भूमिकेत आढळून येणार आहे.


'जिंदगानीह्या वैष्णवीच्या पहिल्याच चित्रपटात काम करतानाच्या तिच्या अनुभवाबद्दल सांगताना वैष्णवी म्हणते की, "चित्रीकरणाची संपूर्ण प्रोसेस माझ्यासाठी खूपच नवीन होती. त्यामुळे 'जिंदगानीचित्रपटात काम करायची संधी मला मिळतेय हे कळल्यावर मला खूप आनंद झाला. चित्रीकरणादरम्यान अनेक गोष्टी मला शिकता आल्या. शशांक शेंडेंसारख्या दिग्गज कलाकारांबरोंबर काम करण्याचे अविस्मरणीय क्षण गाठीशी बांधता आले."


अभिनेते शशांक शेंडेंबरोबर काम करतानाच्या तिच्या अनुभवाबद्दल सांगताना वैष्णवी म्हणते की, "हा माझा पहिलाच चित्रपट असल्यामुळे आणि शशांक सरांइतके दिग्गज कलाकार समोर असल्यामुळे सुरुवातीला मला खूप दडपण आलं होत. परंतु हे जेव्हा शशांक सरांना कळलं तेव्हा त्यांनी मला खूप छानप्रकारे सर्व गोष्टी समजावून सांगत तेथील संपूर्ण वातावरण एकदम  हसतं-खेळतं केलं त्यामुळे शूटिंग करायला खूप मजा आली.


लहानपणापासूनच अभिनयाची आवड असलेली वैष्णवी 'जिंदगानीचित्रपटात अभिनय करण्याच्या मिळालेल्या संधींसंदर्भात सांगते की, "मी शाळा आणि कॉलेजमध्ये नाटकात आणि वार्षिक मोहोत्सवात दरवर्षी न चुकता भाग घेत असे. त्याचबरोबर एखाद्या चित्रपटातील पात्र मला आवडलं तर घरी येऊन तसंच तयार होऊन फोटो काढायला मला आवडतं. माझ्या घरी माझे वेगवेगळ्या पात्रांच्या वेशभूषेतील फोटोज देखील लावलेले आहेत. एकदा दिग्दर्शक विनायक भिकाजीराव साळवे सहज एका कामानिमित्त घरी आले असता त्यांनी माझे घरी लावलेले फोटोज पाहून माझ्यातील अभिनय कला जाणली आणि मला 'जिंदगानीचित्रपटात काम करण्याची संधी मिळाली.


नर्मदा सिनेव्हीजन्स निर्मित आणि विनायक भिकाजीराव साळवे दिग्दर्शित 'जिंदगानीहा बदलत्या काळानुसार माणसाच्या बदलत्या जीवनशैलीची जीवनगाथा सांगणारा चित्रपट लवकरच आपल्या जवळच्या चित्रपटगृहात प्रदर्शित होणार आहे.

Post Event Release

                                      SHOWFEST- EXPERIENCE BEYOND ENTERTAINMENT"


Bollywood enthusiasts of North America now have a new reason to rejoice! ShowFest introduces an annual calendar of carefully curated live experiences and music festivals featuring some of the biggest names of Bollywood. But that is not all!


At the onset of the big reveal, the evening began with the founders and conceptualizers, Mr. Karl Karla and Mr. Aanand Dawda introducing "ShowFest, a one-of-a-kind lifestyle membership” which brings South Asian Americans the future of Bollywood Live Experiences with a modern twist along with a multitude of ongoing benefits throughout the year.


ShowFest offers cutting-edge technology, state-of-the-art venues, and the most exciting Live Bollywood experiences month after month. As a ShowFest member, you will enjoy 5 Indoor Live Experiences and 2 Outdoor Music Festivals featuring some of the most celebrated Bollywood artists. Additionally, various experiences such as Live Streaming Events, Movie Nights, Virtual Reality Talent Shows, over 20 Weekly Jackpots, 2 Mega Jackpots in each

city & numerous discounts from a multitude of Loyalty Partners are also included with your membership.


ShowFest is a unique platform available both as a website and can be downloaded as a mobile application. (iOS & Android).


ShowFest launches on 26th, September 2021 with a lineup of 5 Live Experiences like ‘Iconic - Timeless Moments of Bollywood’, ‘Addiction’, ‘Rewind’, ‘Arijit Singh Live’, and ‘U&We3 - Music.Moments.Memories’ & 2 Music Festivals including ‘Madness - A Fusion Music Fest,

and ‘Sufitronix’.


With Season 1 commencing in six major locations, ShowFest has selected some of the top venues of North America like the Now Arena in Chicago, Oakland Arena in San Jose, Curtis Culwell Center in Dallas, Eagle Bank Arena in Washington DC, Cure Insurance Arena in New Jersey, and the GAS South Arena in Atlanta for the Indoor Live Experiences and venues like The Boomer Stadium in Chicago, The Dos Equis Pavilion in Dallas, Concord Pavilion in San Jose, Prince George's Stadium in Washington DC, PNC Bank Art Center in New Jersey, and Ameris Bank Amphitheatre in Atlanta for the Music Festivals.

 ShowFest Experiences are headlined by some of the biggest names of Bollywood including Anil Kapoor, Madhuri Dixit Nene, Karisma Kapoor, Govinda, Raveena Tandon, Chunky

Panday, Daler Mehndi, Hrithik Roshan, Tiger Shroff, Kriti Sanon, Nora Fatehi, Pooja Hegde, Maniesh Paul, Arijit Singh, Udit Narayan, Alka Yagnik, Kumar Sanu, Ananya Birla, Vidya Vox, B Praak, KK, Shaan, Salim-Sulaiman, Richa Sharma, Harshdeep Kaur, DJ Akbar Sami, Salman Ali, Raj Pandit, and many more, who will put an experience that will enthrall audiences with jaw-dropping performances, wow moments, larger than life

production value and bone tickling humor. It promises to be a non-stop package of high-energy performances by all the stars. It is a global green initiative taking sustainability a notch higher, a unique synergy between Showfest and Bhamla Foundation.

Speaking about the Launch, Karl Kalra, Founder & Managing Partner, said, “Having curated innumerable shows with multiple artists over a decade, I noticed that the world was changing rapidly and therefore the North American Bollywood Live industry needed an upgrade and an organized structure of operations. We were aware of the challenges faced by the artists, the creators, the organizers, and most importantly, the audiences. With SHOWFEST, we have tried to amplify the quality of entertainment while addressing the challenges and providing solutions for a better customer experience. With ShowFest our vision is to create a loyalty-based community for Bollywood enthusiasts in North America.

Sharing about ShowFest, Aanand Dawda, Founder & Managing Partner, said, “ I started my career with Bollywood Live events and have toured across 27 countries and over 60 cities. It’s fair to say that as creators we have been through every possible challenge and crisis a live entertainment event could present. Over the years we saw those challenges repeating themselves over and over again which made us wonder how to provide a solution that was not a temporary fix but a permanent transformation. We curated ShowFest with the aim to create a win-win ecosystem and provide everyone associated with a seamless wonderful experience. Our vision is to become a part of the lifestyle of our customers and provide them with an experience that transcends beyond entertainment.

Sulaiman Merchant says "ShowFest has created a unique property for the world of entertainment to experience each of live performances are definitely going to woo the audience's heart".

'इलू इलू' म्हणत एलीची मराठी चित्रपटात एंट्री

  'इलू इलू' म्हणत एलीची मराठी चित्रपटात एंट्री एकीकडे मराठी चित्रपट देशविदेशातील चित्रपट महोत्सवांमध्ये बाजी मारत आहेत, तर दुसरीकडे ...