Saturday, April 6, 2019


Theme- Rashtriya Bhakti Celebrities, NGO's and the Who's &Who of Mumbai in attendance Guest Of Honor- Dr. Aneel Kashi Murarka Spearheaded by New Year Welcome Committee- Sri Swami Samarth Nagar, Andheri (w)

6th April, 2019 in Mumbai- The fifth year of Bharatiya Nav-Varsh Samvat 2076 was organized with great effort by the New Year Welcome Committee- Sri Swami Samarth Nagar, Andheri (w) & Dr. Raju Manwani - President & Mr. Sandeep Purohit- Rally Leader. 

Sanjay Nirupam, Gurpreet Kaur Chadha, Lakhwinder Khurana, Anupam Shukla, Shivina Chopra, Naman Rungta, Dhara Goenka, Vivek Pathak, Sandeep Purohit were also a part of the occasion. 

Around 5000 people with a total of 25 jhankis participated to showcase a range of traditional and cultural programs which was performed by the NGOs, schools children & professionals who showcased different culture, religions to focus on the history and culture of our country.

Each jhanki display brought out the diversity and richness of the culture of India. Soldiers of armed forces, common people and students from the school participated ...

A rally was conducted from Windermere Circle Near Mega Mall-Oshiwara) & ended at Celebration Sports Club (Lokhandwala). 

Dr. Raju Manwani - President says "We celebrated this day in order to make Indian people feel proud of having taken birth on this multi-cultural land. Each year we have a theme & this year's theme was Rashtriya Bhakti. This celebration got all the Indian people together and instilled a feeling of national pride as well as love for our country" 

Mr. Sandeep Purohit- Rally Leader says "We dedicate this year to all our soldiers of our country. India’s entire military might and cultural grandeur was on display, a major visual feature of the national parade, which continued to awe spectators, were the fleet of vibrant jhankis by different religions" .


Friday, April 5, 2019

Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for children saves Baby Tiger.

                   Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for children saves Baby Tiger.

Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for children saves Baby tiger by providing immediate treatment for brain infection called Meningitis & Ventriculitis ~

~A couple found baby in nullah and rushed him to hospital; humanity still exists ~

5th March, 2019, Mumbai: On the occasion of Gudi Padwa, 3 months old baby Tiger is ready for discharge after successful treatment of  two months at Bai Jerbai Wadia for children.

The couple had found an hour old who had been dumped in a ditch in Ambernath nullah on December 30th . They immediately rushed the baby to a nearby hospital, but after the brain infections , Baby Tiger was admitted to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Wadia Hospital on January 28th. The baby was suffering from a serious brain infection called Meningitis & Ventriculitis. This infection had caused obstruction within the brain affecting the circulation of the fluid (Cerebrospinal fluid) within the brain. Baby was given Intravenous antibiotics of high potency to treat the infection. However, inspite of giving antibiotics, the infection persisted & a neurosurgery was performed to insert a reservoir beneath the skin,which connected to the CSF space within the brain. Through this reservoir we could do therapeutic tapping of the fluid & could also instill antibiotics into the ventricles.

Tiger needed a prolonged course of antibiotics in view of the severity of infection. He needed multiple Ultrasound examinations, CT Scans & MRI at regular intervals to check on the progress of the Cerebrospinal fluid obstruction. Tiger is doing well currently & is ready for discharge. His admission weight was 1.8kg & currently he weighs 3.4kg. He is receiving physiotherapy currently which will have to be continued after discharge.

Dr. Minnie Bodhanwala, CEO, Wadia hospital says, “I am very happy today that our hospital doctors were able to save Baby Tiger and is ready for discharge on such an auspicious occasion of Gudi Padwa. After discharge, he will need regular follow up to monitor his head growth & his development. ”

Shivaji Ragade, Social worker says, “I am very thankful to the hospital and everyone who helped Baby Tiger. It was because of the collective effort of all, that the baby is fit for discharge and we pray for his bright and healthy future. ”

On the Occasion of World Health Day, Global Hospital Releases Short Film ‘Khayaal’
~Dedicates it to the tireless services, medicos provide, in emergency and critical condition~
Inspire the citizens to repose their trust and believe in Hospitals care: Dr. Vivek
~More then 300 people came together & supported the initiative by taking a pledge for good health through placing a colorful handprint mark on board~

Mumbai, 5th April 2019: Global Hospital, Parel, Mumbai released a short film ‘Khayaal’ on the occasion of World Health Day, 2019 celebrated on April 7th every year. The theme of this year’s World Health Day is Universal health coverage: everyone, everywhere. A short Video release is an initiative of Global Hospital to Inspire the citizens to repose their trust and believe in Hospitals care.

Indian healthcare has undergone a sea of change in the recent decade with an increase in infrastructure and availability of super-specialties in the Tertiary care Hospitals. Through his film ‘Khayal’, Global Hospital wants to highlight that comprehensive quality healthcare services should be accessible to all without any kind of discrimination and applauds the services Tertiary care Hospitals provide. The film was shot in the Hospital and showcases the Hospital’s commitment to the overall health and well-being of the society.

Dr. Bharat Shah, Director- IRS, Global Hospital, Parel, said, “A lot of medical problems today results from poor lifestyle. These are called lifestyle diseases and they can be completely prevented by avoiding junk and doing regular exercise. Today there is a high incidence and prevalence of obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. This can be prevented and controlled. That is what Global Hospital strives for. Today we have seen more than 300 people came together to support the initiative, by taking a pledge for good health through placing a colorful handprint mark on board.”

Commenting on the world health day, Dr. Vivek Talaulikar, Chief Executive Officer of Global Hospital, Parel said, “Tertiary Hospitals are important stakeholders in the Indian Healthcare Ecosystem. And through this short film, ‘Khayaal’ we want to inspire the citizens to repose their trust and believe in Hospitals, given the incidents of increased violence against doctors in India. We strongly feel that the tireless and exceptional care provided by the medical community without any discrimination should be acknowledged by all of us and selfless service provided by them across the world must be viewed in good light.”

Dr Ajit Baviskar, Head of Emergency, Global Hospital, Parel stated, “Emergencies can be frightening and during those times, our very first attempt is to save the life of the patient and attend to his/her needs immediately. Our attention and speed are to deliver the first aid, get the preliminary investigation done and start the treatment as soon as possible. And we do all of this without any discrimination of caste, creed or religion of the patient. Patient’s trust and belief in the Hospitals and in us is our only strength to deliver qualitative outcomes in emergencies.”

About Global Hospitals, Mumbai
Global Hospitals located at Lower Parel, Mumbai is the latest addition to the geographical footprint of Gleneagles Global Hospitals India. The 450-bed facility comprises of 17-stories, housing state-of-the-art infrastructure and advanced medical care facilities. The hospital offers end-to-end clinical, surgical and diagnostic services. The Hospital offers advanced Endoscopic procedures, Hepatobiliary and Liver Surgeries, Surgical and Medical Gastroenterology, Bariatric Surgery and Transplants. The hospital is a centre of excellence for Orthopaedics, Joint Replacement, Knee Replacement, Hip Replacement surgery. The hospital has round-the-clock services for Emergencies, Critical Care and Trauma.

Gleneagles Global Hospitals has multi-super specialty hospitals in Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Chennai and Mumbai. The brand is the most preferred hospital group for multi-organ transplants in Asia region. The parent entity of Gleneagles Global Hospitals is IHH Healthcare, a leading premium integrated healthcare provider with a network of 84 hospitals and more than 16,000 licensed beds. It is one of the largest healthcare groups in the world by market capitalization and is listed in the Main Market of Bursa Malaysia and Main Board of SGX-ST. IHH is a leading player in the home markets of Malaysia, Singapore, Turkey and India, and in their key growth markets of China and Hong Kong. 

Thursday, April 4, 2019

सुशांत दिवगिकर उर्फ़ रानी को-हि-नूर ने किया भारत के पहले प्राइड एंथम का लॉन्च

सुशांत दिवगिकर उर्फ़ रानी को-हि-नूर ने किया भारत के पहले प्राइड एंथम का लॉन्च

मिस्टर गे इंडिया 2014 रह चुके सुशांत दिवगिकर बेहद अलहदा किस्म‌ के एक प्राइड एंथम में नज़र आएंगे जिसे स्वीडन के आर्टिस्ट पीटर वेलेनबर्ग ने तैयार किया है । पीटर अंतर्राष्ट्रीय LGBTQIA संगठन रेनबो रायट्स के संस्थापक हैं ।

'लव इज़ लव' में भारत के पहले गे सेलिब्रिटी और ड्रैन क्वीन सुशांत दिवगिकर का एक अलग ही अंदाज़ देखने को मिलेगा । 'लव इज़ लव' भारत का पहला प्राइड एंथम है जिसमें शास्त्रीय पाश्चात्य नृत्य संगीत का मिश्रण देखने को मिलेगा, जिसके गाने के बोल हिंदी और अंग्रेजी दोनों में हैं ।

बिग बॉस के कंटेस्टेंट रहकर सभी का दिल जीतने वाले सुशांत दिवगिकर का ये ख़ास गाना आईट्यून्स, स्पॉटिफ़ाई और अन्य प्रमुख डिजिटल प्लेटफॉर्म पर उपलब्ध है ।

सुशांत दिवगिकर ने कहा, 'लव इज़ लव' प्यार की समानता को रेखांकित करनेवाला और इंसान की मूल शख़्सियत को दर्शाने वाला ख़ूबसूरत गाना है ।

ऐसे में मॉडल, वीजे, रिएलिटी शो के कंटेस्टेंट, अभिनेता, गायक और अब एक ड्रैग क्वीन के रूप में सुशांत दिवगिकर की प्रतिभा की जितनी तारीफ़ की जाए कम ही होगी । मुम्बई में रहनेवाले 27 साल के सुशांत ने सितम्बर के महीने में दिल्ली में एक ड्रैन क्वीन के तौर पर अपना डेब्यू किया था ।

बिग बॉस के कंटेस्टेंस रह चुके सुशांत कहते हैं, "प्रेम की जीत का संदेश देनेवाला ये गाना मेरे दिल के बेहद करीब है । इस गाने का ऐसे वक्त में जब भारत सहित दुनियाभर में पूरी आज़ादी और निडरता के साथ प्यार को बढ़ावा दिया जा रहा है, काफ़ी मायने रखता है ।

धारा 377 के हटते ही भारत एक समाज के तौर पर सभी की स्वीकार्यता की दिशा में तेज़ी से बढ़ रहा है, जिसमें प्यार करनेवाले सभी तरह के लोगों को कानूनी मान्यता मिल रही है । एलजीबीटीक्यूआईए कम्युनिटी की अगुवाई करते हुए सुशांत दिवगिकर ने काफ़ी आत्मविश्वास दिखाया है । सुशांत ने अंतर्राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर अपने रानी को-हि-नूर वाले अवतार से अपनी एक अलग पहचान बना ली है ।

म्यूज़िक रिएलिटी शो 'सारेगामापा' के बेहतरीन कंटेस्टेंट रह चुके सुशांत को 16 साल की उम्र से गायिकी का शौक रहा है । कड़ी मेहनत की बदौलत ही उन्हें टीवी पर अपनी प्रतिभा को दिखाने का मौका मिला । सुशांत ने विज्ञापनों से अपने करियर की शुरुआत की । फिर टीवी की दुनिया में अपना कदम रखा, और फिर धीरे धीरे गायिकी की शुरुआत की । वो लड़का और लड़की दोनों की आवाज़ में गाना गाने की‌ क़ाबिलियत रखते हैं ।

उन्होंने इस सफ़र को अपने प्रति दिखाई गई ईमानदारी भरे रवैया के चलते तय किया । एक इंटरव्यू के दौरान सुशांत ने कहा, "मेरी पृष्ठभूमि के चलते मुझे कुछ दिक्कतों का सामना ज़रूर करना पड़ा । मैंने कुछ टीवी शोज़ किए, जहां मेरे प्रति लोगों का रवैया दोस्ताना नहीं था । मगर ऐसे लोगों की कमी नहीं है जिन्हें हमेशा अपने काम से मतलब रहा । ऐसे में फिर उन्होंने किसी और चीज़ की परवाह नहीं की । इस मामले में मैं काफ़ी ख़ुशकिस्मत रहा हूं कि मुझे ऐसे लोगों ने काफ़ी मदद की ।

सुशांत दिवगिकर उर्फ़ रानी को-हि-नूर ने केले भारतच्या पहिल्या  गौरवगीताचे  अनावरण!

२०१४ साली 'मिस्टर गे इंडिया' विजेते सुशांत दिवगिकर  एका आगळ्या वेगळ्या गौरव गीतात दिसून येणार आहेत. स्वीडन चे कलाकार पीटर वेलेनबर्ग यांनी हे गाणे रचले आहे. पीटर हे आंतरराष्ट्रीय LGBTQIA संघटना 'रेनबो रायटस'चे संस्थापक आहेत. 

 शास्त्रीय पाश्चात्य नृत्य संगीत आणि  हिंदी-इंग्रजी चे मिश्रित बोल असलेल्या 'लव्ह इज लव्ह' ह्या पहिल्या भारतीय गौरवगीतात भारतातील पहिले गे सेलेब्रिटी आणि ड्रॅग क्वीन सुशांत दिवगिकर यांचा एक हटके अंदाज पाहायला मिळेल.

बिग बॉस कार्यक्रमाचे स्पर्धक म्हणून प्रेक्षकांच्या मनावर अधिराज्य करणाऱ्या  सुशांत दिवगिकरांचे हे खास गीत आईट्यून्स, स्पॉटिफ़ाई आणि अन्य प्रमुख डिजिटल प्लेटफॉर्मवर २ एप्रिल पासून उपलब्ध झाले आहे. 

'लव्ह इज लव्ह' ह्या गाण्याबद्दल बोलताना सुशांत सांगतात की, "हे प्रेमाची समानता आणि मनुष्याचे खरं व्यक्तिरूप दाखवणारे सुंदर गाणे आहे." 

मॉडल, वीजे, रिएलिटी शो चे स्पर्धक, अभिनेता, गायक आणि  आता एक ड्रॅग क्वीन च्या रूपात दिसणाऱ्या सुशांत दिवगिकरांच्या प्रतिभेची  जेवढी प्रशंसा केली जाईल तेवढी कमी आहे. मुंबईमध्ये राहणाऱ्या 27 वर्षीय सुशांतनी सप्टेंबर महिन्यात दिल्ली मध्ये एक ड्रॅग क्वीन च्या रूपात पदार्पण केले.  

बिग बॉस कार्यक्रमातील स्पर्धक सुशांत म्हणतात, "प्रेमाचा संदेश देणारं हे गाणं माझ्या हृदयाच्या फार जवळ आहे. ही खूप उत्तम आणि योग्य वेळ आहे ह्या  गौरवगीताच्या ओळखीसाठी ह्याची उपलब्धी करून देण्यासाठी कारण भारतासमवेत जगभरात आज स्वातंत्र्य आणि निडरते बरोबरचं प्रेमाला समान प्रोत्साहन दिल जातं आहे."   

कलम 377 खंडित केल्यानंतर, भारत हळूहळू स्वीकृती आणि समावेशनच्या जागेत जात आहे, ज्यामुळे सर्व प्रेम वैध होते. एक LGBTQIA ध्वजवाहक म्हणून सुशांत दिवगीकराने स्वत: ला विश्वासाने दर्शविले आहे. सुशांत दिवगीकरने स्वत: ला एक ड्रॅग अवतार रानी-को-ही-नूर यांच्यासह आंतरराष्ट्रीय पातळीवर स्थान मिळवले आहे. नुकतीच आंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तरावर सुशांतनी 'रानी को-ही-नूर' च्या रूपात आपली नवीन ओळख निर्माण केली आहे. 

म्यूज़िक रिएलिटी शो 'सा रे ग म प'  चे उत्कृष्ट स्पर्धक म्हणून ओळख निर्माण केलेल्या सुशांतला वयाच्या १६व्या वर्षापासूनच गाण्याची फार रुची होती. संगीताबद्दलच्या ह्या प्रेमापायी आणि खूप रियाजामुळे त्यांना टीव्ही वर प्रतिभा दाखवण्याची संधी मिळाली. सुशांतच्या कारकिर्दीची सुरुवात जाहिरात विश्वातून झाली आणि मग टीव्हीत पदार्पण आणि त्यानंतर हळूहळू गायकी ची सुरुवात. त्यांच्या गायकीचे विशेष म्हणजे ते मुली-मुलगा दोन्ही आवाजात गाऊ शकतात. 

स्वत: च्या प्रामाणिकपणामुळे सुशांत दिवगिकर यांनी हा प्रवास साध्य केलेला आहे. एका मुलाखतीत सुशांत म्हणाले की, "माझ्या ह्या अभिमुखतेमुळे मला काही आव्हानांचा सामना करावा लागला. मी काही टीव्ही कार्यक्रम केले आहेत जिथे लोक अनुकूल नव्हते ज्यांचा माझ्याप्रती व्यवहार मैत्रीसारखा नव्हता. पण अश्याही लोकांची कमी नाही ज्यांना फक्त कामाशीच मतलब होतं. मी स्वतःला नशीबवान मानतो की माझ्याबरोबर ते लोक आहेत जे नेहमी मला पाठिंबा देतात ज्यांनी मला नेहमी प्रोत्साहित केल आहे."

‘Sriram Mantri Granth dindi Yatra’ Spearheaded by Uma Rege . Gurpreet Kaur chaddha attended as guest of honor
The event was organized by the education department to inculcate good values and principles amongst the students. 

FIVE FEET APART release postponed now releases in India on April 12

FIVE FEET APART release postponed now releases in India on April 12

"Post the success of the film in the US released last week, we are very happy to release Five Feet Apart in India on April 12 "says Formula Hollywood Movies distributor, Raj Jain

Stella Grant (Haley Lu Richardson) is every bit a seventeen-year-old: she’s attached to her laptop and loves her best friends. But unlike most teenagers, she spends much of her time living in a hospital as a cystic fibrosis patient. Her life is full of routines, boundaries and self-control -- all of which is put to the test when she meets an impossibly charming fellow CF patient named Will Newman (Cole Sprouse). 

There’s an instant flirtation, though restrictions dictate that they must maintain a safe distance between them. As their connection intensifies, so does the temptation to throw the rules out the window and embrace that attraction. Further complicating matters is Will’s potentially dangerous rebellion against his ongoing medical treatment. Stella gradually inspires Will to live life to the fullest, but can she ultimately save the person she loves when even a single touch is off limits?

Stars: Cole Sprouse, Haley Lu Richardson, Claire Forlani

Director: Justin Baldoni      Producer: CBS Films.


Sushant Divgikar aka Rani Ko-He-Nur launches Love Is Love, India's first Pride Anthem .

Sushant Divgikar aka Rani Ko-He-Nur launches Love Is Love,  India's first Pride Anthem

Sushant Divgikar, former Mr. Gay India 2014, features in a single "Love is Love", a pride anthem by Swedish artiste Petter Wallenberg, founder of international LGBTQIA organization Rainbow Riots

'Love is Love’, features India’s first openly gay celebrity and drag queen, Sushant Divgikar. ”Love is Love” is India’s first Pride anthem, a mix of classic Western dance music with both English and Hindi lyrics.  Divgikar, former Bigg Boss contestant will be out on iTunes, Spotify and all major digital platforms worldwide on April 2nd.

“The single ‘Love is Love’ speaks about equal love, about being true to one’s authentic self,” Sushant Divgikar said. 

Model, VJ, reality show participant, actor, singer, and now drag queen—Sushant Divgikar wears many hats. The 27-year-old, hailing from Mumbai, debuted as a drag queen in Delhi in September.

“This track is very close to my heart and spreads the message that love always wins. This is a great time for this anthem to be introduced to the world and a new India that finally allows people to love freely and without fear.” added the former "Bigg Boss" contestant.

After scrapping of Section 377, India is slowly moving into a space of acceptance and inclusion, making all love legal. Sushant Divgikar as an LGBTQIA flag-bearer has showcased himself with belief. Sushant Divgikar has found himself a place internationally with, Rani-Ko-He-Nur his drag avatar.

This outstanding participant in a music reality show 'Sa Re Ga Ma Pa,' has been a passionate singer since he was a 16-year-old.. His hard-work has led him to showcase his talent on television. Sushant started out with ads, progressed to TV shows, and gradually ventured into singing in both male and female voices.

He made this journey because of his honesty to himself. In an interview Sushant said, “I did face some challenges, given my orientation. I have done TV shows where people have not been friendly. But there are also those who don’t give a damn as long as the work is getting done. I was lucky to have these people supporting me”.

'इलू इलू' म्हणत एलीची मराठी चित्रपटात एंट्री

  'इलू इलू' म्हणत एलीची मराठी चित्रपटात एंट्री एकीकडे मराठी चित्रपट देशविदेशातील चित्रपट महोत्सवांमध्ये बाजी मारत आहेत, तर दुसरीकडे ...