Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Saffrons-Eventz & Saffrons Multimedia Publications Mumbai is organizing beauty and talent contest for Mrs India, Miss India and Mrs Elite its call Saffrons Mrs India 2018 Saffrons Elite India 2018 Saffrons Miss India 2018
The event will be held in Mumbai.
                                                                                                                                                                    For Mrs India above 18 years to 40 years and should be Married.
For Mrs Elite India above 40 years to 60 years and should be Married.
For Miss India above 16 years to 30 years and should be Unmarried.
Contestants Benefits

1) All the contestants will get free portfolio.
2) 15 days grooming classes.
3) Dental Care (Scaling and polishing)
4) Skin and Hair Care
5) Fitness Care
6) Introduction, Stage Fear, Voice Modulation, Diction, Table manners
7) Camera Facing
8) Ramp walk (Choreography)
9) Certificates to all contestants and Winners
10) Gift Vouchers
11) Gift Hampers
12) Introducing to media
13) Introducing to Producers and Directors
14) Holiday Vouchers
15) Crown and Sash
16) Celebrities to interact                                                                                                                           17) Parenting Grooming
18) Guidance for Movies, TV serials, Music Albums
19) Future endorsement for Fashion Shows, Short Films, Web Series, Music Albums, Saree Shoots, Jewellery Shoots     and Product Ads.
20) Modeling Assignments
21) Diamond vouchers and lots more.

We will groom you to perfection and make you confident.

This is all about women empowerment and making women feel comfortable about themselves whatever the age or the size . I’m on a mission to groom India and I need you all with me

For Registration and details please call on
Vijay  8169977833
Shruti 9833250816
Rashida 9221422785
Priya : 9930756111
Chaitali : 9867210670

email us on

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Sangram Singh launched his fitness motivational series Jeetunga Main at Gold Gym,Oshiwara.

 A picture, it is said, can speak a thousand words, but only a video can tell true stories of determination against all odds to achieve, inspire and motivate. Wellsash Seabuckthorn Juice Presents #JeetengeHum a Fitness Motivational Series by International Wrestling Champion Sangram Singh was launched at Gold Gym, Oshiwara. Sangram Singh is  brand ambassador of Wellsash Seabuckthorn Juice.The first video from the series of eleven was played at the event.
Sangram Singh spoke regarding how to lead a Healthy and Happy Life. Arjun Khanna,CMD-Biosash Business Pvt Ltd spoke regarding Wellsash Seabuckthorn Juice which is made from organic seabuckthorn berries from the Himalayas. Anupama Gulati spoke regarding Gold Gym who were fitness partner of this event. #JeetungaMain Yani  Jeetenge Hum with Sangram Singh.
Please watch the series 

Monday, October 29, 2018

सो कूल सोनाली कुलकर्णीचाके सेरामध्ये रॉकिंग लूक; याचे श्रेय उर्मिला मातोंडकरला

उर्मिला मातोंडकरनेके सेरासाठी केली सोनालीची स्टायलिंग

के सेराया रॉकिंग गाण्यासाठी उर्मिला मातोंडकरने केली सोनालीची  रॉकिंग स्टायलिंग

        अभिनेत्री सोनाली कुलकर्णीने दरवेळी वेगवेगळ्या प्रकल्पातून प्रेक्षकांचे मनोरंजन केले आहे आणि यावर्षी देखील एका आगळ्या-वेगळ्या, कूल भूमिकेतून प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीस येत आहे. फक्त एक महिना आणि काही दिवस बाकी असणा-या सोनाली कुलकर्णीचा आगामी मराठी चित्रपट म्हणजेमाधुरी’. या चित्रपटातून सोनाली कोणती भूमिका साकारणार आहे, कथा काय आहे हे लवकरच प्रेक्षकांना कळेल. मुंबापुरी प्रॉडक्शन निर्मितमाधुरीया चित्रपटात सोनालीसह शरद केळकर आणि संहिता जोशी यांची देखील प्रमुख भूमिका आहे. या चित्रपटाचे निर्माते मोहसिन अख्तर यांनी एक सुंदर कलाकृती प्रेक्षकांसाठी आणली आहे जी नोव्हेंबर महिन्यात प्रेक्षकांना पाहायला मिळेल. पण नुकतेच, या चित्रपटाच्या पहिल्या-वहिल्या गाण्याचा टीझर सोशल मिडीयावर प्रदर्शित करण्यात आला आहे.

             ‘के सेराहे या गाण्याचे नाव असून या गाण्यामध्ये सोनाली कुलकर्णीचा रॉंकिग लूक पाहायला मिळणार आहे. ‘के सेराहे गाणं प्रत्येकासाठी खास असेल. अर्थात, हे गाणं प्रत्येकासाठी खास बनवण्यामागे संगीत दिग्दर्शक, गायक-गायिका, गीतकार यांची मेहनत आहे. मराठी मनोरंजन क्षेत्रातील प्रेक्षकांचे आवडते गायक स्वप्निल बांदोडकर, जान्हवी अरोरा आणि मुग्धा -हाडे या गाण्यासाठी एकत्र आले आणि त्यांच्या सुमधूर, कमाल आवाजाने या गाण्याला रॉंकिंग बनवले. वैभव जोशी यांनी या गाण्याचे बोल लिहिले असून रॉकस्टार अवधूत गुप्ते यांनी या गाण्याला संगीत दिले आहे. खरं तर, नेहमी प्रेक्षकांची आवड-निवड लक्षात घेऊन अवधूत गाणी बनवतो, त्यामुळे हे गाणं पण प्रेक्षकांच्याकमालप्रतिक्रिया मिळवणार हे नक्की.

        जर गाणं रॉकिंग असेल तर ते गाणं खास जिच्यासाठी बनवलं आहे ती पण रॉकिंग दिसणं तितकंच महत्त्वाचं आहे ना. तर, ‘के सेराच्या गाण्यासाठी खास उर्मिला मातोंडकरने सोनाली कुलकर्णीची स्टायलिंग केली आहे. तसेच या गाण्याविषयी बोलताना उर्मिला मातोंडकरने म्हटले, “जेव्हा मी हे गाणं ऐकलं तेव्हा मला वाटलं की खरं तर हे गाणं प्रत्येक जनरेशनसाठी जणू आयुष्याचं अँथम आहे. वैभवने लिहिलेले शब्द ही सुंदर कविता आहे. अगदी साध्या-सोप्या भाषेत संपूर्ण आयुष्याचे सार आणि आयुष्य कसे जगावे हे सांगितले आहे. अवधूत गुप्तेने तर संगीत एका नवीन उंचीवर नेऊन ठेवले आहे, प्रत्येकजण या गाण्याशी जोडला जाईल असे संगीत अवधूतने दिले आहे. या दोघांनीही यासाठी विशेष काम केले आहे.”

        या गाण्यासाठी खूप मेहनत घेतली आहे त्यामुळे हे गाणं नक्की हिट होणार असा विश्वास चित्रपटाचे निर्माते मोहसिन अख्तर यांनी दाखविला आहे. मोहसिन अख्तर निर्मितमाधुरीहा चित्रपट येत्या ३० नोव्हेंबर रोजी प्रदर्शित होत आहे.

Song Link- 

Sonali Kulkarni's Styling for 'K Sera' Done By Urmila Matondkar!
Urmila Matondkar's Styling for Sonali's 'K Sera' Will Help To Give Rocking Touch To 'Madhuri' Song!
Urmila Matondkar's Comfortable & Rocking Styling for Sonali's 'K Sera' Song!
Just Like The Song, Urmila Matondkar Done Rocking Styling for Sonali Kulkarni!

              Sonali Kulkarni has always brought many amazing projects to entertain the audience. This time she is coming with something different yet interesting topic. Also, only one month left for Sonali’s upcoming Marathi film ‘Madhuri’, also starring Sharad Kelkar and Sanhita Joshi in lead roles. Mumbapuri Productions’ ‘Madhuri’ film has released the teaser of a new song from the film. The teaser of ‘K Sera’, featuring Sonali Kulkarni in her rocking avatar. 

           ‘K Sera’ song is something special for everyone. The entire team including singers, composer, and musician has given their best to this song and they have created the best rocking song of the year. M-Town industry’s super singers like Swapnil Bandodkar, Janhavi Arora and Mugdha Karhade have come together for this song. Vaibhav Joshi written ‘K Sera’s music is composed by rocking singer-musician Avadhoot Gupte. Avadhoot is still known for his outstanding music sense and he exactly does everything by just keeping audience’s choice in mind.

           If the song is rocking, then the leading lady should look attractive and rocking too. So, our loving Urmila Matondkar has done Sonali’s styling for this. While talking about this song and its team contribution towards it, Actress Urmila Matondkar shares her view about this song, she said, “When I heard the song I felt it was like an Anthem of life for every generation. Vaibhav’s lyrics are sheer poetry. It’s about the essence of life and how to live it at its fullest and best and yet such a deep philosophy of life expressed in such simple words. And of course, AVG has taken it to a new height with his foot tapping and the awesome composition further making the song hummable and close to every heart. It’s undoubtedly both have done their special work.”

          The film's producer Mohsin Akhtar believes that this song will get hit as film’s team has taken a lot of hard work for it. Mumbapuri Production’s ‘Madhuri’ film is releasing on 30th November, till then enjoy ‘K Sera’, the rocking song.

Song Link- 

Dinesh Sudarshan Soi - Time to do casting across the globe.
Now with three entries 'The Tape', 'The Battle Of Kohima' and 'Sea and the City' in American Film Market starting on 31st October 2018 in California U.S.A, Casting Director Dinesh Sudarshan Soi is indicating that he has gone global. And it seems like this is the high time for the Indian market to open up too. He had decided this move five years ago with the likewise mindset Director Mr. Saket S Behl and here is the result. Along with these entries in AFM, he is equally excited for his upcoming Bollywood movie 'Jack & Dil' directed by Sachin P. Karande, which is releasing on Nov 2, 2018. His hard work is bearing fruits and his last movie Mr. & Mrs. 420 Returns was also a blockbuster hit. He is totally geared up and working even harder for his on going projects.
Dinesh Sudarshan Soi who is today's brand in Casting and already holds a record with India Book Of Records for maximum castings as on Nov 1, 2017. He has always been appreciated for the apt casting and have casted more than 4,500 projects till now which comprise of feature films in almost all the languages, international films, festival films, short films, documentaries, many a popular TV shows, music videos, commercials and print shoots. Born on May 17, 1984 at a small town Kalanaur in district Gurdaspur of Punjab to a Punjabi Hindu Kshatriya family, he had his upbringings in Mohali, Punjab. Academically ACCA (I), M.Com, MBA and once been a professor by profession, Dinesh Sudarshan Soi has his Casting firm with the name 'DS Creations’.
'The Tape', a supernatural genre feature film, based on true events along with the trailer of 'Battle Of Kohima .. the Burmese Campaign',  a feature film on  World War -II event,  will be launched at the American Film Market, 2018. 
Third one is a mega opus documentary to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of the Western Indian Naval Command , titled , 'Sea and the City : Bombay Maritime Sage 1534 – 1951' will also be showcased in the American Film Market , 2018.
On 4th December, 2018 the Golden Jubilee of the Western Indian Naval Command will be celebrated. The Defence Minister along with the top brass of the Indian Navy will attend the function and watch this documentary.


28th October, Sunday at Moonshine café & bar Andheri west, link road -  Many affordable online and offline Fashion Brands came together to create direct contact between the brand and the customers at the fashion inferno-fashion bazaar.

Fashion Inferno is a platform & market place that aims at creating awareness of a brand in order to win new customers and strengthen the brand relationship with the already existing ones . The fashion Bazaar is to parallelly create a dance platform to add to the fun element and to pull more enthusiastic and excited youngsters to the Bazaar .

Fashion Inferno saw the Glittering presence of  some known faces from Glamour & fashion Industry Mansi Moghe (Miss Diva 2013), Iris Maity, Geeta Handa, Ken Ferns, Tahir, Aakash Dadlani, Ajay Singh, Hansa, Akshita Agnihotri, Ashish and ilda, Aziz Zee, Shakir Shaikh, Deepshikha Nagpal, DJ Shiezwood, Saru Maini, Vinod Singh, Rakesh Paul, Vivek Ganapathy, Saiba, etc. 

"Fashion Inferno is not just an exhibition. I want every guest to feel home and enjoy the good things around fashion shopping and dance. I personally believe that it’s the atmosphere that creates the experience for everyone, whether the Fashion Brand or the attendee or even the venue. We believe in Teamwork and like to help each other. I also strongly support the hidden talents in India which miss to have a physical outlet where they can showcase their talent. Our intention is to help them to be discovered, for which we have created parallelly a Talent Platform Showcase for those who would want to persue their talent as a career. We have tied up with The Integral Dance for the same” says one of the faces behind fashion inferno Sheela Tiruchi who has international modeling experience of 15 years and has worked with brands like L'Oreal Paris and Kingfisher Supermodels.

MTV India’s Next Topmodel Aakriti Anand, the other founder of Fashion Inferno who is a known name says," Fashion inferno started with the compelling idea to give back something to the industry which has given me my career and fame. So we came up with the idea of promoting talented upcoming designers and online/offline brands by providing them a market place where fashion enthusiasts can shop their exclusive collections and brands get the reach to their potential customers. Generally people in India want to touch, feel and see the products before they purchase it online and thus the amalgamation of dance, style, fashion and glamour are all wrapped in our bazaar. We at Fashion Inferno help the brand to reach out to their Target Group and build trust in the brand by creating a physical outlet to showcase their products."

This fashion bazaar caters to a diverse audience, particularly the fashion-conscious Mumbaikars who can now choose from a range of specially designed collection themselves and indulge in a set of dance activities.

Chhaava Roaring in Theatres. 424.76 Cr Non-Stoppable....

Chhaava Roaring in Theatres. 424.76 Cr Non-Stoppable.... #Chhaava kicks off Week 3 with a bang! Rakes in 13.30 Cr on 3rd Friday, taking its ...