The song Mere Haniyaa has garnered good anticipation after the trailer release and the song was released yesterday with a great vibe at an event in the city. The song stars Parth Samthaan and Anchal Singh. The pairing of these two has been much loved. The song has been sung by Arko and produced by Shweta Rohila, TRNding production and presented by SVMT music which is headed by Shrikant Tuli who is the brother of popular actress Madhurima Tuli. All of them were present at the launch of the song and it was followed by lovely pleasantries with sections of the media and interviews. Unfortunately, Anchal Singh could not make it to the event and was missed a lot. She sent her best wishes across through a video call.
The visuals of the songs are very eye-catching with shoots across Madhya Pradesh. The song is melodious and the music by Bhuvan Ahuja is something that will remain with the listeners for a long time. Arko has done a fabulous job with that. The man who has put this all together, Mr. Shrikant Tuli at the helm of affairs and just like his passion for film making and music, the event was also very well conducted. Madhurima Tuli was there to support her brother Shrikant and we saw some lovely siblings banter and fun.
Parth, Arko & Madhurima were really high on energy at the event and it was clear How much they were loving the vibes and their love for Mere Haniyaa Song. We hope you all gave it a watch and a listen. If you haven't, this is highly recommended. Thank us later.
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