Monday, July 31, 2023

"DJ Sonia Birje" known by her stage name "Jungle Baby" becomes the first female DJ to make history by performing Afro House and Melodic Techno at the Iconic Taj Mahal, Agra

 "DJ Sonia Birje" known by her stage name "Jungle Baby" becomes the first female DJ to make history by performing Afro House and Melodic Techno at the Iconic Taj Mahal, Agra

Watch the performance here

In a historic moment that marks a significant milestone for both the music and cultural industries, "DJ Sonia Birje" aka "Jungle Baby", an exceptionally talented female DJ, mesmerized audiences from around the world by becoming the first woman to perform at the majestic Taj Mahal, Agra. This groundbreaking event was shot in June 2021 & uploaded on the 5th of September 2021. It will be remembered as a moment of triumph for gender equality and artistic expression.

Renowned for her mastery, while Jungle Baby (her stage name) plays Afro House and Melodic Techno genres, DJ Sonia Birje also holds her expertise in Bollywood English dance music. She has steadily risen in the Indian & Global music scene with her distinctive and electrifying style. As an advocate for empowering women in the music industry, her performance at the Taj Mahal symbolizes the breaking of barriers and the shattering of glass ceilings.

Sharing her experience, she says "I am deeply honored and thrilled to have had the opportunity to perform at the timeless seven wonders of the world that is the Taj Mahal," said Sonia. "Being the first female DJ to do so fills my heart with immense pride. Playing at the Taj Mahal I had to keep the sound levels to a bare minimum with respect to Taj Mahal. It was a great experience but also challenging"

The performance not only showcased Sonia's extraordinary musical talents but also served as a celebration of cultural diversity and unity. The blend of contemporary electronic music with the historic marvel that is the Taj Mahal exemplifies the harmonious coexistence of tradition and innovation.

When asked about her stage name, Jungle Baby, Sonia says "The name Jungle Baby felt authentic to me as everyone knows my dad is the one & only Tarzan of Bollywood, Mr. Hemant Birje"

'द ऍड्रेस बाय जीएस' रेमंड रियल्टीचा ठाण्यामध्ये चौथ्या प्रोजेक्टचा शुभारंभ

 'द ऍड्रेस बाय जीएस' रेमंड रियल्टीचा ठाण्यामध्ये चौथ्या प्रोजेक्टचा शुभारंभ

नव्या प्रोजेक्ट लॉन्चमुळे ठाण्यामध्ये एकूण रेरा कार्पेट क्षेत्रफळ ४ मिलियन चौरस फीट असेल

ठाणे, ३१ जुलै २०२३: रेमंड उद्योगसमूहातील स्थावर मालमत्ता कंपनी रेमंड रियल्टीने ऍड्रेस बाय जीएस २.० या चौथ्या प्रोजेक्टचा शुभारंभ करून ठाण्यातील स्थावर मालमत्ता बाजारपेठेत आपल्या विस्ताराची आगेकूच कायम राखली आहे. पहिल्या तीन प्रकल्पांना मिळालेल्या प्रचंड यशानंतर लॉन्च केलेला द ऍड्रेस बाय जीएस २.० प्रकल्प बृहन्मुंबई महानगर क्षेत्रातील आघाडीचे स्थावर मालमत्ता विकासक म्हणून रेमंड रियल्टीची वेगाने वाढत असलेली लोकप्रियता दर्शवतो. द ऍड्रेस बाय जीएस या पहिल्या टप्प्याच्या लॉन्चला मिळालेले यश आणि टेनएक्स हॅबिटॅटच्या पहिल्या टप्प्याचे नुकतेच करण्यात आलेले हॅन्डओव्हर यामुळे रेमंड रियल्टी स्थावर मालमत्ता क्षेत्रातील एक प्रभावी कंपनी म्हणून ओळखली जाऊ लागली आहे.

श्री.हरमोहन साहनी, सीईओ, रेमंड रियल्टी यांनी सांगितले,"द ऍड्रेस बाय जीएस २.० ठाणे क्षेत्रात रेमंड रियल्टीची वाढती लोकप्रियता दर्शवतो. आमच्या पहिल्या प्रोजेक्टची डिलिव्हरी आम्ही रेराने आखून दिलेल्या वेळेच्या २ वर्षे आधीच दिली आणि आता आम्ही अजून एक सर्वोत्तम प्रकल्प सादर करत आहोत जो बांधकाम क्षेत्रात नवे मापदंड रचण्यासाठी सज्ज आहे. द ऍड्रेस बाय जीएस या पहिल्या टप्प्याला मिळालेल्या प्रचंड यशामुळे नव्या युगातील भारताच्या महत्त्वाकांक्षांना अनुरूप घरे तयार करण्याच्या आमच्या उद्दिष्टाला बळ मिळाले आहे."

रेमंड रियल्टीचा पहिला प्रोजेक्ट टेनएक्स हॅबिटॅट हे 'ऍस्पिरेशनल डिस्ट्रिक्ट' १४ एकरांवर उभारण्यात आले असून यामध्ये ३१०० घरे आहेत. त्यापाठोपाठ त्यांनी द ऍड्रेस बाय जीएस हा प्रकल्प लॉन्च केला. टेनएक्स हॅबिटॅट प्रकल्पातील पहिल्या तीन टॉवर्सची डिलिव्हरी रेराने आखून दिलेल्या वेळेच्या दोन वर्षे आधी देऊन रेमंड रियल्टीने भारतात स्थावर मालमत्ता क्षेत्रात एक नवा मापदंड स्थापित केला आहे. फेब्रुवारी २०२३ मध्ये रेमंड रियल्टीने टेनएक्स एरा या आपला तिसरा प्रकल्प लॉन्च केला ज्याला ग्राहकांनी प्रचंड प्रतिसाद दिला. लॉन्चपासून अवघ्या सात दिवसात जवळपास १०० बुकिंग्स करण्यात आली आणि दोन महिन्यांच्या आत लॉन्च करण्यात आलेल्या इन्व्हेंटरीपैकी २५% भाग विकला गेला होता. ही कामगिरी रेमंड रियल्टीच्या उच्च दर्जाच्या उत्पादनांवर ग्राहकांचा विश्वास आणि सुरु असलेल्या प्रकल्पांच्या बांधकामांचा प्रचंड वेग दर्शवते. आर्थिक वर्ष २०२३ मध्ये तीन प्रकल्पांमधील बुकिंग्सचे एकूण मूल्य १६०० कोटी रुपयांपेक्षा जास्त होते.

नव्याने लॉन्च करण्यात आलेला द ऍड्रेस बाय जीएस २.० हा प्रकल्प देखील स्थावर मालमत्ता क्षेत्रातील सर्व रूढींच्या पलीकडे जाण्याचा रेमंड रियल्टीचा निर्धार कायम राखणार आहे. अतिशय मोक्याच्या ठिकाणी असलेल्या या प्रकल्पामध्ये एक्सक्लुसिव्ह टॉवर-लेवल अमेनिटीज आहेत ज्या लक्झरी व सुविधा मिळवून देतात. शानदार अंतर्गत सजावट, आधुनिक सोयीसुविधा यांच्या बरोबरीनेच तीन एकरांचे रोमन शैलीने प्रेरित होऊन तयार करण्यात येणार असलेले लँडस्केप पोडियम यामध्ये आहे. शहरामधील गर्दी आणि धकाधकीतून घरी आल्यावर शांत, निवांत अनुभव मिळावा यासाठी अतिशय कलात्मक पद्धतीने हे डिझाईन करण्यात आले आहे. २५००० चौरस फीट जागेत वेलनेस सेंटर्स, क्लबहाउसेस अशा सुविधा आणि ७०००० चौरस फीट जागेत हाय-स्ट्रीट रिटेल यांचा समावेश असल्याने याठिकाणी राहणाऱ्यांना सर्वसमावेशक जीवनाचा पुरेपूर आनंद घेता येईल.



 Introduces A Magical Backwater Experience With The Leela Ashtamudi, A Raviz Hotel

The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts announced the opening of its second hotel in God’s Own Country, The Leela Ashtamudi, A Raviz Hotel, further consolidating its presence in Kerala and fortifying its resort portfolio. The Leela Ashtamudi, A Raviz Hotel perfectly complements The Leela Kovalam, A Raviz Hotel, and builds on the brand’s presence in the coastal state with the two resorts offering very distinctive and unique backwater and beach experiences, completing the much sought-after and serenely beautiful Kerala itinerary.


A two-hour drive from Thiruvananthapuram airport, this picturesque resort is a tiny hamlet perched on the banks of the shimmering Ashtamudi Lake, formed by the confluence of the 8 lakes, offering a magical backwater experience that flawlessly balances barefoot luxury with rustic charm. Placid, serene waters, surrounded by lush greenery and swaying coconut trees create a tranquil atmosphere perfect for relaxation and rejuvenation. Thoughtfully curated experiences unlock the magic and mystery of the locale and offer an enriching cultural immersion into the destination amidst an awe-inspiring setting.


Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Anuraag Bhatnagar, Chief Executive Officer, The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts, said
, “We are delighted to welcome The Leela Ashtamudi, A Raviz Hotel, an exciting new addition to our brand portfolio. Kerala has historically been one of our key markets and strategically significant to our growth in the region. The resort marks another milestone in our journey as we continue to grow in the most alluring leisure destinations across the country. This expansion is in lockstep with the growing demand from the discerning global leisure traveler to experience meaningful and transformative journeys that are an authentic expression of a region’s beauty, heritage, and culture.”


Commenting on the opening, Dr Ravi Pillai, Chairman of RP Group said,” I am excited to see our partnership with The Leela brand evolve and I am confident that together we can play a key role in transforming the tourism sector in the region. The coming together of Raviz and The Leela provides the unique opportunity to place Kerala at the heart of global leisure and wellness travel and further reimagine and elevate the high standards of hospitality that exist in the region with unparalleled levels of luxury and warm and gracious service – both of which The Leela brand is known for.”


Integrating the foundational principles of environment and sustainability, the resort is elegantly poised in harmony with local history, evidently enchanting and magnifying the culture and heritage of the destination through inspired design narratives that reference Kerala’s rich architectural heritage.


With 93 tastefully appointed rooms that reflect the traditional Nalukettu aesthetic of Kerala, the resort is home to a bevy of accommodations including rooms, suites, and experiential houses, embodying historic charm that seamlessly blends the old and the new and serve as a window to the resort’s breath-taking natural settings. A charming décor permeates each room and traditional artifacts and furnishings steeped in culture, pay homage to the history and culture of the locale. Guests can choose between the Tower Wing or the Heritage Wing or elevate their experience by upgrading to one of the two available private plunge pool villas. The resort also features two unique traditional experiential houses offering the THARAVADU Experience - namely Erattupetta and Anchal which have a rich history of more than 200 years. Those seeking ultimate luxury can reserve a private getaway with a tranquil backwater cruise on Mahayana - the quaint houseboat that comes with all the comforts of a hotel and is evocative of everything that is quintessentially Kerala.


The resort houses four unique dining venues - Keraleeyam the multi-cuisine restaurant, Portico Café, serving comfort food, Raanthal - the floating dining experience and Zirkon, the aqua-themed bar. Each venue presents mesmerizing views of the tranquil Ashtamudi Lake and the abundance of nature surrounding it. The fresh produce sourced locally imbues the cuisine with regional flavors, while simple aromas infused with delicate spices create an epicurean delight of incredible sights, flavors, and tastes in everything ranging from delectable authentic Kerala Sadhyas to grand feasts. The highlight on the menu is Fish Nirvana, the resort’s very own curated signature recipe, which also has a vegetarian version in Paneer Nirvana.


The resort’s Favourite Kerala Ayurveda and Spa interweaves authentic Ayurvedic healing traditions with therapeutic and relaxation treatments that use specially formulated organic blends that soothe the mind, body, and soul. An extensive menu of rejuvenating massages, Ayurveda therapies, and detoxification programs inspired by traditional techniques ensure an authentic and immersive wellness experience.


Leisure facilities at the resort also include an outdoor swimming pool flanked by azure waters and tropical foliage for the ultimate lakeside getaway and a fitness center equipped with state-of-the-art equipment surrounded by panoramic views.


Whether it is an intimate soiree or a grand celebration, the resort offers a selection of inviting spaces for events and meetings of various sizes and types. From traditionally inspired architecture that provides a charming, yet elegant setting to tranquil gardens and picturesque lake vistas that offer an enchanting backdrop, every event is infused with local traditions and bespoke services that add a touch of culture, authenticity, and personalization.


Whether you seek solace in tranquility, rejuvenation in wellness journeys, indulgence in distinctive culinary encounters, or exploration in the destination, this hidden paradise invites travelers to truly disconnect and soak in all that is quintessentially Kerala.

About The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts

Headquartered in Mumbai, The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts is owned by a Brookfield Asset Management-sponsored private real estate fund and operates twelve award-winning properties in major cities and leisure destinations across India. These include the flagship hotel in the capital city of New Delhi, Bengaluru, Chennai, Udaipur, Jaipur, Gurugram, East Delhi, Mumbai, Gandhinagar, and now Kovalam and Ashtamudi in Kerala. The Leela celebrates each hotel through its unique location, art, culture, and cuisine with thoughtful services, celebratory rituals, and immersive experiences. The Leela Palaces, Hotels and Resorts was voted the World’s Best Hotel Brand twice in a row by Travel + Leisure, USA, World’s Best Awards Survey, 2020 and 2021. In 2023, the brand has once again been featured in the top 3 World’s Best Hotel Brands. An epitome of true Indian luxury hospitality, The Leela is committed to providing guests with unforgettable stays in settings that capture the essence of India. The brand has a marketing alliance with US-based Preferred Hotels & Resorts and is a member of the Global Hotel Alliance.

Television's favorite host, Rohit Shetty, has done it again!

 Television's favorite host, Rohit Shetty, has done it again!

 Television's favorite host, Rohit Shetty, has done it again! Khatron Ke Khiladi Season 13 is the number 1 show on television. Each year, the action and adventure of the show have been leveling up, and so is its popularity. For the past few years, KKK has been consistently holding the number 1 position in the non-fiction category, and this year seems to be no different, as it continues to receive immense love from audiences.

हर्षल जुईकरला Google चे वार्षिक 50 लाखांचे पॅकेज

 हर्षल जुईकरला Google चे वार्षिक 50 लाखांचे पॅकेज

हर्षल नॉन-इंजिनीअरिंग पदवीधर असून एम.एससी.ब्लॉकचेन टेक्नॉलॉजीमध्ये करिअर केले

मुंबई, २७ जुलै २०२३: एमआयटी-वर्ल्ड पीस युनिव्हर्सिटी, विद्यार्थी हर्षल जुईकर, याने Google मध्ये वार्षिक 50+ लाखांचे वार्षिक वेतन पॅकेज मिळवून एक विलक्षण कामगिरी केली आहे. या यशाचे वेगळेपण म्हणजे हर्षल हा नॉन-इंजिनीअरिंग पदवीधर असून त्याने एम.एससी.ब्लॉकचेन टेक्नॉलॉजीमध्ये, त्याच्या आवडीचा पाठपुरावा करण्यासाठी पारंपारिक करिअर मार्गांना नकार देत वाटचाल केली.

हर्षलच्या उल्लेखनीय यशोगाथेने केवळ त्याच्या शैक्षणिक प्रवासावरच अमिट छाप सोडली नाही तर इतर असंख्य लोकांसाठी ती प्रेरणास्त्रोत बनली आहे. अपारंपरिक मार्गांचा शोध घेण्याचा आणि ब्लॉकचेन तंत्रज्ञानासारख्या वेगाने विकसित होत असलेल्या क्षेत्रात उत्कृष्ट कामगिरी करण्याचा त्यांचा निश्चय, जगातील आघाडीच्या तंत्रज्ञान क्षेत्रातील एक, Google ने ओळखला आणि पुरस्कृत केले.

आपला अनुभव सांगताना हर्षल जुईकर म्हणाले, “मी माझी आवड जोपासण्याचे धाडस केले आणि हा प्रवास आव्हाने आणि शंकांनी भरलेला होता. पण स्वतःशी प्रामाणिक राहून आणि अपारंपरिक मार्ग स्वीकारल्यामुळे मला माझ्या कल्पनेपलीकडचे यश मिळाले. या संपूर्ण प्रवासात मला साथ दिल्याबद्दल मी MIT-WPU चा खूप आभारी आहे; त्यांच्या मदतीशिवाय ही उल्लेखनीय कामगिरी शक्य झाली नसती. इतरांसाठी माझ्या मते उत्सुक रहा, चिकाटी ठेवा आणि नवीन संधी शोधण्यास घाबरू नका. आपल्या आवडीच्या शोधातच आपल्याला आपला उद्देश सापडतो."

डॉ रविकुमार चिटणीस, कुलगुरू, एमआयटी-डब्ल्यूपीयू म्हणाले,"हर्षलच्या उत्कृष्ट कामगिरीचा आम्हाला अत्यंत अभिमान वाटतो आणि त्याचे यश वैयक्तिक कलागुणांना जोपासण्यासाठी आणि नाविन्यपूर्ण संस्कृतीला प्रोत्साहन देण्यासाठी संस्थेच्या वचनबद्धतेचे प्रतिबिंब आहे."

हर्षलचा प्रवास उत्कटता, कठोर परिश्रम आणि चिकाटीच्या सामर्थ्याचा पुरावा आहे, हे सिद्ध करतो की एखाद्याच्या निवडलेल्या क्षेत्रासाठी समर्पण केल्याने करिअरच्या अपवादात्मक संधी मिळू शकतात. हर्षलच्या कर्तृत्वाने नावीन्यपूर्णतेचे महत्त्व आणि पारंपरिक गोष्टींच्या पलीकडे जाण्याच्या इच्छेविषयी संभाषण सुरू झाले आहे, विद्यार्थ्यांच्या पुढच्या पिढीला अडथळे तोडण्यासाठी आणि अद्वितीय शैक्षणिक उपक्रम स्वीकारण्याची प्रेरणा दिली आहे.

Raymond Realty rapidly expands its presence in Thane with the launch of its fourth project

Raymond Realty rapidly expands its presence in Thane with the launch of its fourth project

 Raymond Realty, the real estate arm of Raymond has expanded its presence in the Thane market with the launch of its fourth project Address by GS 2.0. Having received unprecedented success in its first three projects, the launch of The Address by GS 2.0 showcases the soaring popularity of Raymond Realty as a real estate developer in the MMR region. After the successful launch of the first phase of The Address by GS and the recent handover of the first phase of TenX Habitat, Raymond Realty is emerging as a strong player in the real estate segment.


Speaking about the latest venture of Raymond Realty, Harmohan Sahni, CEO of Raymond Realty said; “The Address by GS 2.0 is testimony to the surging popularity of Raymond Realty in the Thane region. Having delivered our maiden project 2 years ahead of RERA timelines, this is yet another finest creation that is poised to set new benchmarks in the field of construction. The overwhelming success of our first edition of The Address by GS has fueled our passion to create homes that resonate with the aspirations of a new age India.”

Raymond Realty’s maiden project was TenX Habitat - an ‘aspirational district’ spread across 14 acres of housing in Thane with 3,100 residential units, followed by The Address by GS. The business set a new benchmark in the real estate sector in India by delivering the first three towers of the Ten X Habitat project, two years ahead of the RERA timeline. In February 2023, Raymond Realty launched its third project, Ten X Era, in Thane and received an overwhelming response from the customers. It has received about 100 bookings within seven days of the launch, with an overall ~25% of the launched inventory being sold within a period of two months. This performance reaffirms customers’ confidence and acceptance of their high-quality product, coupled with the fast-paced construction momentum in the ongoing project. The total value of the bookings for the three projects amounted to over Rs1,600 crore during FY23.

The latest launch Address by GS 2.0 promises to uphold Raymond Realty’s conviction to Go Beyond all conventions in the real estate space. Nestled in a prime location, it presents exclusive tower-level amenities that epitomize luxury and convenience. Complementing the lavish interiors with modern amenities is a three-acre Roman-inspired landscaped podium, artfully designed to provide residents a serene oasis in the midst of a bustling city. Residents will be able to experience holistic living as the premises will have wellness centers, a clubhouse with the latest amenities spread across 25,000 sq. ft, and a 70,000 sq. ft high-street retail space.

To learn more about The Address by GS 2.0 at

Actor and Climate Warrior Bhumi Pednekar joins Jio MAMI as the Brand Ambassador for Dimensions Mumbai.

Actor and Climate Warrior Bhumi Pednekar joins Jio MAMI as the                         Brand Ambassador for Dimensions Mumbai.

 Jio MAMI (Mumbai Academy of Moving Image) Mumbai Film Festival launches call for entries for ‘ Dimensions Mumbai ’, a short film competition for filmmakers across India.

Dimensions Mumbai, a short film competition based on the theme of Mumbai City, is back and is now open for submissions. The category was introduced in 2009 by Jaya Bachchan as an ode to Mumbai. Dimensions Mumbai competition is applicable for young filmmakers within the age group of 18–25 years across India; all they need to do is film Mumbai-based themes in Mumbai.

Bhumi Pednekar, one of the most exciting actors in contemporary Indian cinema and known for her eclectic choices of films, is the Brand Ambassador for Dimensions Mumbai this year. A hard-core Mumbai girl herself, Bhumi Pednerkar, in her role, will be engaging and supporting the young creative collective of aspiring filmmakers at Dimensions Mumbai.

Commenting on this, Bhumi Pednekar said, "I am thrilled to be a part of Dimensions Mumbai this year. It's an incredible platform for young filmmakers; it empowers them to tell personal stories that mean something to them. It gives them an opportunity to showcase their film to a larger audience on a big screen. For decades, Mumbai has inspired filmmakers from around the world. This city has a cinema in its DNA. The opportunities that Mumbai can offer with an excellent platform like Dimensions Mumbai to promote filmmakers of extraordinary caliber to their full potential are special. As a proud Mumbaiite who is always amazed and excited by the city, I can’t wait to interact with some of these filmmakers, watch their films, and if I am able to positively impact their craft, I will be very happy and grateful for that."

Welcoming Bhumi Pednekar to Dimensions Mumbai, Anupama Chopra, Festival Director, Jio MAMI, said:  "Bhumi is an actor with talent and taste. Her films, starting with her debut, Dum Laga Ke Haisha, have helped to expand the boundaries of Hindi cinema. So it’s thrilling to have her as the ambassador for Dimensions Mumbai. Our ambition with Dimensions Mumbai is to create a culture, a movement of sorts, amongst young filmmakers across India to tell authentic stories. Short films are the trajectory for emerging voices to flourish; it’s an exciting time for the category, and we are very happy to collaborate with one of our finest actors on this one."

Dimensions Mumbai has the distinction of being one of the largest short film competitions in India. It aims to bring together some of the finest young minds from around the country who have a very specific take on Mumbai. With talks, workshops, and panel discussions during the festival with top industry professionals, a significant feature at Jio MAMI, Dimensions Mumbai provides an opportunity for aspiring young filmmakers to interact with the best in the industry.

Previously restricted to participants residing in Mumbai, this year's edition broadens its horizons, inviting filmmakers from all corners of India to partake in the cinematic celebration. Dimensions Mumbai is applicable to participants between the ages of 18 and 25. The competition invites filmmakers to create a short film of a maximum of 5 minutes in length centered around the theme of Mumbai city. A distinguished jury consisting of industry experts will carefully review the entries, and the top three films will be honored at the grand Opening Ceremony of the Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival.

Deepti D’Cunha, Artistic Director - Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival added, "At Jio MAMI, we strive to build a body of work that demonstrates the capabilities of young independent filmmakers.  Dimensions Mumbai is a step towards pushing boundaries and showcasing their work to established names in the industry as well as a wide audience, both Indian and international. We are expecting a staggering response for Dimensions Mumbai, our much-loved competition. We are proud of the category as many Dimensions Mumbai filmmakers have gone on to become big names in the industry, and the fact their journey started with Jio MAMI is a special feeling, and we want to create more success stories like these."

Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival is ready to welcome the young talent and all the special films that will be shown at the festival as young filmmakers from all over India embark on their cinematic journey through Dimensions Mumbai. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity. The call for entries starts on July 27, 2023, and will be open until August 31, 2023.

About Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival

Jio MAMI Mumbai Film Festival, organized by the Mumbai Academy of Moving Image (MAMI), has brought the best of contemporary world cinema and talent to the city of Mumbai, since 1997. With its new expanded vision to spotlight South Asian and South Asian diaspora filmmakers, Jio MAMI becomes the Hub for South Asia, discovering and connecting emerging talent to the worldwide festival ecosystem. 

Along with celebrating cinematic excellence and bringing joy to our audiences, we aim to facilitate the exchange of ideas and provide easy access to information related to filmmaking, funding, film distribution, business opportunities, and strategic marketing support for films and filmmakers. The festival also conducts a robust Year-Round Programme that acts as a hub for creators and cinephiles through screenings, networking opportunities, access to labs and workshops for skill development, masterclasses, and, very importantly, creating a community of cinema lovers.

‘Trial Period’ Film Earns Rave Reviews as Manav Kaul and Genelia Praise Aleya Sen's Creative Genius

 ‘Trial Period’ Film Earns Rave Reviews as Manav Kaul and Genelia Praise Aleya Sen's Creative Genius

The recently released film ‘Trial Period,’ directed by the talented Aleya Sen, has been receiving widespread acclaim and appreciation from audiences and critics alike. The movie introduces a captivating concept of 'father on rent,' enthralling viewers with its fresh and innovative narrative. Leading actors, Genelia and Manav Kaul, also join the chorus of admiration for the visionary director, Aleya Sen.

Manav Kaul, who collaborated closely with Aleya, couldn't help but commend her directorial prowess, stating, "Aleya had complete control over her craft. She allowed me the freedom to improvise and contribute my ideas. It was a perfect blend of a director with a clear vision and the ability to collaborate seamlessly with actors. Working with her was an absolute pleasure, and her hard work truly shines through in every shot of the film. Trial Period is Aleya Sen for me."

Equally impressed, Genelia had high praise for Aleya, expressing, "Aleya is an extremely Passionate Director. She takes a lot of time in doing her homework. While she is on set, she expects everyone to be part of her world and that's the beauty of it because that's what translates on screen. She’s also the one who's very clear on what the outfit should look like or how the set should look like. I think she takes every little aspect into control and it's lovely seeing a female Director with a Woman's perspective being out there. She is amazing at what she does!”

Director Aleya Sen, the brilliant mind behind 'Trial Period,' expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the overwhelming appreciation. She remarked, "Genelia and Manav were perfect choices for the roles, and I am thrilled that the outcome aligned perfectly with my vision. Their performances are so real that innumerable people especially mom’s expressed their connection with the characters. It’s a huge achievement for me.

I have immense respect and affection for them, both as actors and individuals. I eagerly look forward to the possibility of collaborating with them again in the future.”

‘Trial Period’ revolves around the life of a single mother, Ana, portrayed by Genelia, whose life takes an intriguing turn when her son requests a trial period of 30 days to have a father figure in his life.

Anapekshit modon se bhara saptaah!

Anapekshit modon se bhara saptaah!

In &TV’s Doosri Maa, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan, and Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai, the characters will find themselves in tricky situations. About &TV’s Doosri Maa track, Krishna (Aayudh Bhanusali) shares, Malti Dadi (Anita Pradhan), visits Yashoda (Neha Joshi), along with the kids at their new home. Meanwhile, Randheer (Darshan Dave) meets Gayatri and hatches a plot against Yashoda. Dada (Sunil Dutt) searches for Malti at Gupta House, and Bansal arrives to stir up trouble by claiming he saw her at Yashoda's house. The family members confront Malti, but she remains silent. To provide for the kids, Yashoda asks for money from a neighbor, who rudely insults Suresh Gupta (Dadaji) for throwing out his daughter-in-law and kids, hurting him deeply. Yashoda visits the shopkeeper and requests to buy milk every month, with dues to be paid at the end of each month. The shopkeeper identifies her as Ashok Gupta's wife and speaks to her harshly. Randheer intervenes, leading to a heated confrontation where the shopkeeper questions their relationship, resulting in Randheer slapping him. In surprising events, Suresh receives a court notice from Yashoda, shocking everyone.”

About &TV’s Happu Ki Ultan Paltan track, Happu (Yogesh Tripathi) shares, Happu (Yogesh Tripathi) is informed by the Commissioner (Kishore Bhanushali) that IG Bhati is in Kanpur with his family and intends to visit them. However, Happu wants to avoid this meeting as his wife Rajesh (Kamna Pathak) is in Kedarnath. Despite that, he reluctantly invites them over, hoping for a promotion. To present a complete family, Happu seeks help from Beni (Vishwanath Chatterjee) and asks Bimlesh (Sapna Sikarwar) to pretend to be his wife. IG shows interest in Bimlesh, flirting with her during the visit, much to Happu's discomfort. Later, IG's wife tells Happu about her classmate in Kanpur and asks him to confirm the person's address. To Happu's surprise, the person on the other end of the call is Beni. Curious, Happu takes IG's wife and his sister, Sarla, to Beni's house. After meeting Beni, IG's wife mistakenly believes he is unmarried and considers him a potential match for her sister-in-law, Sarla. The next day, IG returns to Happu's house with a marriage proposal for Beni and Sarla, shocking them.” About &TV’s Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai track, Manmohan Tiwari (Rohitashv Gour) shares, Maryada (Vijay Laxmi Mallya) makes an entry as Vibhuti's (Aasif Sheikh) cousin sister. She reaches out to him, revealing that she suffers from a severe illness and has only three days to live. Fearing she may pass away without experiencing true love, she implores her brother Vibhuti to help her find someone to love. On Vibhuti’s request, Manmohan Tiwari (Rohitashv Gour) agrees to be her love interest. However, an unexpected twist occurs when Maryada falls in love with Tiwari Ji and proposes marriage. Watch the episode for a rollercoaster of laughter as Maryada's unexpected proposal turns everything upside down! How will Vibhuti and Tiwari Ji handle this unexpected twist?”

Tune in to Doosri Maa at 8:00 pm, Happu Ki Ultan Paltan at 10:00 pm, and Bhabiji Ghar Par Hai at 10:30 pm, airing every Monday to Friday only on &TV!


'Barbaad', a journey of hearts rediscovering love from the house of BCC Music Factory feat. Sandeepa Dhar & Abhishek Bajaj

'Barbaad', a journey of hearts rediscovering love from the house of BCC Music Factory feat. Sandeepa Dhar & Abhishek Bajaj

            Watch the song here-
Sandeepa Dhar & Abhishek Bajaj narrate a bittersweet story of two individuals entangled in a web of infidelity & finding true love. As the evocative melodies unfold, the song delves into the raw emotions of betrayal and heartache, which gradually ends with the two finding love. Accompanied by evocative lyrics and mesmerizing melodies, 'Barbaad' promises to transport listeners into a world of pure emotions.

The track is accompanied by a visually striking music video that magnifies the song's emotional impact. The video showcases the intricacies of love, heartbreak, and redemption, underscoring the profound message of the song.

The song is sung in the beautiful voice of Sakshi Holkar, the lyrics are penned by Kanha Kamboj, and the music is composed by Mandeep Panghal. Produced by Amit Majithia & Project By Occasionz360- Manish Sharma, the song is presented by BCC Music Factory and Amit Majithia.

Sandeepa Dhar says "Barbaad is a beautiful and evocative song that has made a place in my heart. It explores the complexities of relationships, infidelity, and the transformative power of finding true love in unexpected places. It brings you happiness and sadness all in a span of a few seconds and takes you on a journey of emotions."

Abhishek Bajaj says "The best part of this music video is the story. It gives a beautiful message that if you are with the wrong person you should move on and be with the one who loves you for who you are. The definition of true love is lost in this world, Barbaad, is our honest attempt to re-ignite love”

Amit Majithia says " We at  BCC Music Factory are committed to promoting exceptional musical talent and delivering memorable, diverse experiences to audiences worldwide. Our vision is to enrich lives through the power of music, fostering emotional connections that transcend borders and boundaries.

Sakshi Holkar says "Always a pleasure working with a music label that thrives to make original content-  BCC Music Factory. 'Barbaad' is one such song of betrayal and heartbreak. Betrayal is a cautionary tale that reminds us to be selective about who we trust, how soon we trust, and how much we reveal. It's not wise to go around trusting just anyone."

Kanha Kamboj says "The lyrics of the song are hard-hitting, especially if you have dealt with an emotional betrayal yourself. It reveals the frustration one feels when they catch their significant other betraying them in some way."

Mandeep Panghal says "Being in love can be euphoric. It’s a feeling that most spend their entire lifetimes on a quest to experience. Many succeed. But let’s face it — sometimes love doesn’t last. When Cupid’s arrow makes an unexpected detour, it can leave hearts broken and emotions smashed in its wake but one finds love at the most unexpected places"

Manish Sharma says "Whether you’re going through a breakup, or you are in love, or in need of song for the mood, 'Barbaad is perfect to get you deep in your feelings”

Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Big Bull, Sanjay Dutt’s First Look From Ustaad Ram Pothineni, Puri Jagannadh, Charmme Kaur, Puri Connects Crazy Indian Project Double iSmart Unveiled

 Introducing The Big Bull, Sanjay Dutt’s First Look From Ustaad Ram Pothineni, Puri Jagannadh, Charmme Kaur, Puri Connects Crazy Indian Project Double iSmart Unveiled

Ustaad Ram Pothineni and sensational director Puri Jagannadh’s crazy Indian project Double iSmart, a sequel to their blockbuster iSmart Shankar, went on floors a few days ago in Mumbai. The shoot of the movie began with the team canning a breathtaking action sequence. Ram underwent a stylish makeover for the movie being produced by Puri Jagannadh and Charmme Kaur under the banner of Puri Connects. Vish Reddy is the CEO.

The makers came up with a big update today. Bollywood star Sanjay Dutt is playing a full-length role in Double iSmart. The actor joined the shoot in the very first schedule. Today, the makers introducing Sanjay Dutt’s character as Big Bull have unveiled his first look poster.

Sporting a funky hairdo and a beard, Sanjay Dutt looks ultra stylish in the poster in a suit with earrings, rings, an expensive watch, and a tattoo on his face and fingers. Looks fierce, Sanjay Dutt is seen smoking a cigar in the first look poster, though all the guns are pointed toward him. It’s apparent through the poster that Sanjay Dutt is playing a powerful character.

Puri who knows how to present his actors in the best possible mass appealing way will be showing Sanjay Dutt in a never-seen-before avatar in Double iSmart.

It will be exciting for fans and movie buffs to see Ram and Sanjay Dutt together. This wild combination has surely raised expectations for the movie.

Sharing his excitement of working for the movie, Sanjay Dutt tweeted, “It takes me immense pride to be working with the director of the masses #PuriJagannadh ji and the young energetic Ustaad @ramsayz  Glad to be Playing the #BIGBULL in this sci-fi mass entertainer #DoubleISMART Excited to be teaming up with this super-talented team and Looking forward to the film hitting the screens on MARCH 8th, 2024 @Charmmeofficial @IamVishuReddy @PuriConnects”.

Hollywood cinematographer Gianni Giannelli is working for this high-voltage action entertainer. Double iSmart is being made on a high budget with technically high standards. The makers will reveal the other cast and crew of the movie soon.

Double iSmart will release in Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, and Hindi languages for Maha Shivaratri on March 8, 2024.

Sunny Deol reprises the role of 'Tara Singh' in the trailer of Zee Studios' 'Gadar 2!'

 The internet went berserk as Sunny Deol reprises the role of

 'Tara Singh' in the trailer of Zee Studios 'Gadar 2!'

Ever since the first look of Gadar 2 was unveiled, fans have been eagerly waiting to witness Tara Singh and Sakeena's heart-warming love saga. Capitalizing on the patriotic theme of the film, the makers released the trailer on the occasion of Kargil Vijay Diwas. Zee Stidios further amplified the excitement with a strategic partnership with Meta, introducing the latest innovation, the #ReelWalaTrailer, which alone has garnered a whopping 20 Million views.

While it is a visual delight to see Tara and Sakeena live blissfully, the trailer promises blockbuster entertainment reprising iconic visuals from  'Gadar: Ek Katha!' From Sunny Deol staring at the handpump, Sakeena, and Tara's aww-adorable chemistry, the ever-popular song "Main Nikla Gaddi Leke" to the picturesque balcony where Sakeena sought solace, the trailer pays a well-deserved homage to the beloved classic.

The response to the trailer has been nothing short of extraordinary, as it surpassed a remarkable 60 million views within the first 24 hours of its release.

Fans have bombarded the comments section hailing it as the biggest blockbuster of Indian cinema by saying, "This is not a movie, this is a national anthem, every Indian must watch," while another fan tweeted, "That handpump scene, just imagine the reaction of the crowd in the theatre when Tara Singh will pull it from its roots..nostalgia," another tweeted, "Goosebumps level not only 90s kids, everyone can feel the vibes," another fan wrote, "First day, first show loading," and one tweeted, "Last handpump scene is pure goosebumps."

Helmed by Director-Producer Anil Sharma and backed by the renowned Zee Studios, the movie features the powerhouse duo of Superstar Sunny Deol and the talented Ameesha Patel in the lead roles, ensuring an unmissable cinematic experience, releasing on 11th August.

Palak Mucchal pays tribute to Lata Mangeshkar

Palak Mucchal pays tribute to Lata Mangeshkar

Palak Mucchal pays tribute to Lata Mangeshkar and is seen charming patrons of music in the Royal Albert Hall with her mellifluous voice and mesmerizing performance at her concert in London.

'मन झालं बाजिंद' फेम अभिनेत्री 'श्वेता खरात'चं 'झिम्माड' गाणं प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला!

 'मन झालं बाजिंद' फेम अभिनेत्री 'श्वेता खरात'चं 'झिम्माड' गाणं प्रेक्षकांच्या भेटीला!

रिमझिम पावसाच्या रंगात, निर्मळ प्रेमाचा सुगंध पसरवण्यासाठी 'ठसका म्युझिक ॲन्ड एन्टरटेन्मेंट' प्रस्तुत 'झिम्माड' हे मराठी गाणं नुकतंच प्रदर्शित झालं आहे. विशेष म्हणजे या गाण्यात 'मन झालं बाजिंद' फेम 'श्वेता खरात'ने उत्कृष्ट नृत्य सादर केलं आहे.‌ श्वेता सोबत गाण्यात ज्येष्ठा पाटील ही बालकलाकार देखिल आहे. सुप्रसिद्ध गायिका 'स्नेहा महाडीक' हीने हे गाणं गायिले असून या गाण्याचे संगीतकार 'संगम भगत' हे आहेत. तर हे गाणं मनाली घरात हिने लिहीले आहे.  'झिम्माड' गाण्याचे दिग्दर्शन 'अक्षय पाटील' यांनी केले आहे. तर या गाण्याच्या निर्मात्या 'काजल हिवाळे' या आहेत.

अभिनेत्री 'श्वेता खरात' झिम्माड गाण्याच्या प्रोसेसविषयी सांगते, "जेव्हा पहिल्यांदा अक्षयने मला हे गाणं ऐकवलं त्याक्षणी मी गाण्याच्या प्रेमात पडले. मी या गाण्यासाठी लगेच होकार दिला. हे गाणं चिपळूणमध्ये चित्रीत झालं आहे. गाण्यातील लोकेशन्स डोळ्यांचं पारणं फिटवणारे आहेत. टिम फार कमाल होती. गाणं चित्रित करताना खूप धमाल आली. तुम्ही विश्वास ठेवणारं नाही. पण कुठेही धावपळ न होता, या गाण्याचं चित्रीकरण एका दिवसात पार पडले आहे. "

पुढे ती एका चित्रीकरणाचा किस्सा सांगते, "आम्ही एका धबधब्यापाशी गाण्याचं शूट करत होतो. आणि तो अक्राळविक्राळ धबधबा डोंगराच्या कपारीत होता. जिथे माणसांची वर्दळ नव्हती. खूपचं मोठा धबधबा होता तो. मी सुरूवातीला तिथे जाण्यासाठी घाबरत होते. पण टिमने माझी संपूर्ण काळजी घेतली. माझ्यासोबत गाण्यात एक ज्येष्ठा नावाची लहान मुलगी काम करतेय ती सुद्धा माझ्यासोबत शूटिंग लोकेशनवर आली होती. आम्हाला गाण्याच्या लीरीक्सवर नृत्य करायचं होतं पण, धबधब्याचा आवाज इतका मोठा होता की गाणंच ऐकू येतं नव्हतं. तेव्हा संगीतकार संगम भगतने आमच्यासाठी तिथे गाणं गायलं. आणि आम्ही दोघींनी नृत्य केलं. गाणं फार कमाल झालयं तुम्ही नक्की हे गाणं बघा आणि या गाण्याला भरभरून प्रेम द्या."

या गाण्याचे दिग्दर्शक 'अक्षय पाटील' गाण्याविषयी सांगतात, "मी गेली ५ वर्ष संगीतक्षेत्रात काम करीत आहे. आत्तापर्यंत मी बरेचसे म्युझिक अल्बम केले आहेत. साजणी, गोजिरी, मन माझे, माझी पंढरी, चांदण रातीला, दर्या राजा या गाण्यांचे मी दिग्दर्शन केले आहे. आणि आता झिम्माड हे गाणं नुकतचं प्रदर्शित झालं आहे. या गाण्याचं चित्रीकरण आम्ही चिपळूण येथे केलं आहे. आम्ही चित्रीकरणाचे लोकेशन्स शोधले आणि ते अतिशय निसर्गरम्य होते. आम्ही जवळपास दोन ते तीन महिन्यांपासून या गाण्यावर काम करतोय."

पुढे ते सांगतात, "अभिनेत्री श्वेता खरातने अप्रतिम असं काम या गाण्यात केलं आहे. सेटवर सर्वात जास्त उत्साही जर कोण असेल तर ती श्वेता होती. अभिनेत्री 'श्वेता खरात' आणि गायिका 'स्नेहा महाडीक' यांच्यासोबत मी पहिल्यांदाच काम केलं आहे. दोघीही फार मेहनती आहेत. आणि या गाण्यात दोघींनी इतकं अप्रतिम काम केलं आहे. की तुम्ही हे गाणं वारंवार पाहालं याची मला खात्री आहे. सोशल मीडियावर चाहत्यांकडून खूप छान रिस्पॉन्स मिळतोय. असचं प्रेम कायम असू द्या‌."

Chhaava Roaring in Theatres. 424.76 Cr Non-Stoppable....

Chhaava Roaring in Theatres. 424.76 Cr Non-Stoppable.... #Chhaava kicks off Week 3 with a bang! Rakes in 13.30 Cr on 3rd Friday, taking its ...